Disclaimer: I not own Power Rangers, Saban does.


A cloaked figure approaches from the dark shadows of the mesa. His tattered cloaked trails underneath him, covering his figure. The cloaked figure raises his head and the only thing that is seen is his pair of glowing blood red eyes. He removes his tattered cloak to reveal a creature whose appearance is a cross between a mutated troll and a demon. His piercing red eyes search through the darkness.

He chants to himself as he pulls out an orb from his cloak. He tosses the orb into the Ocean. Then up erects a crystal Fortress. He looks amazed as all of these white crystals form a structure. He walks into it and picks up a white crystal.

The black ooze slithers up from the cracks and crawls across the ground as maggot like creatures combines into one puddle of goo. The goo then forms into a crimson humanoid figure.

As the warlock looked up, he saw his Emperor. Zedd flexed his crimson muscular-build and the silver exoskeleton gleamed in the moonlight. Smoke rises from his body. His red visor glowed from his visage.

A cobra slithers around Zedd's arms. As soon as he clutches the Cobra in his claws, a red glow emanates from the creature. It soon transforms into his metallic Z-Staff. He grips it in his claws. He holds up the Staff and thunder strikes the skies.

"Your Lordship," says the cloaked figure as he kneelt to the ground. "We have waited patiently for your return. What is thy bidding?"

"The destruction of the Power Rangers." Growls Zedd. "Then we shall finally conquer Earth."