
5 years later

"When is Lissa getting here with the twins?" I ask Dimitri. We've been married for 5 years and our life is perfect.

"Any minute now." he says putting up the 'happy birthday' sign.

I hear screaming coming from outside so I open the sliding door the leads to the backyard.

"Alissa! Will you stop chasing your brother?" The 4-year-old little brunette walked up to me.

"But mommy, Alek was pulling on my pigtail!" She says crossing her arms and stomping her foot in true Rose fashion.

"Alissa, you brother is only 2 he doesn't know any better" I say walking over to my son and pick him up. Alek turned 2 only a month ago.

"Fine," she said glaring,"Is there anything I can do to help?" she asks.

"Yeah go tell daddy to take the cake out of the fridge and bring it out here" I tell her

She nods and skips inside.

I walk in behind her but take Alek to his room to change him into party clothes. I put some khakis and a plaid button up shirt on him. I slip his dress shoes on and then set him down. He starts laughing and runs out of the room, or well stumbles.

I laugh and run to my room quickly. I shed off my shirt and skinny jeans and then slip into a floral dress and slip on some gladiators. I put on some diamond earrings and pull my hair out of the pigtail it was in. I shake it a little and leave it the way it is in loose waves just the way Dimitri likes it.

I tug open the dresser door and pull out a simple white button down dress shirt and walk into the living room.

"Hey, here you go." I say

He spins around and grabs the shirt. He kisses me full on the lips and says," You look beautiful Roza, as always."

I roll my eyes," You know hearing that everyday for 5 years is a little tiring."

He chuckles," Well get used to it." He then pulls his T-shirt off and over his head. My eyes immediately go down to his defined 6-pack. How does he still have a six pack after having 4 kids confuses me.

"See something you like?" he asks raising an eyebrow as he tugs the dress shirt on and starts buttoning it.

"You know it, Comrade." I say grinning seductively and wrapping one arm around his neck while the other trails down his chest.

"Roza.." Dimitri whispers huskily.

Just as I was about to pull him down for a kiss the doorbell rang. I pull back immediately and run to the door.

"Breaks over comrade continue setting up" I call over my shoulder. I hear his faint chuckle as response. I pull open the front door and get greeted.

"How are you my dear?" Olena asks smiling.

"Stressed." I says simply laughing. I open the door for everyone to come in. Olena walks in first and hugs me. Then followed by Sonya and Karoline with their husbands and kids, then Viktoria. If it was even possible she looked just as stressed as me. She just started college this year so I'm not surprised.

I closed the door and told them the party was in the backyard. Just as I was about to walk with them the door ran. I ran back and opened it again, I greeted Mia, Eddie,their kid Micah and Adrian. A while after I gave birth Adrian came to apologize for his behavior and now we were really close friends. We were so close the kids called him 'Uncle Adie'

"Hey Adrian!" I say after greeting Eddie, Mia, and Micah. I see a blonde walking up the steps to our house and I quickly whisper to Adrian," Is this the girl you were talking about?" he nods smiling. You could tell he was in love.

The blonde made it to us and Adrian wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Hi, I'm Sydney." she says and sticks out her hand to shake it. I immediately take it and smile, "I'm Rose."

She nods," Yeah Adrian always talks about you."

"Believe me he talks loads about you too." I wink at her and she blushes.

"Oh here," she hand me two little presents.

"Thanks" I say and open the door for them they walk in and I tell them to got to the backyard. As I was about to close the door I see two familiar figure.

"Hi." I say.

My mother smiles," Hello Rose" she hands me to bags that I assume are presents.

"You didn't need to do that." I say quietly.

"Nonsense," my father says," It's Anastasia and Andre's birthday today."

I nod and take them though I don't move out of the doorway for them to enter.

"We should get going," my mother says, "tell them we said happy birthday."

They both started to turn around, "Wait! Don't you want to come inside?"

I was secretly wishing they would reject.

"We both know it's not for the best, as long as those kids know we love them, well that's enough for us. " my father said. They both continued walking but then my mother stopped,"Oh! and the occasional family 'll be enough for me."

I nod, "I'll send you one soon." I whisper. They nod and leave.

This was our relationship. Every event the kids had they'd show up. They would never see them or speak to them but they wanted me to know that they're presence was there. Every birthday they'd send presents. But they never actually seen the kids. I'd always tell them they can and they always reject. It wasn't what I wanted but it's better than our relationship before.

I close the door and walk out to the backyard. I see Dimitri sitting laughing with our friends propping Alissa on one leg and Alek on the other. I smile then my phone vibrated. I take it out.

We're here.

"They're here!" I yell. Everyone get's into place. I told Lissa before to just come in and lead them to the backyard. I hear voices and then they got louder and louder. The door opens and I faintly hear my little girls voice " This dress is so pretty Auntie Lissa thanks for buying it for me." " Where is everyone?" I hear my little boy ask and they both walked out.

"SURPRISE!" We all yell.

I walk up to them and hug Anastasia and Andre.

Dimitri walks beside me and does the same. Once he lets them go they both go running to their brother and sister, with Katya and Luka following them.

Luka and Katya are Lissa and Christian's kids. Lissa got pregnant with Luka about a month after a gave birth too Anastasia and Andre. Then she had Katya around the same time I had Alissa. Luka had his mothers blonde hair but with Christian's ice blue eyes. Katya had her father's jest black hair and Lissa's jade green eyes. I greet Pyro and Lissa and then turn around and look at the kids running around.

I feel someone come up behind me and wrap their arms around my waist. I smell the familiar aftershave and I lean my head back on his chest.

"Wow, that's a lot of kids." I look up and see Anastasia, Andre, Luka, Micah, Katya, Alisa, and Alek running around. All these kids were under five years old so they were running around screaming at the top of their lungs.

I laugh, "Tell me about it, now we have another one to add to that list." I say.

Dimitri stops laughing from behind me, "Are you-"

I nod smiling. What can I say we love kids, and we love sex. So obviously we pop them out like nothing.

He turns me around so that I'm facing him. He leans his forehead on mine.

"Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" he whispers repeating to me something he said before. I smile and say the same response I did before," Hmmm, maybe once or twice" I say

He laughs, "Well then remind me to do it more often."

He kisses me on the lips and then gets down on his knees and kisses my belly. I stoke his hair as he does this.

But then of course an ass had to ruin this moment.

"Holy Shit Rosie! Don't tell me your prego again!" I glare at him.

"What? two kids two much sparky?"

He was about to say yes before I cut him off, "Because you know with that other kid on the way you'll be in for some more work."

His mouth drops open and he turns to Lissa. She was just standing there laughing at his expression. She nods to confirm that she's pregnant too.

"Hey pyro, shut your mouth before you catch flies and kiss your wife already."

He walks to Lissa, kisses her and then hugs her. When he's hugging her he flips me off. I laugh and roll my eyes.

I turn back to Dimitri. We sit down on a little swinging chair on the patio. I lean into him and he wraps his arm around me.

After a while he looks at me, "I love you my Roza."

"I love you too Comrade."

I snuggle into him.

We both whisper


Yay! I hope you liked my story. As you can tell this is the last chapter. I don't know if I should continue writing though. This was my tester story I guess you can call it. If this one went well I will continue writing so let me know. I'm sorry, I feel like I rushed the last 3 or 4 chapters. Let me know also if you feel this way. I had to rush through it because I had like 2 projects due for school this week and I was just really busy. Well, this is then end for Soon We'll Be Together Again. I hope you loved it.

Below I will list some ideas for future stories tell me what you think.

-Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma & TMI by Cassandra Clare inspired. This story will be rated M because it will include incest between Rose and Dimitri who will be brother and sister. It's a bit taboo and risky but I want to know what you think.

-Civil War Era inspired by Beautiful Creatures and a soap opera called Amor Real. Dimitri will be a civil war solider and Rose will be a high-class lady of that day and of course they fall in love.

-Dimitri and Rose in high school! I always wanted to do this one. They will b the same age and Dimitri might be a royal moroi and Rose will be his guardian or vice versa. Also Dimitri and Adrian will be brothers

-Thinking of You by Katy Perry and Just a Dream by Carrie Underwood inspired. Dimitri is in the army and Rose will have to deal with life without him for a while and not knowing whether he is dead or alive.

-One-Shot. You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift inspired. Rose is the geek and Dimitri is cool.