HELLO Everyone I am back and am sorry for lazyness but here's the thing after I finished that last chp I was like oh yay I finally did what I wanted and then it went to oh crap I don't know what to do next (which is embarassing) but I'm hoping that this is a good road to go down now soo ENJOY!

The minute my eyes opened up it was like breathing in for the first time. I could hear the fire crackling off to the side and sat up to find Regina sitting on a stump looking absolutely bored. How was I supposed to react to this again? I'm pretty sure I was supposed to act calm right? Then how come I feel like I am about to go all Black Widow on her and beat her down for what she did to me. When she took notice of me she quickly straightened up, dusted herself off, and then came over and handed me some chocolate? How'd she get a hold of that out here?

I really wanted to toss it at her face, but then I realized that she was actually scared of my reaction to all of this. Why would she though? She's obviously got magic.

But I could possibly save us all as she put it I reminded myself also trying to mentally tell myself I could play to this as an advantage.

"You should eat that you've been out for awhile" she advised. I broke off a piece of it and gnawed on it.

God damn it, it's delicious I realized before stuffing the whole thing in my face. The two of us sat in silence for a moment waiting for the other to say something.

"So..." she began.
"So" I chided back with a smirk on my face, she scrunched her eyebrows at me, noticing now that I knew the advantage I had over her.
"Why'd you do it?" I tried to ask calmly. She let out a sigh.
"My reason is the same as any villains, power. Once your family was out of the picture and the clans knew how powerful I was it gave me more things to rule over. Also it was a practice test for my curse I'd later put over the Enchanted Forest" she explained.
"So I'm not the only one who's memory you so rudely wiped?" I asked. She nodded.
"How are you feeling? I would've expected some fist to be flying by now?" she asked. I leaned back on my hands and looked at her, and being honest now told her

"Trust me I'm not an idiot I know what you can do with magic but... honestly I'm utterly confused now, last I checked I was boring old Sarah with a bit of wit and sarcastic remarks up her sleeve that was here to save her brother, and now I'm Merida a Scottish princess that made some stupid mistakes and feels like she's here for more than just a rescue mission. Like...fate or destiny or whatever" I ranted.
"Isn't there a saying that fate is woven together like a cloth, so that one's destiny intertwines with many others. It's the one thing we all search for, or fight to change. Some never find it. But there are some who are led. Maybe that's how you ended up here?" Regina suggested.
"Well I say I know better. Our fate lives within us, you only have to be brave enough to see it" I quoted that ridiculously now accurate film.

Don't you dare cry in front of her I shouted at myself as I felt tears burn my eyes at the thoughts of what I had saw and how I had been so selfish and ,oh god Peter.

"So what is it you want me to do?" I asked just wanting to get to the main subject I knew she wanted to talk about. Now that I knew who I was I willing to do anything to go home and have Hamish and my parents get their memories back.

"I know about the relationship between you and Pan, or at least what you two used to have. The plan is that since you have your memories back you must also have your feelings back for him. What you need to do is give him true love's kiss and then his memories will return and then hopefully we'll all ride off into the sunset on unicorns or whatever" she waved off the end of her comment.
"Can't you just do to him what you did to me?" i asked.

" I didn't do it. I don't know why he doesn't remember anything but I get the feeling that if this pulls through we can all go home" she explained.

That was her great plan? She wanted me to go in, give him a smooch, and then hope for the best?

But don't you love him? the little voice in my head asked me.

SHUT UP I shouted at it. Yes it was true that after all this time I did love that stupid idiot and now that we were in the same place again I couldn't be happier, but now he can't remember me, so that sort of dampens it.

"Do you think you can do it?" Regina asked of me, actually sounding sincere about my thoughts on this.
"It's just what if I kiss him and nothing happens?" I asked her.
"Then we come up with a new plan" Emma interrupted us as her Snow, Charming, and Hook appeared out of the bushes with coconuts in hand.
"Look who's finally awake" Hook smiled at me and I smiled back. I got up and ran to Snow and gave her a hug. Now that I remembered who she was, this wasn't as awkward.
"That's a bit of a change" she chuckled as she hugged back.
"I missed you and didn't know it till now" I complained and then looked at Emma as I realized something.
"So does this make me your...godaunt?" I pondered noticing the age difference between us.
"Really? Another relative I didn't know about?" she looked at Charming.
"There's more strange relations to you than me?" I asked.

"Honestly this isn't really the strangest thing in our family tree" she replied.
"I'm really sorry about interrupting but, Merida?" Regina asked trying to get back to the important matter at hand.
"Just one more thing" I replied.

"I need to talk to Hook" I told the truth. Everyone in the group looked at him in surprise, even he was caught off guard.
"Ok...we'll just leave you two alone" Emma said looking still confused as they all left us alone.
"Sooo..." he sighed raising an eyebrow at me.
"How'd you know about me last time you were here?" I asked him, this question had been on my mind for awhile now. The curiosity for it was also even deeper now that I had received my memories.

"It's complicated" he said once again.
"My mum was transformed into a bear and I have a princess friend who used to have magic hair that glowed when she sang. I can handle complicated" I challenged him.
"Fine then...your majesty" he said a bit sassily to me as we both sat down on a log.

"I was a boy once quite a long time ago" he began. I raised an eyebrow at him.
"That's not a good start" he admitted.
"You think?"

"When I was a boy I got taken away from my family in the night and was brought here by the leader of the lost boys. A couple years later I became leader of the lost boys after the other one had to leave. He had to leave because there's a system to Neverland it's run over by the shadow. A new leader of the lost boys must be chosen before hand by his predecessor, and while his predecessor is sent back to his home to grow up the new leader needs to have his memory wiped, so he has no obligation to come home, his only job is to lead. Anyways while I was leader I came across a boy named Peter Pan, he was very angry all the time while he was here. I asked him why one day and he opened up to me and told me about you, we actually became great friends afterwards, which is why I choose him to be the next leader. Once I returned home, it was like I had never left, I grew up and then after a series of unfortunate events I ended up back here. Where I fought against my protege, who had only been left with his anger to drive him as leader. That's why he's the monster he is today, because it's his anger that's driving him" he explained. I let that sink in for a moment as I tried to picture a young captain hook and Peter bonding after I had left, it was almost comical if the current circumstances weren't at hand.

"So it's my fault then?" I assumed putting two and two together.
"More like Regina's, love" Hook tried to comfort me. I got up and walked over to the group now, I was done standing on the sidelines, it was my turn to fix things.
"I'll do it" I told them.

I stared at the lost boy's camp before me. How was I supposed to pull this off? I could act weak and helpless but, that just wasn't who I was and he would see right through it. However, I didn't want to act to normal because then he would know I was up to something. I decided to play confused as I saw him.

Oh god I want to kiss him right now I thought a bit idiotically, but now wasn't the time. I grabbed his arm a bit tighter than I usually would and tried to put on my scared doe eyes to pull this off, he looked down at me confused at this sudden movement. Maybe I was being to affectionate.

I wish you would remember me I complained.

"Peter what's going on? I was ambushed at Tink's. I didn't lead them here but Peter...please don't give me a snarky comment for this, I need your help" I lied.

So I hope you all enjoyed that and please review if you did also hope that cleared some things up for you. Also youtube video suggestion time! Imma definitley b suggesting to you guys the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer which I am strangely excited for. Maybe cuz it's space and Marvel so I hope it's awesome but like it also looks like it has the potential to be bad who kneows. But if that isn't something good enough for you here's something else it's another one of my fave telly shows it's called FIREFLY which is pretty much cowboys in space in the future and it's written by Joss Whedon who did buffy and the avengers and Nathan Fillion is in it and he is awesome and it's just awesome and I'm thinking of cosplaying one of the characters sometime soon if you see it take a guess at what I'm cosplaying then hahah!

Anyways Finally getting to those thank you's

Chp 9.

Onceuponanamy: Hey I saw your post on insta! So glad you liked the story! and yay I mean not yay your dying but yay you like it

Guest:Yes they will take notice of that dream!

olympusrox123: Aww thank you I hope you had a lovely christmas as well! And yes 11's regeneration I shed way more tears than I thought I would the minute he took that bow tie off it was like I was a baby in a room full of onions

Insertisernamehere: I would say they were just friends in the castle!

kykyxstandler: Thank yOU!

GingerGeekGal1796: Thanks ginger princess buddy (fist bump)

Singer of Water: Hahah your review made me laugh! Thank yoU!

Chp 10.

Insertisernamehere : Awesome Possum

GingerGeekGal1796 :Thank yoU!

Singer of Water : Thank you!

Morning and Evening Star: HAHAHA I'm so glad you can relate to Sarah and IKR bacon bowls Who knew?!

kykyxstandler: Thank you!

Onceuponanamy: Don't worry haven't stopped just a bit writers blocked!

Chp 11.

Insertisernamehere: Thank you I was hoping I would be able to write in the style OUAT would write it in

ThePhantomismyLove: Thanks and I will!

GingerGeekGal1796 : As weird as it sounds I missed "him" too. (Spoilers) Magnussen was like (shudders) creepy and I was like nope Id rather have a sassy Irish psycho blackmail me.

ElektraMackenzie: Hahah how'd you guess with my fancast being mostly game of thrones fans? hahaha Yes of course I am I love it!

kykyxstandler: I hope this chapter lived up to your expectations and I know! Andrew Scott is amazing I've seen him in other roles and like all I can see is moriarty.

Singer of Water: Ditto I would love to see a little Frozen OUAT crossover it would be awesome!

Onceuponanamy: Oh no I didn't mean to make you cry! but I hope that means you also liked it!