Another PJO TVD Xover!

This one different from the others.

All of the events in the books happen the same way, only Athena approves of Percabeth while Poseidon does not, and Jason doesn't get along with Percy that well.

Hope you enjoy it!



-NY 1992-

"What do you fear most about yourself?" Damon asked the green eyed 22 year old who had just attacked him with a sword. "I fear loosing control. I have trained since I was 12 to fight monsters. I fear of failing Annabeth by becoming one. I fear killing an innocent person." "And who," Damon compelled further "Is Annabeth?" "My wife. We married a year ago. She's 7 months pregnant." Damon bit his wrist, and gave the blood to the young man "You tried to kill me. So now I will make your worst fears come true. Have a nice immortality Percy Jackson." And he snapped his neck like a twig.

Damon hadn't mean to kill anyone that day. Ok, maybe he had, but he meant to kill a cheer leading school girl, not a 22 year old swordsman.
He couldn't help but feel guilty for doing that.
The man was going to have a child. In a single month, his loved one would give birth to a baby, and he wouldn't be there to share in her happiness.
Instead he would be fated to the same life he was.
Immortal, alone, ripped away from his loved one.
Maybe if he stayed with the man for a bit... Helped him find the ropes to vampirism. Helped him reach the girl he tore away from him.
He would do that. He would pay this man back for ruining his life, unlike his brother, who just gave up on him.
So he waited.
And waited.
And waited.
For 2 hours he sat there, playing with Jackson's sword. The thing was very interesting. It burnt to the touch, and was struggling to find its way back to its master.
Until he woke up.
When the young man awoke, he moved at a remarkable speed for someone who hadn't fully turned yet. "What did you do to me?" He growled. Damon pushed him to the ground "I gave you my blood. Then I killed you. You're in transition to being a vampire now. Here." He thrust out a blood bag. "Drink this." Percy stared at him for a moment, before shaking his head "You want me to drink the blood of an innocent? What's worse, is that someone might have just died because he didn't have the blood in that bag. I can't be a blood sucking demon. I would rather die." He couldn't help but admire him for that. "Look, I felt the same way at first. But that won't last long. If you don't take the blood that a person willingly gave now, then later you will be drinking from a random girl, and end up killing her. Don't you want to see Annabeth again?" That struck something. Percy took out a small knife, and made a small hole in the bag, so a few drops of blood trickled into his mouth, then tossed it away.
He had to admit, he wished he had that much self control.
"Right, so what do I have to do to keep Annabeth safe from me?" Damon smiled "that's easy. You wait for her to give birth, and then you turn her."


Percy sat in the waiting room. Annabeth was in labor.
It had been a month since he died. He told annabeth the moment he got back, 2 weeks ago. Until then, he had suffered through Damon Salvatore, who could be a good guy, but had spent two weeks pestering him to turn Annabeth.

She accepted him, and told him not to worry. He was the same person. She didn't want to turn, so he accepted that. He would stick by her side until the very end.

A weary looking doctor came outside, breaking him out of his thoughts. "You have a daughter. But we are losing you're wife. She has 12 hours at most. Do you wish to see her?" Annabeth was dying.
His one eternal love was dying.
But he could save her.
Just a drop of his blood and she would be fine.
He could turn her.
He would turn her.
He nodded to the doctor and followed him into the room.
Annabeth looked unlike herself. She was sickly pale, yet she looked calm. Happy. Ready to die. She was smiling at the child in her arms.
He walked over and kissed her head "What are we going to name her?" She smiled "I was thinking Caroline. After my grandmother. And Zoe. For the greatest huntress in the world. What do you think?" He kissed her forehead "Caroline Zoe Jackson. I love it." He took his daughter from his wife's arms, and took a good look.
She had a small tuft of blond hair on her head, and looked like Annabeth in every way. And she opened her eyes. She had taken to his green eyes, only in a lighter shade. A shade closer to grey. "She's perfect." He said, as Annabeth snuggled to his chest. "I'm never going to see her grow up." She said, a few tears falling down her face. "You will." He said softly. The doctors left the room. "Annabeth, I can turn you. You would be immortal. We can be happy together. You'll see Caroline become a beautiful woman, like you. I can't let you die, Annie. I will die myself. For me. And if not so, for your daughter. Please. I can't live without you." She nodded "I'll do it. For you. And for Caroline. Our daughter." "Our daughter." He repeated, as she drifted to sleep in his arms. He walked up to the doctor and compelled him "No matter what happens, no one enters this room. And turn off the machine that checks Annabeth's heart beat." The man nodded, and walked off towards the desk.
So he went to the blood bank, and got a bag.
By the time he had returned, annabeth was awake. And she looked worse.
Quick as a flash, he was by her side. He but his wrist, and held it out to her. Slowly, she brought it up to her mouth, and drank.
He stroked her hair "Im going to have to kill you." She nodded "I have faced pain before, Percy. I can stand 3 seconds of pain when you break my neck." "It hurts annabeth. A lot." She glared at him "Just do it already." He kissed her one last time, and with a swift twist, she lay dead in his arms.
He killed her.
He had just killed a person.
Granted, she told him to do so, but still.
What would his father say?
But then again, he hadn't spoken to his father since he proposed to annabeth. The day his father had disowned him.
His father hadn't liked it when he arrived at camp to find him on one knee, with a ring in his hands, and Annabeth saying yes. He said that no son of his would ever be with an Athena spawn, and he said that "maybe I'm not your son". And his father had taken that line most seriously.
He had disowned him for being happy.
So why should he care what that man said?

A few hours later, hours of pondering, and sad thoughts, Annabeth woke up.
He helped her sit up, and adjust to the strange feeling that being in transition gave you, then handed her the blood bag. "Drink this." Not looking very happy a what she was doing, she opened the bag, and put it to her lips.

The feeling was incredible. Annabeth felt as though she had the power of a god. That she could truly control the world.
She mentally slapped herself.
Her fatal flaw was hubris. She didn't need to feed anything to her ego.

"We won't be able to raise her, Perce. She's gonna have to live with a family of humans." He nodded sadly "I know. I was thinking About it. Your cousin Elizabeth in Virginia. She's around our age, newly wed, and unable to give birth. And she knows we're demigods." Annabeth pondered it "Damon said that the founders of the town Mystic Falls were aware of Vampires. Liz is a Forbes now. A founder. What do I tell her?" He embraced her "The truth. The only thing that comes from lying, is pain. I'll be there with you, Annie. Don't worry." She pressed her lips against his.
It was a soft small kiss, but it was one filled with passion. It held everything they felt for each other.
They pulled away grinning, and turned to their daughter.
"Caroline Zoe Jackson," Percy said, stroking her small face. "You will make us proud. You won't know us, but you will make your parents proud. You will help the innocents. Protect them from harm. I can feel it in my bones."


The 3 Jackson's pulled up in front of Elizabeth Forbes' home.
Annabeth was holding their newly born daughter in her arms, slightly nervous, while percy knocked on the door.
When it opened, they saw a man. "Bill Forbes, I assume." Percy said "Im Percy Jackson, and this is my wife, Annabeth. She's Elizabeth's cousin. May we come in?" "Come on in." He said, so they entered.
They found Elizabeth on the couch, eating chips I front of the television, still in her uniform.
Percy cleared his throat, causing her to turn around. It took her a moment, but then she remembered being at her cousins wedding to him nearly a year ago. Sure enough, standing beside him was the pretty blond, grey eyed cousin she remembered so well. And she was holding a baby.
Annabeth embraced Liz, who told them to sit down, and relax. "So, what brings you two here?" Annabeth sighed. "I'm dead, Liz." Understanding the meaning, she jumped up, and pulled out her gun, loaded with wooden bullets.
"Sit down, Elizabeth." Percy said forcefully, "Let us explain." She nodded, watching them wearily. "Around a month ago, I encountered a vampire feeding on a human. Naturally, I jumped in to help the poor girl. But the vampire grabbed me and disarmed me. He then compelled a few answers out of me. He asked me what I fear, I told him I feared hurting an innocent. So as revenge, he turned me. He had compelled me, he knew annabeth was 7 months pregnant, yet he killed me." Annabeth leaned onto his chest, and squeezed his hand comfortingly, as he continued. "The vampire stayed. He told me that he had been forced to turn when he was killed, and this torn away from his love. And the brother that forced him to turn abandoned him. Decided that there was no humanity in him, so he gave up on him. He knew what he did was wrong, so he helped me. I arrive back home within 2 weeks time. Two weeks later, annabeth gave birth. But she wasn't going to live. I couldn't live without her. So she let me turn her. But our daughter. She can't be raised by us." Annabeth looked at her cousin pleadingly "I know you can't give birth, Liz. And I can't keep my daughter. So raise her for me. She has done nothing wrong. Please." May I hold her?" Annabeth nodded, and handed her daughter to her.

The moment Elizabeth Forbes layer eyes on the girl, she knew that she wouldn't be able to refuse. She had to help this girl.
"What's her name?" Percy smiled "Caroline Zoe Jackson. But if you agree, make sure she goes by Forbes. She shouldn't know that you aren't her parents until she is old enough to understand. Please, Liz." She had decided.
A decision that would change her life.
"I'll raise her." The couple exchanged relieved looks "Under one condition." They nodded "By the time she is 16, you two must live in Mystic Falls."
They exchanged a look, before saying "agreed."

And so Caroline Forbes was brought to the world,
As Caroline Jackson was forgotten to all but three, who one day, would change her life forever.


What do ya think?

I got this idea looking at Caroline's character for A&F.

When she gets day light ring, the first place she goes is the water hole.

She loves projects.

She is brilliant in her college studies.

Basically, she's a true legacy o Athena and Poseidon.


Dex 4Ever