Disclaimer: I don't own attack on titan! I do however own this plot so I hope you enjoy it~

I cracked my eyes open to the sound of the alarm clock screaming. I turned it off and set it back on the wooden floor. Today was the first day of senior year. Yippee. I sighed and turned on my full sized bed to lie on my side facing the room. Directly across from my bed, my dresser was against the blank white wall, the floor was littered with my clothes that I needed to wash, and my closet doors were opened showing off my few pairs of jeans and the last of my clean work t-shirts. Situated in the corner of my room, my bed had a wall near the head and side. I throw off the covers and sit up, time to stop procrastinating and get ready for school.

Walking to my closet I pick out a pair of faded jeans and a black shirt with my work's logo displayed on the front. I had to work right after school and since I didn't have to wear an actual uniform I just wore the shirt so I didn't have to come back to the house to change. Grabbing a pair of boxer briefs from my dresser I walk to the bathroom and throw my clothes on the counter. After relieving myself, I wash my hands and press play on the radio set next to my clothes. I stare at myself in the mirror as Eminem plays through the speakers. My dirty blonde hair mussed from sleep, sticks up at random and my face is pale, making the bruise on my cheek stand out more. Dear old dad had a bad day at work yesterday and took it out on me and my mother. I sleep in my boxers so my chest is bare, showing off the bruises near my ribs where he kicked me. I was skinny, lanky with wiry muscles and little hair on my chest and around my navel disappearing into my boxers. I poke one of the bruises and hiss. It's still sore which means work is going to be hell. I work as a bus boy at a local restaurant carrying loads of plates and cups, helping the dishwasher when it's slow. Bending and stretching is going to hurt. I'm so glad seniors don't have to take P.E. that would've sucked.

I turn the shower all the way to hot and step into the scalding water. After washing, I stand under the spray and wait just a little longer than usual to get out. I was not looking forward to going to school. Although escaping my dad for the day would be a good thing. He wasn't always like this. The abuse started after I came out of the closet, which just so happened to be around the same time one of my mom's friends introduced her to methamphetamine. She used up all our money to buy the drug and dad had to take more shifts at his job to make up for it. Me being gay was just another excuse for him to take out his frustrations on me. I got my job around the same time to escape and to pay for my phone and gas for my car since my parents could no longer afford it. I towel off and get dressed, noticing that my jeans are getting baggier, the elastic of my boxer briefs showing. I turn off the radio and head back to my room. Throwing my dirty clothes on the floor, I grab a pair of socks from my dresser and sit on my bed to put them on and slip into my shoes. I grab a zip-up hoodie and my backpack and head out to the kitchen for a bowl of cereal. In the living room, my mom, passed out on the couch her pipe cradled to her chest like a teddy bear. I kiss her cheek and whisper, "I love you." before heading out the door to my car.

I pull up in my beat up Honda to my usual parking spot at the side of Sina high school. I did not like using the parking lot; It's too crowded, full of jocks and idiots. And Marco. Marco Bodt was the captain of the basketball team; he was tall, dark, and freckled. Marco might as well have been Jesus; everyone loved him and worshipped the fucking ground he walked on. He led the basketball team to nationals the last three years. I've been in love with him since he moved here in junior high. He came in like a storm and completely took over my thoughts. Marco was the only one who didn't make fun of me for being poor. And when high school started and everyone else just ignored me, Marco made sure to smile at me whenever the chance arose. He's perfect and I will not be convinced otherwise. Nevertheless, I wouldn't dare approach him. That would just embarrass him in front of his friends. I don't even know if he's gay and asking him would earn me an ass whooping. Sure, the people here mostly ignored me, but they still thought of me as a pariah. I'm anti social, angry, and lose my temper easily. Not to mention I'm the only person who is openly gay here. Sina is a small town with close-mined people, being gay just makes me an easy target.

I lock the door on my car and head onto campus with my backpack slung over one shoulder. I walk to my locker and grab my schedule out that I put in there when we got them, and walked to my first class, French IV with Mr. Heichou. I walk to the classroom and drop into a seat in the back. I was still fifteen minutes early, so I took out my headphones and put them on, connecting them to my phone and waited for the bell to ring. About ten minutes later kids started to file into the class. To my surprise, and joy, Marco walked in. He sat in the front with the few of his friends that were in this class. There were less than twenty kids in this class, hardly anyone took this elective, which is exactly why I chose it. After suffering through the first three years, I knew I could pass easily. When the bell rang, I put my phone away and watched as the teacher got up with a clipboard. He stood with his hands behind his stiff back, hair trimmed to perfection and his grey eyes calculating and hard. Everyone was quiet, not wanting to get on this teacher's bad side.

He nodded and brought the clipboard to his front. "We'll start today with the seating chart-" he was cut off by a chorus of groans, I had him for French I so I was already expecting this. Mr. Heichou glared hard at the class and everyone immediately shut up. "Everyone stand up and go to the back of the room and when you hear your name called come to your seat." We all got up and I stood away from everyone else against the wall, waiting to hear my name. I recognized some of the students, the 'inseparable trio' Eren, Armin, and Mikasa. Marco, of course, and a couple of his basketball buddies, Reiner and Bertholdt. When the teacher called my name I went to my seat in the third row, in the back next to a girl, I think her name was Sasha. I plopped down and waited for Mr. Heichou to finish. I tuned out after I situated myself into my seat so I didn't hear who was sitting next to me so when I saw someone sit down out of the corner of my eye I looked to see. Marco slid into the seat and put his binder down onto his desk. I think he felt my stare because he looked over and beamed at me. God he was beautiful.

"Hey, Jean right?" he asked, that smile still firmly in place. I couldn't tell if it was real or if he was just good at hiding. Either way I saw it falter as his eyes zeroed in on my bruised cheek. He didn't say anything though and for that, I was grateful. I nodded to him and gave a tiny smile back. This year just got a lot more interesting.

Author's Note:

So, what do you guys think? Should I continue this story? I'm working on a second chapter so reviews would be nice ^_^