The FINAL chapter!



"Run! Run! Hide!" Snotlout, Merida, Jamie, and Rapunzel (they forgot about Eugene (AGAIN) who still in the Spirit Hollow) ran from the fence between Spirit Hollow and Berk Village.

The four kids hid behind a big tree, slowly peeking to the Spirt Hollow. Snotlout the first one to notice that they're back at Berk Village. The buffy boy turned around and saw Jamie's house. "Hey, we're home," said the boy with a relieve voice.

All of them let out a sigh of relieve. "Well, that was a successful Spirit Expedition," said Merida proudly.

"That was a success?" aksed Jamie.

"Of course, there's no spirit around-" Merida's eyes widened and gasped. On the ground she saw a frost track, right toward Jamie's house, which was wide open.

Jamie, Rapunzel, and Merida looked inside the house. Everything covered with frost. "Oh man..." mumbled Jamie, looking around his house. "Merida, I don't think this is a success."

Snotlout suddenly came running toward them. "MERIDA! MERIDA! YOUR HOUSE!"

All of them ran to Merida's house and saw her training ground is covered with snow. "THOSE SPIRITS ARE AFTER US!" Merida as loud as she can.

And they all freaked out.

"We're doom!"

"What do we do now?"

"They're everywhere around us!"

"Run for your life!"

"Where? Where? Hide!"

"No place to run and hide! Their eyes are watching us in every movement!"

"We're trap!"


Everybody stopped and looked at Merda. "That's it!" she shouted. "Trap! We need trap!" she waved both of her hands to the air. "EVERYWHERE!"

In a second, everybody ran to their homes to picked some things. Merida started to tape some bamboo with a tennis racket to make a some sort of fly swatter. She's about to push it to the ground, but the swatter came a up until it hit Merida on the nose.

Jamie was making a cage from some wood. When he finished he put it on a wheelbarrow to carry it into the wood, but he tripped and the wheelbarrow rolled to the wood.

Rapunzel was digging a deep hole, a classic trap, with her beack shovel and bucket. She she finished she placed some branches and leafs. She's about to placed the bait, some buckets of ice cream when ahe reakized the bucket is empty. Not far she saw Jamie liking a spoon. The older boy looked at the girl. "What?"

Snotlout making something with cage above (and something with bowling ball). Jamie and Rapunzel carried a mattress bellow Snotlout for safety. When he finished he jump down to the matress, but Rapunzel stood on it, making her flew up.

"Behold!" yelled Snotlout as he gestured to his 'trap'. "A Snotlout original super duper spectacular special edition Spirits trap."

Rapunzel held the cage with her dear life. "Can somebody get me down from here?!" she shouted.

Snotlout looked at her. "What do you know?" he said, amuzed. "It captures cute girls too."

Merida smirked. "I like to see some Spirits to try to avoid these trap! Now, we wait for the test."


Jack and Hiccup skipped happily across the Berk grass field, while singing together.

Jack & Hiccup:





Jokul-Frostie, not me!

"Yeah, right," Hiccup said as he rolled his eyes.


You make the game of your name

Jack & Hiccup:

So it's never the same, never the same

Add a sound, add a doddle

Now you've get a name that's brand new-dle

Both boys giggled as they continued to skip.



Jack & Hiccup:




Both boys gasped and looked toward the Spirit Hollow behind them. "Oh Thor!" Hiccup said with a bit loud voice as he slapped his forehead. "We forgot your family!"

Jack ignored him, just kept looking at the hollow. He turned to Hiccup. "I really have to go," he said with a shaking voice, like he's going to cry any second. "North sound worried."

Hiccup smiled softly. "Come on," he said as he hold Jack's hand. "Let's find them."

"Thank you, Hiccup," Jack whispered, but didn't smile.


Astrid just finished set the table for lunch. She looked outside through the kitchen window, waiting for her son. But he never showed up. She walked outside the house through the front door.

"Hiccup!" she called. But no answer.

"Hiccup!" she called again. But again, no answer. "Oh Thor, where could he be?" she whispered to herself.


Meanwhile, the four figures came to a cottage in the middle of the Spirit Hollow. "Ho Ho Ho!" shouted the large figure.

"Mate," said the figure with long ears when he and the flying figure came out from the cottage. "He's not here."

"Oh, Jack," said the flying figure, worriedly, as she put both hands on her chest.

The lump figured formed a question mark on top of it head. The large figure sighed, "Let's go."


"Mr. Spirit!"

Hiccup and Jack walked through the Spirit Hollow, trying to find Jack's Spirit family. Jack kept trying to make some-sort-of-ice-beacon, but he kept failing, while Hiccup shouted as loud as he can.

Jack sighed then sat on a log. "We search everywhere, Hiccup," he said. His eyes started to watered. "Where could they be?" he sniffled. Hiccup sad beside him, then put a hand on his shoulder. He started to sang softly,


Jokul Frostie oo...

Reaching for the moon

So many thing you have to do

"I want my mother," Jack sighed.

Hiccup nodded understanding, "Me too." But then he frowned. "Wait." His eyes widened then smiled widely. "My mom. She'll know what to do!"

Jack wiped some tears from his eyes as Hiccup pulled his hands. "Don't worry Jack, my mom will know what to do."


"Hiccup!" Astrid called as she walked fast as she can. But she didn't realize she tripped on a rope. "Oh!" Just then, a net fell on top of her. "Dear Odin."

"False alarm!" Snotlout suddenly popped out from the top of a tree. Jamie and Rapunzel came out from the bushes, while Merida crawled out from a log.

"Sorry, Miss Astrid," said Snotlout as the four kids helped Astrid out from the net.

"What is this all about?" Astrid asked.

"To catch a Spirit," said Rapunzel.

Snotlout chukled, "Genius, right?"

"Please," said Astird, making Merida to turn to the young woman. "Have any of you seen Hiccup? He should be home by now."


Hiccup and Jack, holding each other hands, walked through the forest to Berk Village. "Come on, Jack," Hiccup whispered, calming Jack down. "Just a little further."

The managed to get out from the forest, just on the hill not far from the group. "Look there she is!" shouted Hiccup excitey. He let go of Jack's hand then cupped his hand around his mouth. "Mom!"

Astrid, Jamie, Merida, Snotlout, and Rapunzel turned toward Hiccup who hold Jack's han again as they walked toward them. Astrid smiled, "Hiccup!"

"Mom, this is Jack Frost," Hiccup introduced Jack. "He's a spirit."

Snotlout gasped. "A real SPIRIT?!"

"And it got Hiccup too!" Merida shouted.

"Stop him!" Snotlout shouted, pointing at Jack who looks terrified. Hiccup also looks confused.

Merida and Snotlout ran toward Jack, with Jamie and Rapunzel tailing behind them. Jack let go of Hiccup's hand, then flew away.

"Jack, wait!" Hiccup shouted.

Jack flew into Merida's trap, making him stumbled backward, crashing Snotlout and Merida behind him.

"Wait!" shouted Hiccup. But everybody ignored him. He ran toward Jack who flew away, jumped across Jamie's hole-trap, but Merida and Snotlout fell into it.

Hiccup almost reached Jack, until Hiccup tripped on a rope, a rope fence raised rght in front of him, separating him and Jack.

"Jack, wait!" Hiccup kept on shouting as he crawled under the rope fence. Hiccup ran and ran in to the wood, ignoring the calls from his mother and friends.

Until he found some frost tracks.

When he followed it, not far from his spot.

Jack sat in a cage, hugging his knees, crying.

Hiccup ran toward the cage. "Jack?" he called. But Jack didn't answer. He turned around so his back facing Hiccup, still crying. Hiccup ran around so he could see Jack face again. "You said they won't be scary," Jack yelled. He looked at Hiccup with teary eyes. "You promised." The little winter spirit laid on the ground, still hugging his knees and crying.

Hiccup looked at the cage. He tried to pull the wood of the cage, but he couldn't. Then he tried to smashed his body on to it, but nithing happened. "Oh, Jack," the brunette whispered, resting is forehead on the cage. "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault."

Jack sniffled. "I want my family."

Hiccup looked above the cage. He then realized that all the wood was tied with a thick rope above. "Come on Jack, we're gonna get you out of here!" he said. Hiccup began to climb to the top, while Jack watched him.

Hiccup tried his best to untie the rope. The cage fell apart and Hiccup fell down, but Jack caught him right in his arms (bridal style). Both of them has a big smile on their face, then the shared a hug.

They didn't realized Astrid was watching them with a warm smile on her face.

"Come on, Jack. Let's go find your family," Hiccup said as Jack put him down. They hold each other hands.

But, four kids watching them, with ropes in their hands.

"There it is!" shouted Merida as the other gasped.

"The spirit caught him!" whispered Jamie.

"You better let go of my Viking little brother, you hazardous spirit!" shouted Snotlout. The four kids ran toward Jack and Hiccup, who looked at them in horror, with lasso.


Jack let go of Hiccup hands and about to fly away-


The kids threw the lasso at him and caught Jack's feet.

"Hey!" yelled Hiccup, standing between the kids and now fallen JJack "Leave him alone!"

"Wait!" Astrid ran out from her spot as Hiccup yelled, "You're scaring him!"

"Merida," she said to the red haired teenage girl. "What on Thor are you think you're doing?"

"We're rescuing Hiccup from the spirit!" shouted Merida. But Hiccup shouted, "STOP IT! You don't undersand!" Merida about to argue with Hiccup again, but Astrid stopped her with a stern look on her face.

Hiccup took a deep breath, and said. "You're all wrong about spirits. Don't you see? Jack is my friend."

Astrid gave him a warm smile as he continue.

"He's just like us. He's afraid." Rapunzel let go of her rope. Her eyes started to water.

"He loves ice cream." Jamie let go of his rope as he gasped.

"He even know how to spar." Snotlout let go of his rope and took of his helmet.

"So, you have to uncapture him!" Merida about to argue again, but then she sighed and let go of his rope.

Jack tried to get up, but he tripped over a big tree root. "JACK!" Hiccup tried to pull him back, but Jack accidentally let out a strong winter wind and blew Hiccup away. Astrid and the kids tried to follow Hiccup, while Jack untied the rope around his feet.



Astrid, Merida, Snotlout, Rapunzel, and Jamie ran toward the end of a cliff, where Hiccup holding on a tree branch for his dear life.

Snotlout stretched out his hand to his little Viking friend. "Hiccup! Grab my hand!"

Hiccup tried to reach it but he pulled back his hand when he heard a crack. "I can't!"

Nobody realize Jack flying bove them.

'Oh no,' the winter spirit thought. 'I only can carry Hiccup when I'm happy.' He looked at his staff. 'Unless...' He took off from there.

Then, Rapunzel looked up. She saw Jack flew near Spirit Hollow.

Jack landed in from of the forest. He raised his staff to the air. A small blue spark appeared. He did a twist but only added a little. He slammed his staff to the ground but the spark didn't get bigger.

'Hiccup needs me! Now!' he thought as he slammed his staff again. 'Just work!'

Jamie pet Rapunzel's head. "I think he's trying to help," he whispered.

The branch cracked again.

"JACK!" shouted Hiccup in fear.


Jack slammed his staff as hard as he can. Blue spartk like lightning came out from his staff and stroke to the sky. The cloud suddenly gathered in the center of the lightning...


And burst into ice firework.

Jack smiled as wide as he can. "I did it!"

Hiccup stopped screaming and smiled. His best friend did it!

There was silence between them, until...

Ho Ho Ho!

Jack smiled even wider. "Dad!"

"Dad?" Snotlout and Merida about to ran away but Astrid caught their shirt.

Once again, Jack slammed his staff on to the ground, another blue spark flew to the sky. "My family is coming!" the young winter spirit cheered.

And from the middle of the Spirit Hollow, a sleigh shot out to the sky, followed by "Ho Ho Ho!". Snotlout and Merida who saw that fainted fright that second.

The sleigh landed right in front of Jack. A giant rabbit jumped from the sleigh and ruffled the winter spirit's white hair. "There you are, you little ankle-bitter!"

A big man with white beard and hair also climbed out the sleigh and knelt down right in front of Jack. He held both of Jack's shoulders, his eyes filled with joy. "Where have you been?" he asked.

Jack then felt somebody hugged him from behind. A woman with colorful feathers. "Oh honey," she whispered to Jack's ears in warm tone. "We were worried sick."

A short man made put of golden sand hold no Jack's hand. The wonter spirit looked at every one of them with a big smile. He looked at the man with white beard. "I'm okay, North," he said. He turned to the giant rabbit. "Bunny." He glanced behind to the colorful woman. "Tooth." He looked at the golden hand man. "Sandy."

Jack's face suddenly turned worried. "But my friend, Hiccup, is in danger!" He grabbed both of North's hand with pleading eyes. "Can you save him?"

The four other spirits turned toward the humans. All of the kids (Merida, Snotlout, Jamie, and Rapunzel) hid behind Astrid. Jack led his family to the edge of the cliff. They looked down and saw the little Viking hanging on the tree branch.

"Jack!" he shouted.

Tooth and Sandy immediately flew to the little viking. "Don't worry, Hiccup dear," said Tooth in a gentle voice. He reached out her hand toward Hiccup.

"Just take my hand, dear..." she said. Hiccup, even though he was terrified, reached out Tooth's hand. When he did, he felt something under his feet. He looked down and saw he was standing above a golden cloud. He looked behind him and saw Sandy, also standing to the cloud, smiling at him. When Tooth landed on the cloud, it flew up from the Clift.

Hiccup laughed when he flew to the sky. All of the kids, Astrid, and spirits cheered when the saw the little viking is saved. The cloud slowly flew down and Hiccup ran into his mother open arms. "Mama! Mama!"

"Hiccup!" Astrid and Hiccup hugged each other. She looked at the two spirits who saved her son. "Thank you so much for your help."

"Thank you for saving me, Mr. And Mrs. Spirit!"

"Yeah!" Jack shouted as he did a loop-de-loop in the sky. He grabbed Tooth's hands, spinning her around in the air. "You did it! You did it!" The two spirits landed on the ground, the other spirits ran up to them.

Merida and Snotlout looked at each other, along with Jamie and Rapunzel. These spirits, the same spirits that they are afraid off, saved Hiccup, the only one to be friend with a winter spirit. What about all those story aboit the scary spirit who always do bad things to humans life? All of those story are wrong? Now, what happened right in front of their eyes, they believe what Hiccup said. They're all wrong. And they felt very guilty about trying to capture Jack.

Hiccup and Astrid hugged again. "My little Hiccup..." she whispered to her son.

The spirits group hugged, with Jack in the middle. "Oh, Jack," whispered North. "I'm very proud of you."

Jamie touched Merida's shoulder. "So, that's why the spirit are in Berk," he said with a sigh. "They were looking for their baby."

Merida cleared her troath when the spirits finished with their hug. "Young...Jack." The winter spirit turned toward the girl when his name was called. "I just wanted to say...well...we..." She sighed. "Can you please forgive us? I've done terrible thing to you."

"Aw, that's okay, princess,"Jack said with a giggle.

Snotlout laughed. "I like this guy already!"

Jack looked at Hiccup who finished his hug with his mother and now stood beside his friend. "You're right Hiccup," Jack said. "She's not that scary. When you get to know them."

"Jack dear," Tooth called while the other spirits climbed up to the sleigh. "We better go home now."

Jack nodded and turned toward Hiccup again. "I think I better go home now." The two boys shook hand. Though Hiccup hand a better idea. He pulled Jack into a hug. The winter spirit was surprised, but he returned the hug.

"Good bye, Jokul Frostie," Hiccup whispered.

"Good bye, talking fishbone," Jack whispered back. The two of them let go each other, ready to go in seperate ways, but the two of them don't want to leave. Not yet.

"Can play a little longer?" Hiccup asked to his mother with pleading eyes.

"Please..." Jack asked to his parents with sweet tone.

North laughed. "Well...why not."

Astrid giggled. "I supposes you can as long you don't get hurt."

Hiccup and Jack looked at each other with big smile on their face. "LET'S FLY!" shouted Jack as he took Hiccup hands and they flew to the sky, laughing happily. The others kids soon joined the laugh as the watch the two best friend playing happily together.



You know, we never really did capture a spirit that day. It was more like... Like Jack captured all of us. - Jamie Benett



~The End~




I think I made Merida, Jamie, Snotlout, and Rapunzel into a bad guy...

What? I only follow the real movie. And sorry for the lack of descriptions and typos.

Thanks for reading this fan fiction from the begining until the end!

For the final time in this fan fiction, I, AnimeLover and Dr. Tom ZX, don't own How To Train Your Dragon, Rise of th Guardian, Brave, Tangled, and Pooh's Heffalump Movie! All belongs to their owner.

Oh, and happy Halloween!