Alright guys this is my first Naruto fic and any constructive criticism welcome but please no flames. Many thanks guys! Also, I am my own beta so I apologise if I miss any mistakes/plot holes but I hope you enjoy this guys! Also, this first chapter is really short but I promise the next ones will be longer.
Tulip Out.
You know, I'd always imagined I'd die of old age. I hadn't ever really given thought to dying any other way, apart from maybe sickness but then I'd pegged that as being part of old age you know?
Instead I died screaming. Alright, it sounds pathetic but I was scared, no, I was terrified. In those short moments between death and life I felt total and utter panic and a tremendous desire to live.
I think it was that desire that kept me around, if only to see my own blood spill over the dashboard and my driving instructor. I think I sat up, or at least part of me sat up because the rest of me was still slumped over with something tearing straight through my chest.
The instructor was mumbling, then yelling, then screaming my name. It was no good, I was definitely dead, I might have been able to survive the pole through my chest but that other pole, the one sticking out the back of my head.
Yeah, no, wasn't surviving that.
There was a weird moment when I hovered, and I could have sworn that the instructors eyes recognised me right before they rolled back into his head and he slumped into the seat.
But that moment was done and gone quick, and I waited screaming for the light that I felt positive would come.
Indeed it did, mere moments after I died and I found it somewhat ironic that in death I screamed, and that was how I woke.