A/N: I do Not own Skip Beat!

Hi! This has been in my mind for months and on my computer waiting for further inspiration for weeks. I thought I would be able to add more to it, but nothing else has come to me, so I'm going to post it as is.

I obviously wanted to write this out, because it would be thrilling and fun. There is no point to this story other than to get it out of my head. It has nothing to do with the current manga. I hope everyone enjoys it and gets a nice thrill from it. :) Lemonish/Lime ahead. Cheers!

Kyoko was afraid. No, it was much worse. She was petrified.

She literally couldn't move. She was surprised that her heart was still beating, but it was. It was beating as if trying to break out of the cage that was her chest. It threatened to spill from her lips should she open her mouth, and she desperately wanted to scream. Her legs wanted to run; they ached to move causing her body to shake uncontrollably.

Fear ate at her as she huddled in a white cotton robe. She was unbelievably cold and at the same time unbearably hot. There was nothing she could do but accept what she – herself- has created, yet never in her life did she wish the heavens above would open up and strike her dead as she did now.

*Knock Knock*


"Mogami-san?" a worried female voice shouted through the door at the sound of a loud crash erupting when she knocked.

"I'M FINE!" Kyoko screamed out with all of her might shocking the poor assistant causing her to jump back from the door.

"Um, Everyone is ready for you," the timid girl said through the door but unwilling to enter the scary woman's dressing room.

"YES! THANK YOU!" Again Kyoko screamed making the girl rush away.

Kyoko shook as she stayed on her hands and knees on the floor. She was surrounded by various items that made up her make-up station. She was staring off trying to find a way to escape her fate she heard some loud voices come through the door snapping her out of her thoughts. It was now or never and never wasn't an option. Not if she wanted to make it as an actress, not if she ever wanted to face her mentor's face with her head held up high again.

But then, if she did do this, how could she ever look at him anyway.

She forced herself off the floor and slowly took each object off the floor and carefully put it back on the vanity. She was sure that it took hours for her to do this task, but in reality it took seconds. Her mind was on slow motion but her body was on fast forward. The adrenaline in her system was overflowing making her go on autopilot.

After the last item was placed, her eyes took in the woman in the mirror. Kyoko never saw herself as sexy let alone attractive, yet the woman staring at her was definitely sexy. The make-up artist was a genius comparable to the Goddess, Jelly Woods, but this person didn't feel real. Her eyes were dark and seductive. Dark shades outlined her gold eyes making them look heavy lidded as if sinful thoughts were always on her mind. Her cheeks were lightly flushed red but were barely noticeable with the deep dark red staining her full lips.

Kyoko took a deep breath through her nose and let it out slowly through those wet dark red lips in a small pucker. Her small pink tongue came out as the air dried her lips slightly and licked those lush lips sensually. The woman looked as if she was offering Kyoko a kiss or something more making her face heat up in a blush. Kyoko looked away and hugged herself.

That was Mika - strong, sexy, willful, cruel Mika. She was the reason Kyoko was in this situation. She would have never done this if she had known it would have come down to this. It was supposed to be another antagonist role. One that was a little sexier than Natsu since Mika was a woman and not a teenage girl. It was another challenge that needed to be conquered, mastered and filed away once completed for another day.

The scripts for the first season were perfect. Mika tried to seduce the main character and keep failing every time. She was to drive a wedge between the protagonist and the love interest and the cliff hanger at the end of the season finally had the two in what would seem as an inconsolable fight. Victory was hers for the taking and take she did.

She took Isao. The protagonist of the story was played by none other but Tsuruga Ren. Isao's character was in a place of power, a leader of leaders and his personality fit the station. Isao was strong, decisive, and determined to accomplish his goal without the thought of consequences which pleased Mika to no end. She loved breaking down the strong, controlling the beasts to purr like a kitten under her touch. She got off on it quite literally, but it was never explicit. It was never anything but Kyoko pushing a man onto the bed or through a door with intent and then the scene would end. That's all it ever was until now.

The second season's scripts came in, and Kyoko almost died. The second season had Isao and Mika together while the good woman, the real love interest, Aiko worked at getting Isao back from the darker side. Until then Mika caught her man, Isao. The succubus took the prize away from the angel who tried to make Isao turn to the side of good and with that came her prize – Isao's power, money, and lust. Which meant sex for them, Mika used sex to keep her men under submission and this season had an explicit sex scene in episode 5.

Kyoko pleaded, begged, bribed and threatened to rewrite, change, or eliminate the scene to something she could willingly do, but she was thwarted at every chance. Kyoko was Mika and the world knew her as that character. It was too late to quit and find another actress. The show was a hit and the fans wanted something more. The writers wanted to shock the audience and take them to the next step and then entered Ren. Ren was her saving grace, surely he would object to such a scene on his resume.

Yet, he really didn't mind. Kyoko was outraged to the point of speechlessness. Who was this man?! He was supposed to save her from this. To say that his character would never sleep with this vile woman, that Tsuruga Ren would never have sex with Mogami Kyoko even for pretend. But Ren did very little to deter the director from this scene. He sort of helped though, even if Kyoko didn't think it was any better. Kyoko could stay clothed instead of the topless scene they wanted, and he asked for the absolute minimum number of crew to film it. Even Yashiro-san decided to stay at the office rather than watch this scene.

There was another knock at the door, and Kyoko almost collapsed again. Instead she emptied herself completely. There was nothing inside of her, not Mika, not Kyoko or any of her other previous characters. She was a moving empty shell of a body as she opened the door and walked towards the recording studio.

One would think it was late with the way the stage was setup, but in reality it was midafternoon. The day was clear and sunny outside, making it rather comfortable inside the studio. All of the birds were singing and the naïve people were doing their own thing for their own reasons while Kyoko was here. A darkened set made up of a large bed waiting patiently in the middle of an open bedroom, Isao's bedroom. Among the set were a handful of people as promised: two camera men, a sound tech, a lighting tech, the production designer, their make-up artist, the director's assistant, the director and finally Ren.

Ren looked wonderful in a dark business suit. Isao came home to be surprised by Mika wearing… Kyoko licked her lips and shifted uncomfortably with her current attire. She was almost jealous that Ren could be on stage fully clothed and then remembered that he soon wouldn't be, because Mika was going to undress him – slowly. Blood rushed to her face as she remembered the first time she undressed Ren, though that was when they were playing siblings, not lovers. Plus, there was much more planned tonight than that night ever promised.

Kyoko stayed by the cameras not really eager to let them know that she was as ready as she will ever be. The director had his back towards her while talking to Ren. She hoped that no one would notice her and thought perhaps she could slip out the back door. With so few people maybe she could…

"Mogami-san," Director Sugimura called out to her making her flinch. Whether he noticed or not, it didn't seem to matter.

"Are you ready?" He asked and Kyoko couldn't answer. She looked away and hugged her torso tightly. She closed her eyes and after a deep breath she nodded.

"Mogami-san, I know you are scared, but there is nothing to be afraid of," Sugimura said with what should have been an encouraging smile. "Everyone here is a professional, and you are wearing what is considered a bikini. You don't have to take it off and we've scheduled the whole day for this one shot so you don't have do anything more than this scene. If you get it done in one shot, everyone will even get to go home early, so with Tsuruga-san and yourself it should be no problem." He tried to sound encouraging, and if it was anything else Kyoko wouldn't have any doubts either.

But it wasn't… this was sex. She had to pretend to have sex on film and that wasn't nothing.

"Places everyone," Director Sugimura called out not allowing Kyoko the time to deal with things. Not that having more time would help. She's had two months to deal with this, so an extra five minutes was nothing useful.

Kyoko started to walk up on stage in her bare feet. With each step, her body started to pound in time with her heart. Movement caught her eye as she saw Ren move towards the door of his bedroom. She followed his moments and wondered if he was nervous. If he was, then it didn't show. She couldn't see his heart racing as she approached the set in her robe. She couldn't see that he was already hard at the thought of having what would result in dry sex with her. Ren's body was humming with desire, need, and fear. Fear that he should have sided with her and fought not to let his happen. Fear that she was still angry at him for allowing this to happen.

She saw him stop at the door, and their eyes met. Kyoko wanted to cry at that instant and twisted her head away harshly. She would not cry. She would not ruin her make-up, make her eyes puffy or worse - show what she was truly feeling at this moment. If she were to slip up and show all of her fear and angst at this moment, she doubted she would have been able to stop and do this scene.

When she opened her eyes again, she was at the stage. Kyoko had to step up and take off the robe. The lace that covered her started to itch and she was sure that she was sweating, but she held on to that robe tightly until now. She licked her lips and forced herself up and onto that damn stage and near the ominous bed.

Her hands took the ties that held her robe securely and quickly undid them. The robe was large enough to not require them but as soon as they loosened, Kyoko already felt naked to the world. She could feel thousands of eyes on her already and knew it was only in her mind. There were about ten people in the room. Twenty eyes and a camera were going to see this live. Nothing between them but air, it was real to them, to her, and she had to do it. She could feel someone approach her and noticed it was the timid girl, the director's assistant, coming to collect the robe. Now she definitely had to take it off. She held on to the lapels of the robe, took a deep breath and closed her eyes tightly. She didn't want to see the reaction in their faces when she disrobed and hopefully they were as professional as Director Sugimura stated.

Kyoko dropped the robe, and the quiet was deafening in her ears. Time moved in micro seconds in her head. The robe slipped off her shoulders and slowly down her arms revealing two black strings tied to the back of her neck. The curve of her breast came before the string became actual fabric to cover her. Two triangles of black lace fabric curved over her until it met with solid black underwire cups that hid nothing of her breasts. Thankfully, her nipples were covered by flesh colored pads to give her some kind of privacy, but the effect of the bra was still there. Her breasts were showing to anyone who wanted to look. Her lingerie was in two pieces allowing her stomach to be bare and showing off as much skin as possible.

The robe hesitated at her wrists, her hands clinging to the fabric that currently covered her lower half. Two heart beats later, Kyoko let go and revealed the rest of her clothing. A matching black lace thong tried to cover her lower half with two ties at the side keeping it together. Here the fabric was not see-through as anything showing there would result in an X rating from censorship, not that Kyoko didn't already feel like she was in an adult film.

She could feel when the robe disappeared from her feet and turned to face the room; however, when she opened her eyes to say she was ready, there was a large chest in her way with a suit jacket and two large arms wrapping around her.

"I thought we agreed she would have clothes on," Ren's voice sounded like thunder in the quiet room.

"We did! She's wearing them," the director yelled out.

"This," Ren hesitated as he held Kyoko closer to him trying to hide more of her body in his jacket. "This is not what we agreed on," he repeated angrily.

Kyoko had to take a moment to realize what was happening. Her ears cleared and sound was starting to seep back in as her heart started to ease. That deafening sound from earlier was merely the sound of her heart hammering in her chest. No one but the two stars in the room were truly affected by the young woman undressing. Sure the men appreciated the sight but most were older and married, and she was untouchable. Next was the feel of the man around her. His scent filled her lungs and made her blood rush through her veins. His arms held her against him so tightly that she couldn't see anything around her but him. She looked up as Ren spoke and noticed his frown. Finally, her mind cleared and found the man with her was very angry, but what right did he have to be so upset?

"What we agreed on?" Kyoko said in a dangerously soft voice. Ren blinked as he looked down at the woman in his arms, but she was buried so deeply in his coat that he couldn't tell if she spoke.


He felt her arms move and her hands touch his stomach. His mouth went dry as his hands started to slide against her soft flesh as she pulled away. His eyes fell to the supple flesh the black lingerie showed off making him try to bring her in closer once more.

"Isn't this what you wanted?" Kyoko whispered harshly making Ren meet her angry eyes.

"Kyoko-chan, I…" He wanted to explain but the words died at his throat.

"You what?" She snapped. "You wanted to do the scene, so here we are. I tried to stop it, but no one cared. Even you disagreed with me, so what's your problem now."

"I didn't think…," Ren whispered and his eyes flickered to her breasts again.

"It's too late for that," she interrupted and shoved him away from her causing Ren to stumble back and reveal his beautiful sexy Kyoko to the world. She sat on the bed clearly pissed off, which was a blessing for her since she could start the scene without embarrassment. She was about to call out that she was ready when she saw Ren still standing there with a shocked but worried expression on his face.

"Places!" Kyoko growled at him making him turn away and head to the door.

This was never what he intended. He never wanted Kyoko on display like this, perhaps in the privacy of his own bedroom, but not like this to the world. It's true he didn't fight the director when he read this scene, but instead saw it as an opportunity. This whole show was one huge opportunity for him to be with her. That's all he ever wanted. He saw that she was the sexy antagonist of the show and applied for the lead. To be seduced by her, to be seen as a man for the first time, his poor heart and ego couldn't allow for this chance to slip by. The first season was great. It was easy to portray how tempting this woman was, how Isao was tempted but knew she was bad news. He loved every time Kyoko tried to seduce him and spent many nights imagining what would happen if the seduction had succeeded.

Now was this sex scene, which was acceptable for Japan's censorship. He wanted to touch her, to kiss her and hold her intimately. Ren wanted to show her some of the pleasures of the flesh he could do for her if only she would let him. But she was right with one thing, he couldn't have her exposed to the camera and when she kicked up such a fuss about the scene, he saw his chance to get his cake and eat it too. Leave her clothes on, no nudity but keep the sex. Lots of films had the characters fully clothed and had sex start to finish without issue. He offered up himself instead of her if they wanted some nudity.

Luckily, they agreed if she wasn't showing anything, then he wouldn't either which was fine by him. But Kyoko in lingerie was not what he was thinking of. He wanted her in a dress and he would thrust against her with her skirt hiding everything. He could feel her breast through the fabric, make her moan with his mouth at her throat, or lick her inner thigh so close to her heated center, and make his heated breath tease her panty covered mound until he made her squirm. He had everything planned out for the scene and yet now he had this to contend with.

Ren looked up as he tried to summon Isao. He watched with heated eyes as Kyoko positioned herself on the large bed. She pulled back the sheets, messing up the bed. It was to look as if she was sleeping on it or doing other things while she waited for him. Once done arranging the sheets, she sat up with her back leaning against the headboard. Her left leg slid against the other as she bent her knee into the air with the other lying straight beside it underneath the covers. She was posing herself just as Mika would do. No sheets were used to cover her body up, no robe to wrap around her frame, simply her in all of her beautiful sexy glory being offered to him as Mika planned. Mika didn't hide her body as Kyoko would have done, and Ren felt a jab of pain hit his heart as he knew this would break a bit of the innocence he loved from his sweet Kyoko.

"Action!" The director called out and the scene rolled.

"I've been waiting," Mika said in an annoyed tone.

Isao smirked at the woman in his bed. She sounded upset, yet the look on her face said something completely different. She was hungry, eager for something only he had to give and impatiently so.

"I told you I was going to be late," he told her as he walked into the room casually, unafraid of this woman who many call a praying mantis. He walked over towards the bed slipping off his suit jacket and tossing it at the foot of the bed. He stopped at the side of the bed and sat down with Mika at his back. She sneered at his dismissal and rose up on her knees to crawl towards him.

Isao felt the bed shift behind him and smiled knowing she was about to pout and whine about how uncaring he was, but he was about to give her a whole lot of attention. He felt the heat of her body near his back as he unbuttoned his cuffs. She appeared in his peripheral vision as she slipped off the bed and… whoa wait.

"Where are you going?" He asked as he captured her wrist.

"I'm leaving. It's obvious I can do better than a man who leaves a woman wanting like so," she said plainly and twisted her wrist from his hand. It should have sounded like a dare, but her voice was almost bored as it was a typical trait she found in men all too often.

He captured her waist and pulled her into his lap. "Aren't you going to even give me a chance," he asked huskily into her ear.

"Hmm," she purred as she slipped off his lap. Isao wondered if she was about to leave again so he kept his hands at her waist. She did not leave but instead stepped before him and began to straddle his lap. Her skin was so soft and smooth as it slid across his fingertips. His eyes couldn't help but devour her body, barely covered in straps of lace and strings. His hands itched to untie all those little knots that held her lingerie together.

Once she settled on his lap, allowing him the pleasure of viewing her, feeling her and giving her the better leverage, she spoke up, "That all depends, did you take my advice today about the company that you were buying?"

Isao had to think for a moment to remember what she asked. He looked up into her eyes and pressed his lips together.

"Yes," he replied with some regret. "I'm still not sure that was the right course of action though."

Mika laughed. "Of course it was. Breaking down the company and selling each piece would make you the most money. If you kept it whole it would have taken years to see a profit," she explained. She didn't care that the people would all lose their jobs because of this take-over, and Isao did understand her point of view. No one made it in this world by being soft, at least not emotionally soft.

"I'm very proud of you, Isao," she said seductively as she slid her hands up his arms and around his shoulders. She sunk her fingers into his thick hair making him close his eyes in bliss.

"Want me to show you how proud I am?" The seductress offered.


"Cut," Director Sugimura shouted making Kyoko jump off of Ren, and Ren fall back on the bed. Both were a little dazed when the director came up excited.

"Great job both of you. Mogami-san, you've never been sexier. Keep it up. Do either of you need a break before we start the next part?" He offered, but hoped they said no. He didn't want to lose the flow, but he wanted to take this in two steps for Kyoko. When she asked to remove the scene, she explained that she was a virgin and had no idea how to go about doing these things. Luckily for him, but not so much for her, Tsuruga-san said that she will have to perform things she doesn't know how to do in other roles like modeling. Sugimura could tell there was something more to that statement, but didn't pry as she nodded in acceptance.

"I'm fine," Kyoko answered first even if her back was to them. A moment later, Ren nodded as well.

"Excellent. So it's time for the actual act. No lines for either of you to remember, just the mood of the characters. Mika is taking the lead, so everything else is up to you two. Don't worry about time; we will edit it to flow correctly on film. Okay?" He explained for what seemed like the hundredth time since this scene was written. Both actors nodded and he quickly left the stage.

Kyoko thought the first part was difficult, but now was the tough part. The one person, who she had to fight tooth and nail to make sure he never found out that she loved him, was the person she now had to be intimate with. Cain and Setsu was the most difficult time in her life before now. She was tormented with their forbidden love as siblings. All those soft touches, those lingering looks, the warm embraces that they shared were hard enough to fight, but now this. She dreamt of those times when he would look at her as a woman. The feel of his warm soft skin still haunted her fingertips and now she was going to undress him much like that night.

"Places," Sugimura called out, urging them to get back into their previous positions. Kyoko stepped up to Ren while he stayed down on the bed. She hit his thigh with her knee making him lift his head slightly towards her with a sad look on his face.

"Kyoko-chan, say something," Ren whispered softly.

She shot him an angry look as she lifted her leg to straddle his lap. "What do you want me to say?"

He pressed his lips together and sat up without a word. Kyoko wanted to beat him up. She doubted that she could have hurt him as much as she would have liked, but at least she could have released some of these emotions. She placed her hands on his shoulders and adjusted herself slightly over his groin, just far enough to make it look like she was sitting on him but actually she wasn't.

Ren sighed sadly as his fantasy was slowly starting to turn into a nightmare. His eyes flickered to the camera which had rotated to their side instead of behind her and then back to Kyoko. She was so angry at him and for once he really couldn't blame her. His eyes soaked in the sexy woman in his lap who was trying so hard not to touch him, while all he wanted to do was touch her. He lifted his left hand to her knee and started to glide his hand up her warm naked thigh to return to her waist just as before, but before he reached her hip Kyoko grabbed his hand off of her wonderful skin.

"Here," she snapped and roughly placed his hand on her waist where the previous scene had ended. "Your hand was here," she said roughly. He looked at her face and found her looking at anything but him.

"We haven't started yet so there is no need for the extra touching," she added in a harsh whisper.

"Kyoko, I'm sorry," he said softly to her. Her eyes flickered back to him and found him looking at her with such heartbreaking eyes. This time she couldn't say anything back. Instead she sunk her fingers into his hair at the back of his neck sending a delicious little shudder down Ren's body forcing his eyes to close. Kyoko saw him slip back into character and she forced herself to do the same as the director yelled out action.

That one word that slipped from his lips was the best aphrodisiac she had ever heard from a man. The simple word of surrender, that soft sound of desire and need filled his voice as he agreed to be under her mercy. Her hands sunk into his thick hair and she gripped it tightly in her fist making him groan. She forced his head back in a painful angle as she used that grip to pull herself against his torso completely. Isao had to catch himself, his arms flying back to land on his elbows while she practically crawled over his body.

Mika was panting in excitement as she dominated this large man. Looks were never much of a factor if the benefits countered how badly they looked, but Isao was different. Never had she met such a perfect man: money, power and was sexy as hell. She unconsciously lifted her free hand to caress his lips making him open his eyes. Her right hand had eased from her grip allowing him some freedom.

Isao took this chance. They fell back to the bed as his hands went straight to her body. His left hand went down to cup her bottom and pushed her up while his right shot up her back with such strength it made Mika arch her back and moan loudly. Oh it felt so good that when she came back down and Isao kissed her, she didn't mind one little bit.

Kissing had always been part of the show. Kyoko knew that going in and even knew that she would have to kiss Ren. She kissed him three times on the first season. The first one was a surprise – something soft and small that he quickly retreated. The second one as harsher, she forced him to kiss her and he fought her off as best as he could. The third was wanted by both parties and almost equaled in passion to this. Those kisses didn't make this one any easier. In fact each one made the current one better than the last.

Ren was an amazing kisser, and Kyoko had a lot of trouble staying in control of Mika and the kiss. She was the inexperienced one when it came to real life, but she was supposed to have lots of experience. To say that there were several NGs during her kisses was an exaggeration. She's had to kiss her victims a few times to get it right, so she was able to learn from those, so she could do this.

Mika was aggressive when it came to kissing. When her lips met his her tongue quickly came into the action of the kiss. She licked his lower lip making Isao's mouth part, so she could plunge inside of him. A moan crawled out of Isao's throat which made Mika smile on top of him. She flicked her tongue against the tip of his, willing him to meet with hers and he came to her eagerly. She felt his tongue slip against hers. The strong wet muscle glided along hers, and she pulled back as he pushed forward to sit up against her.

Mika pulled back with a smile on her lips. She kissed him back lightly, and he tried to capture her mouth like before, but she pulled back. She felt his hands grip her tightly against him, the one at the back of her neck tried to force her back to his lips but she didn't submit completely. She went in and took in his lower lip between hers and nipped it showing him who was in control. She was the one who directed the flow of the kiss and she could feel him succumb to her will when his hand slid from the back of her neck to gently glide down her back. Then and only then did she give him another intrusive kiss.

This was becoming too much. She never had to kiss someone this long. Kyoko was losing Mika as Ren's kiss melted with her mouth and touched her so sweetly. Her body was in flames as his hands ran over her flesh. He wasn't even touching her intimately but to her it felt like it. His fingers ran down her back, never once pausing to unhook her bra, but she wanted him to. His left hand gripped her bottom, cupping her cheek and then gliding down her thigh forcing her up his body to maintain his kisses. And these were his kisses, for Kyoko lost control a long time ago.

Ren doubt he was Isao this entire time. In fact he wasn't sure he was Ren at the moment either. Having Kyoko above him, dressed in nothing but a bra and panties, he didn't want to leave. Why would he want to miss out on this? It was probably the only time he was ever going to have her in this position and Kuon, not Ren, wanted to be with her.

Still he knew she was acting with her violent ways and aggressive nature trying to control him. He allowed it, happy that he was able to have something of her than nothing. Especially with how angry she was with him, he doubted that she would talk to him after this. Kuon could swallow his shame for doing this and enjoy it. But as her grip softened and her kisses started to grow timid, his desires intensified.

Kuon opened his eyes to look at the woman above him. All he could see were her eyes tightly shut and a blush decorating her cheeks. He felt her tongue slide against his and flick teasingly into his mouth. He groaned and wrapped his arms around her. Her entire body was shaking slightly, vibrating softly on his as he held her and Kuon knew that Kyoko was kissing him, not Mika.

As soon as that realization hit him, his efforts to please her tripled. He lifted his head and ravaged her mouth making Kyoko groan. He lifted his foot to the bed as he kissed her, held her and pushed. Their world went spinning as he moved on top of her. Their kiss broke at the movement and she was left panting below him with his handsome face filling her vision. Kuon smiled down at her and leaned down to kiss her.


The word cut through them like ice and both froze with their lips barely touching. Kuon wanted to continue, wondered why some asshole would dare stop him, and moved forward to continue his kiss with his lover. As soon as Kyoko felt Ren shift forward, she turned her head and his kiss landed on her cheek. It was that cold gesture that brought Ren back to the surface.

"What are you doing, Tsuruga-san!" Director Sugimura yelled as he approached the two. Ren twisted off of Kyoko letting her go and trying to regain control of his hormones. Kyoko sat up slowly with her arms wrapping around her as if seeking warmth from within.

Sugimura sighed as he started to repeat himself for the hundredth time, "Tsuruga-san, you have to let Mogami-san stay in control. Mika is supposed to stay on top the entire time. You are her prisoner, captured to serve her, not the other way around."

Kuon surfaced slightly at the director's words. He hung his head down to hide his aroused expression and glanced back at Kyoko who was looking so good. His heated eyes devoured her form as she slowly came back to her senses.

Control me? That little thing is going to control me? Kuon's voice raged in his head and images of letting this woman top him; her timid touches teasing him mercilessly, her kisses marking his body like she did once before, her hot little body rocking above him as she whimpers riding him to ecstasy.

I can do that. I can take things her way – nice and slow.

Meanwhile, Kyoko was too busy trying to get her skin to behave long enough for her to listen to the director. It did not help that the reason for this was looking at her like a wolf finding his first meal in weeks. Her eyes darted to the man sharing the bed and her body was scorched at his glaze. His eyes were inflamed, and she was burning from the heat of it. She nodded as the director told her that she had to hurry up undressing him. Kyoko licked her lips and regretted it as she tasted him. A blush rushed to her lips and she felt the bed dip.

Kuon had moved towards her slightly. Kyoko saw his hand closer to her with his body leaning forward as if he was ready to pounce. Her eyes followed the line from his hand, up his arm to his face and finally his eyes. They were fixated on her, and if she saw it correctly her own lips. She tested it by licking her lips again and saw him do the same.

He wanted her. Tsuruga Ren wanted her and that thought turned her on so much. She had a hint of what Mika must feel when she seduced all these men. It was empowering, and Kyoko wanted more.

They repositioned themselves without either of them really noticing, yet they retained what the director had said and started over where he wanted. Ren laid back down on the bed and Kyoko straddled his stomach. She bent over him, resting on his chest with her face over his. She took a deep breath and blew it out slowly, intentionally over his parted lips and into his mouth. She watched him, watched his eyes thunder and roll like a storm of lust and he sneered at her. His fingers turned inwards like claws and raked over her flesh making her shudder in pleasure instead of pain. Her eyes closed on instinct and her head turned to try and hide her desire for this man.

"You'll never have control," Kuon whispered into her ear making Kyoko jerk back to face him in shock. Her eyes widened as the Emperor looked back at her. She had seen him so many times before, but this man beneath her was so much more than before. He was raw, untamed, wild with lust and all of it was directed at her. She opened her mouth to say something, to counter his statement. She wanted to tell him that he had to surrender, but she couldn't. Instead she summoned up Mika, she was the one who wanted control, not Kyoko.

Her lips came first, a small smirk of a smile that took on the dare that Kuon, not Isao, purposed. Her eyes soon followed to be filled with the thrill of a challenge and the desire to continue. She took her hands and ran them through his hair, starting with his forehead and forcing them back into his dark strands. He was preparing himself for her to grip and pull his hair but instead she kissed him.

It was soft, slow and wet. She started off with the simple press of her lips against his. A small pressure to surprise him and then it increased until he opened his mouth slightly. She took his lower lip between hers and gently licked across it making him release a shuddered breath. Her tongue slipped between his lips as the last bit of air left his mouth. She filled him completely, enticing him to join in at her intrusion. She tasted so sweet, so good that Kuon started slipping once again and tried to roll her over.

This time Mika was in charge and shoved Kuon back onto the bed and broke the kiss. She sat up with a victorious smile on her lips and Kuon realized that the scene had started. Kuon took a step back and let Ren take over. He closed his eyes as Mika took a hold of his tie and started to play with it. She was undressing him as directed, and Isao took over.

Isao opened his eyes as Mika retreated with his tie in hand. He watched her play with the long silk cloth as if it was more than a piece of clothing. Her hands caressed it and even teased it making him squirm beneath her. Her smile widened at his discomfort and she yanked on it forcing him up slightly. Her kiss was quick and rough, nipping him with her teeth instead of the wet caress of her tongue. She broke the kiss by letting go of the tie, but followed to kiss his jaw down to his neck.

Her fingers nimbly worked his tie loose. It came off quickly, slipping from around his neck and tossed aside. She started on the buttons of his shirt and her mouth latched on to the side of his neck.

Ren groaned as he felt her suck on his neck. It was the same spot as before. Memories of Kyoko on top of him filled his mind and he struggled with his identity. Cain wanted to surface. His sister was on top of him, trying to seduce him and he was more than willing to let her ride him without interruption. Kuon wanted to take over, to pin the woman down below him and sink inside of her warm willing body over and over again. Isao was lost in the feel of her and wasn't putting much of a fight against the others, wanting more but at the same time losing himself with her body. Ren tried to keep everyone else hidden, the mask of the man trying to contain everything but Isao as Kyoko, the only woman he's ever loved, undressed him so slowly.

Mika let go of his neck with a lick and started to lick and nibble down his revealed chest. Her fingers reached his belt long before her mouth reached his stomach. Instead of continuing down, she sat up with the fabric of his shirt in her hands. She sat above his crotch making him wish she would grind against him a little. But there was no touching, not yet. Instead she roughly jerked the shirt tails from his pants making him bump against her for a fraction of a second. Isao's hands shot up to hold her hips, the strength of his arms trying to force her down upon him, but she moved too quickly. She pushed herself down and sat on his thighs instead making him almost growl in disapproval.

Kyoko looked down at the man and saw the embodiment of lust before her. She reenacted the scene she did as Setsu, driving her hands over him starting at his belt and slowly slide up his stomach and over his chest to his shoulders. He felt as good now as he did then. Her hands ran back down his flesh, running over his nipples and down to his belly button. Her eyes ate him up just as her hands touched him and she allowed herself to do more than what she could have done then.

Ren's stomach jerked as Kyoko's tongue darted into his belly button. He looked down at her and met her eyes. They were filled with hunger and need. It was something he had never seen in his Kyoko and thought it was Mika looking up at him. He threw his head back as she ran her tongue up the middle of his stomach between the subtle ripple of his abs. The contours of his muscle were apparent as his whole body was tensed trying to hold back.

Mustn't let go. Stay still. Never let go.

She crawled up his body as she kissed, licked and nipped his flesh. She slid up his body like the softest of fur caressing his skin. Her hands moved to his shoulders and held on as she pulled herself over him. She dipped her fingers behind him and pulled. Ren looked at her and saw that she wanted him up and he willingly came. He sat up at her call and was reward with a kiss as her hands glided down his arms to release him of his shirt. He pulled his arms free and wrapped them around her as she mated their lips.

Kyoko's arms were trapped inside the circle of his arms. Her hands were at his hands when he pulled them free and captured her. Deep inside of her she knew that wasn't correct, that she had steer, but his mouth ate at her thoughts and his arms sapped the strength from her body. She felt him squeeze her tightly against him. The soft curves of her body conformed to the hard plains of his. It was hot, so very hot and the rough see-through lace that shielded her felt terribly uncomfortable between them.

Kuon wanted out. Ren found his hand playing with the hooks of her bra and forced him to stop. Kuon growled angrily and instead groped Kyoko's ass and forced her groin to meet with his. Kyoko cried out and was able to push away giving Ren the opportunity to regain control. He fell back on the bed but wanted to shout out foul as Kyoko moved to sit on his stomach instead of his crotch.

That was bad. How did that happen? Kyoko had lost Mika again and was losing her more frequently. She didn't know if she was thankful or upset that Ren did that. Because of his action, she was able to regain some semblance of her mind but at the same time lost more of her body to him. She felt how hard he was underneath those slacks. It was for a brief second but it was like a steel rod was shoved against her – a long, hot steel rod. It was difficult to believe that was actually him she felt. However, the moment he touched her, a shock of pleasure shot through her and made her realize just how aroused she was by him. Heat and wetness pooled between her legs and she was more than eager to start hiding underneath the covers now.

She looked at their position and found that they were still sitting across the bed instead of lengthwise which was required in order to hide in the covers. She racked her mind trying to think of a way Mika would get him to move and she could only think of one: Order him around. Hopefully the director wouldn't mind some impromptu lines.

Mika shook finger side to side letting Isao know that he did something bad. While grinding against him felt good, she wasn't the one who initiated it and therefore was against the rules. As punishment, she started to slip off the bed. Isao tried to sit up, ready to chase her down but her hands stilled him as she started unbuckling his belt. The fear of her leaving left him as she unbuttoned his slacks and slowly unzipped the zipper. He felt her fingers sneak into the band of the slacks and hold on.

"Move back," she ordered and Isao popped his head back up to make sure he understood. She stood between his legs and waited.

"I don't like waiting, Isao," she reminded him and then pinched the flesh closest to her finger which was below the pubic line. He hissed and lifted his hips into the air as commanded. She pulled the slacks down but only to enough for him to finish the job. He moved back on the bed and moved to the middle of it instead of possibly falling off the other side. Mika smiled her approval as she dumped his pants and then circled around the bed and him.

Isao felt like he was on display. His boxer briefs hid very little of his desire for her and she was looking at him like she was shopping and wanted to make sure the goods were good. She stopped at the end of the bed with an appreciative smile. She climbed onto the bed and slid her hands over his feet, slipping off his socks one at a time. She bent down and pressed a soft kiss on his right shin and then another on his left knee.

Kyoko's hands gripped the sheets around him as she kissed her way up his legs. To say that his arousal wasn't distracting would be a lie…. A HUGE LIE! In fact, that was pretty much filling her vision as she moved up his legs. The more she looked at him stretching out the fabric of his briefs the more frightened she was of touching him. Her head couldn't comprehend how that… that… thing could ever be used for… That! There was no way it would ever fit!

Thank goodness this isn't real.

She continued up her path until her face reached his stomach. Her kisses had skipped over that questionable area since he was being punished, Kyoko reasoned. Thankfully, Mika agreed.

Mika didn't want to give him any satisfaction unless she got her own. Still the sight of him left her wanting to cut to the chase. In a last teasing measure she took the sheets and covered herself and her prize underneath. Isao was left worried and excited by what the woman would do and gasped suddenly.

Truth be told, Kyoko wasn't sure what to do right now. There was no way she was taking off his shorts, but she had to act like she was. So did she do it and cover him up right away or pretend and hope it looked like she did. She took a deep breath and let it out in a rush right on his member which made Ren gasp in reaction.

Kuon had no fucking clue what she was doing down there, but she better do something because he was ready to rape the girl. Finally he felt her fingers at his waist band and he prayed that he would feel himself freed and her mouth on his heated flesh.

When he felt her rake her fingers down his thighs and not taking his underwear with them he cursed softly. She pretended to take off his underwear and toss something to the side where the camera wouldn't see. The lump under the covers moved up his body again until her head emerged from the covers. She was very careful not to reveal that she didn't remove his shorts. She blocked the fabric with her head in effect brushing her cheek against his length.

He moaned at the feel of her against him. Even if it was through the cloth he could feel himself twitch against her and was sure the drops of precum were staining his briefs. Kyoko moved to sit on top of him, again taking the sheet with her to make sure their lower halves were covered completely from view. She put on Mika's smile and sat low on his stomach instead of where she should be. She's had entirely too much contact with him already.

Here was where all her embarrassing research came in. The nights spent huddled up in her sheets as she watched adult films to capture the actual act of sex. Her poor innocent mind has been tainted by painted up women and disgusting looking men fucking on camera. She had to use that ugly word because that was exactly what they were doing. Not making love, not even having sex for procreation, no they were fucking. Kyoko liked to think that Mika was "screwing around", having sex for fun rather than fucking like those videos showed. Nevertheless, that was her only resource. She couldn't think of anything else that could have told her the motions, the expressions, and sounds of sex like an adult film could.

Mika licked her lips as she positioned herself above him. Her body was so hot that she was about to boil over. She ran her hands over his chest one last time until she hit her own thighs. She started to move above him as her hands glided over her own body and Isao watched. He watched her move those small hands over her hips, caressing that flat soft stomach to her breast. She stalled there, cupping them and squeezing them for his viewing pleasure. She let them go making them bounce slightly. His hands and mouth wishing to take them into his mouth, but fear of her stalling for another moment longer stopped him. He wanted her, wanted to be inside of her now.

Luckily she felt the same. She dipped her hands down her body and sunk her hands between her thighs for him. She took him in her hands, angled him up for her body and… bounced….

Kyoko literally bounced on Ren's stomach knocking all of the air out of him. Of course, she didn't really touch him, didn't really prepare him so they could merge… she pretended on his stomach. Then she fell straight down and unfortunately for him she continued that bounce as if that was what she was supposed to do right on his stomach.

"STOP!" The director yelled which allowed Ren the chance to cough and gasped for breath. The sight of that set Kyoko into worry mood as she patted Ren's back for support. He held up his arm trying to get her to stop beating up his back and telling her he was okay.

"I'm sorry. Are you okay? I'm so sorry!" Kyoko said with tears starting to fill her eyes. She heard some laughter in the background and wanted to die.

I did it wrong! I knew this would happen. How mortifying!