I'm extremely sorry for not updating in a very long time. I've been so busy with school because senior year is so hectic, but because I'm done with everything, even prom (except for graduation, boat trip, and finals), I should have more time to write. I was going to start last month, but we had to put my cat to sleep so I was in no mind set to write.

But, I was extra excited to come back and see that I have almost 50 followers for the story! You guys are awesome and thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or the characters. Except I do own Kiyoshi Yasu (his name means pure peace) who is Kushina's boyfriend~

Minato stared at Sakura for five second before laughing.

She glared at him, "why are you laughing at me?"

The laughing stopped immediately, "you're serious?" Sakura nodded, "why?"

"Will you do it?"

"Why?" Sakura frowned. "Give me one reason." The child of prophecy is your son!

"Because you you two are..AH never mind! I was just joking!" She started laughing nervously, "why are you looking at me like that?"

Minato raised an eyebrow, "like what?"

"Like you think I'm insane."

"Because you just asked me to date my best friend."

"...You're only friends?" She asked, Minato sighed.

"What's the matter with you. Just explain this to me properly and I'm sure we can work something out, Okay?"

"Uh... I'm late for a meeting with the Hokage. I'll see you later." Sakura turned away from Minato and before he could stop her, she disappeared from sight.

"What on earth. Maybe Inoichi will know what she's going on about..."

Sitting in his office at the Interrogation and Torture unit, Inoichi looked through the files regarding Orochimaru as the Hokage had instructed. Where the hell am I supposed to find the evidence? Orochimaru is a sanin, no ninja can track him so easily... I have to find a way to expose him without being caught. Maybe I should enlist Shikaku...

"You seem busy. Should I come back later?"

At the sound of his voice, Inoichi immediately shut the folder he was looking at. "Minato! Of course not! Sorry, I'm just stuck on a heavy case. What brings you here?" Inoichi smiled warily at him.

Minato returned his smile with a sharp gaze, "I have some questions only you can answer."

The smile slipped from Inoichi's face as he motioned to the seat in front of his desk, "have a seat."

"I'd rather stand, thank you." Inoichi paused, stood up, and walked to sit on the front of his desk.

As the tension in the room thickened, Inoichi cleared his throat and looked Minato in the eye, "what can I do for you?"

Sakura looked down at her swirling glass of Sake, "you know S'kura, I think you should make a move on Minato!" Sakura's head snapped up, "all you do is talk about him, it makes your feelings so obvious."

Setting down her drink Sakura pointed her finger unsteadily at Kushina, "I don't like him like that!"

"Sure you don't, you keep telling me about him, what else am I supposed to think?"

Sakura frowned, "Y'know, he reminds me of my best friend," her eyes started to blur, "I miss him so much."

Kushina patted her back, "I'm sure you'll see him again, as long as you're under the same sky." Sakura burst into tears.

"Uhh, Sakura don't cry! Oh no, he's dead isn't he? Oh shit I'm so sorry..."

As Kushina continued to ramble, Sakura decided it was time to go home.

"Yasu! Over here!" Kushina yelled in desperation. At the sound of her voice, Kiyoshi Yasu started walking towards his girlfriend. "I need help getting Sakura back home. You see I'm not as sober as I should be and she's a bawling mess..." Yasu raised his eybrow, "please, I love you~"

Yasu sighed with a smile, "I love you too, Kushina." Sakura cried harder as Yasu lifted her onto his back. Kushina really is happy. Can I rightfully ask Minato and Kushina to give up their respective happiness just to ensure my best friend's life? He may be the child of prophecy, but I already promised to change the future so the war doesn't happen, meaning the child of prophecy isn't necessarily needed. And if I'm required to stay in the past to change the future, then I'll never return to my time. I'll never see Ino, Shikamaru, Tenten, Neji, Hinata, Genma, Shizune again, or at least as the people I know them as. Everyone will be a shadow of who I knew them to be.. I wish I could talk to Shishou, she always knows what to do.

Minato felt his stomach churn. Turning towards the door he heard Inoichi speak.

"Listen, Minato, this doesn't mean anything right now. Wait it out and se-" But Minato was already gone.

"Geez, the least he could do was say goodbye.." He grumbled as he got back to work.

Minato stared across the the village on top of the first Hokage's head with dread filling his being.

"What can I do for you?"

"What did you see when you traveled through her memories?" Inoichi rubbed his face with his hand while motioning to the seat in front of him.


"I said I wou-" Inoichi glared. Minato hesitated before taking a seat.

"Let me start with the Chunin exams," Inoichi paused, as if waiting to be interrupted, "Sakura was twelve at the time when Orochimaru destroyed a portion of the village pretending to be the Kazekage. That was when he gave her teammate, Sasuke Uchiha, the curse mark," Inoichi shivered. "During which Sasuke was consumed by overwhelming evil, and him abandoning Konoha caused a strain on the rest of her team, Naruto and Kakashi." Inoichi paused again, "the next memory goes to when she was fifteen. In this correlation of memories, a member of an organization, I couldn't find the name, destroyed a majority of the village, causing thousands to die. This section was especially strange. It was almost as if she was purposely trying not to give me all the details."

Minato's stomach dropped, "so you're saying she can't be trusted?"

Inoichi frowned, "that isn't what I meant. It's almost as if she's trying to protect us from the information she wouldn't give. Anyway, the next memory after all the death, is all of the people who died being revived."

"That isn't possible, Inoichi."

"She wasn't lying, those were her memories. After that she wouldn't let me see too much until we got to the fourth shinobi were fighting Uchiha Madara, the organization, and reanimated corpses. It was horrific to see, even through memories." He looked at Minato, debating to share this next peice of information. "Minato, there's one more thing..." Minato looked at him expectantly, "the boy, Naruto, he's your son."

Minato felt a drop of liquid fall to his foot. Confused he looked to the sky. Funny, I didn't think it would rain..Oh. The tears continued to fall without his permission.

"If I hadn't treveled back here we might have been more." Minato's heart ached. She was trying to trust him.

"You want to know what will make me happy?" He ignored the obvious.

"Yes! She had been giving him subtle hints.

"Go out with Uzumaki Kushina!" As a shinobi he should have picked up on them.

Minato stared at Sakura for five second before laughing. But instead he laughed at her, furthering her dilemma.

"Because you you two are..AH never mind!" She had been trying to tell him about his son. His and Kushina's son.

"Minato." He turned to his right to see Sarutobi looking at the peaceful village, "Inoichi came to speak with me."

Minato struggled with what to say, but before he could get one word out, Sarutobi placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "The future Sakura comes from is a dangerous place. Even she, who is bright and kind, is struck with grief. Why should you try to make such a hateful future a possible outcome? Think of what is best for you, the village, and for Sakura."

"She misses him." he couldn't even say his son's name, or even admit out loud he was his own son.

"We all have someone we miss." Sarutobi cleared his throat, "I think you'll come to realize why you're feeling more distraught over this decision in due time."

Minato turned to him, "what do you mean?"

The third smiled at Minato knowingly, "you will know when you're ready."

"This is the apartment, Yasu~" Kushina shouted.
"Shhh, Sakura finally went to sleep," Kushina blushed out of embarrassment.

After opening the door, avoiding traps, and finding Sakura's bedroom, Kushina and Yasu left Minato's apartment.

"Do you think she'll be okay?"

Yasu sighed and picked up his sleepy girlfriend, "she has Minato, of course she will be."

Kushina yawned, "you're right, he'll take care of her."

When Minato made it back home, he went straight to Sakura's room. Once he opened the door, he was graced with the sight of a pant-less Sakura curled into a ball in the center of the bed. He blushed, but moved to sit at the edge of the bed anyway.

After a few minutes of silence, Minato spoke. "The most important thing for a shinobi is teamwork, Sakura. I can't help you if you don't trust me with the details." Looking at her one more time, he got up and left the room.

When the door was fully shut, Sakura opened her eyes. She smiled sadly at the door and continued to stare until she truly fell asleep.