Chapter 1: The Incident

Love Conquers Hate...Right?

Rainbow Dash watch Twilight and followed her flying carefully, shouting out pieces of advice over the wind as necessary.

"Watch out! Okay...doing good...careful now...remember, flying is all out making small movements to correct big changes, not massive cor– Twilight!"

Twilight had suddenly fallen, pummeling down to the ground like a stone.

"Oh no, no, no, no, NO!" Rainbow cried as she bolted after her friend. She could hear Twilight screaming in fear. They were over two kilometers in the air, and a fall from that altitude could kill anypony, even Princess Celestia.

"No, no, NO!" She could feel tears starting to form in her eyes, and it wasn't just from the slipstream.

Rainbow caught up with Twilight when she was barely ten meters off the ground. Rainbow caught her and flew carrying Twilight. Despite the weight, it was preferable to the alternative. She looked briefly at the mare– and Princess– she was carrying, and saw her softly crying. Rainbow Dash gently put Twilight on the ground and landed.

Oddly, Rainbow felt a surge of anger at the other mare for worrying her so much. She muffled the unworthy thought and asked, "Are you okay, Twilight?" Seeing her friend continue to sob without restraint, she used a hoof to lift Twilight's snout so she had to look Rainbow in the eye. "Hey," Rainbow said gently, "what's wrong?"

Twilight, in between sobs, said, "I...have been...practicing flying for...almost a month...and still...cannot fly...worth a bit."

"Twi-" Rainbow Dash sighed. "Twilight, listen to me. For a Alicorn that was born a Unicorn and has been flying for less than a month, you are leagues ahead of where I thought you would be. No, hear me out! It took me six months of flying when I was a filly to get where you are, and you have only been practicing for, again, a month! You are not actually a bad flier. I have seen bad fliers. You are not one!"

"But...I fell and almost died!"

"Yes, you did. But that does not tell me you are a bad flier. You know what that tells me? That tells me that somepony," she playfully punched Twilight on the shoulder, "looked down and let her ground-born fear of heights get to her. Am I right?"

", you are correct," Twilight responded.

"Twilight, you have got to let go and stop over-thinking everything you do. Flying is not something you can learn by studying and reading books. Flying theory is not necessary. If you could learn to fly professionally by reading and studying, it would be easy, and everypony that could fly would be a great flier."

Twilight thought this over for a few minutes. "Yeah, I suppose your right, Rainbow," she admitted.

"You doubted it? Ha!"

"Rainbow? How do you fly so well?"

Rainbow Dash hesitated for a few seconds, caught off-guard by the unexpected question. She was not quite sure how to put her feelings in words. Then she said, "To me, flying...well, to me, flying is a form of art, like poetry or painting. You have no rules, no limitations. I just do what feels natural, when I'm up in the air."

"Wow," Twilight said, smirking. "That was pretty– how did you put it?– 'poetic mumble-jumbo', I believe is what you said."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Blah, blah, blah. Do not tell the others I have gone poetic on them." Despite what she projected, Rainbow Dash was glad to see Twilight drying her tears and feeling good again.

"And if I tell the others, what will you do?"

"I'll kick you!"

"That's no way to speak to your Princess!" exclaimed Twilight, feinting shock.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I mean, I will kick you, Your Highness," Rainbow Dash responded, sarcasm dripping off of her words.

"Do not call me 'Your Highness', you know I hate that!"

"Very well, Princess Twilight Sparkle," Rainbow said with, if possible, even more sarcasm.

"Don't call me 'Princess' either! For Celestia's sake, we have been friends for several years! My coronation doesn't need to change that," Twilight said.

"Uh, yeah, it does. Now, not only are you a Heroine of Equestria and the Bearer of the Element of Magic, you are a Princess, and your word is everyponies' command!"

"Stop it! You are such–" Twilight saw Rainbow Dash cracking up at her expense, and growled angrily. "Why you–" she began, and then she threw herself on Dash. Rainbow rose to the challenge, wrestling with Twilight. Back and forth they playfully fought, like cats playing in with each other, until they were both thoroughly exhausted.

"Seriously, Twilight, you make it too easy to get under your hide."

Twilight made an odd noise that sounded somewhat between a snort and a grumble.

"What will you do? Fine me? Arrest me? Throw me in a dungeon? Anything at all?"

Twilight made that odd noise again. "I think that is enough practice for today," she said, in a tone that left no doubt.

"Whatever you say, Your Highness."

"Stop it!"

Rainbow Dash snickered. She is really cure when she's angry, Rainbow thought. She realized what she was thinking then, and shook herself. Where did that thought come from? she wondered.

Twilight looked to her with concern. "Are you all right? You're looking at me funny."

With a jolt, Rainbow Dash realized that she had been staring at Twilight for several seconds. "Yeah, I'm cool," she said, hoping that she wasn't blushing.

"Okay, if you say so," Twilight said, her turn to look at Rainbow Dash funny. "I guess I should be going, got a lot of administrative stuff to work on."

"Alright, I guess I should be going as well. I need to rest up, I am practicing a new set of moves tomorrow, and it's getting dark," Rainbow Dash responded.

"Goodnight, Dash."

"Goodnight, Twilight." Rainbow Dash spread her wings, ready to take off.

"Hey, Dash?" Twilight said, slightly shyly.

Dash paused. "Yeah?"

Twilight hesitated, then said, " I just wanted to say...thank you for being there for me."

Rainbow Dash slowly smiled and said, "Like I told you all those years ago, I would rather leave Equestria and never return then forsake a friend!"

"I suppose you did say that."

"Goodbye, Twilight."