Chapter 10

"I thought I had raised you better than this!" his mother yelled at him after her fifteen minute long rant. "Are you even aware of the laws you have broken?!"

She looked at her son with and angry and disappointed look. Although he still didn't know, the council has arraigned a meeting and she was the one uncharged of bringing him. This case was one that was rare with a demon of such positions, especially nowadays and with a human mate. Sure it was most common back in the day for males to get out of control, but not at the extent which the mate in question had to leave in fear of her life. Their instincts wouldn't allow it to go so far, the most primal part of their selves would never harm their mate to that extent, especially if they were a human.

'So why did this happened?' She thought. No matter how powerful the demon is, they could never fully control their primal self. Even inutaisho didn't poses such control, so how can her son do this. Naturally, they had to live in peace with that part of their being if they wanted peace and control.

"I am well aware of them" sesshomaru simply said, with an indifferent expression.

"So you are aware of the consequences of breaking them." She stared at his face with an annoyed expression but kept her voice cold and even "You are well aware of my position in the council, and even if you are my son, I will not tolerate this, unlike your father. Do you realize the pain that you put that girl through? You know how it was when your father left me, the pain I felt. Imaging how she feels! And she's pregnant?! Do you have any idea how much pain she went through? DO YOU?! ANSWER ME!" The look in her eyes screamed anger as she growls the last part.

There was a flash of emotion on his eyes, regret? But he continued to keep his indifferent expression on his face as if what she said meant nothing. Brushing this off, she composed her emotions and she continues with a cold intimidating expression. The air around her screamed power, a trait that was passed down to him.

"I am in charge of presenting you to the elders, we, including your father and I, will discuss what is going to be done with this situation. If you don't go willingly, then the charges that will be put upon you will be more severe."

As she said this she continued to look at her son, waiting for a reaction out of him. The way he took the information was as if nothing serious was told to him. 'Is as if he didn't care', this behavior was something that she had never seen in him, well, not at this extent.

'He must have concealed his beast and emotions within himself. He is in full control.'

'Hmmm?' It was rare for this side of her to speak, since they were both in equal standard in her body, both in balance with each other, so there was never a need to fight for control or talk, since they acted as one.

'It's the only logical way for him to be able to do this/ to be so calm while his mate isn't with him'.

'But why would he feel a need to do that?'

'Why indeed'

Sesshomaru stared at his mother who was deep in thought. He could feel her anger, anger that was directed to him. Something that has never has happened before, he had only seen that anger directed to his father when he was younger, he witnessed the damage that she could make, and how easy she could make his father beg on his knees.

He didn't understand why she was making such a big deal about this, since the beginning his mother never liked his wife, she has told this to him numerous times. Yet here she is on the verge of killing him because of how he treated her. He didn't care much about the council members, since Rin herself had to be present for them to choose his punishment, and so far her whereabouts are unknown.

He still himself is unsure of how to approach her when he finds her. She is his mate, no matter what. And she is carrying his offspring. The feelings they shared for each other, the bond that mates naturally have aren't strong now thanks to his actions. He at the moment felt indifferent at what she thought of him or felt. The only thing that matters is that she is here with him. There was still a part of him that felt something for her. Even thought he had taken care of that his more basic self, which had gotten rid of some of the emotions that he has for her. There were still some that haunted his mind, that didn't make him function properly. The only solution that he has thought of was to have her with him and find a way to completely break their bond or fix it, he still wasn't sure what to choose.

"-d love her?" his mother's voice brought him out of his thought. He started at her with the same expression that she were. A cold mask that hid everything

"What?" he asked unsure of what the question was?

"Do you love her or have you ever loved her?" she asked in a soft tone, but still kept her hard expression.


A/N: Been wanting to post this for a a week or two. I admit that i was blocked for a while and didn't know how to take that away, especially with finals. but thanks to my lil sis who i am visiting in Dominican Republic, got me inspired and writing again.

Hopefully i will start updating more regularly and will have a longer chapter available soon. Hopefully there r still people interested in this story by the time this is over.

Thank you for reading.