Ami walked into her apartment, the entryway light left on for her. She smiled as she slid off her shoes, thinking of her pregnant wife just a few rooms away. As she slid into her slippers, she was greet by the apartment's third occupant, meowing happily up at her.

"Hi, Luna," Ami said gently, bending down to scratch behind the black cat's ears.

Luna purred loudly, moving past Ami's hand to brush up along her leg before turning and trotting off into the dark apartment. Ami smiled and followed the feline, knowing well she was heading to the bedroom.

Ami walked into the master suite, a soft light on at the nightstand. The brunette's eyes were closed, an open book on her rising chest. The woman's belly had a slight curve to it, but Ami only noticed because the taller woman, when not pregnant, sported a toned and flat stomach. It was prominent yet, but anyone looking at her would be able to tell she was with child.

Ami softly made her way to the bed and sat beside the brunette on the bed, her fingertips brushing through her dark hair.

"Hey," came a sleepy response.

Ami smiled, trailing her fingertips down the woman's face. "Hi. How are you feeling?"

"Tired. And still a bit sick to my stomach," was the other woman's response. She had yet to open her eyes, enjoying the feel of Ami brushing her hair back from her face again.

Ami's eyes glanced at the bedside table, noting the crackers and ginger ale. She turned back to her wife. "Can I get you anything?"

"A cool rag would be great," she replied, readjusting herself in the bed.

Ami nodded and quickly made her way to the en-suite bathroom. She took a rag from beneath the sink and wet it, wringing out the excess water and made her way back to the woman in the bedroom. Ami sat beside her again as she folded the rag and then gently placed it on her wife's forehead.

Slowly the woman's eyes opened and shining amethyst eyes peered gratefully up at Ami.

Despite how hard they tried, it didn't last very long with Makoto. There was just too much distance and they had very different lives and it made staying in contact, let alone maintaining a relationship, difficult. Makoto had come to see her a few weeks after Ami had left and even met her mother. Dr Mizuno had been surprised, of course, but welcomed Makoto kindly into their home.

They sent letters, actual hand written letters, to each other and texted everyday. They talked on the phone nearly every night.

Then Ami went back to school and her work load nearly tripled.

Their nightly conversations began to to get spaced out to every other day. Then every other day. Their letters and texts became infrequent.

And then there were no more phone calls. No more texts.

It was a slow thing. And then suddenly Ami realized she hadn't spoken to Makoto in weeks. When she had called the brunette, Makoto admitted to her feelings having cooled. Ami was hurt, of course, but she realized hers had as well. After a long conversation and many tears she, they decided to remain friends.

They hadn't spoken in years.

Ami had met her wife, Taiki, while doing her residency. She was surgeon working the trauma center at the hospital. She was a few years Ami's senior and had a very strict personality. Most people were afraid of her.

But Ami had been intrigued.

She somehow managed to get to know Taiki over the years and after graduating, Ami finally worked up the nerve to ask Taiki on a date. The brunette had been extremely surprised, to say the least. But so very pleased.

That was eight years ago.

And now they were married with a little one on the way.

"Hey," came a soft voice. Ami blinked and looked down at Taiki who smiled up at her. "Where'd ya go?"

Ami smiled and leaned down to kiss the brunette softly. "Just thinking about the past," Ami answered as she pulled away. "How happy I am to have you."

Taiki smiled. She wiggled a bit then lifted her left arm. "Lay with me?"

Ami smiled. She stood and changed into her pajama's before crawling into bed next to her wife. Taiki draped her arm around Ami as the bluenette laid her head against the taller woman's shoulder. Ami laid her hand on her wife's curved belly as Taiki placed her book on the nightstand and shut off the light.

Life didn't work out like Ami had hoped it would.

It worked out so much better.

The End.

AN: IT'S DONE. AFTER SEVEN LONG YEARS AND IT'S DONE. I planned this ENTIRE story around THIS SINGLE CHAPTER. Feel free to send me hatemail over at tumblr, SN: Songficcer xxx

Thanks for sticking around and I really hope you guys enjoyed the story. Thank you so much for reading! xoxo