Shadow of the Jedi

Chapter 22: And so begins the fall of the Sith

The Ghost King strode through the forest, the steady rap of his boots on the hard surface the tick of a chrono counting down the limited time remaining to the Sith residing in that temple.

The sound of wildlife surrounded him, but none of it dared come close to the son of the Dead. It was as if they could feel what he was, what he was going to do, and if any of the wildlife of the planet tried to get in his way, they would be reduced to nothing.

Nico could see now, through the foliage of the trees, the five tips of the Temples towers.

Soon it would all burn.

"This is a beautiful world," Harloth said.

"Not for very much longer."

His words seemed to startle the Zabrak, though he could not imagine why.

He and Harloth made it through the forest and into the clearing of the Temple. He could see the entirety of the Temple now. He checked the chrono on his wrist, if all went as planned, the defence grid of the shield generator should be down in moments.

Seconds after he had thought that, his comlink received a message. He tapped a key to decrypt it.

It is done, the words read.

Brutus had done his job. The message told him that the Temple's defence grid had gone dark. The defence grid being separate from the temple. No alarm had sounded. Security ships were not racing through the sky. The Sith were oblivious to the fact that their Temples security net had been compromised.

But they would notice it before long. And they would disbelieve what their instruments told them. They would run a test to determine if the readings were accurate.

By then, the Temple would be aflame.

We are moving, Nico keyed into the device on his wrist. Meet us within.

The Ghost King took one last look around the forest before turning back to the only settlement on the planet, the huge black replica of the Jedi Temple.

"Come on," he said to Harloth, and picked up his pace. His cloak swirled around him. So, too, his power.

Moments later he received another coded transmission, this one from HK on the hijacked drop ship.

Jump complete. On approach. Arrival in ninety seconds.

Ahead, the Prince of Death saw the four towers surrounding the stacked tiers of the Sith Temple, its ancient stone as black as Stygian Iron. The predatorial creatures and the tiniest of insects that lived on this planet seemed to give it a wide birth.

He would reduce it to rubble.

He walked toward it and fate walked beside him.

Statues of long-dead Sith Masters lined the approach to the Temple's enormous doorway. The setting sun stretched the statue's tenebrous forms across duracrete. He walked through the shadows and past them, noting names: Darth Malek, Darth Bane, Darth Revan.

Nico frowned at the statue of Darth Revan, his brother, tricked into becoming a Sith, tricked by the immortal Emperor. "You have been deceived," he whispered to the statue. "Your time is past."

Three soldiers, head-to-toe in silver armour, their visors a gold colour, Sith soldiers, blaster rifles in hand, stood watchful near the doors. He sensed two more on a high ledge to his left.

Harloth tensed beside him, but the mercenary did not falter.

Nico checked his chrono again. Fifty-three seconds.

The three soldiers, wary, watched him and Harloth approach. One of them spoke into a wrist comlink, perhaps querying a command centre within.

They would not know of what to make of Nico. Despite the war, they felt safe in their enclave on this barren little world. The Prince of Death would teach them otherwise.

"Stop right there," one of them said.

"I cannot stop," Nico whispered, too softly for them to hear. "Not ever."

Nico let his power build with each step he took toward the Temple's entrance. The Force responded to his emotional state, caught him up in its power until he was awash in it. He sensed the seed of fear growing in the soldiers' guts.

"I said stop," the lead soldier said again.

"Do nothing," Nico said to Harloth over his shoulder. "These are mine."

The Zabrak let his hands fall to his sides and fell in behind the demigod.

The three guards spread out into an arc as they approached him, their movements cautious, blaster rifles ready. The entrance to the Temple, a fifteen-metre-tall opening in the edifice's facade, loomed behind them.

"Who are you?" the guard asked.

The last word hung in the air, frozen in time, as Nico drew on the Force and augmented his speed. The hilt of his lightsaber filled his hand and its purple line split the air. He crosscut the guard before him, putting a black canyon in his chest, continued the swing through the guard on his left, and with his left hand used a blast of power to drive the third guard into the Temple wall hard enough to crush bones and kill him.

Nico felt the sudden surge of terror in the two soldiers up on the ledge to his left, felt them take aim in sweaty hands, start to squeeze the triggers. He flung his lightsaber at them, guided it with the Force in a flickering purple arc that cut both of them down, then recalled the blade to his hand. He deactivated it and hung it from his belt

The roar of a rocket pack drew his attention. On a ledge above the Temple's entrance, Brutus rode the fire on his back to a high window on one of the Temple's upper tiers and disappeared within. He trusted that the Mandalorian would join him for the combat inside.

He checked his chrono, watched the numbers evaporate. Twenty-nine seconds.

Harloth took the station to his right, and they entered the Temple.

The setting sun at their back reached through the huge doorway and extended their shadows before them, giant, dark heralds marking the path ahead. Within the Temple was a stillness, a peace soon to be shattered.

Nico's boots rapped against the polished stone floor. The hall extended before them for several hundred metres. Two rows of elegant columns reached from floor to ceiling on either side, framing a processional down the hall's center. Ledges and balconies, too, lined both sides.

Nico felt the presence of more guards and Sith to his right, his left, and before him.

He checked his chrono. Twelve seconds.

Motion above and to his right, then to the left, drew his eyes. Curious Apprentices looked down from the ledges above.

Ahead, half a dozen robed and hooded Sith dropped from the balconies and took station in the hall. Another Sith descended the grand staircase at the end of the hall. His Force signature radiated power, confidence-a Master.

As one, the seven Sith moved toward Nico and Harloth, and Nico and Harloth moved toward them.

More and more Apprentices gathered on the balconies and walkways above, sparks of the dark side flickering in Nico's perception.

The more powerful Force signatures of the approaching Sith pressed against Nico, and his against theirs, the power of each distorting the other by its presences.

In his mind, the countdown continued.

The space between him and the Sith diminished.

The power within him grew.

They stopped at two metres. The Sith Master threw back his hood to reveal a bald pale head, and, despite his skin complexity, he still had a handsome, ruddy face. He looked to be in his forty's. Nico recognized him from the Holocron-Lord Vorn.

The six Sith Knights accompanying Vorn spaced themselves around Nico and Harloth, to minimize maneuvering room. The Sith eyed him cautiously, the way they might a trapped predator.

Harloth put his back to Nico's. Nico felt the mercenaries breathing, deep and regular.

Silence ruled the hall.

Somewhere, an Apprentice cleared his throat. Another coughed.

Vorn and Nico stared into each other's eyes but exchanged no words. None were necessary. Both knew what would unfold next, what must unfold.

The chrono on Nico's wrist began to beep. The slight sound rang out like an explosion in the silent vastness of the hall.

The sound seemed to free the Sith to act. Half a dozen red lines pierced the dimness as all of the Sith Knights ignited their lightsabers, backed off a step, and assumed a fighting stance.

All except Vorn, who held his ground before the Ghost King. Nico credited him for it and inclined his head in a show of respect.

Perhaps the Sith Knights thought the beeping chrono indicated a bomb of some kind. In a way, Nico supposed, it did.

From behind, another sound broke the silence. The whine of the hijacked drop ship's approaching engines.

Nico did not turn. Instead, he watched the events behind him by watching the events before him.

The Sith Knights stepped back another step, looking past Nico, uncertainty in their expressions. Harloth pressed his back against Nico. No doubt he could see the drop ship by now as it roared downward, toward the Sith Temple.

Vorn did not step back and his eyes stayed on Nico.

The sound of the drop ship's engines grew louder, more acute, a prolonged, mechanical scream.

Nico watched the eyes of the Sith Knights widen, he heard the shouts of alarm from throughout the hall, then the screams, all of them soon overwhelmed by the roar of the reinforced drop ship slamming at speed into the front of the Temple.

Stone shattered and the Temple's floor vibrated under the impact. Metal bent, twisted, and shrieked. People, too, bent, twisted, and shrieked. The explosion coloured the hall in orange-Nico could see it reflected in Vorn's eyes-and the sudden flame drew the oxygen toward it in a powerful wind, as if the conflagration were a great pair of lungs drawing breath.

Nico did not turn. He could feel through the Force what was happening and he knew what was happening through the sounds he heard as well.

The drop ship's enormous speed and mass allowed it to retain momentum and skidded along the Temple floor, gouging stone, trailing fire, toppling columns, collapsing balconies, crushing bodies.

Still Nico did not move, nor Vorn.

The drop ship skidded closer, closer, the sound of metal grinding over stone ever louder in Nico's ears. More columns collapsed. Harloth pressed against him as the flaming, shredded vessel slid toward them. But it was already losing speed and soon came to a halt.

Dust, heat, and smoke filled the hall. Flames crackled. Shouts of pain and surprise penetrated the sudden silence.

"What have they done?" someone called.

"Medic!" screamed someone else.

Nico heard the explosive bolts on the specially reinforced passenger compartment of the drop ship blow outward and hit the floor like metal rain, heard the hatch clang to the floor.

For the first time, Vorn looked past Nico, his head cocked in question. Uncertainty entered his expression. Nico savoured it.

A prolonged, irregular hum sounded as the fifty undead Sith Lords within the drop ship's compartment activated their lightsabers. The sound heralded the fall of the Temple.

Nico threw back his hood, smiled, and activated his lightsaber.

Lord Vorn and the six Sith Knights near Nico leapt back and up, flipping at the top of the arc of their leaps, and landed in a crouch twenty metres away.

"May the Force serve you well!" Vorn shouted to his fellow Sith, and lit his blade.

Dozens more Sith poured out of the hallway behind him and flowed down the staircase, the blades of their lightsabers visible through the smoke and dust, a forest of red oriflammes. The Sith did not shout as they charged, but the rumble of their boots on the floor sounded like rolling thunder.

"You ready?" Nico said over his shoulder to Harloth.

"Not really." The Zabrak mercenary said, his double-bladed lightsaber already in hand and both ends activated with silver lasers.

Nico's undead Sith warriors charged out of the carcass of the drop ship, their collective roar the sound of a hungry, rage-filled beast. The purple lines of their blades cut the dust-covered air. HK led them with his blaster rifle raised and his red eyes gleaming, ready for its blood-lust to be sated.

Discarding his cloak, discarding the remaining restraints on his power, Nico joined the undead charge, taking position before HK. Emotion fed his power, and its swell fairly lifted him from his feet. He felt the power of both the dark and light around him, within him.

Blaster bolts crisscrossed the battlefield from left and right as two platoons of those silver armoured Sith soldiers emerged from somewhere above and to the side and fired into the undead ranks.

Nico, nested deeply in the Force, perceived the dozens of bolts and there trajectory with perfect clarity. Without breaking stride he whipped his blade left, right, angled it ten degrees, and turned three bolts back on the soldiers who'd fired them, killing all three. Behind him, HK's blaster rifle answered to the left and right with bolts of their own, picking off two more soldiers.

The undead and Sith forces closed, undead hunger facing Sith battle lust, the floor of the Temple the arena of the Sith facing off against the power of a demigod son of the dead. Those strong in the Force would survive and their understanding of the Force would evolve. Those weak in the Force would die. Though no Sith would leave this Temple alive. The Ghost King will see to it.

Nico sought Lord Vorn but could not make him out from the crowd of faces, dust, flames, and glowing blades. So he chose a Sith at random from the crowd, a human male with a red blade and a short beard, and targeted him.

Waves of power distorted the air and dopplered sound as the undead and Sith forces crashed into one another and intermixed in a chaotic, roaring tangle of bodies, lightsabers, and shouts.

The Prince of Death augmented his strength with the Force, took a two-handed grip on his blade, and unleashed an overhand slash designed to split the Sith in half. The Sith sidestepped the blow and crosscut with his red blade at Nico's throat. Nico got his blade up in time, parried, and slammed a kick into the Sith's midsection. The blow folded the Sith in half, sent him reeling backward five paces. Nico leapt into the air, flipped, landed behind him, and drove his blade through the Sith. Narrowing his eyes, the son of Hades sought another opponent.

A flash of rusty orange drew his gaze - HK. The droid ducked under a saber-slash and dived to his side, firing half a dozen blaster shots as it did so. Nico raised an eyebrow. He didn't know that the droid could move like that. The Apprentice who tried to destroy the droid, a female Zabrak, the horns of her head gilt with coloured pigments, deflected the shots as she closed in for another blow. The instrument of chaos jumped to its feet, still firing, but the Apprentice deflected every shot and drew closer.

Nico drew on the Force and with a blast of power drove the Apprentice across the hall and into one of the towering columns of stone, where she collapsed, blood leaking from her nose. HK continued firing, its head darting here and there over the battlefield as it sought targets.

The battle turned ever more chaotic. Undead warriors and Sith leapt, bounded, rolled, and flipped as purple lines intersected with those of red. Blasts of power sent bodies flying through the air, against walls, pulled loose rocks from the ceiling and sent them crashing into flesh. The hall was a cacophony of sound: shouts, screams, the hum of lightsabers, the intermittent sound of weapons-fire. Nico walked in its midst, revelled in it.

He watched Harloth leap into the middle of a squad of Sith soldiers and punctuate his landing with an explosion of Force energy that cast the soldiers away like dry leaves.

Nico, not to be outdone, picked a Sith Knight at random, a human female ten metres away, held forth his left hand, and discharged veins of black lightning from his fingertips. The jagged lines of energy cut a swath through the battle, harvesting two Apprentices as they went, until they caught up to the Sith Knight and lifted her off her feet.

She screamed as the lightning ripped into her, her flesh made temporarily translucent from the dark power coursing through her. Nico felt her soul leave her as she died.

He caught Harloth eyeing him and gave him a mocking salute with his lightsaber.

The high-pitched sound of HK's blaster drew his attention. The droid bounded past him and over the slain female Sith Knight's corpse, an orange blur firing rapidly. Putting his back to a column, the droid crouched and sought targets for its blaster. Red photoreceptor's met black eyes and the droid signalled behind him. He whirled to see a score of Sith soldiers rushing into the hall from a side room, blaster rifles tracing hot lines through the battlefield. HK answered with shots of its own.

Before Nico could dispatch the soldiers, Brutus rose from somewhere behind them, his jetpack spitting fire, his head-to-toe silver-and-orange armour gleaming in the fire of the hall. Hovering in the air like an avenging spirit, he discharged two small missiles from wrist mounts. They struck the floor near the Sith soldiers and blossomed into the flame. Bodies, shouts, and loose rock flew in all directions. Still hovering, he spun a circle in the air while flamethrowers mounted on his forearm engulfed another group of soldiers.

Nico knew the battle had turned, that it soon would be over. He glanced around, still seeking Vorn, the only opponent in the field worthy of his attention.

Before he could locate the Sith Lord, three more Sith swarmed him. He parried the chop of a human male, leapt over the low slash of a red-skinned Pureblood female, severed the hand of the third, a female human, disarming her, then grabbed her by the throat with his free hand and slammed her into the floor with his Force-enhanced strength.

"Alara!" the human male exclaimed.

Leaping high over the male's cross-slash, Nico landed behind the Pureblood, who parried his lightsaber strike but could not defend herself against a Force blast that sent her skidding across the hall and into a pile of rubble.

The Prince of Death ducked under a slash from the male, lunged forward, and took the Sith by the throat. He lifted him from his feet and held him suspended in the air, gagging. The Sith's brown eyes showed no fear, but did show pain. The Ghost King scowled as he let out, what sounded like, a feral growl, squeezed hard, then dropped the body and stood over it, blade at his side, breath coming hard. The battle swirled around him and he stood in its centre, the eye of the undead storm.

Nico finally spotted Lord Vorn ten paces away, whirling, spinning, his red blade a blur of precision and speed. One undead Sith warrior fell to him, another. Harloth landed before him, trying to take Nico's kill for himself. Harloth ducked low and slashed at Vorn's knees. Vorn leapt over the blow and unleashed a blast of energy that sent Harloth skidding on his backside across the hall.

"He is mine!" Nico shouted, charging through the battlefield. He repeated himself as he passed Harloth. "Vorn is mine!"

Vorn must have heard Nico, for he turned, met his eyes. HK, too, must have heard Nico's shouting. The droid emerged from behind the column, deduced the Ghost King's intent, and fired several shots at Vorn.

Vorn, his eyes on Nico throughout, deflected the bolts with his blade and sent them back at HK. Two struck the droid, and as the instrument of chaos collapsed Vorn used a Force blast to drive the droids body against a column.

Nico halted in mid-stride. He turned and stared at HK's fallen form for a long moment, its rusty-orange chasis lying on the floor, photoreceptors not glowing a menacing red, two black circles marring the orange chest of the assassin droid.

Anger refilled him, overcame him. A shout of hate, raw and jagged, burst from his throat. Power went with it, shattering a nearby column and sending a rain of stone shards through the room.

He turned the Jedi against you! He tried to take away the one you love! He ruined everything!


He returned his gaze to Vorn and stalked toward him, his power surging through him in a palpable wave. Another Sith stepped in front of him, red blade held high. Nico barely saw him. He simply extended a hand, pushed through the Sith's insufficient defences, seized his throat with the Force, and choked him to death. Tossing the body aside, he moved toward Vorn.

Vorn, for his part, moved toward Nico. An undead Sith warrior bounded at Vorn from his left, but Vorn leapt over the undead's blade, spun, slashed, and cut down the undead warrior.

Vorn and Nico closed. They halted at one metre, studied each other for a moment.

A Pureblood male Sith Knight separated from the swirl of battle and stabbed at Nico. Nico sidestepped the red line of the blade, punched the man in the stomach, doubling him over, and raised his own blade for a killing blow.

Vorn bounded forward and intercepted the downstroke. Vorn and Nico stared into each other's faces and the rest of the battle fell away.

There was only Nico and his rage, and Vorn and his hate.

Their blades sizzling in opposition, each used the Force to press against the strength of the other, Nico having the advantage. The son of Hades scowled at Vorn's face. Only a furrowed brow and the tight line of his mouth betrayed the tension behind the Sith Master's otherwise emotionless expression.

Feeding off the power of both the dark and the light side, Nico shoved Vorn away and unleashed an onslaught of overhand slashes and crosscuts. Vorn backed off, parrying, unable to respond with blows of his own. Nico tried to split Vorns head but the Sith Master blocked again and again.

Nico spun into a high, Force-augmented kick that hit Vorn in the chest and sent him flying backward ten metres. Vorn flipped and landed upright in a crouch near two of Nico's undead Sith warriors.

They lunged for him and Vorn parried one blow, leapt over the second, and spun a rapid circle, cutting down both warriors.

Nico, burning with power, flung his lightsaber at Vorn. He guided its trajectory with the Force, and it spun a sizzling path through the air at Vorns neck. But Vorn, riding the momentum of his attack on the second undead Sith, leapt into the air and over the blade.

While Vorn was still in the air, Nico unleashed a blast of energy that caught the Sith Lord unprepared and sent him crashing downward into a pile of rubble. He lay there, prone.

Nico did not hesitate. He mounted the column of the Force, shouting with power, and leapt twenty metres into the air toward Vorn. Mid-jump, he used the Force to recall his blade to his hand, took a reverse two-handed grip, and prepared to pin Vorn to the Temple floor.

But Vorn rolled out of the way at the last moment and Nico's blade sank to the hilt in the stone of the Temple's floor. Vorn leapt up and over Nico, landed in a crouch, reactivated his lightsaber, and pelted across the floor back at Nico.

Eschewing speed and grace for power, Vorn loosed a flurry of rapid strikes, slashes, and lunges. Nico parried one blow after another but could not find an opening to mount his own counterattack. Lunging forward, Vorn slashed crosswise, Nico parried, and Vorn slammed the hilt of his saber into the side of Nico's mask.

Nico tasted blood, but he was too deep in the Force for the blow to do any real damage. He staggered backward a step, as if the blow had stunned him.

Seeing an opening, Vorn stepped forward and crosscut for Nico's throat.

As the Ghost King knew he would do.

Nico turned his blade vertical to parry the blow and spun out of the blade lock. Reversing his lightsaber during the spin, he rode it into a stab that pierced Vorns abdomen and came out the other side.

Vorns expression fell. He hung there, impaled by the purple line. He held Nico's eyes, and Nico saw the flames of the burning Temple reflected in Vorn's yellow irises.

"It is all going to burn," Nico whispered.

Vorns brow furrowed, perhaps with pain, perhaps with despair. Either way, Nico enjoyed it. He waited for the light to disappear from Vorn's eyes before jerking his blade free and allowing the body to fall to the floor.

Nico couldn't help but offer the ragged hint of a smile despite the dead and wounded that lay scattered across the Sith Temple. The Sith weren't counting on his power over the undead, it was only by luck that the old undead Sith Lords were still able to use the Force.

The Ghost King turned and watched as the battle continued to rage on. His undead Dark Lords of the Sith and his two little mercenaries versus a Temple filled with Sith Apprentices and a few Knights who no longer have a Master. A smirk mixed with a scowl worked its way on the teenagers face as he felt the amount of power coursing through his veins.

The smirk disappeared and only a scowl remained as he just watched the battle continue to rage on.

It was ironic really. The Sith were the ones that found him, hoping that they could use him as a weapon. They didn't count on the fact that Nico Di Angelo would choose his own path, that no one controlled him.

The Gods of Olympus couldn't control me. The Demigods of Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-blood couldn't control me. The Jedi couldn't control me. What hope do the Sith have that makes them think that they can control me?

The irony is the fact that the Sith had created a weapon in Nico. A weapon that is now being used against them.

He watched as the battle continued raging on from the entrance of the Temple. None of the Sith Apprentices or Knights dared go up to face him. They saw their Master die before his hand. Their Master was dead and the only way they could survive is if they surrendered. But they knew, somehow they knew, that the Ghost King would not accept their surrender.

The son of Hades will not be merciful.

Line break

The shock hit Ahsoka with little warning, the sensation as sudden and powerful as a blaster shot. The tranquility bracelet in her hands, the beads chosen by Nico, snapped in her clenched fist and the smooth black pieces of marble rained down onto the High Council chamber's floor.

Distantly, she heard her Master finally speak, "What do you mean he's a wanted fugitive?!"

Another voice, still distant, "He is no longer a member of the Jedi Order Skywalker. Which means he is now a wanted war-criminal of the Republic." The voice was calm, yet firm, it didn't help Ahsoka's emotions at all.

"This is a joke, right? This has got to be some kind of sick joke?"

"I do not joke, Skywalker."

"Yeah, I noticed that."

"Anakin, that is no way to spe-"

"Master, with all due respect, shut up." Her Master's voice paused. "Nico has proven himself time and time again that he has changed for the better. For the love of the Force, he's helped us liberate planets from the Separatists...!"

Ahsoka tuned them all out.

He can't be gone. He just can't be. It was only two weeks ago that she had left on the mission to Sullust with her Master. Nico had pulled her to the side, given her the tranquility bracelet and a tender kiss, before wishing her luck. He promised that he'll be waiting for her to return, that he'll be going nowhere.

Thinking of the tranquility bracelet, Ahsoka knelt down and started to pick up the small, sphere shaped black pieces of marble up from the floor.

Tears were building up in the back of her eyes. She couldn't, wouldn't, believe what the Council had told her. She doesn't want to believe what they told her. But the words of Master Windu continued to go on in her head.

'Di Angelo is now a wanted fugitive of the Republic.'

Tears welled anew. She tried to fight them but failed. She could not level out her emotional state, wasn't even sure she wanted to. The pain of Nico being branded a traitor was too much.

Once she picked up all of the pieces of the smooth black marble, she stood up and headed for the council chamber doors, her head bent low. Distantly, she heard her Master call for her, but she didn't stop and he didn't stop her. She went down the elevator. Moved through the halls, passing Knights and Padawans, some of them looking at her in shock, some of them concerned, but most of them ignored her, deeming it none of their business.

She finally reached her quarters and she was thankful to be alone, she didn't want anyone else to see her in this state.

Anger started to replace her sadness. Unable to contain her emotions, she shouted a stream of expletives, one after another, a wide and long river of profanity of the kind she had not ever uttered, she even included some of Nico's vocabulary in it.

Moments later, an urgent knock sounded on her door.

"Who is it?" she called, her voice still rough and irritable.

"It's Zhia. Are you...okay? I heard-"

"It was just a holo-vid," she lied, "I want to be alone now, Zhia."

A long silence, then, "Whatever's happened Ahsoka, you don't have to carry it alone."

But she did have to carry it alone. The memory of Nico was her weight to bear.

"You know where to find me," Zhia said.

"Thank you," she said, too softly for her friend to hear.

She didn't even know why the Council had made Nico a fugitive. She probably should have stuck around to hear their explanation. But whatever the reason, she could not shed the feeling that it was wrong. Master Windu was wrong. The Jedi Council was wrong.

Such a thought had never entered her mind before. It, too, brought pain. Everything had changed for her.

Her fists balled with anger and grief, and she felt more shouts creeping up her throat. Breathing deeply, regularly, she sought to quell her loss of control. She knew that both Nico and Anakin probably wouldn't have approved.

But Nico isn't here anymore, he was branded as a fugitive by those he trusted.

And soon he would be failed by the Order entirely, his memory will be butchered by political necessity.

Her mind walked through memories of Nico Di Angelo. His rare, true, smiles that he reserved for her, his stern but caring side when it came to his little friend Tracy, his sarcastic wit that he used a lot, just to make her laugh.

The hole that had opened in her when she'd been told by the Council that he was now a fugitive yawned still. She feared she might drain away into it. She knew the name of the hole.


She loves Nico. She had never told him and now she never could. Losing something she loved had ripped her open in a way she had not expected. The pain hurt, but the pain was right.

The Order had wrought a galaxy in which good capitulated to evil, where human feelings - Ahsoka's feelings - were crushed under the weight of Jedi nonattachment.

Ahsoka sighed as she turned toward her cot and froze. Sitting in the center of her bed was Nico's lightsaber, a holopad lying next to it.

Carefully, Ahsoka lifted the lightsaber from her cot and pressed the activation button, the black as night blade coming to life.

Ahsoka closed her eyes and deactivated the dangerous weapon, carefully putting it back down as she sat on her cot. She glanced at the holopad, picked it up and activated it.

Immediately, the blue form of Nico came up. He cleared his throat.

"Ahsoka, if your watching this then the Jedi haven't found it and immediately thrown it away. I put this holopad in your quarters so I could say goodbye."

Ahsoka eyes widened as the tears welled anew. She was listening intently now.

"When I found out that you had been captured by that Sith and his mercenaries, my heart felt like it was ripped from my chest. I worried that I would never be able to tell you how I felt. I need you to know that you're the most important person in my life. When we first met back when I was Reaper, I immediately felt something within me spark, something I had never felt before. I wasn't able to harm you. And as annoying as that was back then, I'm glad that I didn't."

Ahsoka forced herself to keep from rolling her eyes. She was glad he didn't as well.

"You're my best friend, princess. I hope you know that. You're so much more than my best friend, though. You're the person I confide in when I feel sad, the one that helps me get over my grief and self-doubt, the person that makes me smile and laugh, the person I can't live without. What I'm trying to say is that I love you more than anything in this or any other galaxy. I wish I could have told you sooner, but I'm telling you now. I promise you that one day, I will return. But until that day comes, I want you to promise me that you'll live your life. Become the best damn Jedi in the galaxy. The love that I feel for you, that you helped build, will last forever. No matter what, my heart will forever be yours, and I will fight until the day I see you again."

When the holo finished, the tears were streaming down Ahsoka's face again, but this time they were a mix of joy, grief and extreme sadness. Joy that she finally knew how he felt about her and that he loved her, the way that she loved him. And sadness, because she would most likely never see him again and she would never be able to tell him how she felt. She slumped down in her cot and cried herself to sleep, clutching the holo and lightsaber to her chest.

Line break

Nico surveyed the ruin. The shell of the drop ship still smoked and burned in places. Bits of blackened metal dotted the hall. Walls and columns had been reduced to piles of jagged rubble. Cracks veined the walls and ceiling. Light from the day's dying sun traced dust-filled lines from roof to floor. Bodies, many of them severed parts of the undead warriors, but more of them Sith and Sith military, lay strewn about the floor, amid the rubble. A few groans sounded here and there. Brutus stood in the Temple's shattered entrance. The Mandalorian mercenary held his helmet under his arm and the sun glinted on the orange head piece. His eyes moved across the destruction, the hard line of his mouth showing no emotion. He must have felt Nico's eyes on him. Brutus met his gaze and nodded. Nico returned the gesture, one warrior acknowledging another. And Brutus walked over to Harloth.

Of the fifty undead warriors who had assaulted the Temple, perhaps a score remained on their feet. Nico wasn't really surprised to see Harloth still being alive among the undead, looking very uncomfortable. Nico found it rather amusing to watch Harloth try and make conversation with a long dead Sith Lord. They, too, shared a look across the ruin. And they both acknowledged each other with a nod.

With the battle over, the remaining undead Sith warriors assembled near the drop ship and raised their fists in a salute to Nico, shouting a victory cry amid their fallen foes. For a moment, Brutus and Harloth stood among them and did nothing, merely staring at Nico, then they, too, joined the salute.

Nico smirked and acknowledged the salutes with a nod.

"You are servants of Hades," he said. "And of the Force."

They shouted once more in response.

Nico kicked the hilt of Vorn's weapon out of his way, deactivated his own lightsaber, stepped over Vorn's body, and strode among the rubble, among the fires, among the dead, until he reached HK-47. He felt the eyes of the two mercenaries on him.

He knelt down and touched the droids orange chasis. He looked at the photoreceptors, which were meant to be a menacing red, but instead there was nothing.

Nico frowned and flicked the droid between the photoreceptors, causing the red lights to flicker and come back online. The droid immediately sat up and grabbed Nico by the throat, causing his eyes to widen.

"HK," He said calmly, as the droid hadn't used that much force on his neck. The droid, thinking that he was a hostile, probably kept him alive on purpose to get information, "It's me, HK. Nico."

The assassin droids grip immediately left his throat, "Speedy explanation: I apologise, Master. I did not realise it was you."

Nico rubbed his throat with a frown and glared at the assassin droid, "It doesn't matter. What does matter is how you were taken down so easily."

HK's red photoreceptors flickered slightly, "Assessment: It seems that my chasis armour is out of date, four thousand years out of date to be precise."

Nico sighed, he'll deal with that later. Before he could open his mouth to reply he felt a tap on his shoulder, causing him to turn around and stare up at the Mandalorian glaring down at him.

"We've done the job," He might as well have growled out, "Now where's the rest of the credits?"

Nico frowned up at him and stood back up, ignoring the slight humming sound coming from the assassin droid as it stood up as well, and glared at the Mandalorian. Harloth was standing next to him.

"Be patient," Nico responded with narrowed eyes. He turned and started walking deeper into the Temple, but before he went through the doors he looked to what remained of his undead warriors, "I want you to disperse yourselves around the Temple and gather as much information as you can on the Sith, got it?" The warriors nodded and Nico looked back at the two mercenaries, "You want the rest of your pay?" The two mercenaries nodded impatiently. Nico pointed to one of the Sith Warriors, a Sith Lord that goes by the name of Marka Ragnos. Nico knew for a fact that if the mercenaries acted up, he would be able to take care of them, "Escort these two to a vault in the Temple, then join your fellow warriors in searching the Temple for information." The undead Sith Lord nodded and started walking away, just like the other undead warriors, and the two mercenaries had to hurry to catch up with him.

Nico turned to look outside. The ruined entrance of the Temple, widened by the drop ship crashing through it, opened onto clear sky. He walked through the hall until he reached the shattered entranceway. The statues of the Sith that had lined the processional lay toppled, broken at his feet.

The Ghost King sat down cross-legged in the doorway of the Temple, waiting for his warriors to return.

Line break

In less than half a standard hour, a ship cut through the smoke and flame of the Sith Temple and set down in a cloud of dust on the large processional outside the Temple. The two pilots, visible through the transparisteel of the cockpit, were two very familiar mercenaries. Nico raised an eyebrow.

A belly door slid open and the two mercenaries walked out along with the undead warrior that was escorting them. Looking at their faces, Nico could see that saying they were satisfied would be an understatement.

Looking up from one of the datapads that one of his warriors gave him when it came back, he smirked, "I take it that you're happy with the arrangement?"

Harloth grinned, "You got that right," He said as he looked at the sleek Sith ship in admiration, "We also found this thing in a hanger." He turned back to Nico, his tattooed brow going up, "You don't mind if we have it, do you?"

Nico smiled calmly, "Be my guest."

Brutus nodded his head to Nico and raised his right fist and put it over his heart, "It was an honour working with you...Reaper."

Nico's other eyebrow went up from underneath his helmet but said nothing. It was his own stupid fault for pulling down his hood just so he could make his entrance all the more dramatic/terrifying for any Sith in the Temple who knew about him.

Harloth merely nodded his head, "Yeah, it was kinda fun." He said, a small grin forming on his face, "Call us again if you have another job, most preferably one that doesn't involve a Temple filled with Sith."

Nico nodded his head as the two mercenaries turned and walked back up to their new ship and walked up the ramp.

Nico turned to the Sith warrior that accompanied the two mercenaries. The undead Sith held out a datapad for the Ghost King and Nico smiled.

"You deleted any and all data on that ship?" He questioned as he grabbed the datapad. The undead warrior nodded his head, making Nico's smile widen slightly before he clicked his fingers, causing the warrior to dissolve into the ground. Nico couldn't be bothered keeping all of these skeletons of old Sith Lords around. It wouldn't really do, having all of the remaining undead warriors cramped on the Twilight. He promised himself that he would come back to this planet and bring the skeletons back to Korriban and put them back in their tombs. They may be Sith but Nico still respected the dead. That, and he didn't need to be haunted by damn Force-Ghosts for the rest of his life.

The Ghost King turned his head to see the rest of his undead warriors, all of them holding a datapad each. Each datapad loaded with valuable information. He also saw HK ready and waiting for his next set of orders, though the slight flicker of the droids photoreceptors told Nico that he would need repairs.

The son of Hades looked back up at the temple and narrowed his eyes, "Make this Temple the Sith's tomb. Bring the whole thing to the ground." He ordered his warriors.

The warriors set down the datapads, "It will be done, my lord." They announced in unison before walking into the temple, taking off the charges that were on their belts and prepared to put them all around the temple.

Nico raised his wrist-comm, "R5, I want you to pick me up from the temple. Now."

R5 whistled an affirmative.

After ten minutes, the charges were set and Nico held a remote detonator in his hand. He eyed the temple one last time, its towers, the stacked tiers of the central structure, the toppled statues, the great entryway made into a rough and jagged sneer by the passage of the drop ship. Looking so much like the Jedi Temple. A mockery of the Jedi. The rest of his undead forces stood, gathered around him. The Twilight lay at least thirty metres away.

"Query: Should we move to a safe distance Master?" HK questioned.

Nico regarded the assassin droid for a couple of seconds. "This is a safe distance."

"Statement: We are twenty metres away from the entrance."

Staring at the droids face, Nico activated the detonator. A series of low booms sounded, starting deep within the temple and drawing closer as the charges exploded in sequence and undermined the Temple's foundation.

A strong gust of dust and loose debris blew out of the entrance. The explosions on the upper levels began, grew louder, fiercer. Stone cracked. Large chunks fell from the Temple's facade and crashed to the ground. Flames were visible through the entrance. A whole series of explosions followed in rapid succession, the sound of the snapping spine of the Sith Temple.

The huge edifice, a symbol of the Sith for centuries, began to fall in on itself. The towers collapsed in its wake, the huge spires crumbling as if in slow motion. A jet of fire and bits of rock moving faster than the speed of sound exploded out of the now-collapsing entrance.

Instead of taking cover, Nico fell into the Force, raised both hands, palms outward, and formed a transparent wall of power before himself, HK, and his ship. He couldn't care less about his warriors. They were already dead, so it didn't matter. Though that didn't stop them from joining him, mirroring his gesture, mirroring his power. Rocks and debris pelted into the shared barrier, the speeding shrapnel of ruin. The jet of flame struck it and parted around it, water to a stone.

The temple continued its slow demise, falling inward, shrinking into a shapeless mound of rubble and ruin. And then it was over.

A thick cloud of dust hung like a funeral shroud over the mountain of shattered stone and steel that had been a Sith Temple. There could have been Sith survivors in the Temple's lowest levels. Nico did not care. They were either crushed or trapped forever. The Sith had ruined his second chance at life with the Jedi. They have brought the wrath of the Prince of Death down upon themselves.

"And so begins the fall of the Sith," Nico said.

The undead warriors around him cheered.

Line break

Sidious's eyes snapped open from his meditating and he stared at nothing particular with wide eyes.

Line break

Yoda staggered as he felt the dark side recede slightly, if only the tiniest bit, and the light became slightly stronger.

Looking around him, he saw that his fellow Jedi Councillors felt it as well. Even young Skywalker paused in his tirade of insults directed at Master Windu to blink in confusion.

Line break

Nico had dismissed his undead minions and sent HK into the Twilight to get repairs from R5, but he himself lingered. He stood alone among the ruins of the Sith Temple. He powered off his comlink, putting him out of touch with R5, and communed in solitude with the Force. Walking the perimeter of the ruins, he loitered over the destruction, pleased at his victory.

There would be more battles with the Sith and the Separatists, of course, but with the razing of this temple, Nico was one step closer to defeating the Sith, it was only a matter of time. But once he defeated the Sith, what then? He couldn't go back to the Jedi, they would just arrest him, along with the Republic. But he couldn't defeat the Sith on his own. The Sith in this Temple weren't expecting him, but Nico was sure they would soon find out about what he was doing and try to put a stop to him. So next time, they will most likely be prepared, and Nico will need a lot more than two mercenaries, an assassin droid, and fifty undead warriors. He will definitely need more than that.

He would have to trust that the Force would present him with the allies that he needs.

Nico shook his head, Things are really starting to get out of hand.

Scaling a mound of rubble, he found a perch that offered an excellent view of all the fires that were going on all around him. The cracked face of the statue of Darth Malgus lay atop the mound beside him, eyeing him with contempt.

The Ghost King was reading one of the datapads that one of the undead warriors had scrounged up, the rest of the datapads were in the Twilight.

Nico narrowed his eyes as he looked at what the datapad was saying. There have been sightings of several large fleets with old Mandalorian warships in Wild Space. Apparently they aren't really that much of a threat. The fleets last sighting was a year before the Clone War even started. These Mandalorians were looking for something of great value that they lost during the Mandalorian Wars, over three thousand years ago. Nico frowned as he wondered why Jango or Boba didn't tell him about this, but he shrugged it off.

The Ghost King bit his lip as he looked over at the Twilight and began walking back to his ship, he needed to formulate a plan for what to do next.

Once he reached to where the temple's entrance used to be Nico stopped, took his Reaper helmet off, and carefully put it on the floor. Then he reached into his robes pocket and took out the tracking device that was on the Twilight. He reactivated it and put it down next to the helmet. Next he took out a datapad and put it on the other side of the helmet. He then turned and started walking back toward his ship.

Nico knew that he could stay here, wait for the Jedi and prove to them that the Sith threat was real. Everything could go back to normal. He could probably become a Jedi again if he agreed to stay away from Ahsoka.

But he won't do that. That's just him trying to helplessly cling to the last shred of hope that he has left.

He will leave the Jedi this piece of evidence and he'll leave them to their own devices. Whether or not the Jedi prepare for this threat is none of Nico's concern, he did warn them after all. If they don't take his warning to heart, then it will be on their own heads.

For a single second Nico toyed with the idea of actually doing nothing. He could leave this war and the Sith threat with the Jedi and the Republic. He could live the rest of his days on a random planet in Wild Space. After all, this isn't his galaxy. The Father had informed him about the Sith Emperor, he had taught Nico how to control his power, and then he said that Nico was the only one that had the power to defeat the Emperor. He never told Nico that he had to fight the Emperor.

The thought was squashed as soon as it came, a feeling of shame overwhelming him. What the Hades am I thinking!? Nico raged, mentally chastising himself. How could I be so selfish!? The thought of Ahsoka staring at him with nothing but hatred and disappointment came to mind and Nico winced.

No. He will fight. If not for the galaxy as a whole then he will fight for the friends that he has made and, despite how cliché it may sound, for the one he loves.

His doubts being replaced with determination, Nico faced the future head-on.

He didn't need the Force to know that it was going to be a bumpy ride...

And there you have it. Nico's fight with the Sith. Reading over it, it seems to be all over the place. But this is a giant lightsaber battle, it's kind of hard not to be all over the place.

Anyway, let's move on. I'm sorry when it came to Ahsoka, I'm not really all that good when it comes to emotional stuff so I sort of winged it when I wrote her little scene. Writing something funny, sarcastic or intense? I'm your guy. Writing something that has you feeling like you want to give a particular character a hug? Go read House of Hades.

If you couldn't tell in this chapter, Nico was very much pissed off. And no, that doesn't mean that he's going to the dark side. I'd be pissed off if I was him as well. Go back to the chapter where Nico was on Mortis with the Father. Remember the small amount of training he got? That's the making of him becoming a Grey Jedi, a Force user that uses both the dark side and the light side.

Now, to clear some things up, the Jedi in the Temple aren't going to find out the truth about why Nico has become a fugitive against the Republic. The Council aren't about to tell the entire Order that Ahsoka and Nico had a secret relationship going on and risk alienating Ahsoka. No, it's just going to be a well kept secret between the council, Anakin and Ahsoka. It wont be hard for the rest of the order to jump to conclusions about Nico. He was a former Sith after all. The story would probably go along the lines of him being a traitor that bided his time or something.

The Mandalorians? Wait and see. that's all I've got to say on the matter.

As for the last few lines of the chapter, with Nico's thoughts on abandoning the galaxy. I put that there because he's a teenager who's just been given a massive responsibility. If I was him I'd take the Twilight and go to a different goddamn galaxy, possibly to a galaxy with freaking Superman in it and have him solve the Sith problem. I will always keep in mind that, despite him being a very powerful being and having the strategic mind of a child of Athena and the sarcastic wit that I would love to have, Nico is still a teenager and deep down he's probably terrified.

Oh, yeah, you know those datapads that Nico ordered his undead warriors to collect information with? Well, don't think that it will be that easy for our young demigod. He'll soon learn that he has to give specific orders to undead soldiers, as, Sith or not, they aren't all that bright.

Also, I've had people asking me what I'm going to do with Lux Bonteri. Honestly I have no idea what I'm going to do with him. The only reason why he was brought into the Clone Wars was so Ahsoka could interact with a boy that was around her age. I don't really have any use for the guy. I never really liked him either. I was kind of getting tired of the usual Jedi and Senator love thing. I mean, first it was Anakin and Padme, I could get down on that, why not. It was actually believable...kinda. Then Kenobi and Satine, so cringy that it would make the script writers of Attack of the Clones nearly puke, but sure, I'll go with it. And then Ahsoka and some random Separatist Senator, who in the entire series have only interacted with each other for a grand total of two and a half weeks? No. All right that's enough. At least Kenobi and Satine had some history. I apologise to anyone who ship this but I never really saw the point of Lux other than having him as a love interest for Ahsoka, and that's about it. Who knows, I might have Nico lop his head off or something, I don't know. If he ever appears in this fic it's probably just so Nico can shove him in an airlock or something. Just please, stop asking about the guy.

Now, away from the story, I'm going to talk about the Clone Wars' sequel, Star Wars Rebels. I know when I'm wrong, and I'll admit right here and now that I was absolutely wrong about this cartoon. (Warning! This may contain spoilers to Star Wars Rebels!) I'll admit, the first season was really slow, it was your standard sort of Disney bull. The main character being some kid called Ezra who looks an awful lot like Aladdin and who can use the Force but doesn't realise it. The kid joins a crew where there's a Jedi involved and all throughout the first season you watch as they go on Disney adventures together where it's all laughs and hugs and everything like that. Everything about it made me miss the Clone Wars more and more, even the lightsabers were completely crap looking as they darkened the damn screen every time they moved.

I was about to give up on it when they introduced Moff Tarkin. You remember him, don't you? The guy who created the Death Star? Well, he was introduced and then the show started to take a darker route. It started to get good. And ever since that episode it's been getting better and better. Season two has been amazing and Ezra has turned into my favourite character in the whole show. He kinda reminds me a bit of the Nico that I have created in my story to be honest. My favourite episode definitely being where clones go up against stormtroopers.

Anyway, all I have to say is that I was wrong and that I definitely recommend it to anyone. (accept for die hard Clone War fan, you'll most likely hate every second of it).

Now, let's move onto the reviews:

nightmarehunter676 chapter 21 . Jan 23

YAY! I WAS SO EXCITED TO READ THIS NEW CHAPTER! And I am SO glad to know you're ok! Great chapter! I HAVE NOTHING BUT THE HIGHEST COMPLEMENTS FOR YOUR WRITING. And I have been pestering several of my friends to read this story- and the prequel. IDEK if they've read it.
EITHER WAY! I cannot wait until you update, mostly because I can't wait to see what messes Percy will get himself into again.
Luv You!

Thank you for all the compliments. Percy... He won't be arriving for another seven or nine months so you may be in for a long wait. I may break of into intervals to him to see how his ADHD mind is taking the long the journey. You shouldn't really have any compliments for my writing, as my grammar is appalling, though I'm going to go back and fix all that. (hopefully)

Deshitha sanka chapter 21 . Jan 23

Hello, son of Hades123
Im not sure wether you remember me or not but I posted a message in your girlfriend, Daughter of Nix123 Wattpad page, I got a reply from you and her once but never after or a e-mail, however I just want you to know


Oh, I almost forgot I hope you don't mind if I dedicate you to this fanfic I'm working on. You have been a grate insperation to me.

And again



Yeah, I remember you. I should probably apologise for not responding to the message that you sent with the work that you did. I'll tell you what I think of it hear, shall I?

*ahem* After putting it all together and reading it over I have to say that it's pretty amazing. A hell of a lot better than my first chapter. There were a few grammar mistakes but the chapter was definitely a thousand times better than mine when it came to content and making sense. I'm not entirely sure but I'm pretty sure that I had Hephaestus give Nico a guitar for some reason. Not entirely sure why I did that but I'm sure I'll find a use for it...maybe have Nico smack Dooku over the head with it or something, I dunno. Anyway, the chapter that you created was amazing.

As for your second review, I would be honoured to be dedicated to the fanfic you've created. What's the name of it? And is it on Wattpad or some other site? I would love to read it.

AACM25 chapter 21 . Jan 23

great chapter, i really liked the way the rest of the 7 have different thoughts on the trip an of course i always enjoy a god blowing up stuff, i wonder how big of an impact are the 7 and hunters will have in the war either in the clone wars or Nico's war vs Vitiate. oh and I'm sorry, a while back before i had an account i left a review that might of come off as little bit overbearing or forceful now that i read it again, so yeah sorry about that

Thanks for the compliments.

With the seven and the hunters, who knows. Even I don't know how much of an impact they'll have. They may uncover Palpatine as the Emperor or they may end up getting blown out of the sky the moment they enter the galaxy. Oh and don't worry about any past review that you sent, I was mostly talking to certain guest reviews that wouldn't get off my back in the last chapter.

Who we are chapter 21 . Jan 25

Dude, you tell 'em! This is a hobby, and on wattpad, people kill me over updates. It's nice to know that people have backbone.

Yes! Have I inspired you?! Can you feel the steely resolve inside!? You go on Wattpad and tell those people to piss off! Spread the word of my revolution my friend!




That was fun to write. Don't judge me.

rainbowRadio chapter 21 . Feb 4

I'm sorry that you have gotten so many negative reviews for your story. Putting artwork out for other people to see is very difficult, and having people criticize your literary choices is even harder. Personally, I don't ship Nico and Asoka (this is really the only part of the story that I dislike; the rest of it is wonderful), but I respect, and am pleased that you kept with the integrity of their character, specifically,y having Asoka hesitate at entering into a relationship because of how it goes against the Jedi code. Please don't take those review to heart, and don't feel the need to rush to post new chapters (although new additions are always welcome). I love what you have already written, and look forward to the future of this story!

Thank for the compliments. And don't worry, I know that not many people are massive fans of the Ahsoka/Nico ship. Unfortunately there are two types of people that don't like the ship. There are people like you who put up with it because you like the rest of the story and then there are people who think that they can make me change the relationship status with death threats and insults that were obviously made up by twelve year olds. Don't worry, that little rant in the last chapter was just so I can let of a little steam. I'm not abandoning the story.

ddkeac chapter 21 . Feb 6

is nico being corrupted by the emperor?

No, I'm not entirely sure how Nico can be corrupted by the Emperor seeing as he hasn't had any interaction with him. (Unless you're talking about Palpatine)

Brazilianjaguar chapter 21 . Feb 7

Are you going to make another story after this one?

Yes I am. Possibly two more, maybe three. I'm not entirely certain.

GoldenRabbit chapter 21 . Feb 10

So i started to read this awesome story yestyrday! I so love this story. There is no right words... But I am confused. Is Nico now dark side of Force, or in the other side?
But I can't wait the next chapter. I hope in the next chapter Gods arrives in the planet where Nico is... I can't wait the next chapter!
Until the next chapter!

Thanks for the compliments. No, Nico is on both of the sides of the Force. Let me explain it to you. Nico is now a grey Jedi, a grey Jedi is a Force-user that uses both the dark side and the light side of the Force. A grey Jedi has to make sure that both their light and dark side is balanced. The reason why there aren't many of them out there is because it is extremely difficult to do this. Think of it like this. A grey Jedi is a good guy but they will do things that a normal Jedi wont do, all for the greater good. For example, a grey Jedi will torture someone who is evil to get information that may help the greater good, while a Jedi wont as it goes against there morals. (I don't think I explained that very well)

Guest chapter 21 . Feb 21

your story is addictive I must have read it about 6 times over

Really? I would've gotten bored by the third read.

Guest chapter 9 . Mar 10

Bastille Cleo
They watched there whole family die *kinda like Nico *
Where's black and camouflage

Umm, okay, I suppose I can make her a hunter and a minor character. You wont see her much but she'll be there.

Darkfire99 chapter 21 . Mar 12

do not let this story die it is really well thought out and written please keep it up

Don't worry, the story ain't gonna die yet. (or ever hopefully)

ChildofPoseidon55 chapter 21 . Mar 19

I am awed at how you twisted the Star Wars and Percy Jackson universes into one badass story. I really think that you are an amazhang author that deserves more from his readers. I would ask you to update, but I've read your rants and I don't want to anger you further.
P.S. I haven't read a Star Wars/PJO FanFiction as great as yours

Thanks for the compliments. Honestly, I'm sort of surprised that there aren't that many PJO/Star Wars crossovers out there. I really hope I haven't scared most of my reviewers off with that rant.

Bluey chapter 3 . Mar 29

Here I was, kinda expecting Nico to have to face Tartarus.

Yeah, when it came to that simulation room thing. I was kind of going for people that Nico has fought against. Nico hasn't really fought Tartarus, has he? He's been through it, but he hasn't fought the embodiment of the pit. If he did then, well, he'd be dead.

Bluey chapter 16 . Mar 30

*cough* Gods *cough*

I honestly have no idea what you're on about with this.

The next chapter is the epilogue to this story, the final chapter. And yes, I will be writing a sequel to this. I'm not so much of a dick to just leave it here and say 'use your imaginations to fill in the rest of the story.'

Thank you for reading and if you have any questions just ask them in the reviewers box or PM me. Please review.