My first story so please be nice. If it get's good reviews i'll continue.


Rose and Dimitri are best friends and grew up together in Baia, Russia. Rose being the wild rebellious girl she is ends up getting in a lot of trouble one night. Her parents decide to send her to a boarding school in America to finish high school. But how will she react to being away from Dimitri for two entire years? How will Dimitri feel being away from his Roza? Will they stay in contact or will they loose touch?

Chapter 1: What did you do now?


Fast. We were driving to fast. We were drunk. We crashed. And its all my fault.

I don't really remember much of that night. It was all a blur. The night started off with my friend, Lissa, and I bored in my room and the next thing I know we were at the hospital being questioned by the police. I was in shock and the memories started coming back.

Lissa and I were having a sleepover but it got boring quickly so we snuck out and went to hang out our friend Mason. We were having a good time but then Andre, Lissa's brother, and his idiot friend Jesse showed up with Vodka. And let me just say i'm a sucker for alcohol. Soon enough we were all buzzed and i decided to drunk call my best friend, Dimitri. Dimitri and I grew up together, heck he's my next door neighbor. Don't get me wrong Lissa is a good friend but we met in Kindergarten compared to Dimitri and I who knew each other our entire life. No one new me better than him. For only being 16 he was incredibly tall around 6'7! He has shoulder length brown hair that he usually ties back at the base of his neck and chocolate brown eyes that you can just melt into.

"Comrade, where you at!?", I slurred. "Roza? Are you drunk, damn it Roza its a school night!" Dimitri is a very studious person compared to myself, he was on the honor roll with straight A's while I got average grades. It frustrated him a lot he always complained saying that I was very intelligent and that if I put the effort i would probably get grades like his. "Oh comrade come on lighten up! Are you at home?! Come hang out with us!" I said a bit louder than I meant. " 'Us'. who's 'us' Roza ? Who got you drunk?" he replied voice laced with worry." Uh, Andre's stupid friend Jesse, he brought tons of Vodka!" my voice went from distaste from talking about Jessie to adoration for Vodka. " Where are you? I'm going to pick you up, you know what they say about Jessie he's trouble." " Yeah well they call me trouble and yet you still stick by me." I was starting to sober up from this conversation. " I don't listen to what they say about you because I know its not true, know tell me where you are." my phone started beeping so I looked down. 2% battery left. Great. " Comrade I got to go my phones' dieing don't worry i'll get a ride home now." "Fine, be safe Roza" he said tired. I would be to if my family woke me up at the crack of dawn, I swear he runs on like 3 hours of sleep.

I hung up and turned around to the group passing around the remaining vodka bottle. " Hey, I want to go home." Lissa turned around slightly tipsy but said," Yeah your right its late and i'm tired." Jesse shrugged and said fine i'll drive everyone home. We all packed into the car, Jesse driving, me riding shot gun, then Andre Mason and Lissa in the back. I hard my favorite song on the radio and turned it on high. Me and Lissa were singing like two drunk idiots while mason and Andre laughed at our attempts to sound good. Jesse was oddly quite, I stopped singing for a second and turned to look at him. He was passed out in his seat and our car drifted into the opposite lane. I sat there in shock not knowing what to do. And that's when I was the truck. I wanted to move so bad. To grab the steering wheel and get out of the lane but I was glued to my seat starring straight at the honking truck.

And then everything went black.

And it was all my fault.