Just a few things you should know ahead of time if you plan on reading the other updates for this.

Warnings: There will be femslash- nothing graphic, but it will happen. Turn away or read with caution if that isn't your cup of tea.

'Pairing' doesn't always mean it's a romantics pairing; it could mean the two characters are friends, enemy, or as close as family- though most of the time it will mean a romantic relationship. I will include the genre for each drabble/oneshot below for clarity.

Some pairings will be common, or already done, and some will be those you haven't ever come across or very very rarely find.

NCIS/Vampire Diaries- Tony/Elena 'Of Dancing and Happiness'

Disclaimer: I own nothing!

Fandoms: NCIS, Vampire Diaries

Genre: Romance

Pairing: Tony/Elena


Of Dancing and Happiness:

Tony stood off to the side, taking a drink every now and then from the champagne glass in his hand as he watched all the guests in the Mikealson mansion mingling about. I really don't see why all of us had to come. He thought, scanning the crowd for the rest of his team but finding them no where.

They had been called to Mystic Falls to investigate a series of marine deaths, and after a few baffling days of no suspects, they had finally found evidence that seemed to connect various citizens of the town to it. Most notably the Mikealson family, who had arrived in town just before the deaths had began occurring- specifically one of the youngest, Klaus.

But, as they had no solid proof, Gibbs had made them attend the ball after they had mysteriously received an invitation to try and find something that would incriminate him. Normally, he'd be hitting on all of the hot woman in the room, but none of that seemed appealing to him currently. So he'd just stood off to one side watching everyone, looking for anything that might get them one step closer to solving the case.

Seeing his champagne glass was almost empty, he turned to find another one of the waiters to get a new one when he spotted someone entering through the big double doors.

The person turned out to be a girl- no older than 18- with dark brown hair that had been curled and laid off over one shoulder and brown eyes. She was wearing a ball type gown that was black and silver, with a pair of elbow length gloves completing it. Tony had no idea what is was about her, but out of everyone he had seen so far at the occasion, she was the one that had caught his eye the most and held it the longest.

He debated wither he should go and introduce himself, but in the end decided to. What the hell? You're supposed to be mingling, acting normal while still keeping an eye out.

His mind made up, the federal walked up to the girl and offered her his most charming smile. "Hey." He said.

She glanced up at him, a brief look of start on her face before it faded. "Oh, hi! I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." She apologized.

"You did seem off in your own world." He admitted. "I'm Tony DiNozzo." He introduced.

"Elena Gilbert." She replied, shaking his hand. "You're new to town, aren't you?"

"Yeah. I'm here for a bit on a case. I take it your local?"

Elena nodded. "I've lived here my whole life."

"Really?" He asked. "Could you tell me what that's like? I've always wondered what small town life is like."

"Sure." She said, giving him a smile before leading the way through the mansion, telling him what it was like growing up in a small town like Mystic Falls.


Elena found the conversation moving from what her life in Mystic Falls was like to the type of movies they liked and their family. She felt at ease with him- and like everything was back to normal for a second, that she could just be a regular 18 year old chatting with a hot guy at a formal occasion who just happened to be a federal agent.

She had caught glimpses of Damon and Stefan every now and than, but surprisingly they never spotted her and Tony. Elijah did give her a small smile in greeting, which she briefly returned before turning back to Tony.

Tony had just begun describing what his team was like when the sound of a glass being hit repeatedly rang out.

Elena glanced up at the spiraling staircase and saw Klaus standing there, looking out at everyone. She quickly glanced away, still not quite comfortable staring at the Original hybrid for long periods of time and half tuned out what he said. All she really caught was that a waltz was going to start.

"Wanna dance?" Tony's voice asked, and she jumped a bit as she turned to face him, his hand out for her to take.

It didn't take her long to make up her mind. She had enjoyed her time with Tony so far, and wasn't about to pass an opportunity like this. "I'd love to." She replied, smiling as she took his hand and let him lead to her out onto the large dancefloor.

Surprisingly, they didn't do too bad at the waltz. She glanced around and saw Damon dancing with none other than Rebekah, Stefan with Caroline, and Klaus with some woman that vaguely matched the description Tony gave her of his teammate Ziva. She didn't pay too much attention to them, however; she focused too much on Tony's face, already regretting when the night was over and Tony soon left Mystic Falls.

But she didn't let that dampen the happiness she was feeling at the moment.


So how was it? This won't be the last Tony/Elena drabble/oneshot I write of them, but it will be for a bit since there are other pairings/friendships/rivalries I want to one do you want to see next in this series?

-Elena/Doyle (Vampire Diaries/Angel- Romance)

-Elena/Angel (Vampire Diaries/Buffy- Romance)

-Tara/Gibbs (Buffy/NCIS- Friendship/Family/Hurt/Comfort)

-Ziva/Spike (NCIS/Buffy- Romance)

-Ziva/Klaus (NCIS/Vampire Diaries- Romance)

-Tara/Elena (Buffy/Vampire Diaries- Romance)

-Spike/Tara (Buffy AU- Romance)

-Buffy/Draco (Buffy/Harry Potter- Romance)

-Elena/Harry (Vampire Diaries/Harry Potter- Romance)

-Elena/Spike (Vampire Diaries/Buffy- Romance)

-Caroline/Spike (Vampire Diaries/Buffy- Romance)

-Elena/Angelus (Vampire Diaries/Buffy- Romance/Horror)

-Caroline/Angel (Vampire Diaries/Buffy- Romance)

-Jeremy/Angelus (Vampire Diaries/Buffy- Rivalry/Horror)

-Tony/Buffy (NCIS/Buffy- Romance)

-McGee/Faith (NCIS/Buffy- Romance)

-Buffy/Doyle (Buffy/Angel- Romance)

-McGee/Willow (NCIS/Buffy- Romance)

-McGee/Tara (NCIS/Buffy- Romance)

-Willow/Draco (Buffy/Harry Potter- Romance)

-Elena/Draco (Vampire Diaries/Harry Potter- Romance)

-Willow/Damon (Buffy/Vampire Diaries- Romance)

-Cordelia/Damon (Buffy/Vampire Diaries- Romance)

-Buffy/Henry (Buffy/Blood Ties- Romance)

-Tara/Henry (Buffy/Blood Ties- Romance)