We're one mistake from being together,

But let's not ask why it's not right,
You won't be seventeen forever,
And we can get away with this tonight,

-Seventeen Forever by Metro Station

A/N: I don't normally post lyrics before a chapter, unless it really fits the story. I usually listen to rock and metal music, but I liked Metro Station, before my taste in music changed. I still have their album on my iPod.

Alec stared at the photo on his phone. He grinned in what he thought was really goofy or stupid. He reminded it alright.

In the picture he was laying on his side behind a long brunette haired girl. He was obviously wearing clothes. He was using one hand to show his presence in the picture. The brunette girl was obviously Adrianne. She however was under the covers, her bare shoulders showing. She has the covers over breast area. She obviously wasn't wearing any clothes. He had been seventeen and her sixteen.

Alec frowned at the picture. Adrianne and he just wanted to feel normal, as in, feeling straight. And to feel straight, they went all the way, after two weeks of meeting each other. Alec wanted to feel like a normal person, that meant no Shadowhunting business, which meant dating a normal person, and that person would be a girl. He also got piercings because he saw normal people with eyebrow, lip, and nose piercings. He decided that would qualify him as normal.

They felt dirty afterwards. Does that still count of having your first time? He wasn't sure. He sure as hell wouldn't tell Magnus about it, because you know, he didn't tell him about his past, so why would he? He even said that stupid saying, 'I'll tell you my past, if you tell me yours.'

Okay, he told some stuff about his past, like how his dad had trapped him in a shed type thing for three days, what he did for his birthdays excluding the trip to Mexico, and the pets he had through the years. Yet Magnus told him nothing about it, all he knows is that his dad tried to drown him and his mom committed suicide, nothing else.

He remembered the trip to Mexico. He grinned at the memory.

One year ago

They met at a party that Isabelle and Jace dragged him to. Alec instead stood off in the corner away from them all. He was going to be the designated person to call a taxi or some shit and lug drunken sixteen year olds into the Institute afterwards.

He usually left them in the pews and go to his room, and hear his parents yell at them for underage drinking.

A girl with rainbow ribbons and a rainbow bracelet, she was a Shadowhunter because of the runes on her arms. She stood next to him.

"I know what it's like, to love someone that you're not supposed to." She said and Alec looked at her.

"You do?" He asked, trying to figure out if she was lying.

"Yeah." She said and looked towards the bodies grinding each other. She and Alec both grimaced at the sight. She finally found the person she was looking for. It was a blonde haired girl, getting grinded against by two guys. She seemed to be enjoying herself.

Alec knew what that meant. "Oh." He didn't know what to say. How should he respond to someone who knew how he felt? Should he jump for joy, shout, what? "Love sucks."

The girl nodded. "It does." They both at the same time hit the back of their heads against the wall. "Oh, I'm Ashley by the way."

Alec nodded, "I'm Alec." They grew silent. The music blasted loudly and the bodies grinded against each other some more.

"We should take a trip to Mexico or Canada, or both." Ashley said and the boy looked at her confused.

"What?" Alec asked, wondering why she was saying this to him.

Ashley smiled. "Yeah, me, you, a very large wad of money, a car, visas, and one month long trip to Mexico to be normal. No Shadowhunting business. We'll pretend to be straight, just plain normal. We'll get piercings, probably some tattoos, and get in relationships with the opposite gender to be straight."

Alec frowned, go on a month long trip to be normal with a girl he met or protect his siblings who don't really need protecting anyway? He'll go with the trip. "Sure, I'm game."

Ashley grinned and they ended up swapping phone numbers. It was probably the start of a very strange new friendship.

Alec, Ashley, and Adrianne were looking at the lions at the zoo. Ashley had gotten an eyebrow piercing, and Alec in a fit of rebellion, got four, two under his lower lip, one in the dip above his upper lip, and a small stud in his left nostril.

They somehow picked up Adrianne, a drug-lord's daughter, when she showed up at the place that the two had gotten the piercings.

Alec and Adrianne where standing a little too close to each other. Ashley distracted the both of them and pushed Alec into the exhibit, dragging Adrianne down with him.

The zoo workers had to help Alec and Adrianne get out of the lion exhibit.

Alec was at a car, doing something to the engine and closed the hood of the car. He went to the gas part and started doing something to it. Whatever he was doing, it involved duct tape.

Alec seemed to finish his job and he walked in the zoo. He went to the llama exhibit and the two other girls followed him.

"What are you doing?" Ashley asked and he didn't say anything. He was pissed that she pushed him into the lion exhibit.

There was a loud explosion, a sound like shattering glass, and a bunch of car alarms going off. People started running around panicking at the explosion. Alec didn't flinch as he stared hard at the llama exhibit.

They ran from the police, as some split up to go chase after run-away llamas. They ran down the sidewalk, past food carts, people, and other various things.

Adrianne was wearing high heels and a skirt, yet she still outran cops. Years of practice when you're a drug lord's daughter, Alec guessed.

They came to a wooden fence, and Alec grabbed the top of the fence, jumping over it. Ashley and Adrianne followed suit. They continued running down the street, coming to a bridge. They ran half-way down the bridge and then jumped over it. Ashley however, hung onto the ledge, as the others fell into the water.

Adrianne had stripped off her shirt and skirt, while Alec stripped off his pants. They stood outside a drug store, still dripping wet. People were giving them strange looks probably wondering what the hell happened to them.

Ashley exited the store and handed them two syringes and two bottles of clear liquid.

"Thanks." They said, each taking a bottle and a syringe.

"Don't thank me. You were the idiots that jumped into the water in the first place." Ashley snapped out, as Adrianne filled up the needle, and injected the liquid in her arm. Alec filled up the needle and raised his undershirt up a little to inject the stuff in his side.

"Dude! Why can't you inject it in your arm like a normal person?" Ashley nearly shrieked at him.

Alec stared at her. "How about you turn around or cover your eyes?" Alec put the needle in his side and injected the liquid in his side.

Ashley and Alec were sitting on the ground, handcuffed to each other. The chain was wrapped around the bed frame. Adrianne was handcuffed to the bed frame on top of the bed. They looked bored out of their minds in the silence.

"This is so stupid." Ashley said, wanting to be the first one to break the silence.

"You're stupid." Alec snapped back, because it was her plan that landed them handcuffed like this. The stupid piñata was staring at them, mocking them.

It was pink, yellow, and purple. It was in a horse shape. It was grinning, its stupid white paper teeth showing, like it was laughing at them. Alec never wanted to destroy anything so bad before, besides Jace. Especially when Jace really pisses Alec off with his, 'I'm so fucking awesome and better than you will ever be' behavior.

"I'm stupid? It's your fault that you stole the piñata." Ashley snapped out him. "You're the one who fucked the drug-lord's daughter too."

"Oh please. I'm adorable." Alec replied back and rolled his eyes. His eyes landed on the piñata and could have sworn it got closer to him.

"Adorable?" Ashley asked.

"And delightful." Alec answered, grinning.

"You're such an idiot." Ashley spat out.

Alec looked at the piñata, it did seem closer to them. "Hey, is that thing moving?"

Ashley and Adrianne looked at the piñata that indeed seemed closer to Alec and Ashley.

"Oh my fucking god! Get that damn demented thing away from me!" Ashley shouted and started kicking at it. Alec started kicking at the piñata to, not as freaked out like Ashley was. Adrianna started trying to break away, which consisted of a lot of wiggly around on the bed.

It wasn't exactly his fault that he considered mixing together the drinks. They mixed coffee, energy drinks, and sugar together. They ended up getting loose with the handcuffs and left the room.

They ended up splitting the sugary drink. It also wasn't his fault that he ended up getting chased again, and falling face-first into the fountain.

The next time Alec woke up, he was on his stomach, not wearing pants, and handcuffed again.

"Seriously? You people are really that kinky by putting me in handcuffs?" Alec snapped out, looking at the officers outside the holding cell. He felt an incredibly cold sensation, as he shifted his legs. "Okay, which one of you fuckers stole my pants?" Two police officers, both female stared at him. "What, cat got you tongue?"

I think that's how that phrase goes. Alec thought and wondered where Ashley and Adrianne went off too. Suddenly there were three gun shots and everybody started piling out of the door to go see what's going on.

The window was open and two female faces appeared. They both climbed in, and Adrianne started picking the lock on the cell's door with a bobby pin. Her hands were shaking.

"I never picked locks like this before." Adrianne stated, using another bobby pin that was in her hair. She wanted to hurry before the cops arrived back once they realize it was a false alarm. "We're so screwed."

Ashley and Alec had to leave. A small part of Alec didn't want to. He wanted to stay with Adrianne, maybe quit the Shadowhunting business, come back, and possibly marry her.

But he knew he can't because Adrianne was a lesbian and they only had sex to feel normal and Alec was gay, at least that's what he had been telling himself. Or he could be bisexual but he believed he was gay because he hadn't found a girl he wanted to date.

She was the only girl Alec considered quitting the Shadowhunting job for.

He had to force those thoughts out of head, as they exchanged phone numbers. Alec turned to leave.

"Alex." Adrianne said, and Alec turned to her. He didn't mind her calling him 'Alex', but he wondered why.

Adrianne threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. Alec put his hands on her hips and pulled her close, to feel her breasts on his chest on his again. They pulled away.

"Why do you call me Alex?" He asked.

"You look like an Alex more than an Alec." Adrianne stated.

"Oh." Alec replied and turned to leave again.

"Will you remember me?" Adrianne asked, knowing that she will never forget Alec.

"How could I forget?" Alec said and smiled. He won't forget her either.

Ashley and Alec found themselves getting their pictures and their thumb-prints taken. Their pictures was hung on the wall under the banned list with some other peoples pictures.

Well I guess we're never coming back anytime soon. Alec thought looking at the picture.


Alec and Ashley found themselves in the Sanctuary place with Clary, Simon, Izzy, and Jace. They were eating cupcakes, well except for Ashley and Alec.

"So how did you guys get banned from Canada?" Jace asked. Alec and Ashley finished telling them what happened in Mexico, well except the whole story. Alec wasn't ready to tell them what he and Adrianne did.

"That's another story for another time." Alec said. Clary held a small plate of two cupcakes to Ashley and him.

"Want these two?" Clary asked. Ashley and Alec backed up, disgusted. Alec held both hands to his stomach. He could feel all those cupcakes coming back up, all six hundred of those cupcakes.

"Oh god no." Alec said, trying to keep it down. Ashley had the same look on her face.

"I think I could feel that they want to make reappear." Ashley said and they both left, quickly.

A/N: The cupcake thing happened in Canada just to let you know. I deserve some kind of medal because this is my longest chapter I ever written. I'm still considering deleting it.

Okay, I ended up procrastinating on the whole Mexico chapter and kind of rushed it with those scenes on what happened.

Sorry about all of the time skips.

Maybe I will write a one-shot about what happened in Canada. I'll probably title it What Happened in Canada.

Also, I read somewhere on the internet that gay people have sex with the opposite gender to probably feel normal, so I kind of added that in there.

What's your favorite line in this chapter? Let me know please.