Hi guys, I know, I know, you all want to murder me for not updating but I promise I have been working hard this year with music and writing (kinda) and I also got saved in church ! –YAY- So yes anyway, I wanted to explore some of the suspense category because it's something I've never written for which is where this story comes into play. Please read and leave a critique!

That Sinking Feeling

Ch.1 Checklist

"Have you seen the flashlight?" Bo queried as he and Luke attempted to pack for the three day hunting trip that was to be approaching in the next three or four quick approaching hours.

Luke rolled a pair of jeans up, starting from the waist line until he reached the bottom of the pant legs, "I thought you already packed it."

Bo paused in his searching through their bed room drawers, "Did I?" he furrowed his brows before moving to the backpack and searching through the small side pocket, "Nooo I don't see it here." He drawled out as he checked under the backpack.

"Ah, found it." Bo mused, picking up the flashlight and flipping it once in his hand then tucked it into the pocket.

Luke smiled and shook his head, packing in a folded shirt.

"Boys," Jesse gave a light rap on their bedroom door, "Have you started packing yet? It's already going on elven."

"Yes sir." Bo smiled as he packed an old first aid kit box into the bag, "We're almost done too."

"That's good, what about your bow and fishin' poles?" their uncle questioned.

"That's next on our list." Luke replied promptly as he zipped up the pack.

"Before you go on with your gear, checklist." Jesse started.

"Flashlight, first aid, compass, food, repellant?"

"Check." Bo rested a hand on his fully packed bag.

"Clothes, sleeping bag, tent, blankets?"

"Check." Luke heaved the bag on his shoulder.

"Alright then, load this into the car and I'll start lunch." Jesse said giving his seal of approval on their packing.

Both Duke boys carried the bags out to the General Lee, their prized orange 69 dodge charger, and then headed out to the barn to gather up their tackle boxes and fishing rods.

Everything was packed, the poles were properly set up and the bows were already in the trunk from their previous target practice out in the field.

Now the Dukes were found gathered at the table, Bo, Luke, and Jesse eating a ham sandwich left over from their previous night's supper.

"When is Daisy's shift over?" Bo asked ask he picked up a thick piece of ham off the plate.

"Not in time for us to see her." Luke took another bite, "Besides now we don't have time to go to the Boars nest seein' how it's already time to go and our site is in the opposite direction.

"Yeah you're right." Bo took another bite of his sandwich."

"Did you ever fix the CB." Jesse asked Luke, "I don't want something happenin to you out there and you not have any way to get ahold of me or Daisy."

"Yeah it turns out all that was wrong was a plug came loose." Luke replied.

"Good you got it fixed." Jesse nodded standing up and pushing his chair under the table, "You boys can leave if you're ready."

"Nah," Bo said also standing as he finished his sand which, "We can help with dishes first."

Luke nodded in agreement as he grabbed his plate and turned to put it in the sink.

In a few hours they wouldn't have running water, better not take it for granted while they had it, even if it was used for washing dishes…..

I know it was short, but its just an introductory chapter, update coming soon since Thanksgiving break is coming up which will also have a Dukes thanksgiving one-shot (if my plan works out) so please review and subscribe!