Sorry I took so long I had issues with my schedule, but here it is

POV: Harper

Time: 0500

Date: Unknown

Location: VTOL Crash site

Unit: JOSC Counter-Terrorist Task Force


Once we got to the crash site we opened up the rear ramp on the VTOL so we could get our gear. As I took inventory I noticed something sticking out a compartment. As I got closer I realized it was an AGR (Autonomous Ground Robot) I turned on my PDA to connect to the AGR. I connected and began to move it out of the VTOL, as it rolled out on its treads I took inventory of its weapon systems on my PDA

X9 12mm rockets

X4 Minimums

X10000 Rounds of ammo

After taking inventory I looked at the AGR and thought to myself "This would be great if this was a hit and run mission" Once the AGR was out of the way I began to search the VTOL I found

X3 M27 with fore grip, suppressor, and ACOG

X30 Mages of M27 Ammo

X12 Mages with Rubber bullets

X12 M67 Fragmentation Grenades

X12 Flash-bangs

X12 EMP Grenades

X3 Throwing Knife

X2 Five Seven with Suppressor and Tic Knife

X5 5-7 Mages

X1 Tac-45 with suppressor, FMJ, extended mages

X3 T-45 Mages

X1 Death Machine

X4000 Rounds of DM Ammo

X1 Storm PSR with 5 mages

X9 XM31 GL

X5lbs of C4

X9 Claymores

X3 Smoke Grenades

X3 Gas Masks

X9 Tear Gas canisters

X3 Pairs of NiƱo Gloves

X3 Sentry Guns

X1 Recon Drone

Immediately after telling Mason he said "Well we were on a supply trip"

POV: Cdr. Steve McGarret

Time: 0630

Date: Unknown

Location: VTOL Crash site

Unit: US Navy SEAL Team 6, Call sign "X-Ray"

After securing Harpers teammates and their gear we all headed back to the main camp, when we arrived we set a permitted with Claymores, sentry guns, and other booby traps.

After finish the traps every one decided we would discuss what to do about our situation of course Snow had to debated " I say we sneak up on them an ambush them", Said Snow, "that way we could strike fear in the heart of the enemy, hooah!" "We don't know if the natives are hostile", I said being the rational one; "if we attack without knowing that we could aggravate them". "McGarrets is right!" Said Mason which Harper responded with "I agree with Mason" Unfortunately though Snow convinced Salzar while Mitchell stayed neutral. After arguing for a few hours we decided we would send in a drone to investigate the next day.

24hrs later

"Is everything ready?" I asked "Yea just about" responded Mason. Just as Mason finished Snow came up told us we should be ambushing creatures, but I reminded him what might happen, we could die. Once the AGR was loaded up and ready for action Mason re-established the link, and then began to pilot it towards what looked to be a town. Once on the edge of the town a mini spider robot deployed from the AGR, from the spider-bot we saw what looked to be three foot tall multicolored horses strolling around the town, Mason continued to move the spider-bot towards the center of town but, Harper suddenly cried out "Look over there!" " It's the same orange and blue horses from earlier" After taking notice of these horses Mason decided to follow them to what seemed like a giant tree.

POV: Twilight

Time: 0900


Location: Twi's House, PV

Unit: MS

"Right" said Twilight to her friend "Now that we are all here we can discuss the problem at hoof" "We have approximately 7 ape like creatures wandering the Everfree Forest" continued Twilight " they seem to be skilled in anti-magic and offensive spells, our mission is to find and secure these animals so that we may study and learn about them" "Yes Maim" responded RD sarcastically which in turn got a glare for me and AJ.

8 hours later

After hours of searching we found a fire pit, strange wheel marks, and weird hoof prints moving in the direction of Ponyville "Spike come here" I ordered " I need you to contact the princesses immediately tell them Ponyville may be in grave danger!"

POV: Harper



Location: 3 miles outside of Ponyville

Unit: JSOC

After 3 hours of recon we decided to move in and investigate for our selves, Steve's team when on the east side of the town while we went on the west side. As we advanced on the town Mason kept flashing west side gang signs " Knock it off" I ordered " Salzar use the recon drone to see what's behind the next corner" "Roger" he said, Salzar reached into his pack and brought out what look like a toy helicopter. After connecting to it he pilots the drone to the corner and looks to see what's ahead "What's around the corner?" I asked " Two of those horses" said Salzar, "Ok let's go less lethal" As we rounded the corner we shot the horses with rubber bullets and stunned them, Mason proceeded to tackle them then zip cuff and gag them. "Two disabled" said Mason over the radio "Roger" responded Steve "we have one ready for interrogation, returning to FOB".

1hour later

As soon as we arrived at the camp we began to set up three cells for the prisoners it consisted of some branches, vines, and duct tape; in a way they looked like some of the bamboo cage used by the VC in Vietnam. We put the 3 horses in each cage and took of the bags on their heads, once the bags were off I started asking questions " What are your names" "Ditzy Doo" said the gray one, "Carrot Top" said the orange one, "Colgate" said the blue one. Right after we heard that we fell over laughing "Your name*giggle* is Colgate?" I asked "Yes" she responded" I couldn't help myself but laugh, who the fuck names their kid after tooth paste! "Come on Harper grow the fuck up" said Mason "Says the guy flashing gang signs" I responded *bitch face activated* "Brake it up" exclaimed Steve "We don't need this kind of conflict, we need to work to-geth-er" "Okay I get it can we hit the sack? I'm getting tired" Said Mason "Yea we will finish up later go take a nap." responded Steve.


Time: 0500

Date: Unknown

Location: Barn

I woke up from my deep slumber to hear a voice of some kind "Hello their Lone" I immediately brought up my SW500s" Who is there?" I asked " A friend" the voice answered " I saw you appear in the middle of a field and I noticed you don't know much about this world" What do you mean this world?" I asked " This is no longer Earth this is Equestria" the voice responded " and you need a friend who knows about this world" " What do you want for your so called help" I asked " Nothing much, just your soul" it said in a nonchalant way. I didn't trust this voice but I had no other option "Fine I agree" a second later I felt a emptiness in my body like something was taken "Good" said a short red horned demon with a piece of paper "Now sign here to approve of this deal and to promise you won't kill me later" I signed the paper he had and closed the deal, all of the sudden the demon was gone and in its place was a cloud of black smoke which promptly shoved its self down my throat. Wow that was trippy" I said to myself "Agreed" said the voice "WTF are you in my head?!" Yes we are sharing the same body, now let's go over your new powers, you can change into a wolf or any other creature you desire but they have to occupy this planet, you can also blend with shadows and teleport to other shadows." "Now tell me, who lives on this planet?" I asked "Many species but the most numerous one are multicolored equines called ponies" the voice said "Currently you are in the barn of an female Orange Pony named Applejack" "Where can I find his Apple Jack" I asked "You could find her in this barn in" " Who the buck are you mister?" Asked a orange pony in a southern voice " I am Lone" I said as calmly as possible when meeting a talking animal " You must be Apple Jack" "How do you know my name?" She asked I quickly thought of an lie " I heard about you at a story they said your product is very good" "You mean my apple products" she asked "Yeaaa that" I said "I really wanted to come to the source" "Yer lying" she said "No I'm not I'm being completely honest" I said "No you ain't, now tell me what are you exactly?" "I'm a human" I said "Well your comin with me" said Apple Jack. " I will only go if you promise not to kill me" "Fine" said the pony as we walked to the nearby town I received many strange glares from passing ponies, eventually we reached a giant tree in the center of the town. "Wait here, I'm gonna go get my friend to inspect you" said the orange mare in which I responded with a simple OK. After 10 minutes a three hooded pony approached me, the first one asked "Are you lone the human?" "Yes I am" I responded which earned me a chloroform rag and a bag on my head 10 seconds

Later my world was pitch black and all I heard was the demon saying " You idiot

Ok I will try to get a new chapter out in 3 weeks, bye