"Mister Levi! Feeling seasick?"

Levi looked up from the dark waves roaring under the ship. The deep water under him, was almost invisible in the night, but the few lights on the ship and the full moon lit up in the darkness. There was no land in sight, and he had been studying the many stars before he was interrupted by the taller brown-haired woman.

"No, I was simply watching the sky, if you must know," Levi answered with his thick British accent, looking back over his shoulder at the figure, partly hidden in the shadows.

"There's no shame in being seasick, if this is your first time travelling by sea," the woman said in a teasing tone, walking up to him and leaning against the railings on the ship.


"Captain Hanji," the woman cut him off, "You have to address me properly, when on my ship."

"How long have we known each other?" Levi huffed and looked at the waves again.

"About ten years, I'd say," she answered and followed his eyes to her beloved sea.

"So tell me, why should I begin addressing you as Captain now?"

Hanji answered him with a smile and a single laugh, as the silence set between them, and only the sounds of the waves were audible. Normally, she wasn't one to stay silent, but being on sea she would often take the opportunity to enjoy the many sounds from the ocean. They had known each other for many years, and awkward silence didn't exist between old friends.

The year was 1900, the beginning of the new century, the summer of love. But Levi didn't care for such things as love. He was a painter, and the only love in his life, was for beauty. Beauty in it's simplest way - the nature, the ocean, the sunset. He had an eye for beauty and would capture it in his paintings, which was probably the reason for his success back in England. He was an acknowledged painter, especially in London, where he lived in a large apartment near the River Thames.

Now he was seeking new inspiration - along with spreading his name across Europe - and Hanji had offered to take him to France on her ship. She would often sail between Paris and London, selling tea and perfume, among other things, between the two cities. She knew Paris like the back of her hand, despite her British roots, and she knew a lot of people in Paris due to her social and chatty personality. This was an opportunity Levi just couldn't refuse.

It wasn't that he didn't make plenty of money on his paintings back in England, but lately he hadn't felt inspired to paint. He knew it wasn't something he could force, and he refused to sell a painting he wasn't completely satisfied with. He needed fresh air under his wings and new surroundings. He wasn't really sure if Paris would be that different from London, but it was worth a try. Hanji often stayed in Paris during the summer, and he would be able to stay at her home there without thinking about paying rent.

"I hope you don't expect this trip to be entirely free," Hanji said after a long moment of silence.

"What are you talking about?" Levi huffed, annoyed that the silence had been broken.

"When we go ashore, we need to reload the cargo and travel to Paris by train. I expect your assistance."

Levi refused to answer, thinking that he would rather have paid her for the trip than help her with her dirty work. His hands were made to create beauty, not load her stupid tea-leaves and biscuits from her dirty ship. He had never really done any physically hard work, and he preferred to keep it that way.

"I am not setting my feet in your hold. I don't even want to know when was the last time that place was cleaned properly," he sneered and sent her a warning glare, telling her not to push him any further.

"Well, you could always try to bribe one of my men to do your part, but I doubt those lazy dogs will settle for anything less than 80 francs," Hanji said with a calm smile on her face, as she inhaled the smell of the sea and studied the waves.

"Is that a lot?" Levi asked, not familiar with the French currency.

"That's the price of a luxury hooker," Hanji answered and winked at her friends.

"You know I have no interest in such things," Levi said coldly, straightening his back and his cravat.

"I know you are interested in beauty, and believe me, French girls are extremely beautiful. Not like those lousy whores back in London, French quality is a whole other thing," she teased, and when Levi didn't answer, she continued; "You were looking for new inspiration, weren't you?"

"There is nothing beautiful in selling your body for dirty money," Levi said, trying to keep his calm, but Hanji was seriously pushing his buttons. What could she possibly know about beauty?

"But isn't money pretty much what you live for?"

"I live for beauty," Levi stated with a proud tone, "It is simply just my luck, that the beauty I capture and create, provides me with a lot of money."

Hanji sent him a sceptical look, but she didn't say anything. They spend another long moment in silence before she jumped up, collecting her telescope from a leather container, fastened to her belt. She looked through the spyglass before letting out a joyful yell.

"If you're going to bribe my men, I suggest you do it now," she said to Levi before running across the deck and up the stairs to the wheel of the ship. She rang a bell multiple times, while yelling; "Land ahoy!"

Levi looked in the direction in which Hanji had pointed her telescope, but he couldn't see anything yet. The crowd slowly woke up and presented themselves before their Captain, as she ordered them around. Levi watched as they executed her orders in such a slow pace, that he almost felt like doing it himself. It she was right about them being lazy dogs, or if they knew they were still too far from land to be able to spot it without telescope, and they therefore didn't felt like hurrying, he wasn't sure. But he would never allow such laziness, had he been in charge.

Levi slowly walked along the railing towards the wheel, where Hanji still stood proud and energetic, yelling out commands. He looked at her subordinates as he walked past them, all of them ignoring him and his disgusted glare. As the sun began to rise at the horizon, he could see how dirty they all were - and how dirty the ship was! Right now, Levi wished he was travelling by train, no matter what he the price had been. It was to late now, and luckily they would soon be ashore.

He approached the brown-haired woman, who had turned silent, looking out over the sea as the sun rose and changed the dark waves to something more gentle, beautifully covered in golden colours. Levi stood next to her, following her eyes to the transformation of the ocean. He took it all in; the sounds of the brushing water, the salty smell and the many beautiful colours as they danced over the waves under the ship. This was truly beautiful and truly inspirational.

He let a absent-minded smile cross his face as he lost himself in the beauty of the ocean. This felt like a new beginning, a new era, and he was ready to paint the many beauties of this new world, which already seemed so different from the well-known streets back in London.

"I really hope, that one day you'll meet someone who'll be able to make you smile like that," Hanji said, startling Levi who had been lost in thoughts about the sight in front of him. He regained control over his face fast, and sent her an unimpressed look after his usual cold expression had settled on his face once again.

"I would not count on that," he breathed, and straight ahead with his head turned slightly upwards, just to emphasize his self-control.

As they finally reached the port, Hanji got busy ordering her men around, and Levi managed to stay out of her sight, only carrying his own luggage to the train. He didn't feel bad about letting the others carry the rest, since he felt he had plenty to carry himself. He had tried to only pack what he needed, but the easel and all his painting-equipment weighed more than he thought, and he had to walk back to the ship to get his suitcase with all his clothes. He cursed himself for having to bring that much along, as he knew he could just buy a new easel and paint when they arrived in Paris. But that wouldn't really do; he had always used the same easel, and it would be a bother to get used to a new one. And his paint-brushes were used through many years now, and they suited him perfectly. No, it was a good decision to bring it along.

Hanji sat down next to him on the train as it departed. Levi looked out the window, not acknowledging her presence, as the train drifted through the landscape. It did look a lot like the landscapes outside London, but it was a lot sunnier and not a single cloud were in sight. Back in London, it would rain through most seasons, and he had spend many days painting the grey and wet days.

"Still planning to stay in my flat in Paris?" Hanji asked as she looked out the window over his shoulder.

"Yes - after cleaning it thoroughly and making sure you don't keep any rats," Levi said in an expressionless tone, still looking out the window.

"Be my guest," Hanji smirked, feeling like winning the jackpot as she knew the condition of the apartment.

By the next train-stop, an elder couple boarded the train and asked if they could sit across the two old friends. Levi looked at them with a cocked eye-brow as he didn't understand a single French word, and Hanji had to answer them and apologize for her friend's impolite glare. They sat down in the empty seats without daring to look at Levi, who had turned his head to look out the window again.

"You should really learn to speak French," Hanji stated, sending the elderly couple a friendly smile.

"The only French I am interested in, is the French currency," Levi huffed and drove a hand through his black locks.

"Is that so? Then how are you gonna sell your paintings?" Hanji enquired, turning in the seat to face Levi, who still refused to spare her a look.

"The paintings are going to sell themselves, just like back in London. As I just said, the only French I need to know, is the French currency," Levi answered before finally turning to look at his friend, who met him with a smile of disbelief.

"Then how are you gonna communicate with your costumers?" she asked, curious about the painter's plans.

"That is exactly why I'm staying at your place," Levi said with a cocky smile, "What - you didn't think I would do so out of simple stinginess, did you?"

"Yeah, you actually had me fooled there," Hanji sighed, but the smile never left her face, "So you want me to be your translator when needed?"


"Such trust, Levi, that isn't like you at all!" she yelled, making the elderly couple jump in their seats. "I assume you want me to show you around and get you jobs too, then?"

"Now that you mention it," Levi answered, smirking at her again. Hanji locked eyes with him for a moment, trying to figure out if he was serious or not. They hadn't spoken much about his plans for when they arrived at Paris, and it was quite unusual for Levi to rely on other people, even Hanji whom he had known for so many years. Apparently, he wanted to try something new, and she could definitely give him something new to work with.

"I guess I could do that, after you've cleaned my flat," she smirked, looking out the window with a satisfied look in her eyes, "But remember - I've been sailing the seas for many years now, and my preferred locations are affected by that. But all right, I'll make sure you get your hands full."

Later that day, they arrived at Hanji's apartment in France. It was very small, less than half the size of Levi's home back in London, but it was cheap and located in a quiet yet central part of Paris. By first eye-cast, Levi had to walk out in protest by the sight that met him. The place was beyond dirty, it was disgusting. Hanji laughed sheepishly at his reaction as Levi walked away from the apartment to walk around for a few moments to calm himself down.

Levi ordered his friend to gather the trash and throw almost everything away, while he wrapped a handkerchief around his hair and another one around his face to cover his mouth and nose, before he grabbed a broom and began gathering the dirt and take down the spider-webs.

Hanji wasn't much help to him, and since she had trouble staying focused on the task, he sent her out to bye groceries and whiskey - he knew he would need it for later.

None of them had slept much that night, since they both had spend most of the night looking at the sea from the ship, but Levi was far from tired. He wouldn't be able to sleep in a place this dirty anyway, but he didn't feel the need for rest before he had seen just a bit of Paris. The sun rising over the sea and the landscapes outside Paris had teased his passion, and he wanted more. He wanted to see the beauty in this country, and he wanted to experience Paris. He wanted more inspiration; he wanted to feed all his senses to the point where he wouldn't be able to take any more in. And then he wanted to let it all out through the paint-brush, to recreate the beauty he had experienced.

When Hanji returned with the groceries - mostly contending alcohol in different shapes - Levi was almost done cleaning the place. He had opened all the windows to get rid of the rotten smell that lingered in the apartment and he had emptied a corner of the living-room to set up his easel. They unpacked their clothes and sat down on the out-worn couch in the almost empty room. Hanji handed over a bottle of whiskey and grabbed her own bottle of rum. She let out a loud sigh of satisfaction after taking a large sip, and Levi sent her a disgusted look, as he went to the kitchen to grab a glass for his own beverage.

"So how do you like Paris so far?" Hanji asked him, after taking another sip of her rum.

"I have barely seen anything but your dirty apartment," Levi shrugged and emptied his glass, wishing she had bought a whiskey of higher quality. But it would do for now. He poured another glass and took a sip.

"You want me to show you around the neighbourhood?" Hanji offered and threw her legs on the coffee-table, making it squeak under under her big leather-boots. Levi looked at the boots with a frown on his face, and turned in his seat.

"Thank you, but I think I will take a nap," he said and got up after emptying his glass, "You better clean that table before you do anything else. And do something about those dirty boots of yours too."

"Yes sir!" Hanji yelled after him, her voice dripping with sarcasm, as he turned to the bedroom and closed the door behind him.

Levi sighed as he was finally alone in the small bedroom. He removed the cravat and cracked his neck and shoulders, feeling all his tensions loosen up. It had been a long trip, and he felt so tired now that the place was clean and habitable. He walked over to the window and closed the curtains while leaving the window open for the warm summer-breeze to fill the room.

He pulled off his shoes and pants and let his sore body land on the bed without removing his shirt. He fell asleep instantly, while thinking about the long and hot shower he would need as soon as he woke up.

A couple of hours went by before Hanji gently woke him up. She placed a glass of whiskey on the night-stand next to the bed while poking his cheek until he opened his eyes. He had slept peacefully and couldn't remember a single dream.

"The shower's ready for you," she said as he looked at her through half-lidded eyes. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, before taking a sip of the whiskey and looking at her.

"What on earth are you wearing?" he asked, looking her up and down with a puzzled look. He was used to her wearing manly clothes, since dresses and frilly skirts wouldn't really do on a ship, but right now, she didn't look like a woman in men's clothes; she looked completely like a man. Her hair was gathered in a tight, low ponytail, much unlike the loose one she used to wear, where most of her hair had separated from the rest and fell softly around her face. She was wearing a nice and simple suit with a very clean white shirt and it looked like she was wearing some kind of corset, making it seem like she didn't have breasts at all. Not that she had too much to begin with, but normally she would proudly show off her cleavage.

"You look like a-"

"Man?" Hanji asked with a smirk, "Thank you!"

"Why are you dressed like that?" Levi asked, still too tired to deal with his old friend suddenly cross-dressing. He took another sip of his whiskey.

"We're going out tonight, as soon as you're ready. I'm gonna show you my favourite bar," she answered and signalled for him to get out of bed.

"That doesn't really explain why you're dressed like that," Levi pointed out, as he emptied his glass and got out of bed, heading for the shower.

"They rarely let females inside, so I'm dressing up like this every time I feel like going. It's worth it though, the entertainment there is splendid," Hanji answered, and Levi let a tired sound escape his throat before closing the bath-room door behind him.

He removed his shirt and underwear, and turned on the shower, chills running down his spine as he felt the cold water on his back. He really hoped the water would heat up soon. While washing his hair in the still cold water, Hanji knocked on the door and opened it before he could manage to tell her to bugger off.

"By the way," she said as her head poked through the door, not caring about what would meet her on the other side, "You have to address me as Mr. Darcy when we get there."

"And why would I do that?" Levi hissed, through gritted teeth as he let the cold water run through his hair.

"They know me as Mr. Darcy at the bar. If you call me Hanji we'll get kicked out, and if you ruin my reputation, I assure you, you'll have to find another place to live," she said in a firm tone, making sure he understood the seriousness.

"Yeah, whatever - Mister Darcy," Levi huffed, and the usual joyful expression settled on Hanji's face again. She stood at the door-frame for a moment, looking at Levi's shadow behind the shower-curtain. He could be a cold-heated bastard, but she knew he was a good guy. They had been friends for so long now, and she knew that no matter how much he tried to hide it, he respected her. It was exciting to be back at Paris again, she had missed it a lot during the cold winter, and it would be fun to have Levi around while she was here.

"Do you mind?" Levi snapped, shutting off the water and removing the shower-curtain to send her an angry glare and hide his private parts.

"Come on, we're all men here," she teased, and left the bathroom before he could spit another venomous comment at her. He sighed as the door closed behind her, thinking that if she kept teasing him like that, it would be a long vacation in Paris.

After drying his hair and body, he picked out a black suit much alike the one Hanji wore. Throwing his old clothes away to be cleaned, he picked a fresh cravat from the drawer and studied himself in the mirror. A smirk settled on his face, as he eyed his own reflection. It had been long since the last time he wore a suit like this, and he had to say, he looked quite good.

Hanji appeared behind him, looking at herself in the mirror before pulling out a round box from behind her back.

"You look good, Mr. Levi," she complimented him, before handing over the box.

"You don't look too bad yourself, Mr. Darcy," Levi smirked, and opened the box. His mood was quite high by now, aided by Hanji's cheap whiskey. From the box, he drew a black top-hat which Hanji placed gently on his head, cocking it a bit to the side. Levi turned to look at himself in the mirror once again, while Hanji placed a similar top-hat on her own head.

"Are you ready to go?" she asked, and patted his shoulder. Levi took a sip from his glass, and realized that he had almost emptied the entire bottle over a few hours. No wonder he was in such a good mood.

"Yes," Levi answered and grabbed his gloves, moving towards the door, followed by Hanji. They walked down the streets of Paris, bathed in the warm evening-sun, and Hanji told him about the area as they passed through little shops and café's, waving at people she knew and walking like she owned the street.

"You're quite familiar with this area," Levi pointed out, wondering how she could act like she had always lived here, when she spend so much time at sea.

"It is like a second home for me. Or third, if you count the ship in," she smiled and turned around a corner, "Or fourth if you count La Maison des Chats in."

"Maison des pardon me?"

"The bar we're heading at. Well, it's not really just a bar, it's more like a nightclub - and a dance-hall," she added, and when Levi sent her a look of disbelief, she added further; "And a brothel."

"Are you taking me to a brothel?" Levi yelled and stopped in the middle of the street.

"Calm down, Levi, it's not like those nasty whorehouses back in London," she assured him, and grabbed his wrist to drag him alone, "Besides, we're there in a moment, and I'm not gonna show you back to the apartment now."

"Bloody hell," Levi whispered under his breath, as he gritted his teeth and followed her around the next corner. As they turned around the corner, they were met with a large and elegant building, golden doors and tall door-men by every entrance. Long red carpets were rolled out from the entrances to the side-walk and there was no doubt about what this building was for. Levi could almost smell the sinful sex steaming from the building, but nonetheless was Hanji right - this was not like the lousy whorehouses back in London. It looked stylish and expensive, and curious as he was, Levi didn't object as Hanji dragged him to the entrance.

As he tried to stay on his feet, he looked up and saw a golden sign, illuminated by multiple lights, with the words; La Maison des Chats.

A/N: Thank you for reading the first chapter of my new Riren-fanfic. I'm trying something completely different from what I'm used to, and I don't know a single word in French, so I apologize if the French is off.

Anygay, chapter two will be up soon! I'm totally pumped about this story, because I've actually managed to figure out the whole story-line before writing anything. Also, I'm trying to give the chapters titles for the first time ever.

As always, reviews are appreciated and I hope you're gonna enjoy this story as it progresses.