Song Of Hope: I know I shouldn't but the idea came to me and I couldn't resist! Also, there's a petition on my profile to get the old YouTube back so that YouTube can stop being Google's b*tch. R&R

"Yes! Raise up what they call hell through the waters! Bring on the storms and turn the sea into pure malice!" A woman with a pure black tail with black fins, alabaster skin, gray hair and pure black eyes laughed evilly. She wore nothing short of a cloak made the corpse of a dead manta ray and a shirt made out of the hair of other mermaids. She also held a staff with a giant gleaming black pearl surrounded by coral. Above the surface, a ship was being tossed back and forth on the waves. Many people grabbed onto things that could float, others tried to stabilize the ship, and the rest prepared the lifeboats. Eventually, the ship started going down, and anyone who wasn't on a lifeboat swam towards one so that they could escape death. The mermaid responsible laughed.

"Now, the bait is brought forth. All I need is for the catch I seek to take a small nibble! Soon, what I look for will be mine and mine alone!"

The Next Day

"Come on Elpída! You're too slow!" A young girl with shimmering golden hair that carefully covered her going nearly to her lime green tail with golden fins and with emerald eyes was swimming towards a gray dolphin with playful hazel eyes. She smiled at him.

"I'm going as fast as I can Ieremías! I may be a mermaid, but you're the fastest dolphin to ever live!" The gray dolphin smiled.

"That's because no one is faster than I am! Now hurry up! I've got something to show you!" She laughed.

"Alright, I'm coming, I'm coming."

"ELPÍDA! TRAGOUDÍ ELPÍDAS!" Elpída turned around to see an aquamarine-haired and maroon-eyed mermaid with a sapphire tail that had silver fins swimming towards her.

"Hey Pnévm. Ieremías just wanted to show me something. What's wrong?"

"Your father is out looking for you! He got mad at me because I'm supposed to keep an eye on you!" Ieremías looked up and Pnévm.

"Come on! It'll be pretty quick, I promise!" His sad eyes made the other mermaid cave.

"Fine, we'll go and see it. But we won't be there for very long!" Elpída smiled.

"Perfect!" She turned to the young dolphin. "Lead the way Ieremías!" He smiled.

"With pleasure!" He swam quickly. Elpída laughed as she tried to keep up with the dolphin, while Pnévm was grumbling about the fact that she was younger than Elpída and shouldn't have to do this.

Soon, they came across a shipwreck. It appeared to be a new shipwreck, and the ship looked to be expensive, made of green and gold painted wood with a lion at its head. Elpída looked amazed.

"Ieremías, this is amazing!" They quickly swam inside. Inside were a variety of very valuable things. Elpída couldn't help but stare at all of it. She picked up a small object. "This is something called a jewel! Look, many of them are coming out of that chest! And things called gold coins and silver pieces! This must've been one of those human cargo ships!" Ieremías smiled.

"But that isn't even the best thing here! Come and look at this!" He swam through a corridor. Elpída ad Pnévm followed him. Elpída stopped in her spot.

"Who-who's that?" There was a statue of a man with very wild hair in a royal outfit standing in the middle of the room. She looked rather moon-eyed over him. Pnévm looked carefully at it, as well as the ship.

"This ship isn't deteriorated, so it must've been sunken very recently, and since the statue doesn't have much of anything to show age on it, it's most likely a new one of an actual person. It looks like a prince, most likely of Tategami or Minasan, since those are the closest kingdoms there are to our Waterwallower kingdom of Tragoudí. But as far as I know, the next rulers of Minasan are twin princesses, so I'm sure that it must be Kyoya, the Prince of Tategami." Elpída couldn't help but smile as she stared at the statue. Pnévm noticed something on the floor and picked it up.

"Huh, what's this?" It was a top of some sort, made of five parts; one of the parts was in three layers. The first part was a white bolt with a green lionesses head on it, with a red ring of some sort being next with a complex pattern. The next part was the three-layered part. The first layer, the top, was yellow, made of peridot, and was rough, with three spikes going downward, seeming to be interlocked with the second layer, and some wavy topped edges coming out of the spikes. The second layer was a lime green, also made of peridot, with twelve spikes, four going up, four going down, and four going on a clockwise direction. The third layer was like the first layer, but upside down with smooth topped edges on the spikes and brown. The next part was a part shaped like a funnel and a curved protrusion, and all of it being red. The last part was the tip of it, with a very wide and extremely short red cone. Pnévm gasped when she realized what it was.

"This, this is absolutely amazing!" Elpída snapped out of it and looked over at her friend.

"What is it?"

"It's a Beyblade! And not just any Beyblade, but a very precious one!" Pnévm was a type of mermaid who knew all about certain human things. Every mermaid had knowledge that they were born with. Pnévm was born with the knowledge of Beyblades, while Elpída was born with the knowledge of human fighting (which is useless since mermaids do not fight the same way as humans, and princesses were not allowed to fight regardless). Any time a Beyblade fell to the ocean floor and another mermaid found it, they would bring it to Pnévm and she would be able to tell its exact history just from touching it.

With that being said, Elpída was very curious about it.

"What's its history?"

"This is a powerful Beyblade known as Peridot Leoness, more specifically, Peridot LeonessAD145WD. It's legendary, and has been through many battles. It's so powerful that it's even locked away its own history." Elpída held out her hand.

"Can I see it?" Pnévm nodded.

"Sure." She handed her the Beyblade, and as soon as it left Pnévm's hand and went into Elpída's, it glowed with a bright lime green light. Ieremías was amazed.

"Elpída, I think you're supposed to own it! How cool is that?!" He did flips in the air. She was shocked.

"But, Beyblades are forbidden to be used by mermaids. For one, they don't work underwater, and for two, humans make them! They're allowed as relics only, not for use! I can't keep it!" She tried to hand over the Beyblade to Pnévm, but she just smiled at her friend and used her hands to close Elpída's around the Beyblade.

"You were destined for this. Keep Peridot Leoness. One day, it will be of great use to you. I can feel it, and I'm never wrong about Beyblades. Now, come on, we have to get you home before your father becomes very angry." Elpída nodded.

"Yeah, you're right. Come on Ieremías, we're heading back home." The young dolphin nodded.

"Okay, we'll go." They headed back. When they got to the shining palace, another golden haired mermaid with emerald eyes was waiting for them. She was very heavyset, and had a black with red spots tail with golden fins as well as a flower hairpin with a black pearl that also had red spots in it. Elpída smiled at her.

"Hello Nikifóra." The mermaid, apparently Nikifóra, didn't look very happy.

"Elpída, you were supposed to be home a long time ago." She noticed the Beyblade in her hands. "What's that?"

"Oh, just a Beyblade I found. It's just an old relic."

"Fine, but have to hurry in here, and no more hanging out with that dolphin! He's nothing but trouble!"

"Don't be so hard on her! You were worse than her." They saw another golden haired mermaid with emerald eyes, but she had an opal tail with silver fins. She also had her own flower hairpin, but the pearl was opal in color and in the way it gleamed. Of the four mermaids, she was obviously the eldest. Elpída smiled.

"Thanks Dreia." She frowned at the younger mermaid.

"Don't be. Father is very cross right now. We had all better get in there." They all nodded as they went in but Ieremías had to stay behind, because their father wasn't found of him either. Nikifóra smirked at her younger sister.

"If you act like this, you'll never be allowed to go through your Coming of Age ceremony to get your Pearl Hairpin." Dreia glared at her.

"Don't talk like that! She'll get it when she's ready. You know that Grandmother María will be the one to bestow it upon her, not Father. And besides, you were far more immature than she is now when you received your Pearl Hairpin, and you were older than she is right now." Nikifóra just shrugged it off.

"What good will that do if she's not around to receive it? Father's so angry he could turn the water around us into air."

"TRAGOUDÍ ELPÍDAS!" They all cringed, especially Elpída.

"He's really angry, isn't he?" Both of her sisters and her best friend nodded. They entered the throne room, where a very angry merman was sitting on a throne. He had very long white hair, blue eyes, and a turquoise colored tail with golden fins.

"What have I told you about coming when I summon you?!" She looked rather upset. She held the Beyblade behind her back, because her father wasn't very fond of them. Neither of her sisters had a fondness for them either, but they didn't hate them as much as their father did.

"I'm sorry Father. We came almost straight away."

"Almost?! Why didn't you come exactly straight away?!" She cursed at herself under her breath.

"We just stopped by a shipwreck to look at some things. It's no big deal. It was just a cargo ship."

"You mean the cargo ship caught in the storm that the Sea Witch brewed up?! What if she set that up as a trap? The whole merkingdom knows about your fascination with humans! She could've wanted you to find that so that she could get you interested in something!" This time, Elpída didn't hold back her anger.

"What, the statue of a human in there?! Or perhaps maybe this relic that doesn't even work underwater?!" She showed him Peridot Leoness without even thinking. "It's not like she could use anything from me! I don't have anything worth giving to her!"

"Where did you get that monstrosity?!"

"I found it in the ship! Pnévm looked at it first, and it's just an ordinary Beyblade! It can't do any harm, especially since they don't work underwater! And if there was a spell on it, she would've been able to tell and wouldn't have let me touch it!" He was infuriated.

"Beyblades are not the kind of thing you should be messing with! They are dangerous and an abomination to mermaids!"

"Son." He stopped yelling. They both turned around so see an old mermaid with long gray hair, amethyst eyes with a matching tail that had golden fins wearing a regal crown and a flower hairpin with an amethyst pearl in it. Unlike other mermaids, she did wear a shirt, which was made of threads made from various plants, giving the elaborate pattern that the shirt had. "Why must you be so strict about this? Beyblade aren't something dangerous as long as she is still under the sea. Here they are no use because they cannot spin properly underwater. Let her have it. And don't get so mad about her being so adventurous. You were just as bad, if not that then worse, when you were her age." She swam over to Elpída. "As my granddaughter, you have a responsibility to act differently than your peers, which means you can't go around alone. And a dolphin does not count, because Ieremías, while I admire the way he sticks by your side, isn't able to defend himself well. He's still a child like you. Now, I suggest we go to eat dinner and then head to bed." Elpída nodded.

"Yes Grandmother." They did just that.

Far Away

The mermaid from before smiled at the scene from the palace that she had watched.

"This is perfect! I don't even need to waste any magic for my plan! The way her father reacted to the simple little Beyblade that she found was perfect! I had not planned on her being the true owner, but that only works to my advantage since only those who walk on land can use them! Everything is falling into place so quickly!"

Song Of Hope: Just so you know, I changed the names of some characters temporarily. Elpída is Hope, Pnévm is Madoka, Ieremías is Jamie, and the two sisters are Victoria and Dedra. R&R