Hey guys! So this story's inspiration is from Running Lynx! Thank you do much RL :D Anyway hope you guys enjoy it and please review and favorite! Also I went back and explained some thing simpler so I hope that helps and I corrected spelling/mixed up sentences.
Gray Fullbuster's life was not normal. Instead of having to be worried about school and being popular like any other teen in the world, he had to worry about being ready to rule over a whole city.
"Prince Gray!" A scarlet haired woman shouted loudly.
The raven prince winced and rolled over in his very large and feather-like bed.
"Five more minutes..." Gray groaned.
The woman shook her head and pushed the raven out of bed.
"Fine fine I'm up, Erza!" He grumbled as he sat up, rubbing the bump that was forming on the back of his head.
He looked at one of his personal assigned knights. She was a force to be reckoned with but she also had a crazy caring side.
"You need to get ready for your piano lesson." The scarlet haired knight put simply.
Gray sighed. He didn't understand the importance of playing the piano but he was forced to learn anyway. The prince dismissed Erza with the flick of his wrist. The knight was not very happy about it but she walked out to the hall anyway. Gray went to his closet and pulled out a white shirt and some jeans. He smirked at the thought of everyone's reaction to him wearing them. They all got worked up over everything he did that wasn't 'prince like' and it made the raven laugh. Of course being the prince of Fairy Tail had its perks but there was so many cons to follow. Gray stepped out of his room and into the long, winding hall way. A bunch of paintings hung on the pretty, red walls and the floor was warm wood paneling. The raven passed the occasional door but had to go to the room at the end of the hall. Gray finally got to the end and the door was already wide open, beautiful music filled his ears. A blonde haired teen sat gracefully in front of a grand piano. Her fingers moved smoothly from key to key and she seemed to be deep in the song. Gray didn't want to disturb his teacher but the blonde's eyes slowly opened and she stopped mid song.
"Gray!" She cried.
"Hello, Princess Lucy..." Gray muttered with fake cheeriness.
Lucy was his piano teacher, a princess of a neighboring city, and his fiancé. Of course Gray's father, King Alastair, forced Lucy and Gray to get engaged so that way the royal family would live on and the two cites would join together after many years of fighting. Lucy was a wonderful girl and all but Gray hated that he had no choice but to marry her. Lucy gave Gray a big hug and a sweet peck on the cheek.
"Let's start playing shall we?" The blonde giggled as she grabbed Gray's wrist and pulled him to the piano.
Gray's piano playing was pretty bad. He just couldn't memorize all the keys and notes. All of it frustrated the prince. Gray noticed Erza standing near the door with slight amusement in her eyes. Gray scoffed and focused on the movement of his fingers on the white keys. Lucy was cheering him on and telling him he was doing just fine. Finally about an hour passed and the painful lesson was over. Gray sighed as he got up from the bench.
"Lets go to the garden." Lucy suggested.
Gray snorted at the thought. The garden wasn't a very good garden. Due to the dryness of the soil and the sand around Fairy Tail, it was hard for planets to grow. So the royal garden only consisted of a few brittle shrubs and some molting trees. Gray only nodded, not wanting to upset the princess. The pair walked out to the garden, accompanied by Erza and sat on one of the benches. It was boiling hot and the air was sticky so naturally Gray's shirt disappeared. Lucy looked at Gray almost sadly. The blonde knew that the raven didn't want to be with her but they were both forced to be. It hurt because she had fallen in love with the prince along the way but she knew her love may never be returned. Prince Gray gazed at some ants that crawled around near their feet not really paying attention the brooding blonde. He watched as the little black ants got into a little line and followed their leader back to the ant hole that was only a few inches away. The ants reminded the raven of the citizens of Fairy Tail. How they all blindly followed his father and one day all the presser would transfer to his shoulders. The teen shivered at the thought. He didn't want all the responsiblity but he had no choice in the matter. Every important decision in his life was already pre-made and the raven hated it. Lucy watched Gray as his face scrunched up with frustration. She wondered what was on the young prince's mind.
"Madam? Sir? Can I get you two anything?" A frail voice asked.
Gray looked over to see one of his father's slaves. She was a little younger than he was with long blue hair and dark brown eyes. The raven recalled her name was Wendy. She was one of the slaves captured from the Dragon Tribe. The Dragon tribe was a little tribe near Fairy Tail. They were the ones who owned the land before the founder of Fairy Tail came and built the city. The founder was very cruel to the Dragon Tribe after they tried to fight and get their land back. He had exiled them to a small cluster of sand duns a few miles away for Fairy Tail. Each person living in the Dragon Tribe had a dragon slayer power. Wendy was the only dragon slayer that Gray's father could keep at the castle because the others were far more than their masters could handle. If the King had kept them any longer then the whole castle would have been destroyed. The bluenette was also a sky dragon slayer. The royal bloodline had special blood that could cancel out a certain type of magic. His father could only cancel out wind/sky magic. After being tested from the royal doctors when he was a kid, Gray learned that his blood could cancel out any fire magic. Gray never got to use it, not even during practice.
"N-no thanks." Gray muttered and then looked at Lucy.
"I'll take some tea please." The blonde smiled.
Wendy nodded slightly as she walked back inside.
Gray watched as the door closed softly and shut his eyes for a moment.
The battle was intense. Natsu Dragneel was panting, sweat pouring down his neck and forehead, his fists ablaze. The Fairy Tail knights were fiercer then he thought. The only thing running through the pinkette's head was that he had to protect the tribe for he was the leader. The teen had watched bodies hit the sandy ground from both sides. Now He was the only one standing upright. A swarm of knights were crowding in front of him, swords and magic ready to attack. Suddenly the crowed of knights began to part and Natsu had a good feeling about who was walking toward him.
"What the hell do you want?" The pink haired leader snarled as a man with a dark hood approached him.
"Nice to see you too." The man simply chuckled.
Natsu knew the man very well from all the stories about war that his father used to tell him . The hooded man was none other than the King of Fairy Tail. Natsu's fists were poised to strike.
"You are coming with me." King Alastair threatened cockily.
"Who said I would ever do that!?" Natsu shouted, hoping that Fairy Tail would just leave his tribe alone.
"I did. I mean I could just tell all my men to kill your precious people and then what would you do?" The raven haired man smirked, raising his head to get the knights in fighting position.
Natsu felt his heart race. He didn't want them hurt, for they were the only people he ever knew. The pinkette slowly shook his head and lowered his fists.
"I'll go but you have to leave them alone." The teen hissed, adrenaline still pumping.
"Deal." The king said slyly.
In chains, the leader left the wounded Dragon tribe behind.
Gray waved as Lucy got into a car to go home. The blonde promised that she would come back the next day. The raven slumped in a chair that was in the open planned parlor. Wendy had offered to get him something to eat and he politely declined. The prince, to everyone's horror, liked to cook his own food. He was about to get out of the comfortable chair and go to the kitchen when the one of the doors opened. Erza crossed her harms with a humph.
"Your father, King Alastair, would like to see you in the throne room." She stated and turned to leave.
Gray raised an eye brow. The prince was rarely allowed to see his father, let alone his father wanting to see him. The king only called his son when it was something very important. The raven got up and followed Erza to the throne room. His imagination went wild as he guessed what his father could possible want to see him for. Every one of the scenarios in his head played out pretty badly. Each thing his father had said in his mind was not in the prince's favor. The pair entered the throne room quietly. There was an air of success flowing through the knights in the room. Gray's dad grinned at him.
"I have a gift for you." King Alastair chuckled, waving his hand to two guards who ran into a small room that branched off the throne room.
Gray gulped. Just what did his father get him? The raven watched in slight disgust as the guards lugged in a pink haired teen about a little younger than he was in shackles. His head was held up high even with the circumstances.
"This is your new slave." Gray's father announced.
oo what will happen next?! hehe stay tuned for the next chapter :D I really like writing this story and I hope you guys enjoyed it! Again please favorite and review!