Hey Guys! So HetaliaFiction left me a review earlier and really got me thinking about when the last time I wrote something was. In the last chapter I updated I mentioned I was only 15 years old. Yesterday was my 18th birthday. I am blown away at how long it has been since I have written anything pertaining to Dukes of Hazzard, or anything else really. I'm going to go ahead and let you guys read this chapter and we will have a little chat at the end!
Please read and critique!

Chapter 4. Boss's Plan

Bo and Luke walked slowly, side by side although there was some distance between them, each step placed so that no twigs would snap or make much noise.

Bo drew an arrow from his quiver and aimed his bow at a rather large looking rabbit and fired- narrowly missing because the rabbit jumped away at the last minute.

"You know, I remember the last time we went hunting out here there were half a billion rabbits and deer by the boatload." Bo said with an aggravated sigh.

Luke could understand his cousin's frustration. They had walked up towards the mountains at a stealthy speed, then back in the direction of town, then back again towards the mountains- nothing.

"Great." Bo heaved another agitated sigh, "Now it's raining."

Luke looked up at the darkening sky and felt a drop of rain skid down his cheek.

"Lets head back to camp and we can try again tomorrow. See what the radio says." Luke said wiping his cheek with his shoulder.

The sun at this time would usually be a bright array of orange and reds, but instead was struggling to fight through the dangerously dark clouds. Hazzard was prone to some bad storms in the summer, but mostly just heavy rain for a day or so then it would slack off enough to still finish up a good camping trip. Luke was certain this would be the case, but he felt a little anxious to get back and check the radio for a recent weather report. At least the rain had waited a day.

Jesse sat on the porch swing, swaying gently back and forth as he watched the last bit of light be consumed by grey clouds. It had cooled off a tremendous amount, and the breeze had picked up. The rain would be here any minute now.

"Uncle Jesse, would you like some lemonade or tea?" Daisy asked as she stepped out on the porch.

"No thank you Daisy." Jesse said.

"Okay, well its about 4 o' clock now Uncle Jesse. I'm going to go start supper now." She said as she turned to go back inside.

"I'll come an help you." Jesse said. He wasn't really worried all that much. Both of his boys were well adversed with camping and the like, and what Bo lacked Luke easily made up with his military training. Jesse was sure they would be fine, he was more concerned if they had forgotten the rain tarp or not.

Boss sat happily at his desk, thumbing through his first 15 percent of rent for the second day in a row now.

Rosco stood near the door feeling tempted to raise a question he'd been wondering for a while now.

"Boss, why did you only ask for 10 percent to begin with? You could have started your price at 35 or 40 percent then gone down if need be."

Boss smiled largely, mostly because of the money in his hands, and raised an eyebrow, "Dear brother in law. Can you keep a secret?" he said leaning in.

"Well sure Boss, I keep all your secrets," Roscoe smiled.

Boss cut his eyes at his friend, knowing full well his brother in law was an accidental blubber mouth.

"I needed to make sure they took the bait." Boss said quietly.

"Uh, what bait Boss?" Rosco questioned.

"I needed to make sure that Kent would pick my offer over anybody elses. I need him to be here in Hazzard county." Boss folded his money and stuck it in a safe hidden in his desk, "Come here, lemme show you something."

Rosco walked towards Boss Hogg's desk, stopping short when Boss held up a picture in his face.

Rosco's eyes widened, "Thats Kent!" he pointed.

Boss smiled as he stared at Kent's picture surrounded by the typical bounty boarder, 25,000 dollar reward written under his picture.

"Oh Boss surely you aren't gonna try to turn them boys in. Kent is a dangerous man thats why the bounty is so much!" Rosco was already disliking this idea.

"Shh! Would ya keep your voice down, you pea brain?"Boss hushed.

"Yes. I'm going to wait until they are working full operation and then call in the state. A big heroic bust like that would guarentee the next election as mine, and 25,000 addition to my bank account. I- I mean the county's funding department." He said sweetly.

"And my 5 percent?" Rosco asked happily.

"And your 5 percent of 5 percent of 5 percent," Boss reiterated.

Rosco frowned again, still not sure exactly how much that left him.

Bo and Luke sat under a make shift canopy they had made the day before, a method of stacking branches and leaves that they had been perfecting since they were little.

Fresh fish they had caught earlier were now roasting by a fire that was fortunatly just blocked from the rain by a couple of near by tree's.

"I don't think the rain is going to let up. Wanna risk getting wet to see what the radio says?" Bo suggested.

Luke was working on sharpening a stick with his knife, "Naw. It'll probably let up by tomorrow. Might as well just bunker down for the night." He was pretty comfy watching the rain from the dryness of their canopy.

"Yeah, you're probably right." Bo said as he gently prodded their fish to see if they were finished.

A couple of hours of relentless rain passed, sufficiently making both Duke Boys tired enough to crawl into their sleeping bags in their tent and drift into sleep.

So I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Now time for a little chat. Okay so the last time you guys heard from me I was 15 and I'd like to tell you some things about me. Many of you have followed me from my first Dukes story, (I think I was like 12 or 13) So you have seen my writing progress over the years. I just graduated from highschool this past May, and like I said I turned 18 yesterday. I am going to be attending Lee University as a Music Education major in August!

I had not planned on letting my writing get this far behind! It started off with my laptop breaking into a virtually unusable state. I am still totally shell shocked. My home life and things with school had got so crazy that it was hard to find time to write, please forgive me. I am off for the summer, and I really would like to get some more fanfics out there before I leave for college because then who knows when I might get to write again!

I know this story doesn't have a lot of followers but if anybody would like to have a chat or questions just shoot me a PM and we can talk!

I love you guys, and thank you for your support over the years!