It was late summer, a Friday night, and a full moon was out. Not only was it full, but there was also a ring around it. Some say such a sight was a sign that trouble is not too far behind. Maybe that was the reason why the E.R. was booming with people coming in with all kinds of injuries. Anything from broken bones, to gun shot and stab wounds, severe burns, you name it.

All through the night Jaden Hawthorne and the other nurses were constantly on their tired feet, moving from room to room, aiding doctors' requests or helping the patients. Tonight Jaden had seen some pretty nasty injuries, yet thankfully no one had died from any of them. Besides being a busy and frustrating shift, all in all it hadn't been that bad. Unless of course; you were the one that came in with the injury. Like the poor guy with the stab wound to the right butt cheek, which she'd just finished aiding the Doctor stitch up.

Finally able to take a break, Jaden slumped back into the office chair and closed her eyes. It wasn't much longer till her shift ended and she could go home and get some much deserved rest. Though it wasn't that she hated the job, far from it in fact. Okay, so not having much of a social life outside of work did suck and the job could get very stressful at times. But hey, that's life for you and working at the Mercy Hospital in St. Louis Missouri's E.R. got rather exciting at times.

Witnessing how the doctors and the other nurses worked so fast during emergencies without stopping. Their minds were like lighting, bam! When a crisis happened, they were all on it. Hell of a team and they were all hard working troopers. At the end of the day, knowing you helped those that were hurt and doing everything you could to help save a life, all of it made up for not having that 'important' social life.

At age twenty, Jaden was the youngest on the staff and had been working there for nearly a year. Fresh out of nursing school she'd been super lucky to have landed the job. Including there being an opening at the same time. When you were a brand new nurse the E.R. was the place to be. You would get an excellent hands on experience in the medical field.

Jaden opened an eye and peeked up at the clock on the wall. 7:50am. Just ten more minutes till her shift ended, though it may be selfish of her, she couldn't help but pray that no one with a major injury would pop in. If that happened, then she would be there for god knows how long. It wouldn't be the first time she had to sleep in the staff's lounge to sneak some much needed shut eye before her next shift.

Stiffing a yawn, she stretched out her arms a little too wide. "Ow..." she mumbled when feeling a small jolt of pain in her forearm.

"Hmm?" Mumbled Susanne, another nurse that sat in the chair behind her.

Jaden glanced over at her, seeing that the older woman had her reading glasses on and was busy charting notes. "Nothin', just pulled a muscle in my arm. Stretched too hard."

"Silly girl." Susanne replied, her gaze still fixed upon the notes.

"Silly huh? I wasn't the one that came in with a knife stuck in my butt." Jaden couldn't help but snort, wondering just what the story was behind the injury. Gang fight? A ticked off girlfriend that caught him cheating perhaps?

"Shh! You know you're not supposed to talk about the patients…" Susanne turned away, doing her best to hide the smile that was forming at the corner of her lips.

"Yeah I know, my bad." Jaden muttered with a yawn.

Just then, Ken who was another fellow nurse that worked the day shift, decided to bless them with his presence. He tossed Jaden the carton of chocolate milk she'd asked him to grab for her while he was down in the cafeteria. "Everything's your bad." He said jokingly. Ken was the only male nurse on staff. He wasn't much older than Jaden either, and he was frustrated with the idea of being surrounded by so much estrogen. In fact, he grew up with four sisters and was married with twin baby girls. Plus all his guy friends were busy with their own lives. Poor Kenny hardly ever got to have a real man's day. But none the less, with his sweet and playful attitude, Ken always tried to comfort both staff and patients by trying to cheer them up.

Giving her milk carton a good shake, she said jokingly. "Hey Kenny, what did you think of seeing those male students during Clinicals yesterday? Must've felt good to be around all that testosterone for once."

Ken placed his hands on his hips and arched out his chest. Then in a deep tone, he huffed in the manliest voice he could pull off, "My god…I felt it. The hormonal balance in the air had shifted! And the men claimed victorious! After clinicals, we retired to the cafeteria. Where we continued to scratch ourselves and admit our man crushes on Norman Reedus!"

The other nurses chuckled while Jaden just rolled her eyes, all the while trying to keep a smile from forming. "That's nice. Bout time you made new friends that were your own gender." She couldn't help but tease.

"I know right? By the way, I gave some of them your number too." Ken replied with a mischievous grin. Taking a seat on the desk beside her, he shot back. "Your voice mail should be full by the time you get home. You can thank me now."

She snorted at that, knowing he wouldn't do such a thing. Unless they were his close friends of course. Ken knew Jaden wasn't interested in dating at the moment, her life was too busy and complex for keeping a man interested. Besides it wasn't like being single was all that bad, she was actually enjoying it. There wasn't a reason to dress up like a performing monkey in heels. No need to answer to some nosy and possessive guy. Not to mention that she didn't have to share her beloved game consoles anymore.

Of course Jaden knew not all men were the same. However, the ones she had the misfortune of meeting were just like that. Why couldn't she just meet someone that wasn't an ignorant pigheaded, sexiest, controlling jerk? Funny, sweet, and loyal, that's all she wanted in a man. Money was no interest to her either, since she made and spent her own. When it came to looks however, all she wanted was someone taller than her. Since she was too tall for her own taste, and for crying out loud the guy had to have some meat on his bones. Tall, broad shouldered and rugged, that's how she liked her men.

Suddenly, Ken reached his hand out to tap Jaden's nose. "Bewp!"

She grumbled while robbing the spot where he touched, "What?"

"You zoned out for a minute there. Was wondering what you were going to do this weekend. You're off right?" Ken asked.

"Eyup." Jaden answered, she kicked back in her chair. "Thought I'd take my pimped out jet and fly out to Venice. I hear its quite nice this time of ye-" Before she could finish, Ken interupted.

"Yeah that's great. Hey… Why is Ben Stiller on your milk carton?" Ken pointed a finger at the back it's back.

Arching a brow, Jaden lowered the carton from her lips and turned it around to view the photo on it. She recognized the person immediately, since the man had been in the news quite frequently. "Its not Ben Stiller, derp. Its some guy named Desmond Miles." Though Ken had a point, this Desmond guy did look like the actor a little bit.

Ken raised his brows, "Huh…I thought they only showed missing kids on those things. Not wanted men. Especially ones that look like Adam Sandler and Ben Stiller's love child."

Ignoring his crack, Jaden glanced at the photo again. "You know…everywhere I go I keep seeing this guy's face plastered all over the place. Wonder what his story is…I've heard different things. That he's dangerous and all, but…I don't know. Just look at his eyes, they look so tired and sad…"

Ken let out a loud snort, "Seriously, you didn't just judge that guy by his eyes."

She shot him an annoyed look, "I'm just sayin' he doesn't have that menacing look about him."

Then in a very good 'Once Upon A Time' Rumpelstiltskin impression Ken added playfully, "Never judge a book by its cover, dearie!"

Jaden couldn't help but chuckle, she loved it when he did that. He sounded just like the character, one she just couldn't help but fangirl over. "Damn it Ken! You just made my ovaries explode again!"

He blew on his nails and rubbed his chest, "Yeah, I have that effect on women."

"Psh…only when you do that impression maybe." Jaden raised her light green eyes to the clock again, wondering if she'd be able to sneak a little visit to her favorite patient before heading home.

Just then, a call came in instructing Jaden to head down to look after a little girl with a severe ear ache. She quickly gulped down the rest of the chocolate milk while Ken jokingly chanted 'Chug! Chug!' over and over. Then with a wave and a loud belch, she headed down the hall.

"That's why you're still single!" Ken called after her playfully.

This case was going to be special, well to her anyway. When she arrived just outside the children's room, another nurse named Carol informed her that the family inside was Spanish and that the mother could speak little English. Hence why Jaden was called down, she could speak with the mother, since her biggest hobby was learning different languages.

Before deciding to become a nurse, Jaden originally planned to be a Linguist. While most thirteen year old girls were interested in boys and fashion, she was glued to learning of different cultures and their languages. Already she could speak in French, German and Spanish. She still needed work with her Greek, Italian and Japanese, along with others she was also studying. Though with all these languages she could not speak them fluently of course, since sometimes it can take a life time to accomplish. Mostly her pronunciation needed work, and at times it could be difficult for her to understand the person speaking the words. Either they were native to the language or a learner like herself. Yet it was something she enjoyed studying during her spare time and to speak them all fluently was a goal she also hoped to accomplish someday.

Opening the door to the jungle themed room, Jaden couldn't help but smile at the sight of the little girl sitting on the doctor's rolling stool. A tiny hand held her left ear as she gazed around the room, taking in the cute animal shapes that decorated the walls. She pointed a finger at a mouse that was helping remove a thorn from a sad lion. Seeing Jaden, the mother tried introducing herself in English, but was having a difficult time with it.

With a friendly smile, Jaden introduced herself in Spanish. Instant relief washed over the mother's face, she then explained how the little one's ear had hurt the previous morning. No matter what the mother tried to do to help her child the pain just kept getting worse. Next it was the little girl's turn, whom was shy and obviously scared. Instead of replying, she shyly tucked her head behind the safety of her mother's back.

Jaden just smiled and said softly in Spanish "Don't worry...we'll get the medicine you need to help make that mean pain go away." The little girl smiled at that, then sat eager and ready to start feeling better. Once the Doctor was finished with placing a wick in the sore ear to add a drop of medicine and it was all over, he had Jaden explain that the wick will have to remain in the air until the swelling does down.

Then while they waited for the Doctor to write a prescription, Jaden brought out a little card board box filled with plastic dress up jewelry. It was something they did for the kids that came to the E.R. Come in with a booboo, leave with a gift. The boys had a box of tiny cars to pick from, while the girls had well, girly princess items. Unless of course they wanted a toy car like Jaden ended up choosing when she was a kid.

The little girl squealed at spotting a sparkling purple necklace and a matching ring, but she was only allowed to choose one. Since it was the rule; only one item per child. However, some rules were meant to be broken. Jaden couldn't but slip the ring into the girl's little hand, all the while gesturing for silence by holding a finger to her lips. With a playful wink, she watched as a bright cheerful smile found its way on the little munchkin's face.

A half hour later, Jaden's shift was over and she heading up to visit that favorite patient of hers. It was something she tried to do each night for the past two weeks before heading home. While waiting for the elevator to reach her floor, she put her boring straight, shoulder length strawberry red hair up into a ponytail. Earlier she changed into her Pinkie Pie tennis shoes, yet unfortunately she was stuck wearing her nursing scrubs. Normally Jaden would have brought a change of clothes, but since she had been so busy trying to leave for work she ended up forgetting them. The doors to the elevator opened and she frowned, if her feet weren't so damn sore she would have taken the stairs. God did she hate elevators, they made her both nervous and queasy.

Sucking it up, Jaden stepped inside and pushed the button that would lead her up to Med Surge. As the elevator began to rise, so did her cheap super. " hurling in the elevator Jaden..." She ordered herself, and then glanced down at the bag of goodies she grabbed from the cafeteria. It was filled with chocolate chip cookies, pudding and Jello. Sweet treats for midnight rations for that special patient.

Minutes later, Jaden knocked on the door to the patient's room. It was now 8:35am and the two elderly gentlemen that were in the room were wide awake. Both were watching separate TVs. One had it on the History Channel, the other FOX News.

"Knock-itty-knock-knock!" Jaden called in a goofy sing song voice. She peered over at her favorite patient whom rested in the bed near the window, "Mr. Hawthorne, I'm here to bust you outta this joint."

"There's my girl!" Came her father's thrilled voice. Harvey smiled at the sight of his only daughter.

"Huh?!" And that was Mr. Willard, whom Jaden fondly nicked named Walter. Why Walter? Well, simply because he reminded her so much of Jeff Dunham's puppet Walter. The man was in his early 80's, and looked just like the puppet, hell he even sounded and acted like him. She only knew him as her dad's hospital roommate. He wasn't very friendly at times, though having to be in his shoes unable to go home and treated like a child while being taken care of by 'children', probably wouldn't make her a happy go lucky person either.

"Aaaaay...!" Jaden replied, doing her best Fonzy impression. "How's my boys doin'?"

"I ain't no boy!" Scuffed Mr. Willard.

"Aw Paul, she's just teasing." Harvey gave her a playful wink. Then spotting the bag she carried he asked, "Did you bring us some goodies again?"

Jaden hid a smile, "Who meeee? Nooo…" With a playful shrug she added, "Of course I did. Brought you guys lots of goodies. Let's see here..." Setting the bag down on the table between their beds she began to pull out the items. "Alright we have pudding, we have J-to-the-E-to-double-hockey-stick-L-O. Spells out Jello. Oh and I also got you guys some chocolate chip cookies too, because well pardon my French but only real badasses eat chocolate chip cookies." Then turning her back to her father she pointed at it and said, "I'm thinking about getting that tattooed across my back in old English font. What ya think?"

Harvey chuckled and shook his head, he knew she was just playing and understood her silliness, for he had watched it developed since she was a baby. Walter on the other hand, just looked at her like she was insane. Which was completely understandable of course. "I think you're touched in the head girl..." He grumbled. "The way you young people talk these days. Tattoos, your noisy music. Disgusting and shameful!"

"You...are right." Jaden agreed, yet she couldn't resist having some fun with him. Pouting her lips she lowered her head, "I am ashamed, here. Please accept these sweets as an apology." She held out a pudding cup in one hand, jello in the other.

Walter huffed, "Don't mock me girl..."

"Really, I'm sorry Mr. Willard. Now what would you like? Jello or chocolate pudding?"

Then on cue and in a very Walter the puppet like manner, Willard crossed his arms over his chest, turned his chin up and looked away from her all the while grumbling, "I don't give a damn."

Annnd that's why she calls him Walter.

Jaden sighed and slumped her shoulders.

"Oh just ignore the old fart, Jadie. You came to get me the heck out of here. So let's get going." Harvey said with a chuckle, he was more than ready to finally leave this place. For two weeks he'd been stuck in the hospital for having a valve replaced due to a troubled heart murmur.

"Yes sir!" Jaden replied with a two fingered salute.

At age 70, Harvey was old enough to be her grandfather than her actual father, but what could she say? Her parents were heart set on having a daughter and it took them quite some time to finally have one. Her mother, Irene was twelve years younger than her husband. After giving birth to three sons, she refused to give up till she had the little girl she always dreamed of. It was at age 38 when her prayers were finally answered.

While Harvey was retired navy, Irene was a nurse that once worked at this very hospital. When Jaden's mother passed away a few years ago, her father's health started to fade. He missed his beloved wife so much that he just stopped caring about his health. Since Jaden still lived in the area, it was up to her to visit and make sure he was alright, but even her weekly visits couldn't stop his broken heart from developing the murmur.

Bringing over his wheel chair, Jaden said with a smile, "The escape vehicle is all set, let's book it."


Later that morning, after they arrived at her father's home and once he was all settled in, Jaden was about to say goodbye when he mentioned that he had something for her. He gestured for her to follow him to his office. She followed him past the glass case filled with her older brothers' sports trophies and army metals. There were a few trophies of her own in there as well. Some from the martial art classes she took as well as a couple Girl Scout awards.

While passing by the old pictures of their family that hung upon the walls, she winced at the sight of one picture in particular. Her thirteen year old self with pig tails and braces smiled awkwardly back at her. Ugh, boy was she glad those years were over.

Once in the office, she watched him head over to the heavy safe that sat in the corner, "I have been meaning to show you this for a long time now. But after your mother died…well, things just became hectic. With how you've been busy with graduating from high school, then going straight into nursing school, and getting that job at the hospital…it just didn't seem right to tell you about this when you had enough on your shoulders." Harvey motioned for her to take a seat, he then began to unlock the safe. "After going through that heart surgery, I swore that the moment we got here I would show you this before I died of a stroke or what not."

"Knock it off." Jaden said firmly, she leaned back into leather chair. "You know I hate it when you talk like that..."

"Well, it's true. I'm not getting any younger and won't be around forever." He replied.

He'd been saying that for the past ten years, and even doubled the topic after her mother died. It always bugged her when he brought up the dreaded death conversation. The last thing she wanted was to think of losing her father. It was hard enough knowing her mother was gone. Even now, sometimes Jaden would catch herself dialing her mother's cell phone number to call her up and see how she was doing. Then it would dawn on her, the number was no longer in service because her mother was dead.

Jaden watched as he removed a small black box from the safe. Rolling over in his chair, he sat before her. His thumbs nervously tapping the lid of the box. "For years, your mother feared the day we had to tell you this information. Perhaps its good that she is not here for it after all..."

"Dad…you're starting to freak me out." Jaden admitted, not liking where this was going.

"I know, honey." He reached out and placed a hand over hers for a moment. Then before she could ask what was inside the mysterious little box, he opened it and held it out towards her.

Inside was a ring and one that wasn't very fancy either. Holding it closer, she noticed that it wasn't just bland and somewhat bulky, but it held a metallic look to it. Leaning forward, she removed the ring from the box and held it under the lamp light. There was some kind of weird inscription that she couldn't make out, like chicken scratch or some kind of writing you'd see in an ancient tomb somewhere. "Um…you were getting all worked up over showing me a ring?" She asked, arching a brow.

"Its not just the ring itself, Jaden." Harvey explained, "It's the story behind it. And it won't be easy for you to hear. But I want you to know that your mother loved you very much…you know that. And I love you just as much."

She tilted her head to the side, her gaze shifting from the weird ring to her father, "I know, and I love you too. But dad…don't think I'm going to be mad with whatever you need to tell me. I'm not like Tom." Who was her second oldest brother, he would throw a hissy fit over just about anything.

That seemed to relax him more, for he let out a deep breath. While he thought of the right words to say, Jaden slipped the ring onto her index finger. "Alright. Well…that ring was found the night-"

"Hey, it's real warm…" Jaden couldn't help but interrupt. "It was cool, but now it's-" Harvey was saying something, but his words were not reaching her. The atmosphere around her seemed to have shifted. Even though Harvey was sitting before right her, his voice seemed so far away. The walls suddenly began to fade and so did he.

Harvey's office militarized around her as a new room began to appear. Yet it was empty, hallow. Jaden held her breath as she glanced around, her heart was beating so hard it sounded like thunder within her ears. Just what the hell was going on?!

Just then, the air was knocked from her lungs. Hard to breath, she gasped desperately for air. Everything began to spin and blurred a moment before she fell into a darkened abyss.




(9/20/2014 Each chapter will be under going editing to fix errors and detail so everything reads more smoothly. I know I promised to do it sooner, but life got in the way. I will leave an update here when the chapters are all fixed. Sorry for the trouble and thank you for your interest in reading!)