Inside the outpost the control chair stood dormant as the displays continued with their flickering read outs. The large doors behind the chair revealed a hanger bay, empty of jumpers but spacious enough for most of the townsfolk to cram themselves inside. The lights still pulsed occasionally and every time they did the two men by the main entrance shifted. The guards flanked the open door that led into the corridor, their hands rested firmly on their swords and their gaze was fixed on Ronon Dex.

The Sateden stood directly in front of them with his arms folded. He had done nothing but stand there since the rest of the crowd had left. He was close enough to strike them before they could fully draw but still far enough away that they would be unable to gang up on him. At least not until he had got several hits in first and that was all he would need. His steady glare was distinctly unnerving and the men he faced constantly twitched, in response to which Ronon only smiled. Behind him Beckett once again knelt beside Lexia and she winced as he carefully sutured the cut to her head.

"All done" he said eventually as he took off his gloves and she gingerly touched the side of her scalp before giving a tiny nod of thanks. Carson smiled back and she blushed slightly.

"I'm sorry I hit you." She said with a frown and he was reminded of what would surely form into an interesting bruise.

"Well, it got us out of a bind and no permanent harm done. Although, I'm curious how you knew it would help?" He asked and she shrugged carefully.

"When I first came here everyone was shouting. Using the chair made them stop. I thought showing them you were like me would do the same. It made sense at the time. I'm not sure. I hit my head" She looked confused for a moment.

"Aye, you said" he replied as he checked her eyes and noted her pupils were still uneven. A definite concussion he thought to himself.

"Did I?" her forehead wrinkled as he released her head. "Apologies, I did, I remember; before everyone started shouting. They seem to do that a lot here" Carson smiled at that and looked to the uneasy guards at the door.

"Aye, they do" He began to inspect her torso and she winced as he found broken ribs, "Sorry" He said as he pulled out a bandage. Even with the full medical kit he had brought with him it was all he could do under the circumstances. He began to wrap them over her shirt and she raised her arms as best she could but it was obviously an uncomfortable position. He'd already given her something for the pain but he would rather not give her more till he knew the true extent of her head injury. He couldn't risk confusing grogginess from drugs with additional cranial trauma.

"So, how did you come to be in stasis?" He asked to try and take her mind off it.

"After my ship came down I kept forgetting things. I hit my head" She touched the side Carson has just stitched up and he tried not to show his concern that she seemed to have forgotten already "I kept falling asleep. I didn't know how bad it was. When no one came straight away I thought stasis was better than never waking up at all." Once again she blinked several times before finally seeming to take in the fact that Beckett's uniform didn't match her own. For that moment all her confusion was gone as she looked him in the eye and asked a question he really didn't want to answer. "How long have I been sleeping?" He took a deep breath before answering.

"A thousand years" he said and she huffed as if he'd just returned the punch she given him not so long ago.

"But...that's not possible. Command knew which way I was going. When I didn't come back the fleet should have come for me. I sent a signal" A sudden look of doubt crossed her face. "I did send a signal?" She asked and Carson nodded to reassure her.

"Aye, we got your distress call the first time we dialled the gate for this planet"

"Then why didn't the fleet come?" Her despair was almost palatable but all he could do was shake his head.

"I'm afraid I don't know" he said sadly as Lexia closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. Carson was torn. She was in obvious distress and he felt obliged to help her but he didn't know how.

"Prove it" She whispered.

"I'm sorry?"

She looked up and they locked eyes again.

"Pursued by the enemy, crash land and stasis. The few times I wake the Wraith are bearing down and then a stranger is telling me the Fleet has abandoned me. You say it's been a thousand years? Prove it!" despite the low volume the last was said with real force and Carson shook his head, unsure of how to answer her.

"Well, er..." he tried to think of something that could prove what had happened to her. "What was here before, when you first crashed?" he asked and she tilted her head slightly.

"A village, tiny, buildings huddled against the cliff, trying to hide from air attacks." He considered what she's said as he took another look at the jumpy guards. It was a risk but his first priority was to his patient and he couldn't help her if she didn't trust him.

"Right, come on" He held out his hand. She paused for a second before taking it and he carefully helped her up. She swayed slightly and he put his arm around her for support.

"Where are we going?" She asked, still suspicious.

"We're going for a wee walk" he said and the two of them started for the door.

The guards immediately came to attention and half drew their swords. Ronon slipped into a fighting stance and the men paused but did not back down.

"The Angel is to remain within the Temple" One insisted as the other angled himself more towards Ronon.

"She needs fresh air lad, anyone can see that" The doctor insisted.

"She is to stay inside where she is safe" The guard persisted.

"Listen here son, your Elder gave me permission to see to her health and I say she needs clean air. Now you can either keep standing there or come with us but I'm taking her outside" and with that Beckett moved forward.

The second guard made to stop him and Ronon responded before the man had finished his first step. Before the other guard could even react his partner was disarmed and pinned to the wall by his throat. As he drew his own sword to help the Sateden extended his arm towards him. The helpless guard remained firmly pinned to the wall but the first now stood frozen as the knife that had all but appeared in Ronons hand pricked his carotid artery. The three of them held that gruesome tableau for several seconds as the doctor and the injured woman looked on in sudden shock.

"Stop!" Lexia pleaded. She was obviously confused by the whole exchange but as soon as she spoke the two soldiers looked up as if they had been struck. Ronon kept his grip on the pinned man but was forced to pull the knife back to avoid cutting the others throat. "Please, I just want to go outside" the young general said and the most apable transformation came over the two guards.

"As you wish my lady" The first said and nodded to his fellow before bowing to her. The second stopped resisting and so Ronon gave a final glare before releasing him at which point he also bowed to Lexia. The two then re-sheathed their weapons and stood to the side to allow the good doctor and his patient to pass. After a few steps the guards fell in behind them and Beckett was suddenly very glad Ronon was between him and those swords.

"What was that about?" Lexia asked quietly

"I'll explain when we get outside" He promised and she gave a small nod as they walked.

"I hope you know what you're doing" The Sateden said from behind.

"So do I" Carson replied and with that the three of them stepped out of the temple into the setting sun.

It took a few seconds for their eyes to adjust. The square was being covered in lanterns and a small group of musicians were setting up on the green. Upon recognising Lexia the guards on the outside seemed just as shocked as those inside had been. However she was far more taken with the size of the town layout before her. She took in the sear volume of people and the multi-story building with a look of pure disbelief. Eventually she turned to Carson.

"This wasn't here before" she said and the good doctor saw tears in her eyes, "I believe you"