Notes from the author: Oi this is my first attempt at the worst fan fiction ever challenge. I also created the challenge and am the only person undertaking said challenge.

Okay so it was like a day outside...wait no I mean it was a late night outside...ummm okay maybe it was morning or something I don't really know, all I know is that it was on the planet of Pandora or some shit like that. Okay so it was some unspecified time during the day and this guy, I think his name was like Salvador or something was just like walking along outside. I think it was outside anyways, I'm not really sure because it was kind of dark out and that made it kind of hard to see. Okay anyways he was walk along then all of the sudden this wait I mean guy came up to him and started talking to him. I think his name was Ashin of axe spin or something, I ain't really sure because I have ADD and that can kind of make it hard to focus on things I lost my train of thought. Oh yeah they were talking and axe spin said some thing along the lines of

"Oh Salvador I've been wanting to tell you something for a long time now." and then Sal was all

"Oi then what is it, I can't stand around all day." And then Axcrin was all.

"Jeez man you ruined the moment, I was just gonna tell you that I think your hot or something.'

And then Sal was all like

"Saaaay whaaat man?! I is happy that you think I is beautiful but I just don't think that I is in to guys all that much mang."

And then axpin got all excited and shit and said "Well you may not be into gueez right now but I will have you eventually and when that day comes I is gonna be all happy and shit."

After that shit went down Sally just walkted away all confused and what not and really how could you blame him, I mean this guy just comes up out of nowhere and all the sudden he be in love with you? That would be kinda crazy, but oh well that weren't the only thing that was going down in the free world, bunch of other shit was happening too.

See there was like this ninja robot motherfucker and he was roaming around all nervous and shit because he owed this guy called crazy Earl some money but he didn't have no money so that crazy mofo was gonna be coming for his ass in like three minutes unless he had that damn money. and you see There was this girl whose name I can't really remember right now...I think her name was Cage or some shit but anyways she had all of this money and the ninja robot motherfucker when up to her and was like

"Hey can't I borrow that money you got? If I don't give crazy motherfucker his money then he's gonna whip my ass up and down the God damn street."

Then she was all " Hey if you want this money then you gonna have to earn it the hard way."

Then he was all

"Oh yeah what I gotta do?"

Then she said

"I want you to get nekked and run down the street while yellin 'Suka suka suka my mommy is up stairs.''

Then he was all

"Man this fucking sucks."

Then he started running down the street nekked while screamin that shit. She was over there laughing her ass off while he was looking like a fool. Then she gave him the money and he paid crazy mofo his money, then for some reason and guy in a batman suit started fighting Wesley Willis on the street corner an Wes whooped his ass. Ah well but thats another story for another time.

Note from the author: Well I hope you had a terrible time reading this. Please leave me some comments that will tell me how to make my storys suck even more. I mean it I want you to give me the worst advice that you can think of. If you can't think of anything then please leave me a negative comment with the most creative personal insult that you can think of. I'm giving you permission. DO IT!