I'm back whoo hoo. Here's the next part of the story enjoy :)

"How is she doing?"

"She seems to have settled down now, she was panicking earlier"

"Has she and the boy talked yet?"

"Yes they are still very much in love with each other, that much is obvious, the Prince, he is suspicious though"

"We can't have Arthur messing up our plans, we our to close now to finally succeeding"

"I am aware of that"

"You must go to Camelot and create the perfect opportunity for Merlin and Freya to uh…"

"I understand" the man said quickly "I shall head their at once"

"Good. You know it was clear to me that when Freya dies she did not want to be here but with the boy instead. But we needed her, or at least her bloodline", the old man sighed, "It's just a shame that it must come down to this, no matter it needs to be done"

"Of course Travis"

On that note the young man left the room, and made his way to Camelot.

"Merlin I need you to clean my room, polish my boots, walk my dogs, sharpen my swords and then I need you to muck out the stables, and after you have done that you can…"

"Merlin", Arthur sighed, "Merlin are you even listening to me? Fine don't say I didn't warn you" Arthur smirked as he lifted the goblet that was on the table and aimed at Merlin's head.

Merlin had been thinking of Freya again, when he caught sight of the goblet and ducked before it whacked him in the face.

'For someone so clumsy Merlin actually has good reflexes', Arthur couldn't help but muse.

Merlin looked up at Arthur annoyed. "Yes Arthur? What do you want?"

Arthur was only smirked. "I said you had the day off seeing as though you have been working so hard lately"

Merlin's face brightened up "Really, thanks Arthur I could really do with a day off…."

"You were joking", Merlin stated deadpanned.

Arthur could only grin. It was just too easy sometimes.

"Ahh Merlin, your not that much of an idiot than I thought you were

"If you said what you actually thought you would be speechless" Merlin insulted, he then ran out of the room before Arthur could work out what he had said….

Freya had spent the day wandering around Camelot; she had never been anywhere so busy before. The markets where full of life, little children ran around playing with wooden swords, men where in there work places.

She went over to one of the stalls and paid for one of the apples, Merlin had been kind enough to give her some.

Merlin. He had been there for her last night. She didn't want to admit it but she had been scared that she was still cursed, she had needed Merlin there for her and he had been, he understood her…

She continued wandering aimlessly until she was pulled out of her thoughts by the sound of clashing swords. She had walked right on the outskirts of the sword practise where she spotted Merlin practising with Arthur.

She had to admit they were both skilled with the sword, but Arthur won this round. She watched as Merlin was defeated, not by Arthur tackling him but by his own clumsy feet, he had managed to trip over them somehow.

A giggle managed to escape her Freya; it was such a funny sight.

Merlin was being punished. He knew it was a risk to insult Arthur earlier but it was worth it. Although come to think about it maybe it wasn't such a good idea. He had been forced into sword practise – and Arthur knew how much Merlin hated it.

When Merlin, the fool that he was tripped over his own feet, he heard someone giggling, he turned to see Freya. He couldn't help by stare at her, she really was beautiful, she was wearing one of Morgana dresses; it was a deep blue colour with dark purples, and she looked stunning.

"Freya!" Merlin went to run over to her but stopped himself "Arthur? What are you doing?"

"What? Oh right" had he really been drooling? "Hello Freya, what are you doing here?"

"Oh I think I just got a bit lost My Lord" Freya blushed, she should have looked where she was going so she didn't bump into Merlin; they had already discussed this.

"Freya, Arthur can never know that we know each other he'll know other wise and I don't know what he'll do if he knows who you really are"

"Then what am I suppose to do Merlin, I only just got here, do you want me to leave again" the moment it left her mouth she regretted it, she knew how heartbroken Merlin was when she died.

"I'm sorry Merlin I didn't mean that"

"Its fine I know you didn't mean it" he hugged her before breaking up, "anyway I got to go to Arthur, we should probably stay away from each other during the day until we can sort something out"

Merlin caught Freya mouthing 'sorry'. He bit on his lips to prevent a laugh escaping.

"Uhh would you like me to escort you back to the castle?" Arthur asked.

WHAT! The only way to describe the look on Merlin was utter shock. Was Arthur interested in Freya?

Oh hell no!

"Umm of course Sire" Freya replied

"Please call me Arthur" he smiled, "Merlin clean up here will you"

"Oh wouldn't it be better if I …"

"Now Merlin"

And with the Arthur took Freya's arm and walked her back to the castle.

Merlin just stood there. That was certainly unexpected. He huffed and went about clearing up the swords, he'll have to tell Arthur later that he did know Freya. He'd think of something, no way was he going to loose Freya to Arthur; the idea was just hilarious – almost.

What he didn't know is that Arthur had finally come up with a plan to work out the truth.

Phase 1: Make Merlin jealous .check.

HAHAHA Arthur has upped his game a bit