"Man, I'm bored." Howard whined as he and Randy are sitting on Howard's bed.

"We've beaten all six Grave Puncher games, and we're stuck waiting for the seventh game to come out." Randy added with a bored expression. "They come out in two months or so."

Indeed Randy and Howard are bored. Howard's parents were out one fine evening for a reason - today's their anniversary. They told Howard and Heidi earlier that they're going out to have some sort of romantic dinner and then check in at a nice motel and won't be back home 'til next morning. Heidi had recently gone out to hang out with her friends instead of keeping an eye on Howard and Randy like she should be.

Because of what she did, Howard and Randy are home alone. They got the whole house to themselves for the evening. They could do whatever they want while their parents are away. Unfortunately, neither Howard nor Randy could think of anything exciting to do. They were as bored as boring old folks in the retirement home.

"Wanna try some bondage?" Howard asked Randy as he brings out a few ropes and a few bandages from under his bed.

"Rock, paper, scissors to see who gets to be the one tied up?" Randy replied with a smirk. "One who loses gets to be the one tied up."

"Oh it is on, Cunningham." Howard and Randy reach out their fists.

"Once, twice, shoot!"

At the same time, Howard's hand was opened with his fingers extending, representing paper. Randy's fist was clenched, representing a rock.

Howard shouts with joy. "HA! Paper beasts rock! I'm gonna have fun with this."

Howard pulls out a large roll of bandages and puts the ropes back under his bed. "If we're going to do this thing, I'm gonna need you to take off your clothes for this."

Randy blushed. "W-why would you want me to do that?"

"Trust me when I say this. It'd be more comfortable to do it without clothes than it is with clothes on."

Randy rolls his eyes as he starts taking off his clothes. He took off his hoodie first, then his shirt, and then his shoes and socks. He was about to take off his pants when Howard stops him.

"Keep the pants on, Cunningham. I don't need to see your underwear." Howard told him as he starts wrapping Randy's feet together with bandages. He stops instantly and looks at Randy. "Do you mind lying down in my bed while I'm doing this?"

"Nope." Randy replied as he hops onto Howard's bed and lies down on his back with his hands resting on his chest as Howard continues wrapping Randy's legs together like a worm, up until he reached the waist. It feels kinda tight, like the bandages are restraining any movement Randy would try to do when Howard's done with his work completely.

Howard looks down on Randy with a bandage roll, still in his hands. "I'm gonna need you to cross your arms."

Randy crossed his arms, but not in the way Howard wanted. Howard sighs as he grabs both of Randy's wrist. He placed Randy's right arm over his left arm, in a similar manner - the way ancient mummies crossed their arms. Right over left, left hand clasping onto right shoulder as the right hand remains relaxed and pronate on the left shoulder.

"Stay still." Howard said as he resumes wrapping his friend up with bandages. The higher the bandages go, the tighter Randy's upper body became. This continues on until Howard reached the neck. "Finished. Try moving."

Randy tries moving his body from underneath the bandages, but couldn't. Howard had tied him up pretty good.

"Not bad on a first try." Randy complimented as he struggles a little.

"Yep." Howard went on top of a mummified Randy, their faces meet within a few inches. "This is worth waiting two months for the release of Grave Puncher 7."

Before Howard could do something else on Randy, a monster's roar is heard from outside Howard's home.

"I have to save Norrisville!" Randy tries moving, but forgot one thing …

… he's still mummified and wrapped in bandages.

"Not this time, Cunningham." Howard told Randy in a seductive manner as he wraps the bandages around Randy's mouth, eventually silencing his friend's pleads to save Norrisville. "Not this time."

Yeah this is my first time writing a Weinerham fanfic. I'll end this for now, unless there are some wanting me to do more chapters of this. Please read and review.