Title: "Saving The One I Love"
Author: Lacuna Everspring
Rating: T
Catagory: Yaoi, Angst,
Pairings: 2+1
Warnings: I did this at 3 in the morning, so forgive me if it doesn't make a lot of sense.
Disclaimers: Characters: Theirs, not mine. *pouts chibi-like*

Part One

When we heard it on the news, I almost couldn't believe my ears. Both Trowa and Quatre had been captured by Oz. And there wasn't a damn thing that us remaining Gundam pilot's could do, was there?

I'm afraid for them, knowing of the torture that they are bound to be suffering from right about now. I know, because I've been through almost the same thing too, when I was captured by Oz, and Heero rescued me, several days later.

Heero had specifically told me not to go after them, that it was a trap so that Oz could capture all five of us Gundam pilots. Even Wufei told me the same thing. But, I suppose in retrospect, when did I ever do what I was told?

But something strange had happened when they had called for their "ransom". They weren't interested in either Wufei or myself...they specifically demanded Heero. They wanted Heero to surrender, or lest his felow pilots' be killed in an execution.

I suppose what I did was out of my love for that damn idiot who kepps threatening to kill me, day in and day out. I knew that they wanted to kill him. But Heero refused to see it. That's why I did what I did that night.

None of us were partucularly hungry that night, but I knew that Heero was seriously considering offering himself up, much to all of our surprise.

All I knew is that I couldn't allow him to do that.

I don't know what I'd do if I lost him.

That's why I kept telling myself that was why I did what I did.

That night at dinner, I drugged both of their drinks, and shortly later, they were both heavily sedated and I reluctantly tied them up. Nothing could get in the way of my mission.

I did the unexpected. I ran into the room that I shared with Heero, and hastily pulled open his drawer that held all of his clothes, and pulled out a fresh pair of his spandex shorts and a fresh green top.

I shrugged out of my clothes until I was naked before the full size mirror hanging upon the wall. It had been cracked a long time ago, and now displayed my nude body though its' cracked gaze. I smiled at my reflection sadly. 'Goodbye, Duo Maxwell...' I thought as I shook myself out of my reverie and began to tug on Heero's clothing. Luckily, we were about the same size, so the clothes were not a problem.

If I were to take Heero's place, and they were set upon having Heero and no other...I would have to make myself *look* like Heero.

My shaking hand lifted the sizzors and lifted it to the side of my head, gathering a handful of my long, silky chestnut hair in my other hand. I closed my eyes, lifting my chin and willing myself to do what was nessasary in order to save my only love.

In a flare of determination, I cut the lock of my hair and continued on until there was no more... my hair was now as short as the Japanese boy's. I stood up and strode determinedly into the bathroom, struggling not to weep at the loss of my pride, my glory...my hair...

I set upon the task of dying my hair, a dark brown. We had gotten this dye a while ago, last Hallowe'en but had ended up not using it. After twenty long minutes, I dried my drastically tortured hair until it was completely dry.

I looked into the mirror over the sink at my reflection. I allowed no expression to show upon my features. Close up, you could say that Heero and I didn't look a thing alike, but now with my meager disguise in play, I looked reasonably like the Wing pilot's twin, so much that I could probably get away with my charade. Enough to rescue my friends. Enough to save the man that I loved.

'Heero, I hope you can forgive me for what I'm doing.' I thought, as I strode out of the bedroom, purposefully not looking at the pile of my severed hair lying upon the floor.

As I was about to leave the room, I spotted Heero's notebook and pencil laying on the table beside his laptop.

I walked over to it, and with a shaking hand, I lifted the pencil and began to write a short note to my koibito.

I watched them sleep, a single tear wove its way down my cheek, as I roughly brushed it away, raising my chin in defiance. Heero doesn't cry, so neither can I. I offered their sleeping bodies a wistful smile, before I spun around on my heel and left the safe house.

Part One