Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of battle of the souls (gladly one that didn't take me five years to make :D)

Whilst Shizuka was getting to know the rest of death soul, team B's boat finally arrived at their destined island. The journey had been long but the team where relived to finally be off. They quickly unloaded all of their belongings and the boat left as silently as it had came.

"Ok guys, it's been a long trip but..." Rida began before Sasori barged past him and cut him off.

"What's that guys problem?" Maliki asked annoyed.

"I don't know, just ignore him, I'll deal with him tomorrow" Rida grumbled angrily. "Can you help me with this?" he asked, gesturing to the crate containing his mech. The two picked up the large crate and slowly carried it to the house they were meant to be staying in.

"Isn't this a bit unpractical?" Maliki asked.

"What, you mean mech? " Rida asked.

"Yeah, if someone catches you by surprised you'd never be able to boot this up in time"

"Oh this big thing is only really used in emergencies, for battle I mainly use my second suit"

"Second suit, when the hell did you get a second suit?"

"I wear it under my clothes, it's only thin, it's not that powerful but it's good for surprise situations" Rida finished as he set the crate down inside the house. He then showed his hand to Maliki which looked like it was inside a fingers glove with a white circle in the centre of the palm.

"Ah, good to know" Maliki smiled.

"H... Here you go guys" Hanaraki stammered shyly as she brought in the rest of the luggage.

"Oh thanks" Maliki said as she picked up her suitcase and hurried to her room.


Maliki stumbled almost blind through the dark hallways if the house. It was the middle of the morning and she had woken up to get a glass of water. As she got to the kitchen she checked that she still had her knifes hidden under silk night gown.

"Can never be to careful" she thought to herself when she felt them hidden in their holders. She then poured herself a glass and started walking back to her room. On her way however she bumped into something in the hallway, causing both her and the object to fall over and for Maliki to spill her water over herself.

"What the hell" she cried as she quickly got to her feet. She was about to draw her hidden knives when a bright light stopped her. The light then moved downwards to reveal that it was a torch held by Sasori.

"What the hell are you doing snooping around at this hour" Sasori hissed as she stood up, trying to keep his voice down.

"I was just getting a glass of water, which you ruined by the way along with my night clothes by the way" Maliki whispered back at him angrily, as she gestured to her clothes, which where soaked and sticking to her body".

"It's not my fault you weren't looking where you were going".

"You where the one that bumped..." Maliki started but she was suddenly knocked into the wall and pinned by her neck. She looked down and saw that she was pined by a red scorpion claw that looked like it was made of crystal. She saw that it came from Sasori and figured that he was from Grisidle and that this was his soul. "Get the hell off me" Maliki tried to splutter at Sasori.

"Don't you dare address me like that, traitor" Sasori shouted furiously.

"I don't know what your..." Maliki started but an extra squeeze from Sasori stopped her from continuing.

"What's going on" Rida shouted as he ran out of his room. From the other side of the hall Hanaraki also came out of her room, tired and confused at the situation.

"This guys gone insane" Maliki cried out.

"Insane? I'm not the traitor planning to stab us in the back".

"Maliki, what does he mean?" Rida said, trying to sound as calm as possible to try and diffuse the situation.

"Look at her clothes, you can see the knives she's hiding". Everyone looked and because of the wet clothes the outline of the knife holder could clearly be seen under her clothes.

"Sasori put her down" Rida said flatly.

"What, your actually going to let the traitor go?" Sasori argued back.

"I didn't say that just let her go so she can breathe" Rida responded. After a couple seconds of the two boys staring at each other, the claw holding Maliki vanished and she fell to the floor, spluttering and trying to breathe properly. Hanaraki took a step forward to help the girl but stopped, she no longer felt safe around her, around any of them.

"Now Maliki, tell us why you hid the knives from us" Rida ashes her sternly once she had recovered.

"I just had them for security. We have no idea who the enemy is, for I know every last one of you could be trying to kill us".

"So that makes it ok, you lie and hide stuff from us and then expect hugs and kisses afterwards" Sasori spat, enraged at her. Rida was silent for a second.

"Everyone back to their rooms" he said slowly.

"What, you are not serious. That girl lied to us and could have killed us without us even knowing and you just want to ignore it". Sasori shouted, walking up to Rida and staring at him, eye to eye.

"It is far to late to have this conversation, your mind is not clear".

"Oh, my mind is clear, your just blind. You've let this traitor get close to you and know you can't even listen to the truth".

"Go to bed" Rida repeated, sternly.

"What makes you think you can tell me what to do? Because your the leader? Your not the leader, your just a shame".

"And I'm a shame because?" Rida asked, the annoyance clear in his voice.

"You where made the leader because of the big Tarmina controversy a few years back". Sasori responded.

"Controversy? What does he mean?" Maliki asked.

"A few years ago, about ten maybe, the founder of the Afuro robot company, Afuro Terumi's dad, designed what he had called the ultimate machine, one that revolutionise the way mechs where built for ever. However Kidou's father, who also had a robot company, found a problem with the design and asked for it to be redesigned or scraped all together. This enraged Afuro and he tried to get permission for the machine to be built but no one would let him produce it. He tried desperately for a couple months but was denied each time. The companies reputation was shattered and Afuro changed. He no longer cared for his health or his family, all he cared about was trying to fix his design. A couple months after his break down, he called Kidou's dad into his office to discuss the fault in the design. No one truly knows what happened next but one thing we do know is that none of them walked out of that room. Now the company has picked up again in recent years, and isn't weird how the perfect jump start for the company would be that it's main tester becomes a figured head military commander and hero not to mention a peace offering between both companies?" Sasori finished. Rida dint speak for a few seconds and looked down, knowing that everyone was looking at hi for a response.

"If you really think that I got the role as leader because of my job" Rida started, looking up, "then you truly have no idea" he finished and walked out of the hall and back to his room. Sasori watched him leave and kicked out at the wall in rage before also returning to his room. Maliki and Hanaraki also silently returned to their rooms after a couple of seconds.
The group had gathered outside of the house for their first mission. It was the morning and non of them had really slept, the thoughts of last night had prevented them from getting any sleep. The atmosphere between the group was hostile at best.

"Ok guys" Rida said addressing the group, "all we need to do is survey the surrounding area, if we put the events of last night behind us this will be over quickly".

"Uuhh, Rida" Hanaraki said quietly, "who's that". They turned to see a boy in a suit and a hat, with brown hair and five green streaks on one side of it.

"Oh, I'm not intruding on anything am I?" He asked sarcastically, a psychotic grin plastered on his face.

"Who the hell are you" Sasori yell at him.

"Oh I'm Hazumi Yuuki from death soul, I'm here to pick up one of my spy's". The entire group turned to Maliki, who looked as shocked as they did.

"I knew it, you where trying to kill us all along" Sasori roared, looking ready to strike. Hazumi took a step towards the group but Rida held his hand up and the silver disk on the palm of his second suit started to glow, gathering energy. Maliki however started walking away from the group and towards Hazumi. She stood next to him and he smiled.

"There's my girl, it's time to go home"

"Stop" Rida shouted as he prepared to fire the shot from his second suit.

"Well isn't that a problem, you've got one shot and there's errr two of us hahaha" Hazumi laughed manically.

"Rida do it, before they get away." Sasori said but Rida hesitated, he couldn't decided which one to shoot at.

"Hurry up take the shot" Sasori yelled, which only made Rida panic more, he closed his eyes to try and concentrate.

"TAKE THE SHOT" Sasori yelled again as loud as he could. Rida sighed and the shit flew at its target.


Well I hope you enjoy it guys, even if it was a little later than two weeks.
Side trivia, the second and third parts where one of the first parts I thought of when I first came up with BOTS and I'm glad I can finally share it with you (even if it was nearly a year latter :D)

Any way I hope you enjoyed

Peace :D