Disclaimer: I don't own G Gundam or Highlander.
A.N. This takes place just before Domon's battle with Chapman. Also plenty of Domon bashing cause he deserved it for the way he acted sometimes in the early episodes.
The Immortal Gundam Fighter
Episode 3:
Domon vs. Connor, The Meeting of the Kings Part 1
Connor MacLeod was sitting in a tavern drinking a bottle of scotch when the door opened revealing a young dark haired japanese man wearing beige clothing and a red cape. A red headband wrapped around his head. He walked over to the bartender and whispered something to his ear. The bartender motioned with his head to where Connor was sitting and the young man walked over to him. "Have you seen this man?" he asked in perfect english while shoving a torn photograph in his face. "Ask me again politely and I'll answer you. Ask like a rude bastard again and you'll be kissing this floor." Connor said in perfect japanese. The man grabbed Connor's shirt and shouted "I DON"T HAVE TIME TO BE POLITE, SO TELL ME IF YOU"VE SEEN HIM OR NOT!"
The next thing he knew Connor had grabbed his arm, twisted it behind his back, and shoved him to the floor face first. "I expected more from the King of Hearts but I guess I was wrong about you Domon Kasshu." Connor let go of Domon and got off the floor. As Connor began to walk out the front door he was blocked by a young japanese woman. "You have to forgive Domon, he gets a little upset at times." "Upset? Sorry to tell you this lassie but your boyfriend is rude." "I'm not her boyfriend." Domon said as he got off the floor. "Did you two break up?" Connor asked as he walked around the woman all the while looking at Domon. "She was never my girlfriend!" Domon said getting angrier by the minute. "Just lovers then?" Connor asked smirking. "NO WE"RE NOT!" Domon screamed at him. "With that attitude I can see why."
He walked out the door yelling out "There's a clearing 60 miles west of here. I'll be there in 2 hours. I hope that you will be there as well usless of course you're afraid of facing the legendary King of Swords." He raised his right hand showing the glowing crest on the back of it. It was a king's crown with three swords going through it. The middle one pointing straight up. The other two were inches apart from the middle pointing diagonally from it. Underneath it was "King of Swords 1396". I'll be waiting for you, King of Hearts." Connor then left the bar, got into his core-lander and drove toward his gundam.
Domon looked on as Connor got farther and farther away. "The King of Swords? I thought he was a myth. Who'd of thought that We would meet the King of Swords huh Rain?" "So who is the King of Swords?" "From what I know about him, he created the shuffle crests and formed the original Shuffle Alliance." "How can that bepossible?" Rain asked with a shocked look on her face. They say he's some kind of immortal that has been around since before even the existance of the colonies. They also say that if you beat the King of Swords in any type of battle, you would go down in history as one of the greatest warriors of all time." "And you plan to face him?" "Of course. Not only cause of that but also he was practically goarding me into a fight with all those comments about us." Domon stormed out of there with Rain walking right behind thinking 'The way Domon talked about this guy, I think Domon's met his match.'
Next Time: The match between Domon and Connor commences and we get to see the full abilities of Connor and the Highlander Gundam. Will Connor to be able to defeat Domon or will Domon be able to do what so many could not do and defeat Connor.
Stay Tuned.
A.N. In ancient times Swords was a suit in playing cards. They were replaced by I believe clubs. This is where I got Connor's crest from.
A.N. This takes place just before Domon's battle with Chapman. Also plenty of Domon bashing cause he deserved it for the way he acted sometimes in the early episodes.
The Immortal Gundam Fighter
Episode 3:
Domon vs. Connor, The Meeting of the Kings Part 1
Connor MacLeod was sitting in a tavern drinking a bottle of scotch when the door opened revealing a young dark haired japanese man wearing beige clothing and a red cape. A red headband wrapped around his head. He walked over to the bartender and whispered something to his ear. The bartender motioned with his head to where Connor was sitting and the young man walked over to him. "Have you seen this man?" he asked in perfect english while shoving a torn photograph in his face. "Ask me again politely and I'll answer you. Ask like a rude bastard again and you'll be kissing this floor." Connor said in perfect japanese. The man grabbed Connor's shirt and shouted "I DON"T HAVE TIME TO BE POLITE, SO TELL ME IF YOU"VE SEEN HIM OR NOT!"
The next thing he knew Connor had grabbed his arm, twisted it behind his back, and shoved him to the floor face first. "I expected more from the King of Hearts but I guess I was wrong about you Domon Kasshu." Connor let go of Domon and got off the floor. As Connor began to walk out the front door he was blocked by a young japanese woman. "You have to forgive Domon, he gets a little upset at times." "Upset? Sorry to tell you this lassie but your boyfriend is rude." "I'm not her boyfriend." Domon said as he got off the floor. "Did you two break up?" Connor asked as he walked around the woman all the while looking at Domon. "She was never my girlfriend!" Domon said getting angrier by the minute. "Just lovers then?" Connor asked smirking. "NO WE"RE NOT!" Domon screamed at him. "With that attitude I can see why."
He walked out the door yelling out "There's a clearing 60 miles west of here. I'll be there in 2 hours. I hope that you will be there as well usless of course you're afraid of facing the legendary King of Swords." He raised his right hand showing the glowing crest on the back of it. It was a king's crown with three swords going through it. The middle one pointing straight up. The other two were inches apart from the middle pointing diagonally from it. Underneath it was "King of Swords 1396". I'll be waiting for you, King of Hearts." Connor then left the bar, got into his core-lander and drove toward his gundam.
Domon looked on as Connor got farther and farther away. "The King of Swords? I thought he was a myth. Who'd of thought that We would meet the King of Swords huh Rain?" "So who is the King of Swords?" "From what I know about him, he created the shuffle crests and formed the original Shuffle Alliance." "How can that bepossible?" Rain asked with a shocked look on her face. They say he's some kind of immortal that has been around since before even the existance of the colonies. They also say that if you beat the King of Swords in any type of battle, you would go down in history as one of the greatest warriors of all time." "And you plan to face him?" "Of course. Not only cause of that but also he was practically goarding me into a fight with all those comments about us." Domon stormed out of there with Rain walking right behind thinking 'The way Domon talked about this guy, I think Domon's met his match.'
Next Time: The match between Domon and Connor commences and we get to see the full abilities of Connor and the Highlander Gundam. Will Connor to be able to defeat Domon or will Domon be able to do what so many could not do and defeat Connor.
Stay Tuned.
A.N. In ancient times Swords was a suit in playing cards. They were replaced by I believe clubs. This is where I got Connor's crest from.