Forever Sinners


I gave it more of a PG-13 title…besides that sounds somewhat better than what I had in mind.  Only a few people know what I'm planning and unless they want to be in a WOLRD of pain…they will keep quiet about it, ne? *eyes shimmer*  I also have to warn a few people who are reading this!

WARNING!  If you are ignoring this then you are very stupid!!!

 Please Pay ATTENTION!

Glad I have all of you.  There is an Original Character in this work.  That's right.  I'm actually putting in an OC.  Now don't click the BACK button on me now!! ~waves arms around~ He isn't a Mary-Sue or shall I say Billy-Joe. Anyways, he isn't!  He's mainly someone who is going to cause some problems for our cute antagonists. 

I got these ideas after reading few books, Damned If You Do

And Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, and watching

The End of Evangelion.

Now if you haven't gotten a fear that this fic is going to be even more screwed up than Jackals, you really should…

Well that's all.  I do hope you read those notes…don't cry to me when you get surprised at what I've written.  That's all!

Pairings: Not telling!  Give away surprise!

Genre: Angst, Slash, Death (who's, not telling!), OOC

Disclaimer: Konnichi wa, Ruri-chan desu (Mocking Excel Saga)  This belongs to Jhonen Vasquez.  It just shows you can't keep a good girl…well you can't keep this fanwriter down!  Hopefully he does not find out what I'm doing or I'm in trouble!  That's…(shadow looms over Ruri-chan) ….Squeeeeeeeeee!


            The night over the city was like a protective blanket.  At least it was for some.  Todd laid his head on the wood of the roof of an old shack, belonging to Johnny C.  He closed his eyes that were facing the heavens.

            He would be inside the shack at this time, cleaning like the "little housewife" he had become.  But right now, Todd wished to do relive from his childhood.  He remembered doing this when he was younger.  A way to escape from the reality given to him.  Here on the roof he wouldn't hear his parents.  Wouldn't hear his mother's drugged voice or his father's hated words.  Here he was safe; not that he unsafe with Johnny.

            No, it was more of a way to escape the loneliness.

            Pepito used to hang around the house at odd house, mainly watching Johnny than Todd.  It always confused the young teen why his friend would do this.  But each to his own.  Soon, Pepito stopped coming around.  Perhaps finding out what he needed to know. 

            Johnny in himself was a paradox.  Yes, Todd still very much cared for the older man, but it seemed Johnny only thought of him as a younger brother.  But even that didn't seem to cut through the elder's defensives.  When Johnny was in one of his moods, Todd would go and try to hug the other, to cheer him up.  This only led to an indifferent or shocked look from Johnny that hurt more than any blade could.

           It wasn't Johnny's fault he wasn't used to being around people.  And it wasn't Todd's fault for being too affectionate. 

            If one wants to get technical, it was more on the lines of Todd's childhood.  Without any love, the young boy had given it all to his teddy bear, Schmee—which was only given to him by a relative and not his own parents.  In return, Schmee became a sponge for Young Casil, keeping all "bad things" away from Todd's delicate mind.

            Still, even with Schmee as a companion, Todd needed a human friend.  However, he met none.  He was considered strange by his peers for his intelligence and thus alienated.

 However, a neighbor from next door wished to be Todd's friend—to say the least. Thrilled, the young boy grew attached—in a rather twisted way, it's true—to is man. Hence, where the young "couple" is now, Todd wishing to show his affection and Johnny unable to understand or accept it.

A sigh escaped the young man's lips, the soft cloud floating to the midnight sky.  Todd let his fingers rest around the form of a worn teddy.

"Schmee, you're lucky you're stuffed."

Oh?  Am I?

"You don't get lonely, do you?"

Not in the way you humans do.  But yes I do get lonely.  You can't program that out of a being no matter what you are made out of.


Yes.  Take for example, our relationship.

"We have a relationship?" Todd remarked, amused at this idea.

Don't interrupt. 

"I'm sorry, Schmee." He stifled a giggle with his other hand.

Right.  As I was saying, take our relationship.  I become very miserable if you are not around.  Us, toys, solely live for your wishes—so to speak.  We are happy when you are happy and sad when you are sad.  Very direct relationship.  But, seeing as you are never without me, I'm never truly lonely.

"That's rather…philosophical."

Quite.  Now, you humans are different.  In some cases, you have inverse relationships; such as, One where if one is miserable, the other is happy.  I've seen these far too much in my lifetime.  Very depressing.

Todd could only nod, remembering his father's joy at his sadness.

I'm rather glad you are with Johnny.

This shocked Todd to no extent.  Schmee hated Johnny.  As if sensing the boy's confusion, the bear continued.

Yes, I dislike him, but he's better some of what is out there.  Not by much, but you know.  Child molesters, rapists, druggies, alcoholics, hookers…the list goes on.  It seems everyone is becoming corrupt and if things progress, Johnny's going to be a gentleman guy compared to everyone else. That's a rather disturbing thought.  Think of something else Schmee…ah yes…Television…no…sex, drugs…Do you people have any GOOD points?!

Laughter soon pealed from the Young Todd Casil's throat.  Schmee truly was a riot to listen to sometimes.  It was probably why Todd enjoyed his company.  Even indirectly, Schmee had a way to cheer him up.

A loud cry came from one of the neighbor's windows.

"Keep it down over there!  Some of us are trying to sleep! Humph!" A loud slam followed.

What manners you people have!  Why us toys…

"Squeegee?" Johnny's voice cut into another of Schmee's philosophical rants.

"Yes, Nny?"

"What are you doing on the roof?"

"…looking at the stars." He politely lied.

"Oh…" A pause. "Don't do it too long.  It's Tuesday.  You know what that means…"

"U.F.O." Todd called as Johnny said the same thing, "I'll be down in a little bit."

"Okay, Squeegee.  Remember we're having spegettios tonight."

Todd laughed into his hand a bit again, but couldn't help but fall back into a bit of a melancholy state.

He whispered quietly to himself, making sure Schmee wouldn't hear.

"You can't program loneliness out of a being…"



Yeah I really made Squee very angsty!  I'm not sure why!  Wait yes I am! HA!  Also, Schmee is very …smart. Whoa…I'm surprised. XD Just kidding!  Yeah…I'm not sure what to say.  Oh wait!  Yes I do!