This is my first fan-fiction so be nice. I thought this idea up when I was half asleep. So…

I do not own Doctor Who…or penguins.

The Doctor smiled like a maniac. "Well that was fun!" He declared, wiping soot from the explosion off his face. "Where to next?"

Rose smiled back at him. "I think we should clean ourselves up a bit, before going anywhere else."

"Okay, fine."

Rose turned and walked off towards the Tardis bathroom, as the Doctor watched her longingly.

'She's so beautiful.' He thought. Then he shook his head. "No, stop this. She's a human, you're a time-lord." He scolded himself.

Turning back to the console of the Tardis, he began to fiddle with the controls.

When suddenly… "Merp!"

Looking up, the Doctor was met with an unexpected sight.

A penguin. There was a penguin on board his Tardis.

To say he was surprised was an understatement.

"What the hell?"


The Doctor looked about the room in confusion. "What are you doing here? How did you get in here? Why are you here and why…am I talking to a penguin?"

"Merp. Merp." The penguin tilted it's head to the side.

"Don't sass me, I'm a timelord." The Doctor snapped angrily.

"Merp. Merp. Merp. Merp. Merp."

"Oh yeah, well…you're a bird that can't fly."

The penguin's eyes narrowed. "Merp. Merp. Merp! Merp! Merp!"

The Doctor gasped in shock. "How dare you!"

If penguins could smirk, this penguin would. "Merp!"

Rose walked along the Tardis corridor, drying her hair with a towel.



Rose peered into the Tardis console room. Before her was the Doctor rolling around on the floor, being attacked by a penguin.

Then Rose Tyler, did what any loyal companion would do. She got her camera phone and filmed it.