A/N: Finally found time to upload this. This will be my first multiple chapter fic and I'll be trying to update once every week or so.

Anyways, this story is an AU and will have Yaoi in it. The pairings are still mostly undecided yet, but so far we have Puppyshipping (Jounouchi/Joey & Seto Kaiba) and eventual Mobiumshipping (Atemu & Yami & Yuugi).

Atemu and Yami won't be appearing for a few chapters, but they'll be here soon enough. I can promise that Yami will be here around chapter 3, but Atemu will have to wait.

Now that that's out of the way, here's chapter 1 of Circling!

Yuugi was crouched over a table, scribbling notes as he scrolled through an online article shining back at him from the computer screen. His hair was messier than usual - a feat previously thought to be impossible from his friends' point of views - it's spiky edges spanning out at steep angles, the tips frayed like an old rope's. The usual amethyst orbs that inhabited his face, making it seem even more childish than the slightly chubby features already did, were dulled in exhaustion.

He hadn't slept in a good forty-eight hours.

A gentle knock sounded from behind him, making the young man glance up for a moment. Racking his brain, Yuugi tried to remember if he had forgotten anything that would make anyone interrupt him while working, something he made sure everyone knew he didn't approve of.

"Yuugi! You've been up here all day and haven't even come down for anything to eat!"

Oh, right. Eating.

"Just a minute, Jii-chan! I'm on roll and if I stop now, I'll lose it!"

He could practically feel his grandfather's eyes roll. He had always disapproved of Yuugi's almost obsession over this ancient mystery that he himself had poked through for half of his life. "A good waste of thirty years" was a favorite muttering Sugoroku often said whenever the topic was brought up - which was on a daily basis.

After hearing the heavy footfalls of his grandfather returning downstairs, Yuugi turned back to his work. It mystified him greatly. How could a Pharaoh just disappear one night, with no mentionings of it anywhere? Not one word was spoken in any texts about the Pharaoh other than when his reign started. No ending point. It was speculated to have ended around five years after gaining the throne, for the Pharaoh after this dubbed "Nameless Pharaoh" started his reign around that time. Strange, since that Pharaoh was the Nameless Pharaoh's cousin, the closest living relative to him. A Pharaoh around his age would most likely already have heirs in wait to take over. Theories say the missing royal had a forbidden love, but Yuugi hardly believed these, for there was hardly any evidence to prove it.

"Yuugi!" came the warning voice from downstairs. Sighing, the young man closed his laptop and put away his notes. He could use a break from this. But just a little one. His mind could get easily distracted, after all.

Half stumbling like a drunk, and half slowly walking like a slug down the stairs, Yuugi carefully guided his body towards the dining room, where lunch was served. Sugoroku was watching with barely concealed worry. After his grandson finally seated himself, the old man sighed heavily.

"You know, this isn't how I imagined you using that archeology degree after graduating from Domino University."

Yuugi groaned, covering his face in exasperation. "Not this conversation again, Jii-chan," he mumbled through his hands. "I can do what I want with my life, so just leave me alone, okay?"

"Now, Yuugi, you know that I'm just concerned for you. I spent a good portion of my life dedicating myself to solving this, but I only ended up where I started." Sugoroku leaned across the table to lift his grandson's chin up so their gazes connected. "I don't want you to regret wasting away while you work on this."

Shooting a stinging glare at him, Yuugi paused his slow eatings. "I'll probably have to go to Egypt soon. Ishizu called me the other day and said she might've found something." He took a mouthful of soup before continuing. "But I won't go until we can afford the flight. You know how I am about others paying for me."

Sugoroku frowned. "When did she call?"

"Just yesterday. I forgot to tell you sooner."

Humming softly, the old man left Yuugi to his food. He'd let his grandson off this time, but next time…

The sharp jingle of the bell situated above their game shop door sounded, announcing the arrival of a customer. Sugoroku hustled over to the business part of their house and peeked over the door.

"Hello and welcome to Kame Game Shop, what can I…" The old man blinked, doubletaking at the newcomer. "Katsuya Jounouchi? What're you doing here? Weren't you just in Tokyo for a Dueling Tournament?"

A tall, blond and lanky man turned and gave Sugoroku his signature smirk, honey eyes warm. He shifted the black jacket around his shoulder and cleared his voice to clear any awkward air. "Sorry for the sudden visit, Jii-san. My phone died, and I was just so excited to be back I forgot to charge it." Jounouchi glanced around. "Is Yuugi anywhere? He's not still working away on that 'Nameless Pharaoh' stuff, is he?"

Sugoroku chuckled. "Ah, well that's quite alright, Jounouchi. I just got Yuugi to get down here and eat some soup. If you hurry, you'll catch him before he locks himself back into his den."

Jounouchi nodded his thanks and slipped inside. "Yuugi! Ya better not be in your room doing what I think you're doing when your bestfriend is down here getting all lonely!" His shout echoed throughout the small house, and a dull thunk followed by loud curses quickly came afterwards.

The two men exchanged a look. "Bedroom." Rolling his eyes, Jounouchi took the steps two at a time and burst into his little buddy's room. Yuugi was on the floor, having fallen from his chair in alarm when his friend yelled. Notes and papers were scattered around the room, an obvious attempt to balance himself.

"Jou? You gave me a freaking heart attack!" Yuugi whined, rubbing his sore head. "When did you get in?"

Jounouchi snickered slightly. "Eh, sorry, bud. Just got in this morning." He stooped down and easily picked up the smaller, lighter man into a tight embrace. "Dang, man, I missed ya." He took a glance at the other's face, nose wrinkling. "You look like hell. Have you been sleeping?"

Yuugi squirmed in his friend's grasp. "Let go, mother. I've been eating and sleeping like a regular person, now put me down!"

"Really now? Then why do you like you're going to pass out the second I set ya on the ground?"

To prove his point, Jounouchi promptly placed Yuugi back on his feet, who immediately wobbled and fell on his butt.

Jounouchi howled in laughter as the smaller man scowled. "You didn't give me any time to balance, ya jerk!" This didn't cease the other's laughter, however, so Yuugi just focused on standing by using the nearby table as a crutch. Once that task was completed, he smacked Jounouchi's head hard, quickly putting an end to his amusement.

"Ow…" the blond whimpered. "That hurt, Yuug'."

Yuugi just ignored him and took a seat on his bed. "So, any news on the apartment?" His voice was hopeful with a smidge of desperation. He'd been looking for a place to live since graduating from college, since living with his grandfather was getting a bit tedious. Jounouchi had personally put himself in charge of where his bestfriend would live, much to Yuugi's chagrin.

"That eager to move?" Jounouchi teased lightly, plopping himself beside the other with a sigh. "Well, I looked into it, and it seems affordable. A few ten thousand yen per month. Still high, but that's Japan for you." His gave a small huff of amusement. "It's a good size for one or two people, three if you really wanted, and very comfortable. I'd get it."

Yuugi nodded, lying down to mull it over. "Anything that pleases you has to be good, right? I mean, you turned down everything else I suggested without so much as a second glance."

"Plus, this place is close to here, so you can come and help Jii-san often. And don't worry about the rent so much. You know I've got lots of money to spare."

"Yeah, ever seen you starting dating Seto Kaiba. I don't get you, Jou. That guy's an egotistical asshole, you two fight every time you see each other, and yet you still claim to love him." Yuugi rolled his eyes, sighing deeply. Jounouchi just lightly punched him in the arm.

Yuugi waved a loose hand in the air. "I guess I'll get this apartment you're talking about. Jii-chan is probably sick of me anyways."

"Sick of you being buried in this mystery thingy?"

Jounouchi quickly added as soon as that pointed glare shot his way, "Right, not a thingy. Eheh..." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

There were a few moments of silence before Yuugi cleared his throat, gaining attention. "Ishizu called. She says she found something very important that will help me with this-" he gestured to the notes on the table. "-and that I need to come to Egypt right away. I'm currently saving up for the trip, but it'll take me a while…"

A loud snort made Yuugi stop and snap towards Jounouchi. The blond was covering his mouth, false hurt showing in those honey eyes. "Ya know I can always pay for the tickets, right? I'm wounded to know you wouldn't even consider that an option." His hand moved over his chest to be placed above the heart, giving a fragile pout that was twitching in want to become a smirk.

Yuugi shook his head. "No, Jou. I wouldn't ask for that. It's a pretty expensive trip, and you're already paying for my apartment, and I'm sure Seto wouldn't like it if you keep spending all of his money, which I'm sure he needs to run his company, and-"

A large hand clamped onto Yuugi's mouth, stopping anymore words from spilling out. "Now, come on, Yuug'. Ya know I'm your friend, and friends help other friends out. And don't ya worry about Seto. He'd give me anything I'd ask for the moment I asked for it." Jounouchi snickered evilly. "I bet he'd even wear a frilly apron if I'd ask him to."

The tri-colored haired teen rolled his eyes, shoving Jounouchi's hand away so he could breath again. "Got him wrapped tightly around your finger, huh?" They chuckled for a few more moments before Yuugi suddenly became somber again. "You'd really do this for me, Jou? Practically paying for everything?"

Jounouchi made a 'pshaw' sound, waving the words away with the flick of a wrist. "What're friends for?"

A slightly goofy looking grin slowly came upon Yuugi, and he jumped into the other's arms in his excitement. "Thank you! Thankyouthankyouthankyou! You're the bestest friend ever!"

"Ack! Let go, you're squeezin' the lungs right out of me!"

Jii-chan: Grandpa

Jii-san: Formal Grandfather

10,000 yen = about 100 usd

Next Chapter: Yuugi goes to Egypt.
