"I hate rich people," Felicity Queen muttered under her breath as she leaned down to undo the straps on her entirely impractical shoes. She sighed happily when they slipped off her feet, and she wiggled her toes.

Her husband gave her a look out of the corner of his eye and raised an eyebrow, not saying a word. He returned his gaze to the road in front of him, but the amused half-smile he usually wore when Felicity said something out there was present.

Felicity caught on quickly, "Oh my god! Other rich people! Not you, Oliver. Never you. It's just all the rich old men with their whiskey breath and cigars. And do they know how bad cigars are for their health? And the air! The second hand smoke for other people is so beyond unhealthy. Oof, but at least they're friendlier than their cold, overly Botoxed wives. And they all have the hots for you! Every time one of them saw us together, I swear they were trying to kill me with their eyes. Seriously, all the rich women in Starling City are mean."

Felicity paused, and as Oliver turned his head to say something (the amused smile still present), she realized what words had come out of her mouth, "I did it again! I totally did not mean your mom, or even Thea! Because technically Thea is a rich, Starling City woman. I mean, your mom is so not overly Botoxed. Is she Botoxed at all? That's not an appropriate question for me to ask."

Oliver chucked, and moved his hand from the steering wheel to rest on Felicity's knee. He squeezed it as he said, "It's a miracle you've lasted this long at these functions."

Felicity sighed and hung her head, "I think Bea's better at all this socialite business than I am."

Oliver didn't disagree; their three-year-old daughter was absurdly fascinated by the Queen lifestyle.

"I think it's because we let Thea babysit too much," he said, flicking the car's blinker on and looking over his shoulder to merge with traffic.

Felicity sighed and pulled her hair into a ponytail with a spare elastic she found in the glove box, "I think you're right. You know, the last time I left Bea with Thea and Roy at the club, my baby was coated in a layer of glitter and lip gloss."

Oliver winced, "I'll have to have a talk with my baby sister. At least those two keep Bea and Theo away from the bar. I hope?"

Felicity nodded, "I can confirm that. Roy was setting up a train set for Theo when I dropped the kids off at the house this afternoon. Nowhere near the fully stocked bar."

Oliver nodded, and he and Felicity lapsed into the kind of comfortable silence than can only happen between two people that are completely in sync.

After a few minutes, Oliver said, "I wonder if they're asleep. Maybe we could call?" hoping Felicity would catch onto his not-so-subtle hint that he missed their kids.

Felicity grinned at her husband and held up her phone. Oliver could see that she was already calling the house, "Way ahead of you, boss."

"I thought we agreed that you'd stop calling me that?" Oliver grumbled, a smile on his face despite his words.

"Never. Not when I know it makes you do the growly voice that I like oh so very much," Felicity smiled, staring off into the distance, "Especially when it's late at night, and we're alone…"

"OH MY GOD!" Thea's tinny voice burst out of the phone's speaker, "Do not tell me that you guys are going to….ugh! I can't even think about it."

Oliver caught Felicity's eye, and they both grinned. Felicity blushed at being semi-caught, but had to smother a laugh anyway.

"No, Thea. We weren't going to do anything…yet," Oliver winked at his wife, causing her to blush even more furiously. Oliver grinned, loving the effect he had on Felicity even after five years of marriage.

Thea made gagging noises, "Ollie, I love you, and I love Felicity, but, please, shut up."

Felicity swatted Oliver on the bicep, "I'm sorry about him, Thea. How were the kids?"

Thea sighed, "See? I like this topic of conversation. They were great! Adorable and perfect as usual. Seriously, I think I'm going to have to start convincing Roy that we need a baby."

Oliver made a noise of protest, and Felicity laid a hand on his thigh, patting gently.

"Speedy, you're 24-years-old. Don't you think it's little early to be thinking babies?" Oliver said.

He and Felicity were so focused on the conversation with Thea, that neither one of them noticed the headlights coming straight for their car.

Felicity dropped her phone as the impact sent her flying forward. She was so shocked she didn't even scream.

Oliver shouted, "Felicity!" before smacking his head on the steering wheel and passing out.

"Oliver! Felicity! What happened?" Thea's voice shrieked from the phone before it cut off.

"Oliver…." Felicity reached out a hand and pressed it to her husband's stubble coated cheek. He didn't respond to her touch. Her hand dropped weakly to her lap, as she finally gave in to the darkness surrounding her vision.

A/N: Well...there it is. My first ever Olicity fanfic. I love these two and I'm beyond thrilled to be taking a stab at writing them. I appreciate mucho all the support on Tumblr. This ones for all of you who have encouraged me to write and have like my silly headcanons. A special thank you to quisinart4 for writing Olicity and sparking my desire to write them, and for just be a great friend =)

I would love, love, love reviews! I really want to make sure everybody's in character here and I can only do that with your feedback, (well that, and watching Arrow for a million hours straight. But I don't have time for that)