Hi guys, this will be my first crossover, MFB and Pokemon fanfic.

I hope you guys will enjoy it(Note that I'm changing the story line)

"This is taking forever…" Chris mumbled as the group was passed some shrubs. "Are you sure we aren't lost?" Kyoya asked, "B-B-Bull…I m sure of it…"Benkei stuttered, he stared at the map, "I think we will reach Mount Metal soon…"

About an hour…

"I found it!" Benkei exclaimed, "What…What is it?" Ginka asked, "Mount Metal?" Nile pepped in, hopefully.

"No…I found the mark that I left where we started from after lunch!" Benkei said happily, "Back-Back from where we started?" Demure said before he passed out cold.

"Nice to see someone 's happy."Kyoya snorted.

"Mount Metal should be somewhere…" Nile said , looking pretty much glum. "Let's stop for snack!" Ginka said , helping himself to a triple beef burger, "Ice cream!" yelled Yu, "Hope not, the ice cream melted…" Kenta said, "No time for eating!" Chris said , slapping Ginka on the back, sending him flying, the Pegasus wielder eventually hit a large boulder.

"Owwww owww owww…" Ginka look at what he hit, the boulder was now glowing a soft blue, it looks virtual, "A portal…"Ginka said, "I m going to check it out…" "Ginka don't!" it was Kenta, "It may be dangerous!" "Your right Kenta…" That was when a voice was heard, "Help…Help…" and before Ginka can respond, a pair of green hands reached out and pulled him in.



Dun Dun Dun Dun…Cliffhanger…