Hey there, peeps! I'm back! As promised, I'm posting a new story. To be honest, this is an inspired story. I read Digimon fanfics alot, and I saw a certain story with a similar storyline. Just that the author never moved from Chapter 1. Before anyone talks about any plagiarism or anything, nope. The only similar thing is just the idea of the female lead being a new girl in town. If that's called plagiarism then I'm sure all of the other authors who've wrote similar stories would be charged for that as well.

Anyways, I hope this will be a thrilling story for you. Runo is supposed to be a feisty girl, like in the anime, but who at the same time can br quite calm in certain situations which involve a lot of thinking. She's moved from Wardington to Bayview in order for her family to start a restaurant in Bayview with her Aunt Rikka. Their restaurant had been doing well, and they have hence expanded business permanently to Bayview. i'll explain about the personality of the other characters in other chapters. They may vary from how they are in the anime. In the meantime, enjoy the story! ^^

"I told you you shouldn't have packed so much clothes!"

With a roll of my eyes, I let out another groan.

"What's wrong, Mum?" I turned around with an unsatisfied look, only to be returned with a raised eyebrow from my mother.

"The last time I popped by here you were unpacking the same box!" My mother protested.

I gasped, throwing my hands in the air as I got up on my feet and put my hands on my hips while pouting my cheeks. "Mum, you came in less than five minutes ago!"

At my comment, my mother flushed. Not wanting to put up an argument, my mother quickly left the room, closing the door behind her with a 'click'.

Taking my seat, I looked at the rows of boxes around me. Maybe my mother had been right, but then again, I couldn't decide what clothes to bring along! All my shorts had all been so nice... And the suspenders were all too comfortable to leave them behind in the old house...

Oh! I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Runo Misaki, and currently, I'm living in Bayview. I initially lived in Wardington, where my parents owned a restaurant. However, business had been so well that my aunt asked us to move over to Bayview where we could actually earn more money. Not that I didn't like it, but I wasn't keen on the idea of having to get used to a new environment all over again. But what could I do if my parents wanted it? I couldn't have stayed back in Wardington all by myself, could I?

I sighed in exasperation as I decided to instead leave my packing till later. Eyeing the bottom of my bed with a sly smile, I hopped onto my feet, pushing my boxes under my bed. I pulled out the last few pieces of clothing from the box behind me, quickly slotting them into my cupboard before I grinned proudly.

I quickly tied up my hair into two low pigtails, before running out of my room and down the stairs.

"Runo, don't run in the house! And young lady, where on Earth are you going?"

"Just out to explore, Mum!" I called back as I sat at the entrance of the house, tightening my shoelaces.

I eagerly ran out of the house, looking around me. Bayview was certainly much busier than Wardington was. I could see why Aunt Rikka had suggested that we moved here.

Bayview was not much different from Wardington though. There were still buildings almost everywhere. Oh wait, what am I saying, this is a city. I mentally slapped myself.

A certain cafe caught my eye. It had a flashy heading called "Sweets 'N Treats". I frowned, guessing that it would be a potentially strong rival for our restaurant.

"But it still seems nice though, maybe it wouldn't hurt to try it out," I whispered to myself as I slowly headed towards the cafe.

The cafe certainly wasn't as packed as I'd expected. Probably because it was a slow afternoon. As soon as I took a seat, a bubbly silver-haired girl skated over to me. Her silver hair was gathered in a ponytail and her uniform was a blue polo with white shorts, slightly too revealing if you asked me.

"Hi, oh, hi! I don't believe we've met!"

I looked up at the girl weirdly. Weren't waitors supposed to ask for their customers' orders?

There was a long pause as she continued to grin at me, awaiting a reply from me. I simply blinked back, having no intention of answering her regarding anything except my order.

"Oh, I'm sooooo sorry, but I know everyone in Bayview!"

The silver-haired girl earned another weird look from me.

"Not everyone, actually, just all the teenagers in the city! By the way, my name is Julie! Are you a new girl here?" The girl rambled on non-stop.
I pursed my lips for a moment, before nodding my head slowly. What I hoped was that she wouldn't probe anymore about me...

"Where're you from?"

"I moved from Wardington," I replied dryly, unamused.

"Oh, so why did you move here?"

"My aunt recommended us to collaborate with her. She owns a restaurant here," I answered, trying to keep my cool. This silver-haired girl was asking one too many question.

"What kind of- Oh wait, silly me! I don't even know your name yet! What's your name?"

I mentally groaned, as I smiled sweetly. "My order, please?"

"Oh my, I'm so terribly sorry! We can chat later right after I get your order! So, what would you like?"

I slowly placed the menu down. "I'd like a sugar icing cake and a chocolate frappe, please."

"Coming right up!" Julie winked, whisking away with the menu.

I blinked, before sighing. Was everyone in Bayview this weird? Before I could think any further, a tray was slot before me.

"Your sugar icing cake and chocolate frappe is here!"

I frowned, it had barely been even two minutes. I saw Julie scan the entire cafe, before quickly slotting into the seat opposite me.

Julie noticed my frown, before giggling. "Don't worry, it's served fresh! We have extremely fast service, that's all!"

"Don't listen to Julie, it's because she was pressurising us to hurry up with the order that we had to be fast!" A blonde boy from the counter called back.

"That's not true, Billy!" The silver-haired protested. The said boy simply rolled his eyes, while Julie turned back to me.

"So, how old are you?"

After a sip, I lifted up my head to look at Julie. "Sixteen."

"Oh my gosh, that's like the same age as me! Do you go to Bayview High?" Julie squealed.

I simply nodded my head as I popped a slice of cake into my mouth, chewing it. There was slightly too much sugar, I noticed, and there was insufficient flour used.

"Oh my gosh! Class E?"

I lifted up my head and nodded again, before freezing.

"Don't tell me... You're in class E too?" I gasped.

"Yeah! Isn't that great?" Julie squealed and cheered.

I sweatdropped. I wasn't so sure about that.

"Anyway, how about we meet to go to school together tomorrow? I know we're going to be just great friends!" The bubbly Australian said.

I gave a nervous smile, not sure whether I would be making the right decision if I agreed.

But then again, it wouldn't be polite to say no, right?

I nodded my head with a small smile, only to see Julie hop up and punch her fist in the air.

"Oh yes! Another friend! I can't wait to show you around the school!"

I smiled. I didn't know why, I just did. I got up from my seat.

"I'm about to go explore the place a little more. I'll make a move first," I told the Australian.

"Alright!" Julie said cheerily.

As I approached the door, I heard the Australian shouting behind me again.

"See you tomorrow outside Sweets 'N Treats at seven! Remember, seven!"

I giggled, shutting the door behind me.

As I walked down the pavement, I hummed to myself, picturing in my mind what I should wear the next day. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an attention-seeking kind of girl. On the contrary, many actually call me a tomboy. I just wanted to make sure I fit right in into the new environment. After all, I didn't want to be the odd one out in the school and have everyone else think that I'm a weirdo.

As I made a turn around the path, I saw a huge building. The first sight of it told me that it was Bayview High School, positively. Since it was a weekend, the coast was clear. The school was positively humungous, and especially spacious. It seemed like the whole Wardington could fit in!

I walked past the school gates, placing my hand on the cool metal bars and stroking them as I did so. I noticed that the school was certainly a great place - it had many facilities. There was an open pool, a soccer field... All of a sudden I couldn't wait to take my first step into the school.

I grinned as I finally walked past the school. In the past hour I hadn't even explored a quarter of the city. I couldn't help but laugh at my own unproductivity.

I stopped in my tracks.


I blinked.


I wasn't hearing things, was I?

"Somebody... Anybody..."

I turned to look around me. I had long passed the school and was at a small park nearby. I looked up, only to see a brunette slumped on a bulky branch of a tree.

I gasped. It couldn't be. How did he even get up there?

I looked around frantically for help, but to no avail. I frowned and pursed my lips, before finally deciding to climb up the tree myself.

"Hold on, I'm coming!"

Pulling up my tank top briefly, I placed a foot on the tree trunk. The tree was rather smooth, with barely anything to provide me with a firm footing. However, there was no stopping me. I soon climbed up onto the branch, and reached the brunette.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked as I shook the brunette, whose eyes were shut tightly.

"Mmm... What is it...?"

The brunette slowly opened his eyes, only to reveal a mesmerising pair of chocolate orbs. I couldn't help but be momentarily hypnotised by them.

"Who are you?"

I blinked, snapping myself awake.

"You asked for help...?" I asked slowly. If I wasn't wrong, the brunette had actually been... sleeping...

"I did?" The teenage boy asked, scratching his head as he slowly sat up.

"Were you... sleeping?" I asked slowly.

The brunette yawned. "I guess I did fall asleep."

I gasped, feeling anger rise inside of me. I had painstakingly climbed the tree to save this boy, who claimed to actually have been sleeping! He had been sleeptalking! In a fit of anger, I hopped onto the branch, about to punch the boy in the gut, when...


I let out a scream while the boy shouted. The both of us landed on the ground with a "thud". I shut my eyes tightly, until I heard a painful groan below me. I opened my eyes, blinking rapidly when I saw the brunette under me.

"Gosh, you're heavy!"

I gasped again. I got up and glared down at the brunette, who was rubbing his head.

"Aren't you quite the feisty one," he grinned.

"I can't believe you! You got me climbing up a tree and when I saved you you instead say that I'm fat!" I yelled, throwing a kick at the boy, who only chuckled.

"I'm Dan Kuso. Pardon me, I sleep talk."

"I don't care. I don't care who you are, what you were doing on the tree, why you were sleeping on the tree or whether you sleep talk, these are all none of my business!" I yelled, turning around and storming off.

"I'm home..." I said tiredly, pulling off my shoes.

"Honey, how was your day?" Dad asked, putting down his newspaper as he grinned at me. I had always been my father's favourite daughter - alright, alright, I'm his only daughter - and he had always doted on me greatly.

"Let's just say it hasn't been quite the normal day," I answered dryly, thinking about Dan and Julie.

"Did you make any new friends?" Dad asked curiously. I knew what he actually meant. My father never liked me hanging out with guys.

"I met a girl and a boy. The girl works at a nearby cafe and she's especially bubbly. She can't stop asking questions," I groaned, lying down on the comforter.

"And the guy?" Dad asked curiously.

"He's the worst! I heard someone asking for help and spotted this brunette on a branch. I climbed onto the branch to help him, and it turns out that he was sleeping!" I threw my hands in the air in exasperation. I was cautious not to tell him the rest of the story. I wasn't sure that my father would be pleased to hear that I landed on a boy I had never met before.

Before my father could reply, my mother popped her head from the kitchen. "Oh, Runo, I'm sure everyone else in Bayview is much nicer!"

"I hope so," I mumbled to myself. I sure hope I didn't make the wrong decision about coming over to Bayview.

And that's Chapter 1! Our blunette has met Julie and the male lead, both of which weren't very good starts to a meeting, were they? Will Runo turn up for the meeting with Julie? Will she fit in in her new school? Will Dan and Runo ever get along? And just what is with Dan and his eccentric sleeping habits? Stay tuned to find out! Leave a review too please! :-*