A/N – Sorry for the delay. I've been wrapped up in some HOT steamy RPF's on AO3. But, I am back for a few day dreams. Here's a little one just on the cusp of "Crazy Town Rick"

Maybe a phone call we didn't get to see in that basement room in the tombs.

S3E6 – Hounded

He paced the dark and dirty room, but Rick didn't notice that he was in the same state of disarray as this disgusting space. She had called, reassured him that her people were in a safe place. He didn't know who it was or where they were calling from but it didn't matter. He had pieced it all together. There were other survivors. They were safe. They had room for more people. Now he just had to convince the voice on the other end of the line that his brood of wanderers were worthy of joining up with their group. It didn't matter how far away they might have been, he would pack up his prison crew and get to them. Maybe he wouldn't have to be in charge of things any more. He could just exist and let someone else tell him what to do for a change.

He paced figuring out what would need to get done to leave here, thoughts swirled through his head. "Pack up the two working vehicles, stock them full of food and people. A minivan, that's what we really need, a minivan with those stow-and-go floor containers. Baby stuff, we have some but we need more. I have to tell them we have a baby with us now. Oh, Daryl's bike, need to take that too. We need more vehicles, maybe we could…"

The ringing of the phone cut through his thoughts like a jack hammer. Rick jumped at the sound then scrambled from the phone. He had been pacing and was further away from it now, it rang again and he grabbed the receiver. It was one of those old fashioned enamel phones that had some weigh to them. Rick was so exhausted it felt heavy in his hand but he picked it up and answered quickly. "Hello? Hello!"

"Hi." The breathy voice on the other end replied.

Rick took a deep breath. He had been so afraid that they wouldn't call back. "Thank you. Thank you." He leaned against the table. He wasn't sure it was the same person he had spoken to earlier. "Are you the one the called before?"

"MMMmmm No." She sounded tired, not exhausted but more sleepy.

"She said you were all in a safe place." Rick wasn't sure why a different woman had called back. "Our place was safe, but we have lost so much now." He tried not to think about it all. Their safe prison home had become a blood bath. Humans, walkers all of it mashed together. He had lost another loved one.

"Awe…" Her little voice sounded sympathetic.

"Have you lost people?" It was a dumb question, everybody loses people these day. "Never mind. Where are you?" If their groups were going to connect, he needed to figure out which way they were going to have to head out.

"I'm in my bed." She said it with a bit of chuckle at the end.

Rick blinked twice. "What?" Maybe he didn't hear her right.

Her tiny voice lilted over the phone lines. "In my bed." She paused then continued on. "All alone in the big comfy bed."

The tired man was confused. He legs were beginning to give out under him. Rick let himself drop to the floor while he clutched the phone. He tried to think, "Where is your bed?" Maybe she would tell him where her would was he if pushed a little.

She was quiet but he could tell she hadn't hung up, she was still there.

Obviously she wasn't ready to tell him where she and her people were. He needed to keep her on the phone. "Tell me about your bed." That's what she seemed to want to talk about.

"It's lonely. I wish I had some big, strong man to share it with tonight." She was playful and that made him smile. "What's your name cowboy?"

Cowboy? Now Rick really was smiling, it felt like he hadn't smiled in ages. He was no cowboy, he was the law-man in town. "Sorry ma'am, I'm not a cowboy. But you can call me Sheriff Rick" He sat with his back to the table leg and rested as he waited for her to reply.

The little voice became mischievous. "Sheriff Rick. Hhhmmm. I like that." She was smiling, he could tell in her tone. "You got a badge and a big night stick?" Now her little voice didn't sound so little. She was getting bold.

"Yeah." Rick chuckled. "Badge, night stick. Handcuffs. I gottem' all." He honestly wasn't sure where those all were right now. But he had them somewhere.

"Oohh. Handcuffs. I like that. Tell me about them."

He paused, waited to see if she was going to say more. This was funny but he needed to get serious with her. "Look ma'am. Can you tell me where you are? We can't stay here much longer. The more people the better. Maybe we can all meet and stand together."

"Ma'am? My mama is Ma'am." She had a drawling southern accent all of a sudden. It made Rick smile. Maybe her group was close to Georgia. "Call me Kitty."

He nodded. "You from the south? Can you tell me what state you're in?"

The line was quiet again and he worried she was going to hang up. "Make it Miss Kitty." Her tone changed again. Stronger now. Rick was trying to memorize everything she was saying, trying to listen for background noise or something that might tell him more about her. "Yeah, Sheriff Rick. You can call me Miss Kitty. And I want to hear all about those handcuffs of yours."

This was stupid, he needed to get his people to somewhere safe and she was fooling around on the phone talking about handcuffs. If it was the only way to keep her talking, he would oblige. "You like handcuffs do you?" She made a mewing sound on the other end. "You ever been in cuffs Miss Kitty?"

She giggled on the line, "No… I've never been in cuffs Sheriff. I'm a good girl."

Rick had to laugh. She didn't sound like a good girl. She actually reminded him of a stripper that Shane had once dated. Ok, dated is a strong word. She was the stripper who lived in their town but worked a few towns over. They had pulled her over a couple of times for swerving. She had never been drunk, only tired and distracted. She and Shane had eventually hooked up and he always felt the need to tell Rick about his escapades with Jasmine.

"You don't sound like a good girl. You sound like the kinda girl who has a whole bag of naughty just waiting to be opened."

Miss Kitty stopped giggling. "You have no idea how naughty I can be Rick. Why don't you hand me those cuffs and I'll show you."

This conversation was derailing too far. He needed to bring it back around. "If you tell me where your group is, I promise to bring my cuffs when we meet."

"You'll give me the cuffs Rick and I will restrain you right where you are, sitting on the floor, ankles crossed and those grubby pants of yours." Her voice was now full of lusty energy that immediately made Rick hard. "I'll cuff your hands behind you, attach you tight to the table so you can't move."

How did she know that's how he was sitting? "Kitty, where are you?" He looked around, he was alone in the room, alone except for that walker he had killed. "How do you know…"

She cut him off. "Ssshh! Sheriff Rick. You need to let Miss Kitty take over. Miss Kitty will make it all better."

"But…" He didn't know what to say.

"Stop interrupting Rick or I will hang up this phone and leave you like this." She paused slightly, "Leave you with a hard cock just begging to sucked. Do you want that Rick?"

He was speechless.

"Miss Kitty asked you a question. Do you want to be left with a raging hard on and no one to suck it for you?"

"No." He stuttered. "No Miss Kitty." Rick reached and stroked the hard on through his pants. He hadn't gotten this hard in longer than he could remember. He hadn't gotten hard over Lori in ages. Maybe once thinking about Andrea naked and bathing. No, not hard like this. He groaned when he touched himself.

The sultry voice on the end was back at. "Oh there you go. You like that? You touching yourself Sheriff." He nodded, not that she could see him. "Why don't you pull it out for me? I want to see you stroke I." Rick was rubbing harder now, his head nodding without even realizing it. "Bet it would feel good all out of your pants." Rick knew she was right. Confined to his pants he was beginning to ache. He cradled the phone at his shoulder and held it in place as he freed up his other hand to unbuckle his belt. "Bet that belt would look good in my hands, ready to smack down on your ass."

Ricks hands froze. "Wha?" His dick twitched but his brain wasn't on the same the page.

"Not tonight silly." Miss Kitty's voice was reassuring. "Tonight it's all just cuffs and cocks. Right?"

"Right." He went back to his belt. 'Cuffs and cock', he liked the way she thought. He unbuttoned his pants and the zipper practically ripped open on its own. He pulled himself out. He cock was hot, oozing already and harder than a steel rod. He instinctually wrapped his right hand around the shaft and started to squeeze and stroke. He groaned out, lifting his hips just a little.

"Oh that's it Sheriff Rick. That feels good doesn't it?" He nodded which made the phone on his shoulder shift, he caught it before it fell. "Careful honey. You don't want to drop me do you?"

He went back to stroking as he spoke this time. "No ma'am." He heard her throat clear. "No Miss Kitty."

"Good, now you're gonna have to use your imagination a little bit here Sheriff. So let Miss Kitty walk you through it all." He made a sound that was an affirmation of sorts. "Sit up straight Rick, no slouching, you have to feel that table leg straight up your back." He did. "I want you to use both hands on your cock baby. That's how I like to stroke it." He took his free hand and wrapped it at the base tight, feeling his balls while he was at it. "That's right. Now nice and slow, start pumping it. Pretend it's me wrapped around your cock because you're cuffed up behind there."

He was actually doing it. He pressed his back to the table leg more as if he were cuffed to it and she was the one stroking him. "Not gonna last long Miss Kitty." Rick choked out the words, he really wasn't. He hadn't had a woman touch him in months. He needed this release so bad.

"Now, now naughty Sheriff, you gotta wait. Let me stroke you good and long. I wanna feel you throbbing in my hand. I wanna hear you beg for it. Remember, you are all cuffed here, you have no control of any of this. Just get to enjoy it all as I stroke you long and hard. Does that feel good baby, my hand all wrapped around you, does that feel good?" Miss Kitty's voice filled Rick' head.

He nodded. "Yeah. It feels good. I need this Kitty, I need to get off." Rick was desperate. These past days had been too much, today had been impossible. He needed to cum and maybe pass out.

"Tsk, tsk. Mistress Kitty will tell you when you get to get off." She enunciated the 'Mistress' part of her new title. He almost came at the sound of the word. "That's it isn't it." She was whispering now, still stroking but with a slower pace. "You like Mistress? Is that what Officer Hard Cock really needs? A beautiful woman to take control?" Rick nodded, he did need that. Someone else to take the lead in some part of his life. "You like being told what to do?" He didn't respond. "Well, I need you to spit into my hand Officer Hard Cock, we need more lube over here." Rick was parched to start but managed to fill his mouth with saliva then spit it into the hand that was stroking him. His head whipped back hitting the table. Miss Kitty had pulled him by his hair.

"Good boy, that's right. Follow my orders. Do what Mistress Kitty tells you to do or I'll pull your hair again." The stroking was back in full force. "You like the way I jerk you don't you Rick." He nodded, "Like I know you better than any woman ever has." He was dazed now, nodding blindly.

She was quiet for a while, just stroking and fondling as time ticked on. Rick wasn't sure how much longer he could hold out and he really didn't care anymore.

"Let me cum Mistress." His voice was hardly more than a whisper. "Let me cum please." He was desperate.

Miss Kitty just laughed as he begged. Words becoming babbling as the stroking shallowed but sped up. The laughing just made him closer to exploding. It wouldn't take much at all now.

"Such a good Sheriff. You ready to cum for me?" Rick nodded as the words spun in his head. "Than do it. Cum hard Officer Hard Cock, cum all over yourself." He did. He did everything he was told to do, he came harder than he had cum since he had been Carl's age. It was everywhere, white ropes of creamy liquid all over his hand, his shirt, even his face. He had cum hard and fast and it took every ounce of energy for him to stay conscious.

"Was that good Mistress?" His voice was hardly a whisper.

A sigh first, then she spoke. "Yes, Rick. You did so good." He smiled at her approval. "Now clean yourself up and take a nap. You have a long day ahead of you."

He nodded, "Night Miss Kitty." He let the phone drop from his shoulder and he put it back on the cradle. Rick shook out his arms and rubbed his wrists, he could feel the cuffs still on his flesh. He grabbed a scrap of fabric off the floor and cleaned himself up. He laughed at how much there was to be cleaned. He was proud of himself.

Finally he dozed off, still sitting by the leg of the table.
