Sasuke's POV:

The sound of twittering birds filled the morning and the black haired boy opened his eyes. The sun was high and the sky was clear blue, not a cloud in sight. He didn't move, he just lay there in the middle of the blossom field. It was nice he thought, the peacefulness and not one living soul to disturb him in his moment. Where was he going to go now, no where to run and now where to go because since the murder on Naruto he was wanted in every nation. The only real place where nobody would actually was to Orochimaru's different hideouts. Though if he was going to go back he would need a new set of clothes, a bit of food and a new cloak. The only way to get this was to rob a village which shouldn't be much of a problem unless it's heavily guarded.

"Pff, who cares...? It's not like my life matters anymore." Sasuke hissed. He jumped to his feet, put his arms behind his head just like Naruto always had done. The boy let out a sigh and so he started walking in what direction he believed would be to the closest village. The road was long but not a human in sight, normally there was always a set of guards patrolling along the roads. This was a bit too peaceful to be true, the only set of spies he'd been attacked by was those three ninjas sent by Gaara a couple of weeks ago. Now suddenly there were no wanted posters along the roads or guards, something wasn't right. The council couldn't possibly had gotten his message and taken it seriously.

"Haha pathetic..." He laughed. "There is no way in hell this is true, they wouldn't just scrap this off the board unless they'd turned completely mad"

A piece of paper was flickering in the wind as it tried to break free from a thicket and Sasuke stopped by to pick it up. It was a wanted poster with a picture of him with the text under the portrait saying "MOST WANTED". Strange thing was that the entire poster had been red crossed, like when something or someone had been eliminated or captured. Was it really true, were they just going to leave him be if he doesn't cause any trouble?

"Whatever" He muttered... Throwing away the poster he kept walking, he could already see the next village from afar.

Sasuke walked into the small village not really taking note of the frightened gaze in people's eyes as he walked by. Yes it was not just a small village, this village was extremely small. Even though their market was filled with people there couldn't be more then a hundred. Suddenly a small boy ran up to him and stopped dead in front of him, just glaring into his eyes.

"Excuse me sir?" The small boy stuttered with a frightened look spreading across his face.

The black haired man just "Hn'd" and looked down on the small boy.

"Are you Uchiha Sasuke, if so what are you doing here?"

"Are you here to cause us harm?"

"Please leave mister, we have done nothing wrong!"The boy started to sob and rub his eyes.

Sasuke once again "Hn'd" at the boy, patted him on the head and ruffled his hair as he walked passed him.

In the village the pale boy found what he was looking for, he checked into a small inn for the night meanwhile he was running his errands. He found a new set of clothes and a travelling cloak, Sasuke also made sure to fill his sack with enough food. During the evening Sasuke decided to go to the pub and get a few drinks, when he set his foot in the pub it went quiet but at least people didn't stare. He went up to the bar and asked the bartender for a few shots and gave the man a nice tip.

"Uchiha Sasuke, the famous rogue ninja in our little town. Who would have thought?" The bartender said.

"So you are saying I cannot go where I please?" Sasuke muttered.

"No not at all, it is just a bit strange that you finally decided to come out of hiding. But with the wanted banner gone, I guess it is not really a coincidence is it?"The bartender said with a smile.

"What do you mean by the wanted banner is gone?" Sasuke asked in shock.

"So you have not heard?"The man said with a grin on his face.

Sasuke gave the man a suspicious look before shaking his head and taking a shot.

The bartender kept cleaning a few glasses with a kitchen towel as he kept talking about the council's decision of removing the wanted banner. Also how it was announced Sasuke was still anyone's to kill but all payment was gone but could still be turned in to any nation. On the other hand, if he were to cause trouble anywhere there would be consequences.

Sasuke couldn't believe his ears, the big hunt was over and after only 3 weeks. Though the boy didn't show any joy at all in front of the bartender. He just kept "Hn'ing" as answer.

The bartender kept treating Sasuke to shots all evening into late night, talking about nonsense and now even an old man had joined the two men in their gibberish. Now Sasuke started to feel a bit numb, everything in his gaze just went blurry and it felt like the room was spinning around him. He tried to stand up but feel to the floor immediately, trying to get a hold of himself but his sight was just flickering.

What is happening to me? An angry voice just echoed through his head. It was impossible to get in control and all he heard were a voice saying.

"Now, this is our chance!" The bartender said.

"Hurry boys, grab him 'because he won't stay still for long!" Came from an unknown voice Sasuke never had heard before.

Suddenly the flickering stopped, everything went black and the voices disappeared.

He coughed, the air was thick and difficult to breathe in. The dark haired boy opened his eyes to get a glimpse of the surroundings and found himself lying on the dusty floor of a cottage. It was rather dark, only a small ray of light came from a window rather high up.

"This is stupid." Sasuke muttered with a grin on his face.

How was he supposed to get out of here, hands and feet tied with chakra collars. This meant that all struggle would be in vain. At this point Sasuke did not know what was worse, to actually have been so stupid that he'd been treated so many drinks he lost conscious or to be at the mercy of the Council. He muttered for himself.

"I should have seen this coming..."

"How could I have been so stupid to accept all those drinks?..."

The boy tried to calm himself and tried to think more rationally but was unsuccessful. The black haired boy just laid there on the floor, struggling in a desperate attempt to get lose from those collars.

"I wonder what Naruto say if he saw me now huh?" Sasuke said out loud.

He could picture the blonde haired boy looking down on him with a big smile on his face.

"You stupid teme, you always curse me for getting captured and having to rescue me."

"But now it's you who are captured and me playing rescue squad." Naruto smirked.

"Don't worry teme, I'll get you lose in a second."

Suddenly he heard a couple of voices having a heated discussion outside the door and suddenly the door flew up. Two men stepped into the cottage, heavily armed and they seemed ready to take him into custody. Sasuke himself could not believe how much he had wanted it to be Naruto that had walked through that door in that cheerful mood of his.

"Uchiha Sasuke, you are hereby arrested and you will be taken to custody and to plead in front of the Council."

Naruto's POV:

The sun was shining brightly in the sky not a single cloud to spoil the beautiful weather. A few citizens were complaining about the heat but to the golden blond boy strolling through the streets it was just perfect. Today was the third day of his freedom from the hospital, which he had tried to escape as many times as the number of bruises on his beautiful head. Sakura had shown him no mercy. But after two days with him following her around the hospital keeping her company, or being god damn annoying as the pinkette had said it, she'd kicked him out screaming that he was good enough to go. Naruto had left with a mischievous but grateful smile. The following two days had been uneventful as the sorrow from the war still hung in the air but the bright teenage hero had made it much better with his cheerful and goofy personality there to brighten anyone who just glanced at him. He is, as the people of Konoha say, as vivid as the sun.

"Enjoying the beautiful weather, ah Naruto?" An old man who was stacking boxes of oranges called out to the Uzumaki.

The blond nodded and gave the grey-haired man a big smile. Naruto then stopped and watched as an old lady, presumably the man's wife, came out from their shop carrying a huge pile of boxes. Not being able to see because of the boxes she didn't notice the children who came running at her. A small boy who was too busy laughing ran straight into her and the boxes fell out of her small arms. With feline reflexes the blond hero moved to the lady in time to catch all the boxes and still managed to steady her from the hard bash. The woman blinked in surprise at Naruto, being quite shocked by the sudden hit.

"Are you okay Oba-san?" The teenager asked worriedly. She nodded and blushed slightly before turning to the little boy who was staring at her with wide eyes.

"Be careful where you're running dõji!" She scolded him. He nodded and had the courtesy to make a small apologetic bow before running of with his friends.

The woman sighed and shook her head. "Geez, kids these days, so reckless."

Naruto let out a laugh and the woman's attention was drawn back to him.

"Thank you for catching the boxes dearie."

The blond blushed at the grateful comment and scratched his neck awkwardly. "No problem."

He grinned at her before carrying the boxes to the stall, putting them next to the other stacks of oranges. When he straightened himself the delicious smell from them caught his nose. Taking another deep whiff he had to restrain himself from drooling, they smelled that wonderful.

"Catch." Naruto heard a deep voice say and it was only thanks to his ninja abilities that he was able to catch the orange thrown at him. He looked down at the huge orange in his hands and then raised his head to meet the old man's smiling face.

"A thank you for saving our oranges." The old man winked and then walked into his store with his arm draped around his wife's waist.

"Thank you Oji-san!" Naruto called after the man.

With a big grin Naruto walked away from the stall and continued his silent stroll through Konoha. But the blond did not get far.

"Naruto!" A high-pitched voice screamed and he stopped in the middle of the street once again.

"Sakura-chan?" The blond asked in confusion as he saw the heavily panting medic. She must have run fast for her to be this exhausted the blond thought. "What is it?"

"Lady Tsunade wants you to meet her at her office immediately." She wheezed.


Sakura's eye twitched in frustration. "How the hell am I supposed to know?!"

Her scream caught the attention of the surrounding citizens and the sudden place in the spotlight caused Sakura to smile nervously. She let out a tense laugh and then grabbed Naruto's wrist painfully and dragged him away.

"I don't know what it is she wants to talk to you about but apparently it is something important because she wants the whole team seven there."

Naruto's head spun as he tried to think of what the old hag could possibly have to say that is so important, but he came up with nothing. The two arrived at the tower and made their way to the office.

"Come in!" They heard from the room after Sakura had knocked. Entering they were greeted by the sight of an annoyed Tsunade, and a stoic Kakashi and Sai. Not an entirely unusual sight the blond concluded and relaxed a little.

"What took you so long Sakura?" Tsunade asked clearly not amused with having to wait for them to arrive. Sakura let go of Naruto's wrist and bowed slightly to the Fifth Hokage.

"Sorry shishõ."

Lady Tsunade dismissed Sakura's bow with a wave of her hand, her eyes then moved to Naruto's form. The emotions in her eyes confused him and he felt himself tense again and wonder what the hell was going on.

"Are you just going to stand in the doorway brat or are you going to join us?" Tsunade demanded Naruto and he moved inside with a grunt. Demanding old hag.

Once the boy was inside and Tsunade was sure that no one but the five of them could hear what they were going to discuss she let out a heavy sigh. It's better to get this over with, she thought, or else I'm just going to get a headache.

"Team seven I have called you here to discuss your ex-teammate Sasuke Uchiha," Naruto froze at the name and feared what would come next from his Hokage's mouth, "and his future disposal."

The Hokage's eyes widened when she felt the sudden wave of malicious chakra. All eyes turned to their precious blond who was mantled by fierce red chakra. It seemed like he still had Kyubi's chakra under control but he couldn't keep it from wriggling around his body like snakes.

"What?!" Naruto growled he was barely able to keep himself from launching at Tsunade, and the enormous rage scared him. He had not felt such rage since fighting Orochimaru at the Tenchi Bridge, but the fact that it this time was directed at someone he loved was what scared him the most.

'Naruto, you need to calm down.' He heard Kurama say to him. 'I know that you're mad but if you continue like this you'll blow up the tower.'

The Uzumaki closed his eyes and spent a few minutes trying to push the chakra back inside of him. It took a lot of concentration but he managed it in the end. When he opened his eyes again he saw his comrades staring at him with worry but also a minor bit of fear.

"Sorry." He mumbled shamefully and looked down at his feet. A big hand patted his shoulder, he glanced up at consoling face of Kakashi.

"It's ok." Kakashi said reassuringly. Naruto stared into the man's eyes for a little while before nodding and straightening. His eyes locked with Tsunade and filled with the anger he was feeling.

"What do you mean Sasuke's disposal?! What bullshit are you talking about?!" He yelled at her.

Tsunade's eyebrow twitched in anger. "Remember who you're talking to brat!"

Naruto fumed under her gaze but remained silent. When she saw that the boy wasn't going to scream at her again she continued.

"That Sasuke will be disposed of has been settled and there is nothing you can say to change that fact. It is something that has been decided between the other Hokages and me."

"Sasuke helped us win the war! And you thank him by planning his death!? Are you freaking kidding me?!" Naruto clenched the orange which he still had in his hand, he was amazed that it hadn't burst under the pressure yet.

"Naruto calm down!" Sakura stressed the angered blond, she was about to lay her hand on his shoulder but it was slapped away.

"Calm down Sakura?! We're discussing the killing of our teammate!"

"Sasuke is not our teammate anymore! He ran away with Orochimaru, he joined the Akatsuki and he tried to kill you! On multiple occasions! That is what you call an enemy not a comrade." Sakura screamed at him. Naruto blanked. He could not believe what Sakura had just said. The girl loved Sasuke, but as he stared at her red face he realized that it might not be the case anymore. He looked around the room, first at Sai who was staring at him with a nearly invisible frown, then Kakashi who almost looked disappointed and Tsunade was wearing the same expression. It was in that moment something became painfully obvious to him.

"You all want him dead." It was not a question but a statement, but his comrades still nodded. He felt sick.

"He almost killed you Naruto and you must realize how much you mean to us." Tsunade said with a soft voice. He did not respond he just stared at her with an emotionless mask. When Tsunade saw the lack of response she frowned and it was with more fear than she would ever admit that she said her last words.

"The fact that Sasuke will be disposed of is not what I brought you here to talk about. It is how he will be disposed of, or more by whom. And the decision has been made." Thick silence followed and Tsunade's eyes pierced Naruto's.

"Uzumaki Naruto your next mission is to assassinate the missing-nin, Uchiha Sasuke."

A thud was heard as the orange dropped to the floor.


Hi guys RainHopeSunshine here! I hope you have had an awesome holiday, if you had a holiday but if didn't well then I hope you had an awesome time anyway. Finally the third chapter has been published. Did you like it? Any surprises? Did it blow your minds? Please do comment as both Lovemyanimefreak and I adore to read your comments. Have a lovely day.