Note from the Author: Hello my lovelies! How are we all? Sorry I've been gone a lot longer than usual. My 22nd birthday was recently and I enjoy to party :) I've also been busy with stuff etc etc... Like you guys care, right lol? Anyways, here is the new chapter. Only a couple more chapters until the story ends. I have some big plot twists planned :D! Let me know what you think!

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter 27

I set down my quill and looked over the note I wrote for my mother. It was finally time to have her sit down with Draco and I with her. I haven't even spoken to her since I left for Christmas vacation to the Malfoy's.

I missed her deeply, but inside I knew I was purposely putting it off later. I just know it's going to go badly. I dripped hot wax from my candle onto the opening on the letter so it sealed shut.

"Come here Pastra", I called my owl that Draco gave me for a Christmas present. She was beautiful. She was grey all over with a white mark on her forehead that looked like a heart. I gave her the letter and she flew out the window. I was so close to yelling come back, but this needs to be done.

"Draco, can I talk to you?" I asked quietly as I walked up to him in the common room.

"Sure, babe", he leaned forward to place his glass of firewhiskey on the table in front of him. I walked over to him and curled on his lap, his long arms wrapping around me.

"Sooo, I was thinking it over..." I started, trailing off.

"This sounds serious", he joked and smiled at me.

"... and I think we should formally sit down with my mother finally as fiancee's and you know, discuss that we're having a baby", I quickly told him and clamped my mouth shut.

Draco inhaled deeply and his mouth went in a firm line.

"Drake?" I nudged him. My stomach was doing flip flop. What if he said no?

"Uh- oh yeah!" he nodded," Sorry. This is just taking a little bit to get used to..."

"What is?" I asked.

"The fact that the woman who curses my existence is your mother", he laughed awkwardly.

I smiled and shook my head," Yeah, I know... But it kind of needs to be done. Now that, ya know."

I gestured to my stomach and Draco smiled," Yeah, I suppose you're right. When do you wanna do this thing?"

"Maybe tonight?" I smiled sweetly.

"Anything for you my love", he kissed me.

"Stop fidgeting", I laughed at Draco as he fixed his jacket for a third time. I wish he didn't decide to wear all black. He was wearing a black button down, with a black suit jacket, and black pants; but as much as I hated him wearing all black to meeting my mother, he looked hot as hell. I loved him in all black.

"I'm just kind of nervous", he muttered.

"Don't be", I smiled and held his hand tightly. I lifted my fist and opened the door softly.

"Mom?" I yelled as Draco and I walked into the living room.

"Huh, it's nicer than I imagined", Draco mumbled.

"Be nice", I hissed at him and elbowed his side.

"Hello, dear!" mum came out of the kitchen holding her arms out. I let do of Draco's hand and ran into her arms, hugging her tightly.

"I've missed you mum!" I said into her shoulder.

"I've missed you too baby", she hugged me tightly.

I let go of her and saw Draco staring at us with a weird expression on his face.

"This is weird", he commented and looked between us.

"For once, I whole heartedly agree with you", mum told him with a smirk.

"Well, I guess I don't need to introduce you guys", I shrugged.

"No, deffinetly not", mum nodded her head," I've known him longer than I've known you as weird as that is."

"Huh, that is weird..." I never thought of it like that.

"So we can all agree that this whole thing is weird", Draco laughed and surprising mum laughed with him. It seemed to ease the tension.

"So we are having Celestra's favorite tonight", mum told us and I smiled and clapped my hands.

"We are having a cheesy tuna noodle casserole", mum smiled at me," Have a seat at the table please."

I led Draco and I to the table. He sat across from me.

"Here we are!" mum came out and laid down the casserole dish on the mats that were on the table.

"It looks great, mum!" I smiled and felt my stomach growl. Oh yeah... I'm eating for two now.

All of a sudden I felt like I was going to throw up. How was I supposed to my mother, my savior, that I was pregnant and not even out of school yet? Oh god...

"So how was Christmas vacation?" mum asked as she served us.

"It was great", I immediantly put a huge mouthful of food in my mouth.

"So nothing big happened?" mum quirked an eyebrow.

"Ya know", I laughed and rolled my eyes," Just relaxing and..."

"Oh my God, I can't take this anymore", Draco dropped his fork," We got engaged and you know it so stop being coy."

"Young man, I will not tolerate being sassed at in my own home", mum snapped at him.

"Then don't play games", Draco retorted.

"Draco, don't make this any worse", I pleaded.

He looked at me and sighed," Fine, but I won't let her bad talk our engagement."

"In regards to your 'engagement' ", mum hooked her fingers like quotations when she said engagement," We are to talk about it."

"Oh! Narcissa has been planning like crazy! I suppose we should-", I started to tell her, but mum cut me off.

"That's not what I want to talk about", mum told me and I frowned," I want to talk about how young you two are and how this isn't a great idea."

"Excuse me?" Draco shook his head and looked at her with disgust," Who do you think you are saying that to us? You have no idea who we are or what we are. You have no right to criticize our engagement."

"Mr. Malfoy, you will do well to lower your voice or -!"

"Or what? You'll give me a detention?" he leaned back in his chair and scoffed," We're not in class and you aren't my professor at the moment. Right now, I'm meeting you as the mother of my fiancee and quite frankly, being a pain in the ass!"

"Draco!" I yelled at him," That's enough!"

"Why are you getting mad at me?" he leaned forward and yelled back.

"Because you know she doesn't like you so why don't you try to win her over by showing her how great you can be", I snapped at him.

"Why don't you stick up for me!" he hit his fists on the table.

"See how barbaric he acts!" she pointed to Draco," Do you really want to be with that for the rest of your life? I thought you were smarter than this!"

"Mother!" I stood up," I love him and yes, he can be an asshole, but he's my asshole! And you are going to have to get used to it."

"Oh am I now?" mum raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah, you are!" I started to tear up," Because we're having a child!"

"What?" mum's face went white and her eyes doubled in size.

"We're- we're..." I stuttered.

Draco shot out of his chair and ran over to my side, grabbing my hand.

"She said we're having a child", Draco repeated confidently.

"You're pregnant...?" she hissed, standing slowly out of her chair.

I inhaled deeply and whispered," Yes."

She looked away and closed her eyes," Get out."

"Mum?" I whimpered, tears falling out slowly.

"Leave please", she pointed to the door.

"You're child is pregnant and you're just going to kick her out of her home?" Draco yelled at her," What kind of person are you?"

"I need time to process this", my mother walked away," Please, just go for now."

"Let's get the fuck outta here", Draco grabbed my shoulders and led me away.

I can't believe she turned me away...

So there it was! Let me know what you thought!