I should have mentioned that I'm really busy in the school year and free in the summer a lot... How's everybody doing? I apologize for not updating...

On the list: I. Shoichi, R. Sakurai, H. Junpei, M. Rinnosuke, S. Koganei, , K. Yukio, S. Ogiwara, N. Eikichi, K. Hayama, M. Reo, K. Furihata, M. Chihiro

I'm feeling very refreshed to write Makoto because he is one of my most favorite characters ever! His voice actor, Jun Fukuyama, is my absolute favorite!

Also, special chapter! Both Makoto and Teppei in one chapter!

Yandere!Hanamiya Makoto x Reader x Yandere!Kiyoshi Teppei

Being a huge fan of Seirin, it was inevitable that you'd cheer for them. Especially since you're favorite player, Kiyoshi Teppei, is playing. People tend to call you a traitor due to your undying love for Seirin. You ignored them, but you could understand what they're saying. I mean, you're boyfriend is the ruthless Uncrowned King of Kirisaki Daiichi, Hanamiya Makoto. Of course denying Makoto was not your intention, but Kiyoshi Teppei had the most radiating and adorable smile you've ever seen. It couldn't be helped. Nonetheless, Makoto did not appreciate you fawning over his mortal enemy, thus mercilessly hurting the friendly giant.

Now Makoto's heartless playing style really ticked you. Espcially since it's your lovely, Kiyoshi Teppei.

"Makoto, you jerk! Stop playing like one!" You yelled out in the middle of the game, which caught the attention of everybody in the stadium.

"(f/n)...?" Makoto, glistening in sweat looked up at you, his mind straying away from the game. This was the perfect chance for the phantom sixth man to steal the ball from his hands. "Shit!"

With one last glare, Makoto resumed playing the game using his unfair tactics. Normally, you never wavered when your boyfriend glared at you, but the way Makoto looked at you hit you in the heart like an arrow. However, you shrugged it off, attempting to forget this nagging feeling in you. You continued to watch the game silently, not asking any questions and commentating in your head. Sometimes, Makoto would strike you a glare, instantly stopping your heart.

Makoto wouldn't do anything bad to you... right? Right? You chuckled nervously. He's just being possessive and jealous, like all boyfriends. It's perfectly normal... Right?

The very thought kept running around your head nonstop. You weren't sure if your ill premonition was to come true, but as the timer ticks down, your heart beats faster than ever.

BUZZ goes the buzzer, signaling Seirin's team.

"Yes!" You jumped out of your seat instintively, which caught the attention of the whole team. Makoto didn't even spare you a look, not that you cared. "You go, Seirin!"

The game ended and everybody began to leave. In high spirits, you head to where Kirisaki Daiichi would be. Shaking your head back and forth like an inflatable balloon, you couldn't contain your happiness. The jubious feeling of Seirin's win was unbearable. You wanted to hug everybody in the losing team and brag about Seirin.

Makoto saw you from a distance, rather dissapointed. He walked a little faster to catch up with you, hoping you would bring him comfort in his depressed state... Although, his heart stopped when he saw you approach Seirin and Kiyoshi Teppei. Makoto saw a smile on his girlfriend that he never saw; admiration and respect. From afar, anybody would think you and Kiyoshi were meant for one another. You both had that sweet and cute look... and that irked Makoto tremendously.

'Oh my goodness. Am I really talking to Kiyoshi Teppei? THE Kiyoshi Teppei?' You couldn't control your excitement, which Kiyoshi saw. He chuckled and pat your head.

"Thank you for your support, miss. May I get your name? I'm Kiyoshi Teppei." Your prince charming introduced, offering a hanshake. You felt your whole face heat up as you nervously reached out to accept his hand.

"I-I'm (f/n) (l/n)!" You squeaked out, not noticing how broken your voice sounded. "I-I'm a huge fan o-of you! I-It's very nice to meet you, K-Kiyoshi-senpai!"

"You don't have to call me -senpai, (l/n)-chan. Kiyoshi is fine!" He chuckles. You felt your breath being taken away. You smile, earning a blush from Kiyoshi.

"O-Okay, Kiyoshi!" You couldn't stop smiling and neither can he.

This obviously brought the attention of Makoto. He immediately stepped in when you and Kiyoshi began exchanging numbers. Your rough boyfriend forcefully grips your arm and you yelp.

"(L/n)-chan!" Kiyoshi exclaimed. "What are you doing, Hanamiya?"

Makoto smirked and you looked at the lifeless gray eyes of your boyfriend.

"What are you talking about, Kiyoshi? (F/n) is my girlfriend. It's my duty as a responsible boyfriend to protect her." Makoto did his signature smirk and stuck his tongue out on Kiyoshi.

"Boyfriend?" Kiyoshi asked innocently, looking at you. You avert your eyes and nod.

"Now let's go, (F/n)." Makoto began to drag, but you tried to fight back, struggling away from his grip.

"Let go, Makoto! I just want to talk to Kiyoshi more! I'm your girlfriend, not your property!" You started to use your other hand to loosen his vicious grip. After much protest, Makoto eventually did let go.

"Now now, (l/n)-chan, Hanamiya, let's talk this out in my place." Kiyoshi offered.

"Tsk." was Makoto's only response, which shocked you. You expected another fight or another abusive situation, but Makoto was... obediant. Like he was expecting this to happen... Rather, they were expecting this to happen.

Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw Makoto and Kiyoshi exchange glances and smirk. The same feeling that you felt during the match ran down your spine.

Was it just your imagination?

If only it was your imagination.

"What should we do with her, Hanamiya?"

"Hmm... I don't know, Kiyoshi. I'm more surprised you're okay with this."

"What, are you growing soft, Hanamiya?"

"You wish. I just thought you'd treat people with more respect."

"Huh? That's just a facade, Hanamiya. You of all people should know that. She's your girlfriend, Hanamiya, do what you want to do and I'll follow suit."


Those were the blurred conversations you heard between two familiar people. As you open your eyes, and your vision focuses, you felt your mobily restricted.

"Makoto? Kiyoshi? What's going on...?" You chuckled, thinking it was a little prank they decided to pull on you. Although, after glancing at their eyes, you immediately changed your mind. Their eyes were like beasts, waiting to pounce on you and rip you limb by limb. You could see the lust and danger kindled in their eyes, but you were immobile. You couldn't do anything but act calmly. "So, mind explaining what's going on?"

Makoto and Kiyoshi simply glanced at each other and laughed. Their laugh wasn't the loveable one you were accustomed to. It was... demonic and evil, full of sadism and hatred. You gulp.

Your boyfriend took a step forward and raised your chin placed a kiss on your lips, which took you by surprise. The kiss started off sweet and innocent until his hand reached the back of your head, pulling you in. You widen your eyes.


Opening your mouth slightly, Makoto took this as an approval to slip his tongue in. You gasp and he issued further. The kiss was no longer the sweet one you liked, it was sloppy and loveless. You and Makoto's tongue wrestled for dominance, having Makoto win of course. He continued to push his tongue further and further into your mouth, making you choke slightly. He tilted your head to the side and cupped your cheeks in order to kiss you easier. You, on the other hand, shut your eyes closed.

'No, I don't want this. I want my Makoto back...' You thought as his tongue completely took over your mouth. A hint of saliva slid down from your mouth as you searched for oxygen, which Makoto did not allow.

That's when you felt another person's tongue lick that strand of stray saliva.

"It's not fair for me to let Hanamiya have all the fun." Kiyoshi smirked as he began licking and eventually biting your jaw bone. You widen your eyes as you felt tears stream down your face, Kiyoshi licking them away.

'There's no way... Kiyoshi is too sweet to let this happen. Why is he doing this? Why is he letting this happen?' You thought. Different ideas and questions kept roaming in your mind.

"Don't cry, (l/n)-chan..." Kiyoshi comforted, biting your collorbone.

"Kya!" You squeal, interrupting Makoto's make out session with you.

"Sorry, (F/n). I didn't let you breathe." Your boyfriend caressed your bruised lips and began kissing your temple. "I love you, (F/n)."

"W-Why...? Why are you doing this?" You asked, enduring the pain from the open wounds Kiyoshi gave you.

"Because we love you. I won't let anybody hurt you, (F/n)..." Kiyoshi whispered in your ear, making you shiver. "I've been in love with you since forever. Will you be mine?"

"I think you're forgetting that she's MY girlfriend, Kiyoshi." Makoto stated. You look at Makoto stroking your hair softly. Slowly, Makoto directed his attention to you. "I won't let anybody touch you. I love you, (F/n). You're mine and mine only."

"Ours, Hanamiya. You agreed to share her." Kiyoshi pointed out.

"I only agreed for one day, but (F/n) is mine." Your boyfriend said protectively.

"That's not part of the deal, Kiyoshi. (L/n)-chan is mine, too!" You felt the tension in the room as Makoto and Kiyoshi glared at each other.

Suddenly, Makoto took out a pocket knife from one of the drawers nearby and created a clean cut on your cheek.

"Kyaa!" You yelp out in pain. "Makoto! What's your problem?"

You were pissed, but Makoto's licking and kissing of your cut made you think otherwise.

"I love you, (F/n). I really do. Don't leave me." It felt weird hearing Makoto saying such sweet words to you.

"I... I love you, too, Makoto." You closed your eyes as Makoto's warm tongue brushed and cleaned the wound. As your heart beats slower, you felt another pang of pain from your other cheek.

"You like that, (L/n)-chan?" The other bite your jawbone hard, leaving a mark as he licks it lovingly. "You taste so good... I might get addicted to this taste."

You moan as Makoto created another cut on your arm and Kiyoshi followed with a bite on your neck. It was a game to both of them. A game of who could get the your taste the most.

"W-Wait, Makoto... Kiyoshi..."

"Teppei. Call me Teppei." Kiyoshi demanded.

"Okay... T-Teppei- ah." You grunt as you felt more wounds opening up.

"Don't leave me, (F/n). You're mine and mine only." Makoto demanded. You nod in response.


"Good. I'm looking forward for more of these, (F/n)." Teppei whispered and they continued their adventure around you.

Well, that's Kiyoshi Teppei and Hanamiya Makoto!

Next is Imaiyoshi Shoichi, the creepy captain of Tohou or Too or Touou or however you want to say it.