I... um... surprise?

Yeah... uh... no?

Anyone hate me? Yea? No? I still love you though ;-;

I'm giving you some cutesy shit here to make up for it...

Hiccup grasped Toothless's hand tightly. Toothless had promised to stay in human form, just for that reason. Even Hiccup could get nervous sometimes, it seemed. Toothless did not mind. In fact, he would have it no other way. It was easier to keep tabs on the human this way.

Hiccup was tense. He could hear the comotion of the dragons outside the door. Some where in human form, so their voices were quieter, but they were all so excited, Hiccup could even hear some of their words. He gripped Toothless's hand tighter.

Hiccup looked over to Toothless. He was dressed in his ropes, once again. He'd stopped wearing them around Hiccup, but this being a formal event, it would be inproper to dress in any other way. Breifly, Hiccup wondered who dressed him.

"Ready for this?" Toothless asked him, a reasuring smile on his face. He was just as worried- no, much more worried than Hiccup was. So many things could go wrong. Hiccup didn't even know the half of it.

Hiccup grinned at the king of dragons. "Of course. Are you ready?"

Toothless chuckled. "No."

"Don't worry," Hiccup told him. "I'll protect you."

"My hero," he muttered, voice laced with sarcasm.

"But, seriously," he coughed. "Astrid's team is in place. I'm safe, Toothless."

"But... I can't..."

"You'll be beside me the entire time."


"And since you're being good about this," Hiccup said, "I'll feed you tonight. For real this time."

Hiccup seemed to be forgetting that whatever he did fed Toothless. Still, he wasn't going to turn down bigger emotions. But right now... What he was tasting... he had no problem with. He'd never get tired of the trust.

"Thank you, Hiccup."

Hiccup nodded with a grin on his face. Somehow, his confidence found its way into Toothless as he returned the grin. He then nodded to a guard who stood by the door. The guard bowed, opening the doors to the balcony.

Toothless went foward, so Hiccup followed. His breath caught in his throat as he looked at the scene before him. Thousands of dragons, of many forms and spieces, were spread out as much as they could through the palace grounds. They cheered as they looked up and saw Hiccup and Toothless, scrambling to get a better look at the human.

Toothless held his hand out to silence them. "I know you have all heard the stories of my new mate. He is indeed human and completely worthy of me."

Hiccup could hear a few begin to argue, but they were absorbed by the majority as they cheered, just wanting their king to be happy.

"This, dragons and dragonesses, is Hiccup!"

Hiccup stepped closer to the railing of the balcony, but refused to let go of Toothless's hand. He looked down to the dragons and smiled, waving shyly with his unoccupied hand. So these were Toothless's people.

"Hiccup is very intelligent and accepting," Toothless continued. "If you seek audience with him, I'm sure he would answer any questions. However, he is still human, so I request that no one bother him with problems of the kingdom."

The statement earned a disapproving look from Hiccup, but Toothless would not back down on it. Maybe over time, Hiccup would be able to handle dragon politics, but he did not need to be involved with them for now. He just hoped Hiccup would understand.

"Thank you for your time."

Toothless pulled Hiccup back into the palace- back into safety. He felt as if his heart did not beat the entire time Hiccup had been out there. It was too open for him. He was still completely human and had not yet become immortal. Any wrong move could be his last. And Toothless refused to give him up so soon.

"That was short," Hiccup protested. "And you didn't even let me speak."

"I'm sorry, Hiccup," Toothless sighed. He brought the human into his arms and close to his body. "I could not bare any longer."

Hiccup stepped back, touching the palm of his hand to Toothless's cheek. "Thank you."

Toothless nodded, leaning into the touch. He closed his eyes to savor it. Even though Hiccup was touching him much more than when he got there, a few select moment, a few select touches... It seemed as if his heart itself was poured into them.

Hiccup drew in a breath. He leaned up onto his toes and courageously pressed his lips against Toothless's. Instantly, the king's eyes flew open at the shock of the foreign feeling. Seeing as Hiccup was doing it, though, he greatfully accepted the reward.

He kissed Hiccup carefully and tenderly, not wanting to scare the boy off when he had decided to take such a risk. Hiccup pulled back after a moment, smiling shyly with a red face. Toothless's smile was ten times as bright as his, as he could feel the actual emotion behind the kiss.

"I do not mind being your mate, Toothless," Hiccup admitted. "I just don't want anything to change."

"Then it wont," Toothless told him.

"But mates..."

"Ah, you meant that," the king coughed. "I will never... you wont... Hiccup, we have time."

"I don't think I'd mind that either," Hiccup said quickly, not wanting Toothless to misunderstand. "I just... don't know anything."

"Then I'll teach you," Toothless offered. "Slowly."

Anyone going to see How To Train Your Dragons 2?