His hand hovered atop the over stuffed washing machine, small plastic cup filled with course white powder.

I'm not his slave the young man thought sourly upending the cup into the machine's depths. Rightfully he should be doing this all himself. But Ja'far was of course thankful and indebted to his best friend Sinbad They'd been together a long time, since grade school in fact and now in their third year of college Ja'far still seemed to get roped into a variety of ridiculous activities and chores, including doing Shin's washing.

It frustrated him to no end! But Ja'far knew if he didn't do it, the washing simply wouldn't get done. It was not unlike Shin to spend his weekly savings on new underwear rather then just wash them and almost every T-shirt in his wardrobe was promotional merchandise he'd won at a bar, he would probably just go out and win some more if he ran out. Sighing the pale haired man closed the machine and let it run. Listening to the disconcerting rumble from the old and faulty tumble drier.

Making a note to add a possible new washing machine to the house's end of year budget, Ja'far quickly climbed the stairs from the basement to the kitchen. Littered with dirty bowls and red cups Ja'far shook his head, doing his best to ignore the mess.

If he was lucky Yamraiha would have one of her guilty changes of heart and actually do the dishes, rather then just leave them to him and the others. Or Masrur might get hungry and need to clean up at least a little to make something edible. Spartos had probably already done his fair share of cleaning before leaving for bible study early that morning. Brushing past the mess, Ja'far collapsed on the sofa, pushing off a heap of clothes and scattered sporting equipment.

Sharrkan's soccer gear was strewn about the lounge room and foyer; shoes, shin guards and grass stained socks heaped into piles in random places. The flat screen television was still running hot, doubtless it hadn't been turned off since last night. Especially as it was evident that Drakon had not returned to bed after spending most of the night up talking to his international girlfriend online.

A crash from above indicated someone was awake up stairs, Shin's uniquely dyed blonde and purple hair came into view as he slowly hobbled down the stairs and past the lounge room door on his way to the kitchen. Combing his long tangled hair with his fingers, the Captain of the State United football squad yawned, leaning heavily on the door frame, his eyes weary.

"Women Ja'far, women, they'll be the death of me." Sighing the smaller man booted up his laptop, intent to read over his course work after the break he'd gifted himself on Friday night.

"Venereal disease are a leading cause of death and sterility in young men, so yes. For all we know women will be the death of you." Slumping down over the back of the sofa, Sinbad cocked his head to the side.

"Someone's grumpy this morning," he paused awaiting Ja'far's reaction, "did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" Glaring at his friend from under his untidy silver fringe Ja'far was most unimpressed with Shin's reasoning.

"No, although I do only have one side of the bed." Sinbad jumped onto the sofa, laughing and settling down beside his friend. He snatched the remote up and flicked through a selection of early morning Saturday channels.

"That would explain why you're always in such a bad mode." Sighing Ja'far went back to his laptop, intent on ignoring Shin until he at least made an attempt at some form of a clean up. But he nodded to Drakon as the dark haired senior joined them.

"Why are you so mad Ja'far?" Sinbad whined in his ear "I only drunk dialled you once last night and it was a Friday night, it's not like you were doing anything important today."

Ja'far remind focused on his laptop, years of dealing with the boy nicknamed the tenacious 'First Class Singularity' had given the third year business major unlimited patience.

"I got a message from you last night, that made literally no sense," Drakon interrupted. Sinbad turned his attention to the dark haired man camped out on a reclining armchair, blankets and empty chip packets creating a nest on the plump tan leather of the second hand furniture.

"Oh?" Shin sounded disinterested as he leaned over Jafar's shoulder to sneak a look at his laptop screen.

Drakon smiled, his narrow face turning the simple smile into a smirk, fishing his phone out from the depths of the blankets, he read aloud.

Drak remenber when we at the oneth and had Yunan and I WON

Raising a thin eyebrow Drakon clicked his phone closed watching the pair bicker over the laptop.

"I have honestly no idea what you were talking about."

Shrugging Sinbad gave up fighting with Ja'far for the computer, leaning across the coffee table to take Drakon's phone instead.

"Hey, can I help you?" The lean man scowled, watching his Captain tap furiously at the phone screen.

"I'm just trying to contact Sharrkan, I don't know if he made it home last night or hooked up. Just giving him a quick text." Drakon's scowl deepened.

"And you can not use your own phone for this?" Shin grinned sheepishly.

"I may have lost it." Ja'far rolled his eyes as Drakon sat up, reaching for the phone, gesturing until Sinbad finally finished his text and handed it back.

"I didn't see him come back and I was up all last night, Masrur and Spartos came back carrying Pisti around two a.m. and Ja'far and Yamraiha have been kicking around here all night. You could try Yam though, she might know."

Grinning Shin sat back, poking James lightly in the side.

"Good for him if he did pick, his pussy game has been pretty strong since the start of the semester, especially since Yamraiha gave them those free passes."

He poked Ja'far again causing his freckled friend to jump.

"Unlike you my hard working nerd who's pussy game is weak." He leant in close, grinning evilly "Is that why you're so pissed all the time? Need to get laid?"

Calmly closing his laptop Ja'far frowned, his silver eyes flashing dangerously.

"No. No Shin I am not sexual frustrated. I am however frustrated with you! I am so sick of doing your washing, and the kitchen's still a mess from your party here last night!"

"It was hardly a party" Shin scoffed.

Ja'far felt his head start to throb, it was far too early in the morning for this.

"There were people and alcohol and that's a party enough in my books. And that still doesn't excuse that the house is still a mess, the kitchen especially. And your laundry, which has just been sitting there for days." Sinbad cocked an ear towards the kitchen, listening to the rumble of the washing machine.

"Are you doing my washing again?" Clenching his fists Ja'far growled;

"If I don't do it, it won't get done! And then you use a quarter of our household budget on buying clean clothes because you couldn't be bothered washing them."

"Excuse me, if I can interrupt your lovers spat, Sharrkan sent a reply." Retreating from their argument the pair looked to Drakon who'd snuggled back down in his blanket fort to watch the domestic dispute.

"Picked up?" Sinbad asked hopefully, stretching in his seat as James returning to his study.

"Nope, he's passed out in some random's backyard, staggered to the nearest bus station and has been waiting there since five am." Drakon pulled a face. "There are no buses on Saturday."

Shaking his head as Sinbad laughed, Ja'far's fingers danced across the keyboard, his eyes not leaving the screen as he googled the transport company.

"Where's the stop? When Spartos gets back we can go pick him up." Inhaling sharply through his teeth, Drakon stood up suddenly, brushing crumbs off his rumpled football jersey.

"Can't wait for Spartos, it's on high street near the Dunkin Donuts." Jumping up Sinbad stripped off his shirt, searching through the piles on the sofa for a clean shirt, not one covered in sticky alcohol and cheap perfume.

"Sorry Ja'far but clean up has to wait." he said, donning one of Masrur's shirts, several times to big for the football Captain, bore the slogan: When It's Time To Party We Will Party Hard! Nodding Ja'far promptly searched for the bus stop's address.

"No you're right," eyes darting over the map Ja'far flipped the laptop towards Sinbad and Drakon. "It's way too close to Kou, if Kouen gets wind of it, we'll have issues."

The Ren family, headed by Kouen Ren, Captain of Kou's football and head of the Ren house, patrolled that street as if it was their own. The oldest Ren sister worked at the local Starbucks on the corner and at almost any time during the day, driving past the brightly lit establishment the distinct red hair of at least one of the Ren family could be seen inside. Privately schooled rich families were so territorial, about sports, grades, reps, even a street. Going so far as keying Alibaba's car when it was parked at a gas station just down the road.

With one of their own Sindria students loitering around the area, it would surely be taken as a grievous insult. If Sharrkan did run into any of the Ren's, he could hold his own in a fight, but that would only set back all of the friendly, peaceful work Sinbad and Kouen had been working towards through out the past three years. Breaking down the barrier between Public and Private colleges, ensuring everyone could enjoy clubs, sports events, shopping and the library.

It was good in theory, but harder to execute in practice, the competition between the colleges had been raging for years and the dominance of the Ren family in the local region was decades old. No one had stood against them, until Sinbad had stepped up three years ago. Establishing his own football team at the State run college and his own fraternity within the ranks of age old traditional houses, Sinbad was not popular among the Ren family, the exception being their youngest sister, who's mild to extreme infatuation went remarkably unnoticed by the dense purple haired football Captain.

"We'll take the Mustang, since I don't know there Masrur keeps the keys to the van" Sinbad said, patting his jeans down in search for his keys.

"I'll drive." Drakon said, "With the amount of booze you downed last night, there's no way you're sober enough this morning." Forfeiting the keys to his friend Shin turned to Ja'far.

"We'll pick him up and hope that Kou doesn't find him before we do. If all goes well, after that we'll head to the store. Since the house needs a clean is there anything I should pick up?" Speechless, Ja'far shook his head.

"No, no it should be fine. Thank you." Shin patted his friend on the back.

"Thanks, I'll pick up the slack when I get back okay?" Feeling embarrassed, Ja'far stared aimlessly at his laptop screen. His cheeks warming.

"It's fine" he mumbled, as his Captain and team mate went to leave, "Just go get Sharrkan, bring him back safe." Watching Shin wave as they left Ja'far heaved a sigh, relaxing for the first time that morning. At least some cleaning would get done today.

The harsh summer sun belted down hard on Sharrkan's unprotected head. Egypt was hot but it was also dry, unlike here where the humidity hung heavy in the air. Restlessly twitching on the uncomfortable plastic bus stop bench. Sharrkan scuffed his sandals and re checked his phone.

No buses on Saturday, how ridiculous! Friday was one of the biggest party nights of the week, why the hell wouldn't they put buses on the morning after. His phone beeped, a message from Drakon flashing on screen.

Stay where you are, coming to get you, careful of Kou, your near their place.

Looking up and down the quiet road, Sharrkan licked his dry lips, swollen and cracked with dehydration, he couldn't wait to just get home. A cold drink and cool shower was high on his to do list, followed by kicking Masrur's ass for leaving him at the party last night.

Pisti had been throwing a tantrum and they'd went to bail quickly, Sharrkan had planned to join them. But had gotten held up in the kitchen, crowded with drunken woman and free food, he'd missed his ride. Now he was stuck, deep in Kou territory, with Drakon coming to pick him up, it just couldn't happen fast enough.

"You're a long way from home soccer boy" a voice said from behind the bus stop. Emerging from the Dunkin Donuts waltzed Kouha Ren. Sharrkan cringed, of all the jacked up little shits in the Ren family, Kouha was possibly the worse. He prided himself on being the black sheep of the family, the crazy one, trying hard to stand out in the wrong ways from his other brothers, sisters and cousins.

Arrested twice already this year, the pink haired freshman was on his last summons at the college, one more strike and he'd be expelled. Not that it mattered to the influential Ren family, large and powerful, they'd been a raging force in the local region for years and their power just kept growing. Especially with the growing popularity of Kouen, Captain of the Kou football team and heir to the family business empire.

Sharrkan looked away, biting back the insult on the tip of his tongue. Little shit was so weird, he liked to dressed like a girl with large sunglasses and strange dress shirts, always being followed by three grown women. Now was no exception, walking into the bus stop's glass cubicle Kouha grinned, sipping loudly from his drink.

"You going to the game next Saturday?" He said casually, taking a seat beside Sharrkan. Tensing uncomfortably, the silver haired man declined the doughnuts offered by one of Kouha girlfriends.

"Probably, we usually go to all Shin's games, unless there's an exam the next day or something." Swinging his legs under the bench jauntily Kouha munched a cream stuffed doughnut, white sugar dusting his upper lip.

"Cool, so you're going watch your Captain get crushed." Jerking his head up, Sharrkan glared at the small man, his copper green eyes lit in anger.

"What?" he said quietly, his anger rising as he watched Kouha laugh, throwing his half eaten doughnut on the pavement.

"Sindria is playing Kou next week, my brother against your Captain." Looking up as Sinbad's black 1978 Mustang turned the corner and drove down the street he grinned. "And I think it's pretty easy to assume who's going to win." Cackling Kouha jumped off the bench and out of the bus stop just as Drakon pulled up to the curb, waving cheerily at the occupants of the car the young Ren strolled down the street, his women following.

Sliding into the front seat beside Sinbad, Sharrkan spat out the open window.

"Good to see you to Sharrkan, how was your night?" Sinbad spoke lightly, awkwardly shuffling in the middle seat of the two door Cobra, "when did the brat arrive?"

Running a hand through his hair Sharrkan frowned.

"Just before you got here, I'd been sitting there for ages, it was like they were tipped off or something." Sinbad shook his head, chuckling.

"I doubt it, the brat just loves sugar Pisti sees him there all the time, it was just dumb luck." Staring out the window Sharrkan scoffed.

"Yeah right, dumb luck my ass."

Notes: I started writing this for NaNoWriMo this year and it's really gotten long and actually became a story. Yay! And I wanted to share it with the fandom, since Magi is such a small fandom and we need more fanfiction (please write more fanfiction) This is my first attempt at an AU of any kind, and it turned out better then I expected (way to be a not failure me)
So there are many more chapters of this that need to be edited, depending on the feedback they should be out once a week. I hope you enjoyed this, cheers.