RWBY: Studies XVI

Notes and Disclaimers: Hi, It's time to update this story and I've written a more lengthy chapter this time, I hope you all enjoy it and well, I just hope you guys like what I wrote. Enjoy Dx

Chapter XVI – Random Surprises

Everything went by so quickly, Weiss hadn't even realised that both her and Ruby were standing in front of a shopping mall for their date. Wait when did she even agree to this? She doesn't even remember what promise she made to Ruby about this date.

"On a date with my Waifu… Mmmh…" Ruby chimed as the two walked along, Weiss was still avoiding eye contact as much as she could because honestly she didn't really know why she came and she kinda just got dragged along.

Breaking her silence aura she placed around herself, she spoke up. "You know I don't even remember me making a deal with you. When did I even agree to this? I have studies to do for the upcoming assignments!" Weiss argued, although Ruby kept her cool and kept holding her hand as the two walked along.

"A while ago, although there's no time for thinking, we're on a date!" Ruby cheered, although Weiss clearly didn't remember.

"Hold on a second, I kinda…" Weiss looked over at the bathroom and hoped Ruby would have got what she meant.

Ruby looked over at her girlfriend and sighed, "I guess there's no helping it. I'll be out here, but don't keep me waiting! Innless…" Weiss' face flushed red and in an instant she kicked the red pervert in the knee, hoping she would shut up.

"Owe!" Ruby cried as Weiss made her way to the bathroom. 'Gee she is such a tsundere… a cute one though, well… Heh… I'm totally buying her lewd underwear when we get back. I wonder how she'll react!' Ruby was making up plans that she would eventually regret later but they'll be totally worth it in her head.

Two or three minutes pass as Ruby waited and a girl with white hair walked out. Without thinking Ruby rushed over and linked arms with the white haired girl, time to continue this date.

"Huh?" Weiss squeaked, kinda not sounding like her normal self.

"Aw shucks, no time to complain we're on a date!" Ruby cheered as she dragged the ice princess along.

"D-dd-ate!? Uhh…w-what do you mean?" she said sounding shyer than usual. Also… not as high pitch as if she was kind of monotone… Ruby's eyes shot open and she looked up at her partner, who wasn't really her partner.

"Who are you, why are you dressed up as my waifu!?" Ruby cried, looking around hoping that she didn't grab the wrong person.

"I should be asking the same question! Wait; are you some kind of pervert I've heard about from dad? What are you going to do with me!" the girl cried hiding behind a bin.

Ruby appeared behind the frightened girl and stook a sniff of her scent, definitely smelled like Weiss although she's not Weiss! Her breasts are bigger and she's so cute but she looks kind of younger. 'She looks so damn familiar… as if… Ohh could it be?'

Out of nowhere Weiss appeared, looking blankly at the two and she looked like she was staring fire at Ruby… 'Why is Weiss angry at me and not…' out of nowhere a shard of ice followed by fire just missed Ruby's head.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY SISTER?" Weiss yelled as she drew her weapon ready to give her girlfriend a lesson of pain.

"SISTER!?" Ruby shouted as she was chased around with fire and ice, maybe lightning here and there. They were causing a scene and floods of people were clearing the area, in hopes of not getting in the way of the enraged ice queen.

The girl emerged herself from hiding and looked at Weiss. "Big-sis?" the girl asked, getting Weiss' attention.

Weiss sighed and ceased her rampage, "Winter, why are you here?" Weiss asks, how ironic that she's here when it's on a date with Ruby.

"I should be asking the same! And how do you know that pervert!?" Winter asks, pointing her finger at Ruby.

Ruby stood there with blank eyes as she has never been called pervert by someone who she just met. Although as she looked at Weiss, a dark aura casted over her as she walked over.

Weiss drew her sword and held it as if it were like a cane, "So what did you do to my little sis to make her call you a pervert?" Weiss asks as she walked menacingly towards the helpless hooded girl.

"I was walking out of the toilet when she grabbed me! I think she was leading me somewhere to do perverted things to me!" Winter cried as she hid behind her older sister, away from Ruby.

"You think!?" Ruby gulped.

"Oh… and here I was thinking of getting you something nice and harmless… although I may have to reconsider!" Weiss said as she cornered Ruby.

"Wait, wait, I can explain this! I thought she was you and… so I…" before Ruby could continue, Winter adds a bit of unnecessary mixes to it.

"She then grabbed me from behind and sniffed my neck like some old girl! If you hadn't showed up than I bet she would have done more embarrassing things to me!" Winter adds, certainly adding fuel to the fire in Weiss' eyes.

Ruby's eyes were blank and shocked, "Old girl!? I'm only fifteen and what do you mean I would have done more embarrassing things to you! We're in public!" Ruby argued.

Weiss shook her head and sighed with disappointment. "First you taint me with you perversion and now you're a lolicon? You really are the definition of pervert." Weiss said as she lowered her arm.

"You're still believing her!?" Ruby said, clearly at a loss for words.

"No, I'm not. I'm judging my thoughts on past experiences with you, pervert. Anyways, Winter why are you here?" Weiss asks, as that question hasn't been answered yet.

Winter backtracks though her thoughts. Simply put, she had a forgetful memory. "I uhh… think I needed reinforced ceramic and quantum material, I'm planning on making you Myrtenaster MK2! This time with the ability to cut though anything at the atomic scale!" the little girl cheered.

"Uhh… Weiss, did she…?" Ruby asks and Weiss nods.

"Yup, she made the weapon I'm using, although it's one of the first divisions of its design, my sister is actually quite the weapons smith. Despite her age, she possesses great skill, although don't you even think about tainting my sister's innocent mind." Weiss warns; although Ruby's eyes glowed with inspiration as she listened to the little girl go on about weapon modifications and what not.

Ten minutes went pass as the two talked and Weiss sighs and lets them be for now. "Wow! You for real you created the Elysium knights? Did you even design the airships?" Ruby asks, before they were completely strangers and now they're best of friends, for the most part anyways, Ruby was still the pervert.

"Yup, the ones that the Atlas army uses are a previous division of my design, the ones at the Schnee complex are all capable of holding their own against nearly anything! But my sister's weapon is my masterpiece!" Winter explains, so this girl was the genius in the Schnee family, who would have thought.

Growing fed-up with Ruby's and her sister's constant chatter, Weiss sighed and voiced her solution. "Look, can we like at least sit down? I don't know about you but I don't know if I can stand around and talk." Then all the sudden Weiss' stomach growled and both the girls giggled in response.

"You know you can just say when you're hungry, it's not embarrassing or anything…" Ruby commented as the trio made their way over to a café which served food as well.

Weiss look away and folded her arms, "it's not like I'm hungry or anything." Weiss muttered under her voice.


Gunshots rung though out the forest as a girl ran though, her hair was reddened from its usual ice white from the blood of her injures. Her breathing and heart beat went by rapidly as she sprinted away from her pursuers.

Summer who was one of the pursuers chased after the white figure, although as she looked to her left, Elisa her partner looked distressed. Why was that? She thought, as the two ran after the target.

The forest was about to end and there wouldn't be anywhere else to run, this part of the forest led to a mountainous area and it's unlikely that there's any way up.

Running, the white haired girl pulled out her last remaining red dust crystals, surely they would explode if thrown. One way to find out, she thought. Looking around, she saw that there was an opening in the mountain side, looked like a cave and surely there must be a way out. This was a gamble if she collapses the supports, she could trap herself in the cave.

There was no time for thinking, another gunshot rung out, this time hitting her square in the back just under her chest, pain made her vision go blurry as she ran for her life. Without thinking she turned around and threw the glowing red crystals onto the floor at the cave opening and with explosive force, both concussive and shock waves blasted in all directions, enough to send her off her feet and flying into the rock face behind her.

The entrance was sealed now begged the question would she find some place out or would this be her tomb of which she buried herself in. Getting up, she continued to walk onwards, hoping that there would be a way out.

Outside, the duo stopped in their tracks as the cave caved in. "You think the target was eliminated?" Summer asks. Although Elisa remained silent and began her journey in the opposite direction, Summer had no idea what was with her partner. "Elisa? What's wrong?" Summer asks, although the older woman walked on and on as if something were dawning down on her.

"That girl… she's…" Cutting her off mid-sentence, a growl came out of nowhere. Grimm and a lot of them, they have been drawn here by the explosion, upon realising this, she sighed. "Never mind…" Elisa said as she unsheathed her longsword, which an icy mist surrounded.

Summer also got her weapon ready too; ready to engage the targets that were surrounding them. "Be careful they're have an ice affinity radiating from within them, you're attacks won't be as effective." Summer warned as she took her combat position.

Elisa rolled her eyes, she was confident that her ice attacks alone will be enough to take care of them. "They may be resistant to cold, although nothing is quite resistant to a moving ice of ice!" she yelled as ice pillars popped up from the ground around the Grimm impaling the ones unfortunate to be in the targeted area.

Summer position danced from another to another, picking off targets with ease, her rifle had exceptional physical power. Shooting limbs and heads off, the rifle could even spilt bodies. "You're right, they are kind of weak."

After a minute of fighting, there was nothing but impaled and Grimm with either their heads missing, or half their body. Not one got closed to the veteran agents of the world. "Now that's over, what did you say before?" Summer asks, getting a water bottle from her backpack.

"It's nothing, really. Just don't worry." Elisa says, as she dropped the topic, hoping that her partner wouldn't bring it up again.

Summer inspected her scanned over her friend and sighed, something was clearly bothering her but that was it. "Alright…" Pulling out her scroll she contacted HQ to explain their situation. "HQ, this is Agent Rose, the target got away, she's somewhere within the mines of Vale, requesting a sweep team to clear the area." Summer wasn't all too happy that the target got away although she was tired and needed a good rest before continuing.

Couple of seconds pass as the transmission was issued, a response came finally. "Understood, This is HQ you're new objective is to head to the extraction zone and await transit. We'll debrief you once you arrive at base."

"Copy…" Summer Acknowledged, ending transmissions, looks like it was a long walk ahead. Even though the walk lasted over two hours, Elisa remained silent the whole time, Summer on the other hand was trying to make small talk, although clearly something was up and she didn't know what it was.

Vale Square, Shopping district…

The date was somewhat called off early, although the duo turned into a trio instead. With Winter, Weiss and Ruby herself enjoying one another, although Ruby's nickname for the pervert never changed the day was actually quite fun.

"What a day!" Ruby said as she stretched her arms, the trio were walking back towards the transport shuttles.

Winter was the quiet type, only saying things if they sparked her interest or if she were being asked a question directly. "Y-yes… it was enjoyable…" Winter muttered quietly, trying not to draw too much attention.

Ruby looked over to Weiss who was holding a bag containing gifts and presents for the others at the school, Blake wanted a new book which had just released and Yang needed basic supplies such as oils, dust and a new scroll. "Hey Weiss, you never told me that you had a little sister and that she was a genius."

"Well you never asked and I never had a reason to bring my family up." Weiss explained, walking along casually.

"Speaking of sister, why is she following us? Isn't she meant to be back at you're place or something?" Ruby asked, wondering why Winter was still accompanying the two.

Weiss agreed that was odd, she should be with her father. "Yes that is indeed a good question, Winter why are you still here, if I recall you should be with father in the development facility?" Weiss asked.

"O-Oh… yes, I should be going now… um sis… can you- uh…" Winter stopped mid-sentence as if she were thinking about what she was saying. "N-never mind…" Winter says as she begins walking in the opposite direction.

"Huh? Hey Winter what were you about to say?" Weiss asks as she grabs her little sister's shoulder.

"-rthday…" Winter mutters, Weiss clearly didn't get what she said.


"Birthday!" Winter repeats, this time almost yelling at her bigger sister. "I want you to come to my birthday!"

Weiss remembers now, her sister's birthday was coming up soon, but at the same time. Weiss didn't know what to get her, what would she want? "Oh, that's right you're turning fifteen soon."

"Two years younger and she even has a bigger rack than you…" Ruby mutters under her breath, although Weiss heard her out of the corner of her ear and smacks Ruby across the head for being judgemental to her bust size.

"Want to repeat yourself?" Weiss said with a gloomy aura emitting around her, making Ruby gulp.

'Talk about a washboard… with a serious anger management issue…' Ruby thought although Weiss only drew her sword and pressed it up against Ruby's throat. "You can read minds?!" Ruby cried as she begged for mercy.

Holstering her sword, Weiss returned to her original topic. Winter's birthday was coming up soon and Weiss honestly didn't know what to get her. "I'll be there. I'm guessing we're having a birthday party at our home?" Weiss asks.

Winter smiles and nods. "Yup, you can bring your friends along too!"

"Sounds great, alright we better spilt up here, if Ruby and myself don't get back by curfew we're going to be in trouble, you should also head back before father gets worried." Weiss explains, the smaller girl nodded and waved goodbye as Ruby and Weiss board the transit shuttle.

Author Notes: I know Winter is completely OOC, although that's how I wanted her to be. She may as well have been a completely OC but she's going to play a role later on and she is also the weapons and technology genius within the Schnee family. Also if there were any errors which there probably were, I apologies in advance.

Although feel free to leave what you're thoughts are. I'm always willing to accept critiques and I do learn from my mistakes, I always try write what I think the readers would like and partly it's my story as well but I do hope the readers enjoy. Don't forget to Fav, Follow and review if you really wish so. Thank you once again.