Creation began on 11-15-13

Creation ended on 11-16-13

Neon Genesis Evangelion

A New Cause: To save one's soul

A/N: I present to you the sequel to A Maddening Cause. This chapter will serve as a sort of prequel to the plot you will expect to be one of change. Read this!

For a short while, he felt disoriented, restless, and had a sense of clarity in the darkness he found himself in. During the time he was there, he had developed a good link with the soul he was with when they drew their first breaths, and found that he had forfeited his spot in Heaven just to be with him in the darkness where they could only assume was a place that either Hell or worse than that. The only bright side to this darkness was that they seemed to be alone; there wasn't even the presence of two people that were the dual personalities of one of them.

"I didn't think Hell would be so…quiet," said one of the two.

"I didn't think it would be like this, either," responded the other.

"Was Heaven beautiful?"

"It was. Everything was peaceful. Everything was perfect. Nobody's troubled, desires more than what they get after dying, and there were those that, before something terrible happened to the world to ravage it, would often leave Heaven just to experience life again."

"Oh. The old, reincarnation gig."


"Did you ever…well…"

"I did."


"You were going to ask me if I spoke with any deities during my time in Heaven. I did. Not many of them are at all happy with what people, a few of them undeniably bad, had done to change the world…and the fate of many. One I met did say that something odd was going to happen to change things. I wasn't really paying attention to the things that were spoken, but a lot of kids that lost their lives years ago were pleased to hear about it."

"It must be something of immense greatness to speak about."

Suddenly, an intense light flared upon them from above their heads, illuminating them to their dark environment. One was a boy in his early teens…and the other was a baby of the same gender. It was Shinji and Mako, former members of the Ikari family until fate changed their fates. Shinji looked as though he had some sense of unity, judging by the look of his face, and the baby that was his older twin seemed bright enough to talk like Shinji, but without much of the malice he had when he was alive and abused years ago.

"What's going on?" Shinji asked his twin, who levitated enough feet off the dark floor (or what could've been the floor) to meet his head.

"I've come for you two," a female voice uttered out from the light, just as a shadowed figure came.

"Who are you?" Mako asked.

A woman, quite attractive, yet not of Asian descent, dressed in a flowing, green and brown dress, with a flowing mix of blond and ebony hair, a lock of which on the left forefront was as green as the grass, eyes that were as red as… Well, as red as the blood both boys were sure no longer flowed under their flesh, and a face that possessed a balanced degree of kindness and innocence to go with her beauty.

"Shinji and Mako, brothers in life and death," the woman addressed them. "I've seen many twins, but not like you two; one twin whose destiny was set in ancient stone…and the other whose destiny was nonexistent. Yet, you changed things by going down a different path. Of course, I mean you, Shinji, even if that path was one of cold vengeance. And you, Mako, you gave up your place in the paradise of the afterlife to be with him, which is something not many innocent souls do."

"Are you…some sort of demon sent to enslave our souls?" Mako asked her.

The woman walked closer to them, revealing a pair of slender legs that wore sandals that showed off such nice feet, probably befitting a type of supermodel (if this woman was one). She raised her arms to them and placed her left hand on Shinji's shoulder and her right hand on Mako's head.

"I'm no demon," she explained her status. "I'm an embodiment of the world you both were made to leave behind, here to offer you what might be a good proposition for you. Oh, listen to me, speaking like it's nothing but a business deal. That makes me seem cruel, which I don't want to be unless I need to be. Think of it as more of…an opportunity, really."

"What kind of opportunity?" Shinji asked her.

"Doing some real good that is to save the world of the living from sure ruination. To undo the sins of those that wanted what was best left alone and restore life to the souls that were taken…and, when all is said and done and the Earth healed of its wounds…those that do the work of many that ensures justice will be bestowed new life."

"New life?" Mako questioned.

"Revival, resurrection, reincarnation," the lady explained. "Whichever way you wish to view it."

"What good is new life when my previous one was one of pain and death?" Shinji questioned her. "I killed, harmed…and fell. Even if I wanted to do some good, returning to life where people looked down upon me isn't something I could desire for a reward or anything."

"You wouldn't have to return to that sort of life," the lady told him. "I mean, while serving a higher purpose for a time, you'd remain as you were in your previous life, but after your task is fulfilled, you'd have the choice of returning to life with a different future. You'd be a different person. There's life, death, rebirth, revival, what have you. And…there's also the revenge one seeks that is to save their soul, which has been considered the ultimate form of vengeance."

"How so?" Mako asked her.

"Revenge to save one's soul…is no different from an eater of sins that absolves the souls of those who have sinned, allowing them the peace of knowing that their lives have been cleansed of darkness. But sometimes, just sometimes, the worst of things, like a sin, is a necessity for the world to survive. Things get worse before they begin to get better." She explained.

"So…the world must be harmed further before it can be healed?" Shinji realized. "Is there no other way of healing the world through other means? Like…recycling or growing more crops? I wasn't into reading before I died, but I hear people say it enough times to get the message. Garbage everywhere, people starving, it's a nightmare."

"And whose fault do you think it is because of this nightmare?"

"Everyone's at fault," went Mako.

"But the people in charge of the world, those that think, just because they have the most resources, like unlimited finances or political influence or access to military powers, they can dictate the fate of others. People like scientists that misuse and abuse their power that should be used to make people's lives better, instead only cause further harm. People like the police or military, who should protect and serve the innocent, instead overlook the pain and suffering the greedy and foul-hearted inflict upon them. Because they abuse their authority upon the rest of the world, everyone follows in their darkest footsteps, repeating the cold circle of spreading the poison that is killing the world. Children murder each other over things that shouldn't matter, like race or status, families separate due to the failures of maintaining proper relations, they don't tolerate the good people that want to be with those just like them, even when they're on the same gender, they don't teach to keep those from falling behind. But these are merely symptoms that I'm speaking of. You know the disease, you two. You know the root, the cause of these symptoms."

Shinji sighed and uttered, "People called me things, like crazy or insane. As much as I could see with some clarity back when I was alive, it was only when I inflicted pain and death upon others, I could understand how far people had fallen into madness, into insanity."

"That's well-spoken, Shinji."

"But what makes you think you or anyone can do anything about all of that?"

"Insane, Shinji and Mako, which is from the Latin, meaning 'unclean'. Those from the past, those whose lives were taken or ended by those that abuse power that are granted ancient and modern knowledge and charged with new purpose, they…are part of the great cleansing that will heal all. It's people like you…who will make things right."

The boys looked away from her, and the lady sighed.

"It's purgatory, your time back in the world would be, but not too long," she told them. "Think about it. I've already tasked three old souls with their purpose, so I need a fourth soul, but you two would count as one. One side that performs, another side that follows, guides and accompanies, like a guardian of sorts. Sometimes…what I do, what I want to do, to help the people…isn't enough, and they deserve much more than what they're given. And it's people like you…that deserve a future that's free of hurt, abandonment…exploitation and manipulation, to have the happiness you show equal to the happiness others show you. I'll be back when you come to your decision."

The boys turned to face her again and responded, "What would we need to do?"


Straining, a young boy that resembled Shinji before he died opened his eyes, seeing a light hung above his head. He was on a cot in what seemed to be a warehouse.

A face came into the boy's perception not too long after; it was the same woman that showed up earlier to meet the deceased twins.

"How do you feel?" She asked him.

"…Empty," he told her, and she gave a small smile.

"It's common. You're not the first person to feel this way after accepting a position that's no different from a general or some other authority figure." She explained to him. "And I can see he found his way back with you."

The boy turned his head to the left, seeing a see-through baby wrapped in a red blanket, looking at him. They had managed to find each other on the way back.

"I take it that they're the newest members to the cause to do the planet some new good?" The woman looked up ahead at a shadowed man that just appeared.

"Give them a while," she told the man. "When you returned, you were no better off."

"Well, with their return to this plane of existence, a mere half-life compared to the life of wandering ghost or revenant, comes the sign of change that is necessary. And there's no doubt that she will be waiting for them to get her." The man said.

The baby disappeared, leaving the boy alone with the two.

"Who…is she?" He asked them.

"Your mare," the woman answered. "Every member of the group you and your brother are apart of needs one. Eh…Death?"

"D…Death?" The boy realized, and felt strength returning to him.

"Yes, heh-heh," the lady giggled. "That will be your name. Death of the Restorative."

"My name is…Death…of the Restorative," the boy accepted.

A/N: Here is the first chapter! Please, give a review and let me know what you expect from it! I'm sure some of you can take a guess at what there is to expect, along with your questions of who these two people that weren't identified are. The next chapter will come in due time. Peace out!