Silence. There is nothing colder and more heart-rending than silence, Charlie realized, as the tears dripped down his face. Margaret sat silently next to him, her golden eyes narrowed slightly as they focused on his face. Her tail had long since ceased its endless twitching, curled tightly and gracefully around her sinewy frame.

Choices? These are not choices. Not choices, not options, not reasonable in the least. They are death knells, an ending for who I am, and who I love. How can that be classified as 'choice'? Charlie's thoughts were dark, as dark as the endless pain and despair in his eyes, darker even than what he had seen in the water's depths. Breath shuddered through his lungs, making him realize he'd forgotten to breathe. Something critical to his survival, and he had forgotten to do it.

Slowly he crumpled, sinking boneless to his knees as his palms sank into mud, his arms trembling in the effort to keep him upright when all he wanted to do was fall face-first into the pond, and drown. His tears dripped to the ground as he choked on a sob that emerged as a broken cry. The snow leopard waited, knowing she could not aid him as he screamed and cursed and cried.

Slowly, the sobs ceased. The cries grew softer, then quieted. The tears stopped falling from his cheeks, and dried in his eyes. He raised his head, and his eyes burned with a wrath that few had ever seen from the gentle, timid man.

Charlie Eppes had found the fury that his brother was famous for. When he rose back to his feet, anger rolling off his frame in waves, Margaret knew he had chosen. And she knew he did not need her to tell him what it was that he was fighting for. He already knew.

As the guiding spirit watched the change that overcame her charge, she marveled at how quickly he had come to a decision, and at the absolute certainty that emanated from him that he was doing the right thing.

The numbers were his sanctuary, through his mother's loss, his father's troubles, and his brother's cold distance. They saved him from a worse outcome in his losses, and they gave him something to focus on, something he could be proud of…something that made him unique. The numbers were his guide through grief, pain, and even death. Now…now he realizes that there is something more. His wife. His father. His mentor. His brother. Ah, yes. Don. As much as he loves them all, Don is the one he is fighting for now. Losing Don would be his greatest regret, his greatest failure. The one failure he could never forgive himself for. Not even his beloved numbers are worth Don's life. He knows that now.

Margaret observed him thoughtfully, watching with a small measure of pride as his visage began to fade. He had found the way back. All he had left to do was fight. The rage she saw burning in those dark eyes confirmed that he would do it. When he disappeared from her sight, her tail twitched one final time before she rose to her feet and strode away.

I do not envy those that would stand in his path.

Ian, Colby, and David wasted no time in hitting The Rosebud Bar and Grill. Not only did they hit the place, they did so with absolutely overwhelming force. Ian felt a small measure of pity for the terrified diners that they encountered when they crashed through the doors, leaving their backup to secure the main floor as they hit the stairs. They charged through the second floor, clearing it swiftly before making their way to the third, their actual target.

Colby's booted foot took the door off its hinges, the burly agent crashing through after it as David and Ian stormed through behind him. They cleared the floor as quickly as they had the previous one, disappointed that their target wasn't present. What he had left behind, though, made all the difference.

"What's this?" Colby's curious voice drew Ian back to the main room, where the big agent sat staring at a wall. Ian's dark eyes scanned the different pictures and information documented there, and he and Colby came to the same realization at the same time.

"He's going back to finish it. Oh shit…Don and his entire family are at the hospital." Colby said aloud, his eyes huge with shock. Ian didn't wait. He was out the door an instant later.

He moved quietly but with purpose, moving in and out of the groups of people like he was in no particular hurry, when in reality, he was. He was so close to finishing his goal. His greatest triumph lay waiting to be claimed at his feet. He merely had to finish what he had started.

The gun was secure in the small of his back, completely unnoticeable underneath the white lab coat he wore, with the badge of a dead man clipped on it.

One final task, the final chapter in the Eppes family story. They can all rest together now…mother, father, sons, in-laws…it will all be over soon.

A/N: Well, finally an update! Two and a half years later. *cringes* Sorry about that, folks. A lot happened in that time. Writing was not something that came easily during that time. Even then, I have seen constant automated messages in my email from FFic, reminding me that people were reading this story and wanted answers. So, I have them.

There will be two more chapters after this. When they will come, I'm not sure. This random little block of inspiration carried me for a bit, and I'm content with where it stopped. Trying to force the Muse will do me no good.

For those that have waited patiently and faithfully, for those that favorited, liked, followed, and reviewed, I thank you. You kept reminding me that I have projects unfinished that you deserve the ending to.

So, thank you. And please, if you have it in you to be patient with me a little longer, I thank you for that too. You will have your answers soon.

As always, love if you will, hate if you must. I will take anything you care to dispense.

Until we meet again...
