A/N: Okay….here it is…the long awaited final chapter of my Olicity fic. I'm so glad I got this up in time for the return of Arrow! MY planning finally worked out.
I'm in love with this chapter. Everything worked out how I wanted it, and wrapped it up they way I had planned from the very beginning. That being said, I don't plan on continuing this specific story. I will definitely be writing more stories in this universe and in general.
If you guys have any questions about this chapter…please let me know, I'd be happy to answer them =)
Four Years Later
"Ow, shit," Oliver grunted under his breath as he was punched in the stomach.
"Oliver?" Felicity's voice came through his earpiece, "Are you okay?"
"Fine," he responded shortly, throwing a punch.
He scrambled for the bow that had been dropped a few minutes ago in the struggle. Oliver allowed a small smile as his fingers wrapped around the weapon.
Swinging around and lifting his arm, he cracked his latest perp in the face. The criminal staggered back, giving Oliver the opening he needed.
Acting quickly, Oliver kicked the man in the stomach, sending him flying into the alley wall. Aiming the bow, he notched an arrow and held it to the man's throat.
"Where are the weapons?" he growled, using his 'Arrow' voice, as Felicity liked to call it.
Fifteen minutes later, Oliver had called Detective Lance with a tip on missing arms and the criminal attached to the deal tied up and waiting on the corner.
Oliver sped back home with Felicity chattering in his ear.
"I don't want to get into it right now, especially since you're driving. But don't you think you should maybe take a little break?" Felicity asked, her tone worried.
Oliver laughed, cutting off when his side hurt too much, "You worry too much, Felicity. I'm fine. I'm 37-years-old. Prime of my life."
Felicity mumbled something incoherently, and then, louder, said, "Dig says you're full of shit."
Oliver laughed, "Yeah, well he's not so young anymore either."
"Oliver," Felicity sighed, "Just come home."
"I'm on my way," Oliver revved his motorcycle and sped off into the night.
Oliver turned off the motorcycle and slid it quietly into the garage of the home he and Felicity lived in.
Pulling the green hood off of his head, Oliver snuck into the house, making sure he closed and locked the door behind him.
Oliver climbed the stairs carefully, not wanting to wake Bea or Theo. But, once he got to the top of the steps he couldn't help but peek into each of their rooms to make sure they were safe and sound.
It had become a habit in the months after Bea's birth. Even on nights he wasn't going out, he would slip out of bed and look in on his baby girl, just to make sure she was still there.
Felicity teased him about it sometimes, but after a while she had stopped, realizing how much the nightly check-ins meant to Oliver.
Satisfied that both kids were asleep, Oliver made his way down the hall to his and Felicity's bedroom, the only room in the house with the lights on.
She always left the bedroom light on; even if she was asleep by the time he got home. More often than not, Felicity was awake. Oliver would usually find her sitting Indian style with her back against the headboard, some crazy thick book resting on her lap and the Food Network playing quietly.
Tonight Oliver found her tucked under the comforter, her eyes shut, and an episode of Doctor Who playing softly.
Oliver winced when he recognized the action on the show. Felicity playing her favorite episode of Doctor Who could only mean than she was feeling upset or anxious about something. Oliver had come to associate the Twelfth Doctor and Clara's adventure with some of the hardest conversations of his life.
Oliver slowed his footsteps, and carefully stripped out of his Arrow uniform, hoping Felicity would stay asleep.
"You know, for such a big guy, you're very light-footed," Felicity murmured, her eyes still shut.
Oliver paused, a small smile creeping onto his face, "Knew you weren't asleep."
Felicity laughed lightly, "No you didn't. You were hoping I was asleep."
Oliver shrugged, but didn't deny her claim. She would've seen right through him anyway.
Felicity didn't say anything else; she let Oliver change in peace. Oliver was extremely aware of Felicity's eyes watching as he pulled on boxers and a T-shirt. The intensity of her gaze only served to tighten the knot that was forming in Oliver's stomach.
When he slid into bed, Felicity scooted closer to him and wrapped her arms and legs around his body.
Oliver pressed his hand against Felicity's forearm, "Hey, hey, what is it? What's wrong?"
Felicity sniffled lightly, and pressed herself closer to Oliver.
Oliver brushed his wife's hair off of her face and kissed her forehead, "Felicity, come on. Talk to me. I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong."
"I'm scared, Oliver," Felicity finally mumbled into the cotton fabric of his shirt.
"Scared of what?" Oliver unconsciously pulled Felicity closer.
She didn't say anything.
"Is this about earlier? The fight I was in?" Oliver prompted, "Because if it is, you know I'm as careful as I can possibly be."
Felicity pulled away from Oliver so she could look at his face, "Yes, and no. I mean, it's partially that. Listening to you get beat up is horrific. I hate that. And it scared me sometimes, because I can't help but think that what if this is the time you're too slow. What if this is the time that you don't come back, and I have to raise the kids without you."
Oliver stroked Felicity's back and frowned when he realized she was shaking.
"Felicity, you won't. Not if I can help it. I will make sure I come back to you every night. And if, worst-case scenario, I don't, then you won't be alone. My mom, Thea, Roy, Dig, Barry, Iris…they'll all be around to help you. They would never let you raise the kids alone."
Felicity gave a shaky smile, "Right. Of course. The rational part of me really knows that. But, I just…after tonight I was thinking about it a lot and I couldn't shake the thought."
Oliver leaned up on his elbow and cupped Felicity's face, "Stop thinking so much."
She smiled as he kissed her.
"Now, go to sleep. The Queen maniacs should be up soon, and since it's Saturday, someone promised several rounds of mini-golf. Even though she knows I always lose because the blubs are too small," Oliver laughed, leaning back against his pillow and closing his eyes.
Felicity sighed and rested her head against her own pillow, watching as Oliver slowly fell asleep.
But just as he reached the sweet spot between sleeping and being awake, Felicity said, "I'm pregnant."
Oliver jolted up so fast, felicity practically had to jump out of the way for fear of getting her nose broken by his head.
"What!?" Oliver shouted, forgetting all about his sleeping children.
Felicity bit back a small smile, "Oliver…you're going to wake Bee and Theo up."
"I don't care. What did you just say?" he was staring down at her, a grin threatening to break through his restraint.
"I'm pregnant," This time, Felicity didn't hide her smile.
Oliver's eyebrows shot up, "Really? You're actually pregnant?"
Felicity nodded, "That's what the little plastic stick told me."
"I thought…well, after the accident…" Oliver trailed off.
"So did I. And after the two miscarriages…" Felicity shrugged, "I just kind of assumed it wouldn't happen. And I was okay with that. At least after we talked."
"Wait. When did you find out?" Oliver asked, pulling Felicity into his lap and wrapping his arms around her.
Felicity leaned her head against Oliver's shoulder, "Yesterday morning. I didn't want to say anything…just in case. But I took another couple of tests this morning. And they were all positive."
Oliver's smile lit his entire face up, "So you're definitely pregnant."
Felicity nodded, "I'm definitely pregnant. I…just don't get your hopes up, Oliver. I may not stay pregnant."
Oliver shook his head, "Don't think like that."
Felicity smiled sadly, "Someone has to. And I know it won't be you. You love being a dad too much to ever think something like that."
Oliver leaned his cheek against the top of Felicity's head.
"I know…but this time could be different," Oliver's hand subconsciously slid to rest over Felicity's stomach, as if he could protect the baby growing there.
"I hope it is. I really do, Oliver," Felicity yawned, and tucked herself closer to Oliver, "I think I'm going to sleep now."
"Good idea," Oliver kissed Felicity's hair quickly and slid her over so she could be resting on her back.
"I'm really happy, Oliver," Felicity murmured, snuggling close to him.
Oliver scrunched his forehead up, "How far along are you?"
"Hmm? Just over a month, I think," Felicity mumbled through a yawn.
Oliver smirked, "So she's an Irish baby, then."
This perked Felicity up, "She? Irish baby?" She smiled a little.
"Yeah, it's a girl. I can feel it."
"Oliver!" Felicity exclaimed, "You didn't know she, or he, existed an hour ago."
"Doesn't matter. Now that I know, I know she's a girl," he winked, "Call it daddy's intuition."
Felicity rolled her eyes, "Oliver, you're ridiculous. You can't possibly know if the baby is a boy or girl. And what did you mean by 'Irish baby'?"
Oliver laughed, a deep rumbling sound from his chest. Felicity sighed as she vibrated.
"Where were we a month ago?" he prompted.
Felicity shook her head, "I don't know, Oliver. Here?"
Oliver waited for a minute for Felicity to catch up, "Oh! We were in Ireland last month."
Oliver laughed, "Yeah. I guess you're going to blame pregnancy brain for forgetting that one?"
"Oh shush," Felicity swatted at his chest, "You try growing a baby. All of your brain power is focused somewhere else."
"Uh huh," Oliver mumbled, yawning.
He closed his eyes, feeling like he could fall asleep any second. His arm wrapped tighter around Felicity and her warm body made his warmer.
This was all he had ever wanted. Years of being Starling City's masked hero…of fighting his feelings for Felicity…it had taken it's toll on him. When he had come home from the island, he'd been a mess. Felicity had picked up the pieces.
After the accident four years ago, Felicity had been a mess, and he'd done his best to put her back together. Two miscarriages later, pieces were missing, but she was getting happier.
But now? Felicity sleeping next to him, pregnant with their third baby? His son and daughter asleep down the hall?
Now Oliver had exactly what he wanted, and life was good.
Even if his life would be consumed by sleepless nights and spit up in eight months.
Eight Months Later:
"How is she? Can we see her? Is it a boy or a girl?" Thea shot out her questions rapid-fire before throwing herself at Oliver and squeezing him in a tight hug.
Oliver hugged his sister back and then held her at arms length, steadying her.
"Felicity is great. Tired, but great," he paused, his eyes gleaming happily.
Thea pouted, "Tell me about my new niece or nephew, Ollie!"
Roy laughed behind her, "Give him a second, T. He and Felicity have been up for aver 15 hours."
"It's been that long?" Oliver asked, "I didn't even realize. But, anyway, the baby is perfectly fine. Healthy and beautiful."
Bea tugged on Oliver's shirt, "Come on, Daddy! Tell us!" She blew a piece of long blonde hair out of her face and pouted exactly like Thea.
Oliver smiled; he had teased them long enough, "Follow me."
He led the parade of people into Felicity's room. The IT tech was sitting up in the bed, looking worn out, but wearing a bright grin.
"Hi, everyone. We'd like you to meet Shailene Clare Queen."
She handed the baby girl to Oliver so he could pass her around to their family.
Once Thea was holding the infant, Oliver sat down on the bed next to Felicity and wrapped his arm around her.
"Pretty good for a vigilante and an IT geek, huh?"
Felicity nodded, a soft smile spreading on her face as she watched Moira lower Shai into Bea's waiting arms. Theo leaned over the arm of the chair and looked at his new sister, studying her face. Bea was making faces at the baby, laughing when the infant made gurgling noises. They looked happy.
"Really good."
A/N #2: On a side note, Shai is Hebrew for 'gift.' I thought that fit perfectly for the fact that Felicity was never supposed to have another baby =)