Disclamier : I do not own Naruto and sekirei.

"Hokage-sama, an Uchiha woman came."

"Send her in."


The ANBU guard left, closing the door behind him. Minato then made several hand signs, and part of them ordered his bodyguards, who were always lurking in the shadows, to leave for a while so as to keep that meeting uninterrupted, while the rest of signs created a soundproof barrier around the walls of the room.

The door opened once again and Uchiha Mikoto entered, obviously nervous, her eyes full of both sadness and fear.

"Hello, Mikoto-san." Without moving his gaze away from the papers he'd been working on, Minato muttered. "Come, take a seat."

"well atleast I'll support loosing clan was not good for specific trauma"

Mikoto sat on a chair clumsily. Yondaime arranged several documents on the table languidly, letting the Uchiha female feel more desperate by his silence.

Then, he finally spoke up, and again without moving his gaze away from the papers. "Well, so what brings you here?"

Mikoto squirmed. She hadn't expected that kind of question. Wasn't it natural for her to pay him a visit after such an incident? "I've to find out that traitor" Mikoto had given the fake information about Itachi's gender. Itachi her whole 22 years has kept her gender hidden from whole Village. Mikoto look at Minato in supesious way "does he is one of them ? There no way Minato and Kushina would never do something like that. But…Where is Kushina?"

"Where is Kushina and Narumi ?" Mikoto asked.

"They were in hospital Tsuande-sama were checking them." Mikoto shocked at her friend was in hospital but he continue his speech "This isn't only thing happen whole Uzumaki clan were pass out at same time Isn't that strange"

Mikoto had know the reason "Mutsu and Izumi fight"

Minato sighed " Well they were fine by tomorrow. So what about you Mikoto?" Minato now looked at lady Uchiha in suspicious way.

"okay just let start some drama" She sighed and took a deep breath before opening her mouth. "Hokage-sama... I... I want to thank you. Not just for your mercy upon us, but also for not putting all of the burden on my eldest's shoulders."

The Yondaime did not respond. He simply rearranged a few more documents, piled them together, and after tossing them backward, he finally looked straight at her.

"Is that all?"

Mikoto raised her eyebrow at the fierce sapphire gaze piercing through her. "Hokage-sama...?"

He looked almost bored. "Is that all you've got to say?"

"I...Mikoto blinked "I'm sorry, Hokage-sama? I don't understand."

A tired sigh escaped the blond's lips. "You don't?"The Uchiha blinked. She gulped again, as the awkward silence continued except for the sound of rustling resumed for few more minutes, then at last it broke away by a still calm voice.

"You knew what was going on about your eldest."

She raised her eyebrow again at that, her eyeballs nearly popping out from their sockets. "Huh?"it must be Izumi told them about Uchiha's plan but after Fagaku death it must be declined it then how?

He smiled, a bit sardonically. "You have been involved in the matter as well.. I'm sure that you noticed something about your own son. It must have been quite freaky, huh?""


"And still," he crossed his arms, "why didn't you just come directly to me and reveal everything about the coup?. Now You only one women of your clan . huh"

She clutched her own hands together, feeling blood rushing to her face. "I… I... I just..."

Suddenly, his golden eyebrow arched, creating one of his rare frowns. "Instead of being loyal, you chose to play a game with me. Come on, admit it. Don't play innocent. Your every action showed hinted. I know women as much as you do; I've encountered so many girls like youbefore. Tell me, do I look that foolish?"

"huh ? He think about that I love him. And he tried to destroy my home."Mikoto tried to clam her anger his own best friend tried to kill her clan.

"I-I don't understand what you're talking about," was all she said in fake shuttered.

The cold blue eyes narrowed. "Mikoto-san, do not trifle with me. I'm in a particularly foul mood rose from his chair. "I don't share your damned husband's taste, so when I play rough it's going to hurt. I really hate it when a girl dares to play a game with me."Her knuckles whitening, Mikoto gulped again, feeling a shiver run through her body as he approached her. "Damn it my whole strength vanished. What happened to me?

"So what were you going to do," he continued dryly.

"I-Don't understand w-what are you talking about ?..." she muttered with trembling voice, tears of fear filling her dark eyes.

He blinked. Then suddenly, a cynical smile began to take place at the end of his lips. "So you don't understand huh? . Well, a typical excuse from women. But I can't see any relation between your excuse and our issue."

As far the horror Minato true face was reveal his was behind it."Damn it Mutsu was right. I've to wait for Tomorrow but no my own emo"

". Well, a typical excuse from women. But I can't see any relation between your excuse and our issue."

Mikoto once again squirmed at the remark. A typical excuse from women?

"I know that you'd become into one of those fangirls as you kept on buzzing around me." He continued, his voice full of mockery. "Weren't you? You had been so unguarded as much as you'd been so clumsy with your little game."

"I'm his fan girl what the hell he talking about?" enough I can't handle this any more.She rose from the chair she'd been sitting on, hastily clutching her handbag as she noticed something dark sparkling behind the Hokage's blue orbs.

Minato stopped his movements at this and gazed her with a disinterested countenance.

"I'm sorry, Hokage-sama... I.. I'm really grateful about what you did, but you have some misunderstandings about me. Maybe I just should be back some time later..." She then turned, desperate to escape from the room but was stopped soon when the Yondaime's hand grabbed her shoulder from the back.

With a gasp she turned to face him again, soon to yelp when his callous hand slapped her face with a stupendous force. she hit the floor with a thud, dazed by the blow, tears trying to spring free from their confines within her eyes. A shock froze her body first the shock her own friend tried to hit her. Then a pain rushed coming, causing her slender frame to shake both by pain and fear.

"Don't. ever. play innocence with me." Minato muttered in passionless tone, as if nothing serious had really happened in his peaceful office.

But being slapped was only a mere start.

Flinching, Uchiha Mikoto gulped helplessly when the blond held her chin roughly with his large hand and made her look up. Cold sweats broke onto her forehead at the sight of those darkened blue eyes. Through the haze of tears she mumbled, desperate. "I'm.. I'm sorry, I didn't meant to..."

He heaved a tired sigh once again. "Only now the acknowledgement comes out. Why didn't you say that earlier? You'd have evaded being slapped then. I don't understand why you girls are being so stupid on a matter like this. And that why you tried to close to Naruto for what? tried to impressed me"

"I.. I didn't really mean to that" Her words were stopped then. The dark eyes widened with a confusion when she realized that his index finger was injected between her lips. She blinked, not understanding the situation, soon to be dominated by a horror when few seconds later the Hokage emptied her mouth, his finger wet with her saliva.

She barely managed to mutter with a trembling voice when she felt her skirt being tucked up. "..I'm.. I'm your wife's friend..."

His eyes sparkled with a mockery. "Was that on your mind when you'd started to play your little game?"

The reality hit her head then. Her husband was dead. He was alone in Hokage office her daughter was injure and Naruto was don't know where she is. There was no one to protect her now. "Somebody help me"

Minato were put his hand over trembling Uchiha women. Suddenly bright white flash appear behind his back "You bastard" A voice Minato look at the white flash but he got hard slap over his face… thrown over the desk. Mikoto shock and surprised she didn't even sence his chakra"First ,you had made my son's life miserable and now you're going to hurt Mikoto " Mutsu said in demonic tone. "She thought you as a friend but you.."Minato were tried to regain his composure but Mutsu grabbed his yellow hair "use her friendship for selfish purpose, you bastard" hardly slapped over the table and he do it again and again until he faint.

"Mutsu wait" Mikoto pleased "if you kill him right now then the whole village will turn against you and Naruto" Yes she admit him as Naruto's Father as he tried to save her clan and her daughter. Mutsu blinked as she said the truth he could handle the whole village but his ashikabi unable to protect himself.

"Tou-san, aren't you killing him?" Naruko asked.

"No My hime. I can't kill him right now but what he and Uzumaki clan did with Kyubi, Naruto and you was not forgiven. Don't worry I won't leave him easily. But I will start now to giving payback. First Minato" Mutsu leave the unconscious hokage on the desk alive. "idiot"

"Thank you, Mutsu-san" Mikoto said with smile finally someone of the village tried to save Uchiha otherwise none them will help civilian of Uchiha because their ego." But how did you found out where was I ?

The first guardian stared at raven hair beauty" My son asked me to keep eyes on you. He doesn't want one of his closed friend get hurt. He cared about you more than anyother people in this village"

Mikoto gasped at Mutsu speech" you Mutsu-san. I should get my home.

"But what happened the guards they had seen me enter into hokage office…"

"Don't worry, I knock them off after you enter the office" Mutsu replied he lifted the hokage and placed into couch. " If you hurt my son and one of his friend I will kill you next time" then he left the uncounicous Minato.

Mikoto smiled "Its too late, Sasuke is waiting for…" Mutsu grabbed her shoulder disappeared in white flash reappearing in front of her house.

"Here now you can go" Mutsu disappeared into white flashed and leaving dumpfault Mikoto "for me"

Back Sahashi estate

Mutsu was appear in Naruto room. He seen Naruto, Kazehana and Kyubi were sleeping peacefully.

"you should tell him the truth, Mutsu"Mutsu look at his saber " atleast tell him about you paa…"

Mutsu groaned "Sorry but today we've just started our new family. And I'm promised him I should tell him everything on his and Naruko 13th birthday"


"aren't you happy that Naruto was Takashi recarnation was back to alive "

"off course. I and Akistu were Takashi's Guardians."

" off course. You though Takashi as your own son and end up your life to protecting. I think that is mother would do it the best. The white guardian sighed " Akistu thought only Takashi would be his ashikabi. But….now she would not be able to winged herself. If she find out about Naruto is recarnation of Takashi and what his own family did to him then she could freeze the entire village in couple of seconds"

"Just as same what Karasuba , Miya and that fucking M.B.I Memebrs kill my Master and Kazehana daughter" The saber fuming.

"Okay Okay clam down that time me and Kazehana didn't do anything but this…."

"Okay Okay, You forgotten Naruko still waiting for you. And you know what she is short temper asll"

The first generation sekirei paled he may be powerful but he weak against his love. "shit I really forgotten"



Naruto woke up alone in his room in an happy mood as he finally find his new love and his own so called family. Looking around the two himes were sleeping peacefully. Unwillingly he got up from the bed. Without dressing ,he snake into another room..It was Naruko his lovely new sister sleeping peacefully but he notice his father was gone.

"He must be in Kitchen" He ran towards the Kitchen.

In Kitchen

While preparing breakfast Mutsu thought about what happened in the last few hours. As he kick as forth hokage again and save the Mikoto Uchiha. He spend only half hour watching his forcast son, Ashikabi whatever.

"He looked so cute with his pajamas" Mutsu thoughts. "Well Naruko also looking cute in Nightgown..she looks so.." pervert thought appear on Mutsu mind.

"Hey, stopped thinking about Naruko in pervert way and if you did, you knew what Kazehana will do" Saber said who was attach on Mutsu belt.Mutsu knows the consequence. This time Kazehana become very protective about her daughter.

"she would be crushed me in her wind. Yeah I know that"

"Oh last time she did you were pass out in the whole week.." Saber blinked she was senced that Naruto were enter into Kitchen. "ohh Master…."

"he can't here you. You know that" Saber fumed. "Okay so I can shut up myself"

"Good moring Naruto-kun, did my precious son have nice sleep with two beau.."Before he could complete his words he was tackle by his son."It not a dream! You're real and alive" Shouted, trying to contain the tears.

"He still have thought I'd been kill by Izumi" Though Mutsu gave a sad smile. Noticing that his sib was trying to not cry "Mutsu, he so cute"

"Yeah I know"

"Dad" The white guardian blinked "You were awesome battle between you and Izumi-nee-chan." Naruto blinked at his father were laughing."Sorry Naruto, but do you know that while our fight, whole Uzumaki clan were pass out and we ruin Namikaze birthday party"This made Naruto and Mutsu both laugh after that he explained him what happened with Mikoto after she left the Izumi place.

"Thank you, Dad. You saved her otherwise. If Hokage-sama lay on finger on my Mikoto-chan than I would kill him" he look at his father.

"My Mikoto-chan so my little son has crush on older womens uhh, that great. Just as how he fallen in love in Kazehana"


two days before the birthday party

Private Hotel room

Mutsu were reading the Konaha history books and Kazehana were sleeping. Few minutes later she opened her has seen Mutsu still reading those damn books. "Mutsu did anything happen will I was asleep? Kazehana asked to him. Mutsu shook her head with a smile that didn't go unnoticed by Kazehana. Kazehana decided to let it go and got up to take a bath. "its really boring without Naruto, Naruko and Kyubi." She sighed " I know he still not have feeling for me but..atleast he show me some.."

"Our Ashikabi is here." Mutsu told stopped for a split second then she continued to walk with a slight smile across face. Kazehana saw Naruto and Naruko eating. She look at her ashikabi was really cute. Kazehana decided to take a soon went upstairs as Naruto and Naruko finished their food.

"Naruko can clean the dish I'll take a shower" Naruto said. Naruko nobbed as Naruto soon went upstairs. Naruto soon came u to the barthroom as he slid open the door. As Naruto walked in, time slowed down as naruto took in the form of a naked Kazehana. Naruto blushed as his eyes roamed her entire body. Kazehana was a completely hot woman as far as Naruto could tell. Naruto heard Kyuubi rool around in her grass as she saw the sight also. Unknown as Kazehana looked down to see his member reacting to her . Kazehana quirked up an eyebrow as she stared aat his package". Kazehana only had one word as it come to mind.

"Huge," Kazehana thought as Naruto's mind overloaded. Naruto soon collapsed as Kazehana smiled. Kazehana soon grabbed a towel as she quickly wrapped up her body. Kazehana looked to see the small trickle of blood that came from Naruto's nose. Kazehana smiled as she picked up Naruto and carried him to her room. Kazehana laid him on the bed as she left. Kazehana soon returned to the bathroom as she washed her body. Kazehana could only smile as she found Naruto's reaction to her flattering.

25 minutes later

Naruto soon groaned as he woke up to the sight of a room he had never been in. Naruto scanned the room as he looked to see the door. Naruto got up as he recalled the event that came to his mind.

"I hope she doesn't kill me," Naruto said to himself.

"Aww Naruto-kun if you want to see a woman naked you just had to ask me," Kyuubi said to him. Naruto blushed as he was assaulted with visions of a naked and playful Kyuubi.

"K-Kyuubi-chan I-I am not like that. I-I mean I d-do like you, b-but I-I," Naruto kept stuttering which only served to add to Kyuubi's entertainment.

"Well I know what to look forward to when you get to an appropriate age," Kyuubi told him. Naruto forced the image of what she was talking about down until it was completely.

"Ero-Kyuubi," Naruto said to which Kyuubi laughed.

"Aww you don't like my teasing Naru-kun. That is a shame," Kyuubi said as she cut the mental connection with a smile on her face. Naruto was left to his thoughts. Naruto soon got up as the door to the room opened. Naruto turned to see Kazehana standing there in her regular clothes with a smile on her face.

"Did you enjoy the view?" She asked him. Naruto blushed, but looked at the floor. Kazehana smile as she walked up to him."I don't mind it if he want to see me in naked"

"Don't worry about it so much Naruto-kun. I can tell it was an accident. She asked him. Naruto shook his head which really caused Kazehana 's opinion of him to increase, although it was high enough already. Naruto soon came back to what he wanted to talk to her about.

" Kazehana -chan, will you talk with me?" Naruto asked her. Kazehana raised her eyebrow in confusion, but nodded as both made their way to the bed. Both sat down as Naruto went over his words.

"Why were you sad?" Naruto asked her. Kazehana looked at him in slight shock as she wondered if he read her mind.

"Why would I be sad?" She asked him. Naruto sighed as he looked at the ground.

"I watched you sleep for a while and you had a frown on your face as you slept. I wanted to know what was wrong," Naruto said to her. Kazehana looked at him in a new light as she discovered that he was able to read emotions, even hidden ones. Kazehana sighed as she put her hands on her lap.

"There something terrible happened in my past. Because of my weak..." Naruto cut of her " don't talk about you're weak. You're strong enough to take down dad in couple of second. Well I really don't know much about you. Only know that you're sekirei. I and Naruko were believe in you." Kazehana felt her heart beeping fast. For somethime you're really scarier then Kushina, please don't hit me" After a minute, Naruto surprised Kazehana by crashing into her body with a hug. Kazehana smiled as she rubbed Naruto's hair.

" Kazehana -chan," Naruto said to her. Kazehana looked at him as she replied.

"Yes Naruto-kun?" T Kazehana asked him. Naruto blushed, but steeled his resolve as he looked at her.

" Kazehana -chan I believe that I l-like you a lot. I might in fact love you," Naruto said as he gave her his confession. Kazehana 's eyes widened, but soon settled as she looked at Naruto.

"I know I might be too young for you and Kyubi, but I promise that when I make chunin I will confess you and Kyubi again and then I would like you to go out with me," Naruto said to her. Kazehana mulled over his confession as it did indeed touch her heart. Kazehana smiled as she slammed her lips into Naruto's as she gave him a deep kiss. Naruto was taken aback by the action,yes she has kiss him before but this time totally different, this time he kiss her love, but soon recovered as he kissed her back. After the kiss, both leaned back as Kazehana smiled.

"That kiss is our promise Naruto-kun. Become a chunin and I and kyu-chan will all yours. Right Tomato-chan For this I'm agreed with you, old hag" Naruto sweet drop at there nicknames," Kazehana turned to Naruto Of course if we date you will need to be up on a few things, but get to chunin. I will be waiting," Kazehana said as she got up to leave. Kazehana put a little sway into her hips as she closed the door. Naruto went over the kiss as he seemed immensely happy over the promise they made.

But both of them didn't notice that Mutsu and Naruko has heard all of these. Mutsu smirked "way to go Naruto-kun. You finally win Kazehana heart. Yes she may flirting mens but no one able to touch her and win her heart. "

Naruko were smiled at her mother "best of luck Ni-san"

Flashbacked end

"Well Naruto, now you defiantly looked like me except those eyes" Mutsu pointed his silver hair boy confused at his words. He looked into mirror his eyes widened "what the hell is this what happened to my eyes" Mutsu tried to clam down his Ashikabi.

"Those eyes called Rinnegen" A voice said. Naruto and Mutsu look at Kyubi who standing Kichen door's with Kazehana. While Kazehana holding her sleeping daughter in her arms. Kyubi walked over Naruto grabbed his cheek and said with soft voice "Don't worry Naru-kun. I'll taught you how to control it, okay…"

"Some one said teaching" Naruko eyes shot opened and yawned. This could made Kazehana giggle her little princess cute face. She put her down and stand besides his brother.

"Good morning Nii-san" Naruko said with smile and give him a kiss over his cheek.

Naruto blushed at sudden respond "Good Morning Naruko-chan" that cause Mutsu, Kazehana and Kyubi giggled.

" So Kazehana and Kyubi both of you slept with Naruto-kun, so how is it going ? " Kazehana and Kyubi blushing madly at Matsu statement, while Naruto and Naruko were confused.

"Shut up. It nothing happen like what you think" both yelled at demonic voice.

"Hold on…"Mutsu takes his steps backed " I know both of you didn't do anything he is young for that" he will never will against two women. Both women still glared at him. "Trust me Kazehana I didn't to anything with your daughter" Kazehana glared at him. That know what she said "Touch him and you will die"

"will you please be quite" Naruko yelled " and kyuubi-nee-chan, it is your title right.

"Yes Naruko-chan. You both knew the last knight, Mutsu faked death were awaken you bloodine limites" Naruto and Naruko were surprised" Naruto you've gotten Rinnegen were powerful dojustu and white flash that Mutsu's bloodine limit. And Naruko you got old hag's Wind power and Yellow eyes technique…"

"Hold on..Kyubi. I know you may know lot about these stuff but should we celebrate our morning bre…."

"YEAH BREAKFAST…." Naruto and Naruko even Kyubi and Kazehana yelled and they ranned to Kitchen.

"Hey wait for me" Mutsu ran after them.


2 week laters

Teuchi and Ayame were having an ordinary day when their favourite customer (and main income source) came more happy than usual.

"Hello Jii-san, hello Ayame-chan!, Five bowls of miso ramen please!", said the happy blond. Kyubi had explained him and Naruko to hid their physical form. So cause both of them look at 8 years old.

"Naruto ?" Ayame surprised at Naruto sudden presence. Ayame and her dad had didn't seen Naruto after Namikaze birthday party. She came out form the Ramen bar and hugged Naruto. As for feeling his six abs that made her blushed " is he doing training or something ?" But she take her composure " what happened to you, Naruto-kun? where have You been in last two weeks?

"Ayame nee-chan, I'm alright. The last two weeks in training with my …" but It was cut off by Ichiraku "With your new family..right kid" Naruto blinked "How did you know ?"

"Lady Mikoto told us." Ichiruku said with smile. "wouldn't you introuduce us to your new family huh? Naruto-kun"

"Ohh, yeah" Naruto rubbed his backed."First this is my Father Mutsu Sahashi. "Next ,Their beautiful women were Kazehana Sahashi. Mutsu wife.."That made Mutsu winked while Kazehana caught him his look at coner of his eye its made Kyubi and Naruko were giggled at them. " and my mother"and now Kazehana winked. " and her daughter and my cute sister Naruko Sahashi" Ayame gently ruffed her heir and said"You looks so cute and beautiful" ,"Their most beautiful women is Akane Sahashi. Mutsu's sister".

" Glad to meet you Teuchi-san/" Said Mutsu offering his hand to the cook with single smile.

"Thanks Naruto was my one of the best to meet you,too" Ichiraku has stared at Ichiraku smile it isn't fake it his real smile. But once he glance at Kazehana he blushed and look away" Glad to meet you too. Mrs Sahashi"

"Glad to meet you,Tenchi-san" she replied.

"Glad to meet you Ayame-chan" Said to the blushing girl, making her get more rdder,"Naruto didn't told me that you were so cute", said with a smile, making the poor girl to faint.

"what happened to her is she ill, shall we took her to the hospital?" askd a confused Mutsu , proving than sometimes he could be clueless about womens.

"Its nothing, she didn't slept well last night and she is tired". Respond the cook hiding his fury for that impostor, who dared to say those things to his daughter before him. But when he glanced at his sword he feard he didn't; kill him.

Mutsu glanced at Naruko as her jealous face "don't worry I'll wake up her" Mutsu two finger place on Ayame head and tape her forhead. Few seconds later Ayame slowly opened her eyes " What happened to me?" Teuchi help her daughter to stand on his feet. First Teuchi was surprised by Mutsu technique "what kind of technique he used ? I never seen this before.

"Yeah WE know lets it eat..a what happened to our order ? Ichiraku and Ayame blinked they forgot their word

"Are you okay? Ayame-san" The bijuu asked. She notice the blush on her face.

"I'm alright" Ayame replied. Naruto were sat between Kazehana and Kyubi besides them Mutsu and Naruko. Minutes later, when Naruto, Naruko, Akane's and Kazehana and Mutsu second bowl almost finished two persons arrived, one was a Mikoto and the other was agirl they never saw.

"Good morning Mikoto-chan, Izumi-nee-chan ", said Naruto and Naruko said at same time with happily. After the fight Naruto and Naruko were angry at her but parents told them to forgive her. Because of their parent they will do anything for them even forgive her.

"Good Morning Naruto and Naruko Sahashi" Mikoto said with kind of smile but at the end greeting bijuu " Good Morning Akane-sama" Both Uchiha womens said and gave her bow. Kyubi gave her nobbed with smile.

"Good Morning, Mikoto and Izumi-chan.. please take a seat" Both Uchiha nobbbed and take their respective seats. "How are you feeling Izumi-chan"

Izumi blushed before replied " I'm really fine." While few people didn't like the the person was Naruko and Kazehana. Kazehana she stilled hate Izumi who hurting his it was notice by Naruto.

"So what happened two weeks ago at Hokage office ?" Naruko said.

"You don't know, two weeks ago some one intruder knockout there guards, destroy the hokage office and attack the our dear hokage" Tenchi said. "dear my foot" All Sahashi and Uchiha thought at same time. " and he end up to Hospital with his family. You know Naruto your family were still in the hospital at least you should visit them."

"Nahn, they were good without me" Naruto said with cold.

"But Naruto-kun you should.." But it was cut of by Mutsu " Tenchi-san you should do look at your own business . If my son don't want to see hokage family then you can't force him. Okay." Mutsu tried to control his anger. Tenchi blinked and felt the powerful killer intel coming from Naruto new dad.

"show off" Akane thought.

"wow it's stronger than Me" Mikoto and Izumi thought.

"Okay I got it" Tenchi hold his hands up and accept himself defeated. And went back to work. Ayame tried to yelled at him but when she look at Naruto eyes he seen very happy with his new family. So she would ignored them went back to her work.

"Okay, me and Kazehana agreed to work under you" Mutsu said.


To be continue