Chapter 60
"Stop fidgeting, we're almost there."
Jon was not a fan of flying and craved a cigarette in the worst way, sitting beside Jecina on the private jet they took from Chicago to East Rutherford, New Jersey for the Extreme Rules pay-per-view. It'd been 2 long months, but Jon was fully healed and ready to get back in the ring to do what he did best. Kick ass and take names. Luckily, Jecina had pulled a few strings with the local gym down the street from her penthouse so Jon could go workout late at night when the place was closed up. She actually rented it out for him because it had a built-in ring so Jon could work out whatever ring rust he acquired while recovering. Of course, Jecina kept the fact she shelled out a pretty penny to make that happen, not wanting Jon to feel like a charity case. So she simply fibbed and told him the gym offered its services since they were huge fans of Jon Moxley, which that part of it was true. What Jon didn't know wouldn't hurt him.
"You could always distract my mind so it's not on this fucking turbulence." Jon suggested in a lascivious tone, wagging his brows down at her and chuckled when she playfully smacked him in the chest. "You wound me, precious."
"Sex is really all you ever think about isn't it?" Jecina shook her head, unable to fight back a smile and felt Jon's arm wrap around her shoulders.
"I'm a man, sweets." Was his simple retort and they shared a soft kiss.
Things were never better between Jon and Jecina, especially after the first night they spent together in her penthouse. Jon had an insatiable appetite, one Jecina matched so they were naked a lot of the time. They didn't just click on a physical and sexual level though, having several long talks about their future together once work resumed on the road. Jecina made it clear she wanted everyone in the company know who she belonged with and refused to have separate hotel rooms. They were together as a couple or nothing at all. She was the only woman Jon slept with and the same went for Jecina, neither tolerating sharing. Any backlash headed their way would be dealt with together and both agreed nobody would tear them apart. It would be their decision if the relationship didn't work out and had to end, not because of their friends and families.
A month into their new relationship, Jecina had a surprised visit from Liliya while Jon was at the gym working out. Liliya started crying as soon as they sat down in the sitting room with glasses of freshly squeezed lemonade, the guilt tearing through her. Jecina knew what that felt like and felt horrible for her friend, comforting her the best way she knew how. Slowly, Liliya admitted everything that happened between her and Dean throughout the past several months, not leaving anything out. She even admitted to staying the night with Dean the night her relationship ended with Seth and that's where her feelings began developing. Jecina wasn't shocked, having her suspicions, but honestly it was nobody's business except Dean and Liliya's when it came to their relationship or whatever they had.
"I don't want to lose your friendship over this, Jeci." Liliya had pleaded and Jecina merely took her hands, gently squeezing them with a smile on her face.
"You won't. I wish you and Dean the very best. Make him happy because he deserves it and so do you, Lyla. If you want to be together, don't let anyone stand in your way."
Liliya left Chicago a little stunned, heading back to Tampa to meet up with Dean for their few days off and they'd been together ever since. When Jon got back from the gym later that evening, they ate dinner together, had sex and then laid in bed talking. That's how almost every night happened and Jecina felt like she was on cloud 9, never wanting to escape this euphoric feeling. She also came clean to him about Liliya's visit and the reason for it, only for Jon to bust out laughing congratulating his brother for picking up someone else's sloppy seconds. That was Jon's crude way of wishing them well, Jecina surmised, but as long as Dean and Liliya were happy together that's all she cared about.
Missing out performing at WrestleMania, the grandest stage of them all, depressed Jon and he began skipping workouts. Jecina tried getting him to open up to her several times and finally one night she had pushed him too far. He screamed at the top of his lungs and slammed her against the wall harshly, blaming Jecina for what happened. It was all out of anger and spite, though Jon didn't a word he screamed. Jecina took it all and held Jon when he finally sagged against her, both of them sliding down the wall with her sitting sideways on his lap stroking his hair while he whispered how sorry he was for what he said. She learned quickly Jon had a very volatile temper, but he never laid a hand on her and the shove against the wall hadn't hurt. Jecina was used to it since they had rough sex a lot, the wall a favorite place for both of them to completely go crazy on each other.
"You didn't hurt me, Jon." She had assured him quietly and that was the night Jon had a new revelation, one he couldn't hold at bay anymore. "I love you."
"I love you too, Jina." Then he kissed her passionately and carried her up to the bedroom to make love to her, wanting to show his woman with actions how much he meant those 3 words.
That simple confession catapulted their relationship a new level and cemented their devotion to each other, each giving their whole hearts up that night. Jon never laid a violent hand on her again and had been hesitant with the rough sex, but that was until Jecina pushed him into doing it. She showed him with actions she didn't mind being tossed around and bruised, thinking of them as love marks. It wasn't abuse in her eyes and she loved being marked by Jon, especially with his sinful mouth on areas of her body nobody else would see. Jon always made it up to her with bubble baths and full body massages, pampering her to the fullest of his ability. She did the same thing with him, enjoying caressing his strong muscles and loved how they rippled beneath her touch or when he'd fall asleep from how relaxed Jecina made him. Jecina had a deep obsession with the man's back and in turn he had one for her backside, always grabbing handfuls of it at every opportunity presented.
To soothe the blow of missing out on wrestling at WrestleMania, Jecina decided to attend the weekend events with Jon. She didn't tell him where they were going, only assuring Jon he'd enjoy it and he figured it out rather quickly when they landed in New Orleans, Louisiana. Jon tried convincing her to take him back to Chicago, but once again her stubbornness overshadowed his. They were accepted with open arms, more Jecina than Jon, but nobody disrespected the man she was with, thankfully. Stephanie and Hunter were a little surprised finding Jecina and Jon together, but they didn't show it and simply wished both of them back. They had a meeting to discuss when both would be returning to work and Jecina told them at the next pay-per-view event. Jon wanted to sharpen up his skills in the ring a little more and he wasn't fully cleared from the doctors regarding his face. The bosses understood and they turned their attention to Jon, explaining that they still wanted to go through with the A&M tag team idea, if he was up for it. Jon asked them to give him some time to think things over and left the office to go enjoy the event with Jecina.
"Have you made a decision about what Stephanie and Hunter proposed?" Jecina asked, reaching up stroking his face with the back of her hand lovingly. "You don't have to do it if you don't want to, you know."
Jon heaved a sigh and nodded, lowering his head a bit. "Things between us are broken…"
"But all things broken can be mended, Jon. We're proof of that." She took his hand and laced their fingers together, looking up into his beautiful intense blues. "I'm not going to coax you into doing it though. It has to be your decision and yours alone."
"I hurt him a lot, Jina."
"You are brothers and it's time both of you accepted it. You're family and he's all you have."
Jon had told her all about his horrible childhood and past, which did nothing to dissuade her decision to be with him. He was incredibly brave and the strongest man she ever met to endure all he had. If anything, it made her fall more in love with him.
"You're wrong." Jon grunted, cupping the back of her neck to press his mouth to hers softly. "I have you and you're all I need in my life, Jina."
She smiled against his lips, rubbing her nose gently against his. "I just want peace among everyone and that includes both of you. Dean is with Liliya now and I'm with you. Everything is the way it should be. So it's time to mend all the pain you two have caused each other. And I'll help anyway I can."
"How did I get so lucky?" Jon murmured, knowing deep down what his girlfriend spoke was the truth. "I'll do my best, that's all I can promise for now."
"Well, start the mending by accepting Stephanie and Hunter's proposal to become a tag team with Dean. It'll show you trust him in spite of everything that's happened. You've hurt him, he hurt you. Both of you are even." Jecina reasoned, pulling away from him as the announcement blared over the intercom they had to buckle up for landing.
As soon as they were outside of the airport, Jon inhaled a huge gulp of fresh air and lit up a cigarette, taking the longest drag possible from it. He rolled both of their luggage bags behind him and guided Jecina to their rental SUV, their hands clasped tightly together. Jecina would be lying if she said she wasn't happy to be back on the road with the WWE, missing doing her job. Cooking was her passion and Jon came to quickly find that out from all the baking and different foods she introduced him to. The drive over to the arena was made in mostly silence with classic rock playing softly from the speakers, each in their own thoughts. Pulling into the arena parking lot, -they didn't have time to stop at the hotel to check-in- Jon cut the ignition and lit up another smoke, glancing over at Jecina with a new tenderness and love in his eyes that hadn't been there before.
"Just remember, nothing changes between us. I love you." Jecina squeezed his hand and slid out of the SUV to give Jon a moment alone, wearing black dress pants with a short-sleeved jade top that brought out her eyes, black flats on her feet for comfort.
Jon joined her a few minutes later and grabbed his luggage, wrapping an arm around her waist while they walked inside the arena together. The suspensions of both Jon and Dean had long passed, their fight forgotten as well. They were assets to the company, which is why Stephanie and Hunter decided to overlook their mistake as long as it never happened again. Greetings from everyone they came across were pure and genuine with Jecina embracing a lot of people since she had multiple friends. Then they finally found the main clan in the cafeteria and all eyes turned to them, not a hint of animosity from any of her friends.
"JECI!" Lilianna squealed, rushing away from Roman's side to embrace her best friend and hugged her tightly, tears streaming down her cheeks.
Roman chuckled, joining them as well and extended his hand Jon with friendly grey eyes. "Welcome back." He had accepted Jecina's decision after having a long talk with Lilianna and they both agreed to let fate take its course, supporting the new couple anyway possible.
Jon didn't expect that gesture and took Roman's hand, shaking it firmly. "Thanks…" He didn't know what else to say and looked down at Jecina and Lilianna.
Liliya had joined in the fray along with Michelle, introducing her to Jecina as Seth's girlfriend. They had become great friends and her friendship with Seth only grew stronger, truly happy he had found someone who completed him just as she did with Dean. Keeping their distance, Seth and Dean remained seated at the table talking amongst themselves and chuckling at their giddy women. Seth couldn't take his eyes off of Michelle, having spent the last 2 months doing everything in his power to prove to her how much he wanted only her. He had fallen for her almost as fast as Dean had Liliya, both of them having several talks over large amounts of alcohol about the women they were with. Liliya looked over her shoulder at Dean, sending a wink before returning her attention back to the returned Jecina. Michelle simply beamed back at Seth and blew him a kiss, laughing when he pretended to catch it, rolling her eyes at how corny yet sweet he was.
"I hate asking this, but…can I have a moment alone with Jon and Dean?" Jecina asked her friends, all their eyes widening and she turned to Liliya, who had the most to fear from this. "I want to try mending them back together and making things right. Believe me, I only want Jon."
Liliya breathed a silent sigh of relief and nodded, hugging Jecina to show she trusted her before walking out of catering along with Roman and Lilianna. Michelle quickly took Seth's hand and guided him out as well, nobody else inside of the room currently except the twin brothers and Jecina. Noticing Liliya take off, Dean stood up from the table to go after her, but Jecina stepped in his way and gestured to the seat, holding Jon behind her by the hand.
"What is this?" Dean demanded, not sure he was ready to face his brother yet after everything that transpired.
"It's time to fix what's broken between you two." Jecina tugged Jon's hand and planted him in a chair across from Dean, keeping her hands on his shoulders to keep him calm throughout the talk. "And we're not leaving until everything is settled. So start talking to each other." It was a simple order.
It took 2 hours, but in the end the twins stood up from the table and shook hands, coming to an agreement to leave the past behind them. Jon felt better about the tag team idea and they even started talking about possible matching trunks to wear to the ring. It did Jecina's heart good seeing them finally interacting peacefully and treating each other civilly, the biggest smile on her face. Dean stood up from the table to leave to go find Liliya and noticed all the happiness shining in Jecina's eyes, knowing right then and there he never had a chance with her. His love for Jecina had been doomed from the moment she met Jon Moxley and there was no changing it. Not to mention his love for Liliya overshadowed his feelings for Jecina, even when they were at their most intense.
"Does he make you happy?" Dean had to ask while Jon went to grab a bottled water from the cooler by the table.
"Immensely, yes." Jecina reached out to place a hand on Dean's chest over his heart, forest green eyes sparkling. "And I can tell Lyla makes you happy as well."
Dean nodded, chuckling. "Yeah she does. I don't know why we work, but we do and Seth is fine with it surprisingly enough. He actually hugged both of us when we sat down and told him. Then introduced us to Michelle and her and Lyla hit it off instantly. They are like two peas in a pod."
Jecina laughed softly, thankful she could still share these small friendly moments with Dean. "Good, I'm happy everyone found who they were supposed to be with. Good luck tonight and don't do anything too reckless."
"Yes mother hen." Dean winked, pulling her into a platonic embrace and cupped the back of her head, staring straight ahead at Jon watching them like a hawk. "I'll always be here for you, Cina. Don't forget that."
Jecina nodded, hugging him back tightly and Dean broke it to kiss her forehead before leaving her alone with Jon, going to find his girlfriend. "Do you feel better now?" She asked as Jon approached her and pulled her into his arms, capturing her mouth in a passionate soul-searing kiss that made her toes curl.
"Yes." Jon rested his forehead against hers, both of them breathing heavily and held onto each other as long as they could. "I need to get going to get ready for my match."
"Be careful, I love you." Jecina whispered, accepting another soft kiss from him and watched Jon exit the cafeteria, heading into the kitchen to start up the night's meal.
Later that evening at the hotel, Jon stood on the balcony smoking a cigarette while Jecina slept peacefully in the bed. They had several rounds of lovemaking in celebration for his victory against Dolph Ziggler in his return match on the pay-per-view. As he stood outside, he couldn't help glancing over his shoulder through the sliding glass screen door and couldn't believe what a massive change the beautiful caterer instilled in him. Jon no longer felt alone in the world and had the love of an angel who had shown him how to truly love someone. The more Jon thought about it, the realization dawned on him he'd become the one thing he swore never to with any woman.
"I'll be damned." He murmured, flicking his finished cigarette over the balcony and headed back inside to return to Jecina's side, not wanting to be anywhere else.
The End.