AN: I wanted to write a little something to make up for the chapter of Forbidden being so crazy. I decided to write a few little things and the first one was started by my friend :) Enjoy! Oh and if you like ErLu art. Go look at SasuSakuluver on Deviant Art! There is cute stuff cute...XD


Lucy awakes practically falling out of bed while she screams bloody murder. In a flash, Erza, her girlfriend, comes crashing into Lucy's room to see what is wrong. Erza sees Lucy breathing heavily with tears streaming down her cheeks. "What is wrong?" She says in a demanding type tone.

"I...just realized...I am...afraid...of spiders!" Lucy cried out. Erza sighed and walked over to her before looking at the ceiling where a small spider was crawling.

"That small thing?" Erza asked in disbelief. Lucy nodded and Erza stood on Lucy's bed. She slammed her fist onto the spider and Lucy sighed in relief. Erza went to wash her hands before walking back into the room. Lucy hugged her and Erza yawned. She didn't understand how Lucy was afraid of those tiny things, but at least she got good hugs and kisses as a thank you.



Lucy groaned and pulled the blanket up to her nose. Erza walked in and sat down beside her.

"Now what did I tell you about playing in the rain?"

"Ugh..." Lucy closed her eyes and heard Erza chuckle before placing a soft kiss on Lucy's forehead. She left her lips there for a moment before standing up.

"You have a fever. I'll be back in a moment with some medicine." Lucy rolled over and faced the wall. Erza returned a few moments later with the medicine and Lucy hid under her pillow. "Lucy you have to take it. It will make you feel better."

"It's gross."

"You're acting like a kid."

"Am not. I'll prove it!" Lucy sat up and took the medicine from Erza and swallowed it. Erza grinned and kissed Lucy's cheek.

"That's my girl."



Lucy hummed as she read her book. It had been a relaxing day so far and she was glad to have a break. A few moments later, Erza walked in and ex-quipped before falling onto the bed. Lucy looked up and smiled.

"Tough day?"

"Yeah..." Erza mumbled. Lucy closed her book and walked over and sat on the bed beside Erza. She placed her hands on the knight's shoulders and started massaging them. She heard a sigh of relief from Erza and continued.

"Let's see if I can make it better." Lucy grinned when Erza turned her head and gave Lucy a loving smile.

"You always do."



Erza pulled them out to their pool and threw Lucy in. The blonde yelped and held onto the side. She glared at Erza and the knight jumped in the pool splashing Lucy.

"You know I can't swim..."

"That's why I'm going to teach you." Erza said as she swam closer to Lucy. The smaller girl sighed and let Erza pull her to the middle of the pool.

"You better not let me die."

"Why would I kill my girlfriend?"

"Why do you do half the things you do?" Lucy laughed and Erza pushed her under water. "Why did you do that!?"

"I don't know. Why do I do half the things I do?" Erza retorted with a smirk. Lucy sighed. It was going to be a long day.


Ice Cream

Lucy skipped happily up to the park bench and saw Erza waiting for her. She kissed her girlfriend's cheek and they sat down. Erza had an ice cream cone and told Lucy to eat it with her. Lucy licked the tasty treat and so did Erza. People whispered to each other as they passed by and saw the girls sharing the cone. Lucy smiled and took a big lick and her tongue brushed against Erza's. The knight blushed and nearly drooled. Lucy laughed and did it again. Erza looked around them and saw people staring. She looked into Lucy's eyes and smiled. They finished the ice cream and Erza leaned in to whisper in Lucy's ear. "Let's continue this at my place."


Star Gazing

Lucy laid in Erza's arms as they stared up into the night sky. Erza had suggested star gazing since it was such a beautiful night. Lucy agreed happily.

"This is a perfect night." Lucy snuggled closer to Erza and put her hands in Erza's hoodie. The knight chuckled.

"Yes it is. No clouds in sight."

"Hey look it's a shooting star! Make a wish Erza!" Lucy closed her eyes and made a wish in her head. When she opened them Erza was staring at her. "What? Did you even make a wish Erza?" Lucy pouted and Erza kissed her head.

"I don't need to. I got everything I could ask for in my arms."


Cookie Monster

Erza hummed as she walked into the kitchen. She smiled when she saw Lucy sitting on the counter reading a book. Wait...that was a book Levy gave to Erza.

'Oh well...she's knows everything people do in that book firsthand...wait stop thinking dirty!' Erza blushed and exited the kitchen in a hurry. Lucy slammed the book shut and jumped off the counter and walked over to the cookie jar. She reached in and grabbed a cookie and then dashed outside to eat it. She heard the door and ran off. Erza went around the opposite way and caught Lucy mid-run. Lucy had the cookie hanging out of her mouth and Erza was grinning.

"Looks like I finally found the cookie monster." Lucy pulled the cookie out of her mouth.

"Uhhh...want a bite?"



"Hey Erza. Does Lucy ever sing?" Natsu asked. Erza laughed.

"Oh she sings everywhere."

"What does she sing?"

"I kissed a girl. It's her favorite. Just this morning she said 'I kissed a girl and I liked it' in front of an old couple. I think they were afraid for this generation."

"So she sings everywhere?"

"Yes. The shower, when we take walks, when we swim, when we eat, she sang it in a restaurant, and once when we were in bed...oh I said too much. Anyways she sings all the time."

"I see. So she sings randomly and stops?"

"Oh no. I have to stop her."


"By making out with her." Erza said proudly. Natsu laughed.

"No wonder she sings the same song over and over."


AN: So I think I'll continue this with random little drabble things XD Give me some cute fluffy suggestions and I might write them XD It's going to be updated randomly since they are just short drabbles. Not sure how long it will be anyways I hope this make up for chapter 12 of Forbidden :D Feel free to make these longer if you want :)