Moshi moshi! Wow, I can't even put it into words how happy you all made me in the last chapter! Every single one of your reviews had me grinning like a freaking idiot almost all day! Thank you so much!~ ( ^^ ) Also, thank you for the nice comments and favorites on my recent one-shot! I'll try to write more between updates for this fic.

Now onto the story!~

So… These past few days have been pretty… boring, actually. It's almost like I've gone back in time, and everything has magically gone back to how they've always been, before I met Mr. Carriedo. Ughh, everything just feels so fucking empty now. And I swear it's so fucking frustrating, because I don't even know why everything feels empty.

Maybe it's the hormones or something? Fuck, I had to deal with that flood of hormones shit a two years ago in the tenth grade. If this is another fucking flood of hormones I will seri-

"Lovino, pay attention. If you want to pass the upcoming test, I suggest you actually take notes rather than daydream." Antonio scolded, keeping his eyes fixated on the textbook, then returned to reading to the class.

I grumble angrily to myself as the rest of the class snickers around me in amusement and quickly I try to focus my attention to the excerpt. Fuck those bastards if they think I'm just going to let them laugh at me like that! I am an Italian, thick and through! I'll show them!

Too bad I can't seem to focus.

Damn it! Why does An- Oop, Mr. Carriedo, have to be such a bastard? It's because of him for whatever reason that I can't focus on school work for the life of me. Maybe I should get a schedule change… Maybe that'll make things better? Yeah… Yeah, I'll do that. I'll just go to the counselor and tell him I want a different homeroom teacher. And if he asks me why, I'll tell him because I don't think that Mr. Carriedo's teaching methods aren't working for me or something like that. I'm sure Feliciano would do fine, he has Kiku, so he won't be alone. Even if Kiku wasn't in this class, Feliciano would still have lots of people to talk to since he's outgoing and all that sh-

"Lovino. What did I tell you about listening?"

Fucking. Shit. "I'm sorry," I mumble reluctantly, sitting up straighter in my seat. "I just have something on my mind, okay? It's a little hard to focus when there are assholes out there distracting me." I huff as I narrow my eyes at him, making it obvious that the comment was directed half-heartedly towards him.

Mr. Carriedo just stared at me for a moment, his eyes unrevealing and hard through the lens of his glasses; I can pretty much tell that he knew instantly that my statement was for him. "Lovino," He sighed. "For not paying attention in class, and rude behavior towards me, your teacher, I want you to stay after school for twenty minutes to do book work."

"Wait, what do you mean I need to stay after school for twenty minutes? You can't do that! My nonno would kill me if Feliciano arrived and walked home by himself!" I snap instantly, not caring that I was shouting in front of the entire class now. "Also, I cuss at almost fucking everybody, the teachers are even used to it now!" I point out. It's true! By now all of my teachers are already used to cursing from me.

"Well, I'm not your other teachers, and I'm not going to put up with it. You should have thought about that before you decided to snap at me." The older man stated simply, turning back to the textbook to continue the lesson. "And I don't want to hear another word from you until after class, understand?"

"Yes, Mr. Carriedo…" I grumbled quietly, reluctantly under my breath, folding my arms over the table and leaning forward to rest my chin on them. It's stupid, really. Who doesn't doze off during a lesson? I know and have seen multiple people do it before plenty of times, my brother being one of them. It's as if the damn Spanish bastard really is out to get me for the whole "You're my teacher and I'm your student, that's all." thing. Although, I really do not see why. Isn't it the smart thing to do? I mean, if Alfred, Alfred F. Jones of all people, can assume that Antoniiiiii- Mr. Carriedo and I had something going on together, aren't I only right to set things straight? I'm not gay, well, at least not for Mr. Carriedo. I'll admit that yes, I do have a thing for guys. But don't get me wrong, girls are nice, too. I just… I honestly don't know what to do. Is it weird to be erm- attracted to a teacher? M-Meaning sexually! Romantically? Now that's a different story. I hardly know the damn guy, so that's out of the question! So it must be, it has to be sexually, right? Yeah… Yeah, that sounds about right. This is nothing but a normal sex-crazy phase or some shit. That's all there is to it. Yep, I'm sure of it now.

That's all there is to it.


"Do you have anything to say for yourself, Mr. Vargas?" The Spanish man in front of him asked in that unusual oh so rhetorical, high-strung tone I hate so much around my desk. It's so frustrating! Before he was all understanding and easy-going, and now all of a sudden, he's strict and as firm as a rock. Its times like this that I actually start to regret having that talk with him on the bus.

"Yes," I start, my tone calm and collected while my eyes narrow at him with annoyance. "I want you to cut the bull crap and stop whatever the hell you're doing, it's bothering me, dammit." I snap, crossing my eyes as I try to focus my eyes on him and only him, to throw him off the slightest bit. Yet regardless, that penetrating, cold stare lingers on me. Although, I sense a strange hint of sadness radiate off of him, I swear I saw it flicker in his eyes. Maybe that's what I need to do… Maybe if I push a little harder and he'll break this damn façade of his. "What is it? Are you trying to single me out in class? Is this your sick way of getting back at me for cutting things off between us? Tell me already!" I can feel my frustration venture further and further to the point where I can't seem to regain its control. Fuck my plan. I'll press as much as I want to; the bastard deserves it. "It hurts, you know! When I told you our relations were to be cut off, did you seriously think that that meant I wanted you to treat me like a piece of fucking shit? Have you no shame?" He froze, his browns furrowing slightly, and I can tell I've broken through. "Well? Say something already!" I hiss, his silence only managing to add to my anger.

"I…" He started softly, slow with hesitance, looking for his own words carefully for he didn't wish to say something only to upset me anymore than I already am. "Lovino, I honestly don't know what to say… Is this how you really feel." He sighed, pulling a seat beside me for himself. His green eyes seem to soften even more when I simply nod in response, and I can see how his Adam's apple bobs in his throat as he takes a dry, slow gulp of nothing. "I'm sorry, I really, truly am sorry." He mumbled, running one of his hand back through those curly chocolate locks of his. "I didn't mean to- well, I did, but I didn't really think- ugh…" It was then that he looked up at me with such steadfast, serious lacing that I've never seen before, not even close to that of the lust he had portrayed so immensely when we had gotten close to having sex. "I guess I was just so angry and I- at the time, just giving you the cold shoulder seemed like the best way to express it rather than physically. I didn't think that it would hurt you so much, I figured you'd just brush it off…"

"Well, I didn't." I frowned, awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck after tearing my eyes away from his tan, soft features. Dammit, I'm beginning to wear thin to him… How does he always manage to do this? No matter if I'm angry at him, or depressed, he always manages to tolerate it and get through to me. I know, I know, it sounds a little crazy, not to mention embarrassing, but it is as if he has me wrapped around his little finger. He apologizes, I forgive wordlessly, instantly. Yeah, sure, Feli has me buttered up, too, but this, this is different. I just can't explain it, and that seriously aggravates me.

"It's inexplicable, Lovino." Antonio sighed, gently taking a hold of my wrists in both of his hands, his sudden words and touch bringing me back to my senses. "Remember what happened between you and me that day? What almost happened? I know that it was a mistake, but truthfully, I don't regret any of it. Not one second." He admitted, bringing my knuckles to his lips for a chaste kiss that causes me to blush a dark shade of red. "I know that you're probably disgusted with me now that you know." He sighed sadly. "But I want you to know that I value you more than you probably think you're w-" And that was all that I needed to break. Without hesitation, I leaned forward and crushed my lips to his soft ones in a bruising kiss, making no move further until I felt him respond. I felt him begin to move his lips softly against mine, experimentally, dubiously. It wasn't long before his warm tongue ran slowly along my lower lip, trying to coax my mouth open and respond which I easily complied to. With a small sigh of delight escaping my lips, I felt him shudder slightly under my hands at the feeling of my breath. I grew accustomed to his taste with little to no trouble, as did he, yet we continued to take our time memorizing every bump and crevice of each other's mouth. He retreated that skillful tongue of his and brought us both back to the first, closed-mouth kiss; instead simply enjoying the soft, yet fervent feel of each other's lips. The kiss wasn't sensual, nor was it chaste. Like Antonio said, it was inexplicable.

We ended the kiss when we both felt the natural need for air nagging at us to answer it. I pulled away a few inches, keeping my arms locked around Antonio's shoulders as I took soft, heavy breaths, looking at him who was grinning widely in obvious satisfaction. Chuckling, I release him from my embrace so that we can both get up. "Let me walk you home." He offered, that cheesy grin of him still stuck to his lips as he turned off his computer and grabbed his things.

I arch my brow and stepp outside the classroom with an amused smirk as I watch him lock up. "You fucking bastard, I swear you're so-"

"Wait, what's this?"

"What's what?" I walk over to see that he's carrying an envelope that he picked up from the floor directly in front of the door to the classroom, which seems to be full of documents discussing end of the year tests and activities, signed off by several names that I recognize as the members of the student council.

Oh shit.

Somebody on the student council saw us. Somebody actually saw us. I look up at Antonio, his eyes expressing the same fear as mine.

I came into this classroom today looking to break Antonio.

And instead I broke both of us.

Finallyyyyy, school is almost over! Just a few more weeks! Seriously, this past month there has been a fucking flood of projects from almost every one of my classes. It's crazy! I'm just glad it's almost over.

Reviews, favorites, and follows are appreciated!~ :3

Moomins and Pixies,
